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R. Booth Goodwin II, United States Attorney
Southern District of West Virginia

FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE                                                                               CONTACT: Melvin Smith
June 9, 2011                                                                                                         


CHARLESTON, W.Va. – John Oliver Brown, 36, of Charleston, was sentenced to 18 months in prison yesterday in federal court by United States District Judge John T. Copenhaver, Jr., for conspiracy to distribute a quantity of marijuana for remuneration.  Brown admitted that from January 2008 until August 2, 2010, he conspired with a known individual to distribute a quantity of marijuana for remuneration.   During the course of the conspiracy, the defendant admitted to distributing marijuana to the known individual in exchange for money.  Brown further admitted that on July 22, 2010, he sold the known individual one pound of marijuana in exchange for $1,750.  The known individual was working as a confidential informant with the Metropolitan Drug Enforcement Network Team (MDENT) at the time the drug transaction occurred. 
On August 2, 2010, officers with MDENT utilized the informant to make another controlled purchase of marijuana from defendant.  The informant arranged to purchase two pounds of marijuana from defendant in exchange for $3,500.  Brown admitted that he instructed the informant to come to his apartment to pick up the marijuana and complete the transaction.  As part of the controlled purchase, officers conducted surveillance of the defendant and observed him returning to his apartment in possession of a large bag containing the suspected marijuana.  At the time, officers approached the defendant as he returned to the apartment with the bag.  Brown further admitted to officers that the bag did in fact contain 10 pounds of marijuana which he intended to distribute.  The defendant also provided law enforcement with consent to search his apartment where they found an additional quantity of marijuana, digital scales, more than $19,000 cash, and a loaded firearm.

The Metropolitan Drug Enforcement Network Team (MDENT) conducted the investigation.  Assistant United States Attorney Monica Dillon handled the prosecution. 

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