News and Press Releases

Geofredo James Littlebird, Jr. Pleads Guilty in U.S. Federal Court

Wednesday, November 17, 2010

The United States Attorney's Office announced that during a federal court session in Billings, on November 17, 2010, before Chief U.S. District Judge Richard F. Cebull, GEOFREDO JAMES LITTLEBIRD, JR., a 26-year-old resident of Hardin, pled guilty to conspiracy to distribute methamphetamine. Sentencing has been set for February 17, 2011. He is currently detained.

In an Offer of Proof filed by Assistant U.S. Attorney Lori H. Suek, the government stated it would have proved at trial the following:

During the investigation of this case, LITTLEBIRD was interviewed. He admitted that he had been distributing methamphetamine for two Mexican males from Billings and Laurel since Christmas of 2007 until his arrest. LITTLEBIRD's last employment was approximately two years prior to the interview. He stated that since then, his only source of income was from the distribution of controlled substances.

LITTLEBIRD stated his source of methamphetamine was a "Mexican" guy from Laurel, whom he referred to as "the Boss." He was introduced to "the Boss" by another individual, who LITTLEBIRD initially obtained one ounce of methamphetamine from on a daily basis for a month. The methamphetamine was supplied by "the Boss." LITTLEBIRD then began obtaining methamphetamine directly from "the Boss" every day with the exception of the 1st, 2nd and 3rd days of each month. LITTLEBIRD stated he paid $1,400 per ounce for the methamphetamine and bought the methamphetamine at another "Mexican" male's residence who worked for "the Boss." This residence was located in Billings.

LITTLEBIRD stated that he obtained ounce quantities of methamphetamine continually until approximately the end of 2008. Around mid-March of 2009, he began obtaining one-quarter pound quantities of methamphetamine approximately every two days. He obtained this methamphetamine on a "front" basis for $5,600 per one-quarter pound. He stated approximately three weeks prior to the interview, he obtained one-quarter pound quantities of methamphetamine on four occasions in one week. He stated he currently owes $5,800 for the last one-quarter pound of methamphetamine he received, and that the "Mexican" male wanted to start "fronting" him one pound quantities of methamphetamine and three to four pound quantities of marijuana.

LITTLEBIRD identified individuals that he distributed methamphetamine to, including the amounts that he distributed, the purchase price, and the time frame. Additionally, the United States has interviewed numerous witnesses who can testify about LITTLEBIRD's drug trafficking.

LITTLEBIRD faces possible penalties of a mandatory minimum of 10 years in prison and could be sentenced to life, a $4,000,000 fine and at least 5 years supervised release.

The investigation was conducted by the Bureau of Indian Affairs.

A copy of the Offer of Proof can be obtained by contacting Sally Frank at (406) 247-4638.



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