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Despite reported cocaine shortages in the Milwaukee HIDTA region, local distributors will be able to maintain their supplies, albeit at higher prices. If cocaine shortages intensify, local distributors will most likely increase their direct dealings with traffickers along the Southwest Border in order to purchase sufficient supplies of cocaine at more favorable prices.

Heroin abuse among young suburban abusers most likely will increase, particularly among Caucasian individuals who currently are abusing controlled prescription opioids. Law enforcement officials in the HIDTA region report that many individuals who developed dependence on controlled prescription opioids have switched to heroin because it is less expensive than controlled prescription opioids. This trend most likely will increase as controlled prescription opioid abuse continues among new users and heroin availability remains high. The increase in heroin abuse may strain public health services and law enforcement resources in the HIDTA region.

The availability of marijuana most likely will increase in the HIDTA region. According to law enforcement reporting, high-potency marijuana availability is increasing in Kenosha, Milwaukee, and Racine Counties, and Hispanic outdoor grow operations are increasing in Kenosha and Racine Counties. Increased availability of marijuana will most likely persist as Asian traffickers continue to transport high-potency marijuana into the region, local indoor cannabis growers increase their operations to profit from higher-potency marijuana, and Hispanic marijuana producers expand outdoor cannabis grow operations in the HIDTA region.

Diverted CPDs will continue to be widely available and abused in the HIDTA region as distributors and abusers obtain the drugs through various methods, including doctor-shopping, fraudulent prescriptions, theft, and unscrupulous physicians.

Recent law enforcement successes in combating street gangs and criminal groups in Milwaukee may reduce crime rates in the near term in the neighborhoods where these gangs operate.

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