FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE AG WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 12, 1994 (202) 514-2008 TDD (202) 514-1888 PRESIDENT CLINTON ANNOUNCES NEW CRIME BILL GRANTS TO PUT POLICE OFFICERS ON THE BEAT WASHINGTON, D.C. -- Just a dozen days after money became available, President Clinton today announced the first round of police hiring grants under the new crime bill, an important step toward his goal of putting 100,000 police on America's streets. More than $200 million in grants were awarded to communities in all 50 states and Puerto Rico, including 332 police departments, 46 sheriffs' departments, six Indian tribal groups, and several other law enforcement agencies. The crime bill authorizes money to increase the number of police in America by twenty percent. At a White House ceremony today, President Clinton and Attorney General Janet Reno welcomed mayors and chiefs of police from many of the jurisdictions receiving grants. "Today's announcement comes only a month after the crime bill was signed into law, and less than two weeks after the money became available at the beginning of the fiscal year," said Reno. "By wedding new money and existing applications, we were able to cut red tape and put police on the street more quickly." The grants announced today will help jurisdictions hire 2,770 new officers. Coupled with previous police hiring grants, these awards bring the total number of new officers funded under President Clinton to nearly 4,900 in more than 600 communities across America. Over the next year, up to 10,000 additional officers will be funded. The crime bill's Cops on the Beat program, signed into law by President Clinton last month, provides $8.8 billion in competitive grants for state and local law enforcement agencies to hire community policing officers and to implement community policing. Community policing is designed to complement traditional policing by forging effective, innovative crime prevention partnerships between law enforcement and the community. "This money is a down payment on a safer America," said Reno. These officers will help America's communities, large and small, to increase their police forces and create problem-solving partnerships to fight crime," Reno said today. PHASE I AWARDS Three hundred and ninety-two jurisdictions, located in all 50 states and Puerto Rico, received awards in this phase. Sixty- eight awards totaling almost $104 million were made to jurisdictions with populations of 150,000 or above. These included $3 million grants to the Los Angeles County Sheriff's Department and the Honolulu Police, $2.5 million to the Puerto Rico Police, a $2.1 million grant to the New York City Transit Authority Police, and awards of $2 million or less to 64 cities and counties. Three hundred twenty-four awards totalling more than $96 million were made to jurisdictions with populations of less than 150,000. These included 19 grants to jurisdictions with populations of 100,000 to 150,000; 62 to jurisdictions of 50,000 to 99,999; 83 to jurisdictions between 25,000 and 49,999; and 84 to jurisdictions of under 25,000 population. Jurisdictions receiving awards today include: * the New York City Transit Authority, which will use 28 new officers to patrol buses in addition to subways; * Navassa, North Carolina, which will use the grant to start a police department; * Whittier, Alaska, population 294, surrounded by glaciers and accessible only by rail or ship, but prone to significant seasonal drug and crime problems; * the Lummi Indian Reservation Nation in Washington, which will use the grant to assign full-time officers to fight escalating domestic violence and youth crime; and * many jurisdictions that will deploy community policing officers on foot, on bicycles, in schools and in public housing projects. GRANT SELECTION PROCESS The law enforcement agencies funded today demonstrated a significant public safety and economic need, along with a sound strategy to explain how hiring additional sworn officers would develop or expand community policing. These agencies also outlined how they planned to use additional resources from the community to support their efforts, as well as how they intended to continue community policing and retain the new positions after the grant expires in three years. The applicants were chosen from the 2,506 not funded under the Department of Justice's 1993-94 Police Hiring Supplement program or from the Bureau of Justice Assistance earlier this year. Although the money was drawn primarily from crime bill appropriations, the Department used the Supplement program's selection process to determine who would receive awards. GRANT FUNDING In order to make funds available for many jurisdictions, today's awards include an overall cap on the amount of the award. The federal share for each officer may not exceed the greater of 75 percent of the total salary and benefits over the three-year life of the grant, up to a maximum of $75,000; or 50 percent of the total salary and benefits for the life of the grant. Phase I recipients may spend grant money only on salaries and benefits. Provisions were made to reduce or waive the local share requirement for jurisdictions requesting and documenting extraordinary economic hardships. Sixteen of today's award recipients will receive waivers. FUTURE AWARDS The crime bill authorizes a total of $8.8 billion for police hiring grants, approximately $200 million of which was announced today. An additional $1.1 billion in grants will be announced over the next twelve months. Applications and program criteria are expected to be available later this Fall, and every jurisdiction in the nation will be eligible whether or not they have applied for or received a grant. Attached is the complete list of all jurisdictions receiving grants announced today. # # # 94-590