D O J Seal
U.S. Department of Justice

United States Attorney
Northern District of Texas

1100 Commerce St., 3rd Fl.
Dallas, Texas 75242-1699



Telephone (214) 659-8600
Fax (214) 767-0978

CONTACT: 214/659-8600
FEBRUARY 3, 2006


John Wentzell Downs Owned Millennium Propeller Systems, Inc. in Lancaster, Texas

United States Attorney Richard B. Roper announced that Dallas resident, John Wentzell Downs, pled not guilty this morning before the Honorable Sidney A. Fitzwater, United States District Judge, to an indictment that charged him with one count of fraud and false statements involving aircraft parts. A trial date of April 3, 2006 has been set.

The indictment, returned by a federal grand jury in Dallas last week, states that John Wentzell Downs owned and operated Millennium Propeller Systems, Inc. since April 2000. Downs ran Millennium as a sole proprietor business, serving in the capacity of both President and General Manager. The Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) issued an Air Agency Certificate which authorized Millennium to operate as an approved FAA repair station and as such, was required to conduct all maintenance operation in accordance with applicable federal rules and regulations. Downs employed two certified mechanics, four non-certified mechanics, and two repairmen, however, in April 2005, Downs reduced his workforce to himself and two part-time mechanics.

On March 29, 2005, the FAA Administrator determined that an emergency existed related to safety in air commerce and that Millennium was no longer able to demonstrate the degree of care, judgment and responsibility required of an Air Agency Certificate holder. The FAA Administrator found that Millennium demonstrated a disregard for regulatory compliance which threatened aviation safety and was contrary to the public interest because Millennium repeatedly performed maintenance without complying with manufacturers’ maintenance manuals or its operations specifications; used parts that had no history and were not segregated as to serviceability; and that on at least three occasions, Millennium performed maintenance to propellers contrary to other regulatory requirements. Based on these findings, the FAA Administrator revoked their certification and ordered Millennium to surrender its Air Agency Certificate. Millennium did not surrender its Air Agency Certificate until May 5, 2005.

In September 2005 a customer delivered a propeller to Downs for overhaul work which was considered “major propeller repairs” under FAA maintenance standards. The next month the customer picked up the overhauled propeller and Downs gave the customer maintenance records which had clearly been fraudulently backdated to falsely represent that the overhaul of the propeller took place on March 1, 2005, making it appear that the overhaul work was done prior to the revocations of Millennium’s certification. The indictment alleges that rather than truthfully disclose his certification revocation to his customers, Downs instead chose to fraudulently backdate documents so that he could charge customers for maintenance work that he was not authorized to perform.

“All those involved in aircraft maintenance must understand that this office will enforce strict compliance with FAA maintenance standards in order to protect public safety,” said U.S. Attorney Roper.”

An indictment is an accusation by a federal grand jury and a defendant is entitled to the presumption of innocence unless proven guilty. However, if convicted, Downs, age 62, faces a maximum statutory sentence of 10 years imprisonment and a $250,000 fine.

U.S. Attorney Roper praised the investigative efforts of the Department of Transportation - Office of the Inspector General. The case is being prosecuted by Assistant United States Attorney David Jarvis.
