
Friday, November 30, 2001 4:48 PM

Dear Attorney General Ashcroft:

My brother     was killed in the word trade center attack. At the time of his death     was engaged to be married to a wonderful woman. In dealing with the various charities and victim assistance organizations since this horrific event I have found that there is very little assistance available for my brother's fiance. We were told by the Red Cross and the NYS Victims' Assistance Bureau that if     and his fiance had made the decision to live together prior to marriage then she could make a claim for loss of support. However, since they chose to live separately prior to their wedding date, she is not entitled to assistance.     fiance has suffered a horrendous loss and indeed her future has changed forever. Her life will never be the same. Unlike the widow of a victim, however, she has no standing to claim anything. That is simply not fair, and I hope this injustice is not continued with this victim fund. It is my strongly held view that the lives of those victims who are unmarried should not be treated as though they are worth less than those who were married. My parents, siblings and my brother's fiance have had our hearts ripped from us and stomped on by these events. Please do not make matters worse by enacting rules and regulations that make     life worth less than those who were further along in their life plan. To us, we not only lost my dear brother, but we lost all of his future progeny. Although     loved children greatly and planned to have several, due to these horrible events he has no descendants that will carry on his legacy. This loss will always be with us. My brother's fiance should be entitled to loss of consortium and his parents and siblings should be entitled to damage for loss of love and affection. In addition     lost wages should be recoverable even though he was not currently actively supporting individuals. His future wages certainly would have been used to do just that.

Thank you for your thoughtful consideration.

Individual Comment
Boston, Massachusetts

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