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National Drug Intelligence Center
Los Angeles High Intensity Drug Trafficking Area Drug Market Analysis
June 2007

Figure 2. Cannabis eradication in the Los Angeles HIDTA region, 2006.

Map showing the number of cannabis plants eradicated in the HIDTA counties and National Forests in 2006.

37,053 cannabis plants were eradicated in Los Angeles County.
No cannabis plants were eradicated in Orange County.
10,005 cannabis plants were eradicated in Riverside County.
136,595 cannabis plants were eradicated in San Bernardino County.
13,174 cannabis plants were eradicated in Angeles National Forest.
157,994 cannabis plants were eradicated in San Bernardino National Forest.
13,478 cannabis plants were eradicated in Cleveland National Forest.
Seizures sites with 1 to 9,999 cannabis plants seized are clustered in southwestern Riverside County.
Seizures sites with 1 to 9,999 cannabis plants seized are clustered in Cleveland National Forest.
Seizures sites with 100 to over 20,000 cannabis plants seized are clustered in San Bernardino National Forest.

Return to Figure 2.

Figure 3. Los Angeles HIDTA transportation infrastructure.

Map illustrating the Los Angeles High Intensity Drug Trafficking Area transportation infrastructure.

The map shows Los Angeles, Orange, Riverside and San Bernardino counties.

Los Angeles is a major city with over 1,000,000 people.

The interstates within this HIDTA are I-5, I-10, I-15, I-40, and I-215.

Other highways in this HIDTA are US-101 and State Routes 86 and 111.

Return to Figure 3.

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