Press Releases

Monitor Named To Oversee Settlement With Science Applications International In Connection With CityTime Fraud

Thursday, August 9, 2012

Preet Bharara, the United States Attorney for the Southern District of New York announced that Michael Eberhardt of Contractor Integrity Solutions, LLC, has been selected to serve as the independent monitor who will oversee Science Applications International Corporation (“SAIC”) to ensure that it complies with the terms of the deferred prosecution agreement (“DPA”) into which the company entered with the Government as the result of its conduct on the CityTime payroll project.  The DPA, which was entered into in March 2012, required SAIC to forfeit more than $500 million and to consent to the appointment of an independent monitor for a three-year term to ensure its compliance with both the agreement and with appropriate ethics and procurement policies. 

Mr. Eberhardt and his firm have extensive experience in the areas of government procurement and contracting, internal investigations, and monitoring, ethics and compliance.

Qualified individuals and entities seeking to serve in future cases as monitors, receivers and claims administrators should consult the U.S. Attorney’s Office’s website as one source of notice of future cases in which such services will be sought by the Office.  Such individuals will be instructed how to apply for the relevant position.







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