District of Oregon


DOJ Seal


June 22, 2004

Redmond Man Pleads Guilty to Gambling and Tax Crimes

The United States Attorney for the District of Oregon, the Portland, Oregon Division of the Federal Bureau of Investigation, and the Criminal Division of the Internal Revenue Service, jointly announce the conviction of a Redmond, Oregon resident for felony bookmaking and tax offenses.

In August 2003, federal agents obtained a search warrant for 2520 S.W. Obsidian, Redmond, Oregon, the residence of ROY RAYMOND ZITEK. During the execution of the warrant, agents discovered and seized records establishing that ZITEK was operating an illegal sports betting business and earning income from that business which he was not reporting to the Internal Revenue Service.

ROY ZITEK, age 51, appeared today in United States District Court in Eugene, Oregon and pleaded guilty to two felony charges. First, ZITEK admitted that he illegally used interstate communications to transmit wagering information as part of a gambling business. Second, ZITEK admitted that, in 1999, he filed an income tax return with the Internal Revenue Service, in which he knowingly failed to report the income he earned from his bookmaking business. The guilty pleas were the result of a plea agreement with the United States Government. As part of that plea, ZITEK also agreed to forfeit $200,000 which he earned from his gambling operation.

United States District Judge Ann Aiken accepted ZITEK’s guilty pleas and scheduled sentencing for September 7, 2004. ZITEK faces up to five years in prison and a $250,000 fine. The case was successfully investigated by the Federal Bureau of Investigation and the Criminal Investigation Division of the Internal Revenue Service.

For more information, contact Assistant United States Attorney Chris Cardani at 541-465-6771.