
Wednesday, November 28, 2001 2:55 PM

To whom it may concern;

My name is       and I am the       of an organization called Free2Be. It is my understanding that On behalf of my civil rights organization I would like to urge that The Department of Justice is inviting public comment on the development of the rules that will govern the administration of the â?? September 11 Victim Compensation Fund.â??

As a representative of a human rights organization I urge that you equally inclued the victims from the gay, lesbian, bisexual, and transgendered communities and their families who suffered from the attacks when deciding how to distribute these funds.

Many of these victims do have families which include partners and children who are now suffering from the loss of a loved one, just as every other family who was suffered the loss of a a loved one to this terrible tragedy. Please, do NOT discriminate at such an inconceivable time.

All who have suffered have suffered equally, shouldn't they be compensated equally?

One of the men on the Pennsylvania flight who stood up to take back the flight from the terrorists was a Gay male. He did not discriminate when he gave his life to help possibly thousands of others from losing their own lives. How many of us could say that we would do the same? His family deserves the same treatment as the 2 other men who stood next to him.

Please take this into consideration when making your decision.

On behalf of Free2Be I thank you for your time.


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