
Wednesday, November 28, 2001 5:55 PM
Offer benefits to non-traditional families

Attention Kenneth L. Zwick, Director, Office of Management Programs

Unless the government expands its definition of "family," survivors of victims of the September 11 attack will suffer even more than they have already. The partners and de facto children & dependents of gays and lesbians have suffered an equal economic and emotional loss to heterosexual victims' wives, husbands, children, parents and siblings.

I'm very grateful that my partner of five years was not hurt or killed in this tragedy. Because we are gay and, therefore, have virtually no guaranteed rights as couples, we all stand to lose not only our partners when they die, but also our claims to property and other assets. To deny aid to the families of homosexual victims of the attack is to deny their significant contributions to their communities as families. Please dispense this aid equally; I expect no less as a taxpayer and an American.

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