
Thursday, December 06, 2001 3:27 PM
September 11 Victim Compensation Fund

Dear Mr. Zwick:

In response to the Department's request for public comments regarding the forthcoming regulations for implementing and administering the "September 11 Victim Compensation Fund." :

I strongly urge the Department to draft regulations that ensure compensation is available to all victims/survivors of the attack, including the committed partners and the non-biological children of gay and lesbian victims. Sexual preference should not have anything to do with the compensation just as religious preference, race, creed, etc. do not.

All the victim's families suffer. It should not matter if the person was gay or straight!! Please consider that all the survivors and dependents (biological, adopted/non-biological, gay, straight, whatever)should be compensated equally.

Many Americans lost their lives on September 11, each of whom left behind loved ones that they would want provided for. I urge the Department to honor these bonds by treating the families of gay and lesbian victims as you would any other. Thanks for taking the time to read my comments.

Individual Comment
Los Angeles, CA

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