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Los Angeles High Intensity Drug Trafficking Area Drug Market Analysis
June 2007

Drug Threat Overview

Significant quantities of marijuana, cocaine, methamphetamine, PCP, Mexican black tar heroin, and MDMA are readily available and abused in the Los Angeles HIDTA region. In fiscal year (FY) 2006, officers assigned to HIDTA task force initiatives seized more marijuana (30,431 kg) than any other illicit drug; they also seized significant quantities of cocaine, methamphetamine, PCP, heroin, and MDMA. (See Table 1.) The amounts of powder and crack cocaine, heroin, ice methamphetamine, PCP, and MDMA reported seized in FY2006 were higher than the amount of each of these illicit drugs seized in FY2005. The amounts of marijuana and powder methamphetamine seized in FY2006 were lower than the amounts seized in FY2005. The amount of marijuana reported seized in 2005 was significantly higher than the amount seized in 2006, primarily because of several large seizures on National Forest lands in 2005.

Table 1. Amounts of Illicit Drugs Seized in the Los Angeles HIDTA Region in Kilograms, FY2004-FY2006

Drug Type 2004 2005 2006
Marijuana 36,294 72,191 30,431
Cocaine 2,920 4,062 4,461
Powder NA 4,024 4,310
Crack NA 38 151
Methamphetamine 2,536 2,236 733
Powder NA 1,943 257
Ice NA 286 447
PCP NA 23 314
Heroin 36 15 83
MDMA 25 46 144

Source: Los Angeles High Intensity Drug Trafficking Area Performance Management Process Database.
NA-not available

Mexican DTOs and criminal groups--most of which are polydrug in nature--are the dominant drug traffickers in the Los Angeles HIDTA region. Most of the 251 drug trafficking groups that were identified by law enforcement officials conducting investigations in support of Los Angeles HIDTA initiatives in FY2006 were Mexican (198) or Mexican American (19). Of the 251 drug trafficking groups, 121 operated internationally; 71 were multistate; and 59 were local traffickers. In addition, more groups (131) distributed cocaine than any other illicit drug in FY2006; over 100 metric tons of cocaine transits the Los Angeles HIDTA region for local and national distribution and abuse each year. Law enforcement officials also identified 126 drug trafficking groups that distributed methamphetamine, primarily ice methamphetamine,2 the most abused illicit drug in the region after marijuana. Mexican DTOs and criminal groups have relocated many of their methamphetamine production sites from the Los Angeles HIDTA region to Mexico, the result of successful precursor chemical control legislation, law enforcement pressure, and public awareness campaigns. Much of the methamphetamine available in the region is now smuggled from Mexico. Nonetheless, quantities sufficient for national-level distribution also continue to be produced in the HIDTA region.

The distribution and abuse of other illicit drugs also are problematic in the HIDTA region. Mexican black tar heroin is the primary type of heroin available and abused; however, Colombian DTOs and criminal groups continue to distribute increasing quantities of South American heroin in the region. Although law enforcement officials in the Los Angeles HIDTA region identified only 49 drug trafficking groups that distributed marijuana in FY2006, the number of marijuana traffickers is quite likely much higher, since marijuana is the most widely available and frequently abused illicit drug. In addition, both the demand for high-potency marijuana by more affluent individuals and the production of higher potency marijuana in the region continue to increase. Seven of the 251 drug trafficking groups identified in the region reportedly distributed PCP in FY2006. (See Table 1.) MDMA, which was distributed by four identified drug trafficking groups in the HIDTA region in FY2006, poses a much lower threat to the HIDTA region than do other illicit drugs.

End Note

2. Ice methamphetamine refers to methamphetamine that has been crystallized from powder methamphetamine.

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