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Widespread and sustained methamphetamine abuse is the most critical drug abuse concern throughout the HIDTA. The drug's abuse and associated violence severely strain the resources of public health departments, treatment centers, and social service agencies in the Midwest HIDTA region. Methamphetamine-related domestic violence, child abuse, and child neglect have burdened local foster care systems and social services. Because of methamphetamine's highly addictive nature, longer treatment programs and high recidivism rates encumber treatment centers in the area.

Crack cocaine abuse continues to be a serious problem in many metropolitan areas of the Midwest HIDTA. Marijuana abuse is pervasive throughout the HIDTA region and crosses socioeconomic and racial lines. According to Treatment Episode Data Set (TEDS) administrative data for 2006 (the most recent year for which such data are available) admissions for which marijuana/hashish was the primary substance of abuse accounted for 22.9 percent of all admissions to publicly funded facilities in Midwest HIDTA states. Diverted pharmaceuticals are abused to varying degrees throughout the HIDTA; oxycodone is the most commonly diverted and abused pharmaceutical. Heroin abuse is largely limited to the St. Louis metropolitan area, where both black tar and white powder heroin are readily available. White powder heroin distributed in the St. Louis metropolitan area is occasionally mixed with fentanyl, and law enforcement officers reported some overdose deaths involving heroin/fentanyl combinations in the St. Louis area in 2007.

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Illicit Finance

Mexican DTOs and criminal groups are the principal drug money launderers in the Midwest HIDTA region. They transport drug proceeds primarily in bulk to other destinations in the United States and Mexico for laundering. Illicit proceeds--including those generated in outlying markets--are consolidated by traffickers within the HIDTA's market areas for shipment to drug source cities, including El Paso, Houston, Phoenix, and Tucson, as well as to Mexico. Traffickers transport bulk cash primarily via private and commercial vehicles that often are equipped with hidden compartments. Mexican DTOs and criminal groups also use money services businesses (MSBs) such as money remitters and check cashing firms to launder drug proceeds. Mexican traffickers in the Midwest HIDTA region also invest drug proceeds in real estate and businesses, as well as expensive items including jewelry and luxury vehicles. They frequently purchase cash-intensive businesses such as bars, jewelry stores, restaurants, and used car lots, and commingle drug proceeds with profits generated at the business.

Retail-level traffickers also launder funds they derive through illicit drug distribution, albeit to a lesser extent than higher-level traffickers. They often use small, cash-intensive front businesses to commingle illicit proceeds with legitimate funds, and purchase real estate, vehicles, luxury items, and businesses with drug proceeds.

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