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To Home Page. National Drug Intelligence Center
Ohio High Intensity Drug Trafficking Area Drug Market Analysis
June 2007


Mexican DTOs will further expand their control over illicit drug distribution in the Ohio HIDTA region over the next year. As they increase the supply of cocaine and Mexican brown powder heroin and Mexican black tar heroin, they will make further incursions into drug markets typically controlled by Dominican and Jamaican DTOs in the northeastern part of the HIDTA region.

Dominican and Jamaican DTOs that are challenged by Mexican DTOs for control of northeastern Ohio drug markets may attempt to protect their distribution territories, possibly leading to violent confrontations.

Declining local methamphetamine production and the growing presence of Mexican DTOs may lead to increased availability of Mexican methamphetamine throughout the entire Ohio HIDTA region. Mexican DTOs already dominate the transportation and wholesale distribution of other illicit drugs in the Ohio HIDTA region, using well-established routes and methods that would easily allow them to increase the flow of methamphetamine to the region if the demand were to increase. The ability of Mexican DTOs to supply and aggressively market methamphetamine could result in an increase in demand.

Vietnamese criminal groups will quite likely introduce high-potency, indoor cannabis grow sites, similar to those discovered in neighboring Medina and Lorain Counties in 2006, into the Ohio HIDTA region, increasing the availability of high-potency marijuana.

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