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National Drug Intelligence Center


National Drug Threat Survey
2003 Report

Publication Date: April 2004

Document ID: 2004-Q0317-005

Archived on:  January 1, 2006. This document may contain dated information. It remains available to provide access to historical materials.

This report provides data tables and discussion of National Drug Threat Survey (NDTS) 2003 agency responses at the national and regional levels. Data tables for NDTS 2003 state-level data also are provided.

Your questions, comments, and suggestions for future subjects are welcome at any time.  Addresses are provided at the end of the page.

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   Greatest Drug Threat and Drug-Related Crime
   Drug Availability
   Gang Involvement in Drug Distribution
   Drug Production
   Chemical Diversion
   Pharmaceutical Diversion/Illicit Use

Appendix A National Drug Threat Survey 2003 State Data Tables

Appendix B National Drug Threat Survey 2003 Methodology
Survey Instrument
Sample Design
    Data Collection
    Sample Adjustments
    Nonresponse Adjustment Factor
    Estimation Techniques
    Nonsampling Error


List of Figures 

Figure 1. National Drug Threat Survey 2003 Survey Regions
Figure 2. National Drug Threat Survey 2003 Greatest Drug Threat
Figure 3. National Drug Threat Survey 2003 Greatest Drug Threat by Region
Figure 4. National Drug Threat Survey 2003 Regional Drug Availability

List of Tables 

Table 1. NDTS 2003-Greatest Drug Threat by Region  
Table 2. NDTS 2003-Drug That Contributes Most to Violent Crime by Region
Table 3. NDTS 2003-Drug That Contributes Most to Property Crime by Region
Table 4. NDTS 2003-Major Drug Availability by Region
Table 5. NDTS 2003-Club Drug Availability by Region
Table 6. NDTS 2003-Availability of Hallucinogens, Analogs, and Pharmaceuticals by Region
Table 7. NDTS 2003-Street Gang Involvement in Major Drug Distribution by Region
Table 8. NDTS 2003-Street Gang Involvement in Distribution of Other Drugs by Region
Table 9. NDTS 2003-OMG Involvement in Major Drug Distribution by Region
Table 10. NDTS 2003-OMG Involvement in Distribution of Other Drugs by Region
Table 11. NDTS 2003-Crack Conversion by Region
Table 12. NDTS 2003-Types of Cannabis Cultivation by Region
Table 13. NDTS 2003-Methamphetamine Production Level by Region
Table 14. NDTS 2003-Diverted Chemicals Used in Drug Production by Region
Table 15. NDTS 2003-Commonly Diverted/Illicitly Used Pharmaceuticals by Region


National Drug Intelligence Center
319 Washington Street, 5th Floor
Johnstown, PA 15901

Tel. (814) 532-4601
FAX (814) 532-4690

National Drug Intelligence Center
8201 Greensboro Drive, Suite 1001
McLean, VA 22102-3840

Tel. (703) 556-8970
FAX (703) 556-7807


Web Addresses

ADNET:  http://ndicosa 

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