

Sessions Will Focus On Keeping Kids Safe Online


January 20, 2012

ROANOKE, VIRGINIA -- United States Attorney Timothy J. Heaphy announced today the start of a series of training sessions aimed at educating parents, teachers, school administrators and community leaders on the dangers children face online and preventative steps that can be taken to protect children from internet predators.

“Protecting our children from exploitation is a one of our most important public safety priorities,” United States Attorney Timothy J. Heaphy said today. “This United States Attorney’s Office will continue to prosecute those who seek to victimize innocent children online. To be effective, however, we must also supply parents, teachers and other administrators with the tools they need to keep kids safe from online attacks.”

The training sessions will feature U.S. Attorney Heaphy and Assistant United States Attorney Nancy Healey, the head of the United States Attorney’s Office’s Project Safe Childhood initiative.

These veteran prosecutors will discuss a variety of topics regarding internet safety including how to keep kids safe online, the need for parents to monitor their children’s online activity and information on the manner in which online predators approach children.

“The information presented at these sessions will provide parents and teachers with information that will help them keep children safe as they use the internet,” U.S. Attorney Heaphy said. “We encourage any group which seeks similar information on internet safety to contact our office and schedule a meeting.”

The first “Internet Safety Training for Parents” session will be held next Tuesday, January 24 at Daniel Morgan Middle School in Winchester, Virginia. U.S Attorney Heaphy is grateful for the leadership of Dr. Rickey L. Leonard in hosting this initial training session.

If your school, community organization or other group would like to host a training session, please contact Community Outreach Coordinator Gwen Mason at



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