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Legitimate Distribution of CPDs

Increases in legitimate distribution of prescription opioid pain relievers (the most commonly diverted and abused CPDs), amphetamine, and methylphenidate have expanded the amount of these drugs available for diversion and abuse. Legitimate distribution14 per capita of most prescription opioid pain relievers, amphetamine, and methylphenidate increased nationwide from 2003 through 2007, according to the latest data from ARCOS.15 (See Figure 3.) Additionally, the number of prescriptions written for controlled prescription opioids increased during the same time, according to publicly available prescription dispensing data. (See Table 1.)

Figure 3. Cumulative Distribution of Opioids, Methylphenidate, and Amphetamine, in Grams, per 100,000 Population, 2003-2007

Graph showing the cumulative distribution of opioids, methylphenidate, and amphetamine, in grams, per 100,000 population for the years 2003-2007, broken down by drug.

Source: Drug Enforcement Administration Automation of Reports and Consolidated Orders System.
* Fentanyl base is used to produce other fentanyl products.
** Excludes methadone distributed to narcotic treatment programs.
*** Includes dl-amphetamine base and d-amphetamine base.
Note: ARCOS provides complete data for all Schedule II and Schedule III narcotic materials (manufacturers and distributors).


Table 1. Prescriptions Written for Generic or Brand Name Opioid Pain Relievers,
Methylphenidate, and Amphetamine,* in Thousands, 2003-2007

  2003 2004 2005 2006 2007
Acetaminophen/codeine 18,503 16,616 15,679 14,773 14,092
Adderall XR® 6,443 7,635 8,653 8,870 9,190
Amphetamine Salt Combination 2,730 3,073 3,513 3,954 4,761
Concerta® 6,960 7,627 8,201 7,859 7,821
Duragesic® 3,659 4,114 1,690 ** **
Endocet® 4,858 5,361 3,259 4,601 3,537
Fentanyl transdermal ** 4,524 ** 2,606 3,818
Hydrocodone/acetaminophen 87,096 117,200 93,680 101,639 109,652
Hydrocodone/ibuprofen 134 2,394 2,185 2,282 2,389
Hydromorphone HCL 1,503 ** ** ** **
Methadone HCL 1,161 1,161 1,335 ** 3,176
Methadose ** 1,616 2,084 1,555 **
Methylphenidate 2,098 1,930 1,939 1,879 1,785
Morphine 1,949 2,242 2,495 2,803 2,357
Oxycodone 1,083 4,375 1,772 4,715 8,472
Oxycodone/acetaminophen 10,185 23,443 13,360 18,373 19,014
OxyContin® 6,598 6,068 3,967 1,414 2,005
Promethazine/codeine 5,366 4,390 4,912 4,264 4,390
Ritalin LA® ** ** 1,391 ** **
Roxicet® 2,299 1,810 1,496 1,784 **
Suboxone® ** ** ** ** 1,888
Tussionex® 3,204 2,724 3,306 2,973 2,861

Source: Drug Topics via Verispan.
* Drugs that were listed among the Top 200 generic and brand name drugs prescribed in these years.
** Not in the top 200 generic and brand name drugs in these years.

While the increase in legitimate distribution of opioid pain relievers by licensed practitioners and pharmacies has aided patients in chronic pain management, law enforcement and public health officials report that it has also increased the amount of such drugs susceptible to diversion and abuse. The increase in use of opioid pain relievers--particularly methadone--has been linked by public health officials with a parallel increase in drug overdose deaths and emergency department (ED) visits involving these drugs. Areas with the highest rates of opioid distribution are those with the highest drug overdose mortality rates.

Factors That Contribute to CPD Diversion and Abuse

The recent increase in the extent of prescription drug abuse in this country is quite likely the result of a confluence of factors, such as significant increases in the number of prescriptions; significant increases in drug availability; aggressive marketing by the pharmaceutical industry; the proliferation of illegal Internet pharmacies that dispense these medications without proper prescriptions and surveillance; and a greater social acceptability for medicating a growing number of conditions. The fact that doctors are prescribing these drugs legitimately and with increasing frequency to treat a variety of ailments leads to the misguided and dangerous conclusion that their nonmedical use should be equally safe. This misperception of safety may contribute, for example, to the casual attitude of many college students toward abusing stimulants to improve cognitive function and academic performance.

Source: Statement by National Institute on Drug Abuse Director Nora D. Volkow, M.D., before the Subcommittee on Criminal Justice, Drug Policy, and Human Resources, U.S. House of Representatives, July 26, 2006.

Legitimate distribution of amphetamine increased from 2003 through 2007, according to ARCOS; the number of prescriptions written for brand and generic amphetamine drugs (Adderall ® and amphetamine salt combinations) also increased during that time (see Table 1). In contrast, legitimate distribution of methylphenidate increased while the number of prescriptions written for the generic drug decreased slightly overall.


14. Legitimate distribution refers to the sale of CPDs from the manufacturer to pharmacies, hospitals, practitioners, and teaching institutions.
15. The Automation of Reports and Consolidated Orders System (ARCOS) is an automated, comprehensive drug reporting system that monitors the flow of DEA-controlled substances from their point of manufacture through commercial distribution channels to point-of-sale or distribution at the dispensing/retail level (hospitals, retail pharmacies, practitioners, midlevel practitioners, and teaching institutions). Included in the list of controlled substance transactions tracked by ARCOS are the following: All Schedule I and II materials (manufacturers and distributors), Schedule III narcotic and gamma-hydroxybutyric acid (GHB) materials (manufacturers and distributors), and selected Schedule III and IV psychotropic drugs (manufacturers only).

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