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National Drug Intelligence Center
Product No. 2003-L0559-026

September 2003

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Cover image linked to Ritalin Fast Facts printable brochure.
Background photo © John Foxx Images
Cover photo DEA. Ritalin 20 mg.

Printable brochure (311 KB pdf)

Fast Facts

Questions and Answers 

     - What is Ritalin?
     - What does Ritalin look like?
     - How is Ritalin obtained?
     - How is Ritalin abused?
     - Who abuses Ritalin? 
     - What are the risks?
     - What is it called?
     - Is abusing Ritalin illegal?

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National Drug Intelligence Center
a component of the 
U.S. Department of Justice.

hat is Ritalin?

Ritalin, a trade name for the prescription drug methylphenidate, is a central nervous system stimulant. (Its effects are similar to, but more potent than, caffeine and less potent than amphetamine.) Ritalin often is prescribed to treat individuals (mostly children) who are diagnosed with ADD (attention deficit disorder) or ADHD (attention deficit hyperactivity disorder).

Ritalin is abused for the stimulant effects it produces, including appetite suppression, wakefulness, euphoria, and increased focus and attentiveness.


What does Ritalin look like?

Ritalin is available in 5-, 10-, and 20-milligram tablets. The tablets typically are white or yellow in color.

Photograph of two white tablets beneath a ruler. Each is about 1 centimeter wide.
Ritalin 5 mg.


How is Ritalin obtained?

The Ritalin that is abused in the United States typically is diverted from legitimate sources. In some cases abusers obtain the drug from peers, friends, or family members. Often individuals who have legitimate prescriptions sell or give away their supply. Ritalin also is acquired through theft--from individuals with legitimate prescriptions or from school medicine dispensaries.


How is Ritalin abused?

Individuals who abuse Ritalin either swallow the tablets or crush them to produce a powder, which is snorted. Some abusers dissolve the tablets in water and then inject the mixture.

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Who abuses Ritalin?   

 Abuse of Ritalin typically is associated with young people--preadolescents, teenagers, and young adults. The increased use of the drug to treat ADHD--a disorder that is prevalent among young people--has resulted in a corresponding increase in abuse. The University of Michigan's Monitoring the Future Survey indicates that 4 percent of high school seniors in the United States abused the drug at least once in the past year.

Although less common, Ritalin is abused among adults as well. The Drug Enforcement Administration has received reports of Ritalin abuse among diverse segments of the population--ranging from healthcare professionals to street addicts.


What are the risks?

When taken as directed by a physician to treat a legitimate medical condition, Ritalin has proven to be a safe and effective medication. Medical studies have shown that individuals who have ADHD and who take Ritalin orally in proper dosages do not become addicted to the drug.

Individuals who abuse the drug, however, risk binge use, psychotic episodes, cardiovascular complications, and severe psychological addiction. In addition, abusers who inject the drug risk further complications because insoluble fillers in Ritalin tablets can block small blood vessels. Injection users also place themselves at risk of contracting HIV (human immunodeficiency virus), hepatitis B and C, and other blood-borne viruses.


What is it called?

Street Terms for Ritalin

Kibbles and bits
Kiddy cocaine
Vitamin R
West coast


Street Terms for injecting Ritalin with the prescription pain reliever Talwin

One and ones
Ritz and Ts
Ts and rits
Ts and Rs


Is abusing Ritalin illegal?

Yes, abusing Ritalin is illegal. Ritalin is a Schedule II substance under the Controlled Substances Act. Schedule II drugs, which include cocaine and methamphetamine, have a high potential for abuse. Abuse of these drugs may lead to severe psychological or physical dependence.


Other products of interest:

Check out Fast Facts on:

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  • Crystal methamphetamine
  • Drug-facilitated sexual assault
  • Drug paraphernalia
  • DXM
  • Fentanyl
  • Foxy
  • Fry
  • GHB and analogs
  • Heroin
  • Inhalants
  • Jimsonweed
  • Ketamine
  • Khat
  • LSD
  • Marijuana
  • MDMA
  • Methadone
  • Methamphetamine
  • Methamphetamine laboratory hazards
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  • PCP
  • Powdered cocaine
  • Prescription drugs
  • Psilocybin
  • Rohypnol
  • Salvia divinorum
  • Steroids
  • Teens and drugs
  • Triple C
  • Yaba

Also available from NDIC:

  • Huffing--The Abuse of Inhalants
  • Prescription Drug Abuse and Youth
  • Drugs, Youth, and the Internet

For more information on illicit drugs check out our web site at:  Call 814-532-4541 to request NDIC products.


Contact us

Our addresses:

National Drug Intelligence Center
319 Washington Street, 5th Floor
Johnstown , PA 15901-1622
  Telephone: 814-532-4601
  FAX: 814-532-4690

NDIC Washington Liaison Office
8201 Greensboro Drive, Suite 1001
McLean , VA 22102-3840
  Telephone: 703-556-8970
  FAX: 703-556-7807

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