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NDIC seal linked to Home page. National Drug Intelligence Center
Massachusetts Drug Threat Assessment Update
May 2003


Methamphetamine poses a low threat to Massachusetts. Amphetamine-related admissions to publicly funded facilities in Massachusetts remained low but increased 13 percent from 70 in 2000 to 79 in 2001, according to TEDS. (Nationwide, methamphetamine-related admissions account for 95 percent of the amphetamine-related admissions reported to TEDS.) (See Table 1 in Heroin section.) DAWN data indicate that in the Boston metropolitan area there were 14 methamphetamine ED mentions in both 2000 and 2001. Preliminary estimates indicate that there were seven mentions from January through June 2002. According to DAWN mortality data, there was one methamphetamine-related death in the Boston metropolitan area in 2001.

Methamphetamine occasionally is available in Massachusetts. According to FDSS data, federal law enforcement officials seized 1.1 kilograms of methamphetamine in 2002. The percentage of drug-related federal sentences in Massachusetts that were methamphetamine-related in FY2001 (0.4%) was much lower than the percentage nationwide (14.2%), according to USSC data. (See Table 3 in Heroin section.) Methamphetamine available in the state sold for $250 per gram in the first quarter of FY2003, according to the DEA Boston Division.

Crystal Methamphetamine Seized in Boston

In August 2002, 56 grams of crystal methamphetamine were seized from an individual who received the drug via a package delivery service. Seizures of crystal methamphetamine are extremely rare in the Boston area.

Source: Boston Police Department.

According to federal, state, and local law enforcement officials, methamphetamine production rarely occurs in Massachusetts--only two methamphetamine laboratory seizures have been reported since 1997.

Caucasian local independent dealers are the primary transporters of methamphetamine into Massachusetts; they also serve as the primary distributors of the drug. These dealers transport the drug from California and southwestern states, typically via package delivery services. Methamphetamine is distributed at raves or techno parties, as well as from private homes, bars, and some other public areas in Boston and Cape Cod.


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