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FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE                                                                                                                                                          Feb. 23, 2012                   


CHARLESTON, W.Va. – Freda Hensley, 67, of Logan, was sentenced today to five years probation by United States District Judge Thomas E. Johnston for embezzlement of union assets.  Hensley, a former president of Steelworkers Local Union 14505 located in Logan, W.Va., pleaded guilty to a single-count information in August.  The defendant served as president of the Union from April 2004 through June 2010. 

Hensley admitted that from August 21, 2008 through May 21, 2010, she wrote and cashed 52 pre-signed blank checks that she did not have the proper authorization to do so.  Hensley further admitted that 50 of the pre-signed blank checks were made payable to herself and the additional two were made out to a known relative.  The total amount of checks that the defendant unlawfully wrote and cashed was $38,539.68.

At sentencing, the Court ordered that the first six months of the defendant’s sentence to be served on home confinement.  Hensley was also ordered to pay restitution in the amount of $36,489.68.  

The case was investigated by the Department of Labor Office of Labor-Management Standards.  Assistant United States Attorney Hunter P. Smith handled the prosecution. 

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