
Sunday, December 09, 2001 12:22 PM
I am in search of help

To whom it may concern:

My name is            , and I was the happy owner of a small
vacation travel agency located in Atlanta, GA since 1997. Since the
events of September 11, 2001. I have lost a considerable amount of
revenue, as a matter of fact I have not made one dime since the event,
and I am in jeopardy of being evicted from my place of residence.

I have been looking for a job since the tragedy and the field where my
10 years of expertise lies does not offer any hope at the present time,
travel. I have signed up with temporary agencies to meet the basic
needs of myself and my two year old daughter            .
bunt one I have paid for childcare, bought a MARTA rail card to attend
the next assignment, pull-ups and food there is nothing left.

I am sure Americans will travel again and that I will be able to run
            successfully again, but right now I don't know
what to do. While Americans are running around worrying about
what to buy each other for Christmas, I am worrying where my child and
I will be sleeping then.

I am writing this letter because I am sure out there somewhere there is
hope and help for me. I did not loose anyone in the tragedy, but I
lost my ability to make ends meet. Congress bailed out the airlines,
but who is helping the little guy. I am not sure if your organization
has any funds for persons in my situation but if you don't ask you
won't know. If you can not help maybe you know of an organization that

I know that once I am homeless it will be even harder to fight my way
back to being a productive of society.

Please respond with whatever assistance you may be able to provide

Individual Comment
Atlanta, GA

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