
Thursday, November 29, 2001 3:34 PM
Compensation for "nontraditional" families

To whom it may concern,

I wanted to write and express my concern over the possibility that the Department of Justice may not be justly awarding compensation to the loved ones of victims who were gay, lesbian, bisexual, or transgendered. In this time of national grieving, we must not only express our deepest sympathies towards the victims and their families but must also understand that to narrow a definition to exclude gay and lesbian people from compensation is propagating a climate of intolerance, discrimination, and exclusion. Thousands lost people they love, partners they had built lives with, families who they cherished. The issue of including gay and lesbian people into compensation to the partners of gay victims is so important to the many who are learning to live with lost loves. I do hope that compensation is awarded not to the "next of kin" (as this would likely exclude many surviving same-sex partners), but is instead handed over to the state which would then award compensation based upon what was left in wills.

I am only 21, I am from a small town in rural Nebraska. I realize the bigotry and discrimination that exists against people who have same-gender orientation. However, I also know that love has no limits, that God has established this sovereignty, and that the only fear of same-sex partnerships is a fear of love and tolerance. Let us not fear love and let us always uphold the justice that love brings.


Individual Comment
Elmwood, Nebraska

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