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National Drug Intelligence Center
Wisconsin Drug Threat Assessment
May 2001


Chart 1. Drug Abuse Deaths, Wisconsin, 1975-1997

Chart showing Wisconsin drug abuse deaths for the years 1975 through 1997.

The chart shows that there were 83 drug abuse deaths in 1975, 118 in 1976, 87 in 1977, 83 in 1978,  94 in 1979, 117 in 1980,  83 in 1981, 56 in 1982, 65 in 1983, 89 in 1984, 75 in 1985, 88 in 1986, 85 in 1987, 106 in 1988, 92 in 1989, 83 in 1990, 125 in 1991, 107 in 1992, 147 in 1993, 209 in 1994, 216 in 1995, 197 in 1996 and 225 in 1997.

Return to Chart 1.

Chart 2. Drug Arrests, Wisconsin, 1986-1998

Graph showing drug arrests in the state of Wisconsin for the years 1986 through 1998.

The graph shows that there were 7,419 drug arrests in 1986, 7,745 in 1987, 8,000  in 1988, 10,105  in 1989, 9,000 in 1990, 9,518 in 1991, 11,000  in 1992, 12,714  in 1993, 16,000  in 1994, 20,044  in 1995, 21,412  in 1996, 21,527  in 1997 and 24,200 in 1998.

Return to Chart 2.

Chart 3. Methamphetamine Emergency Department Mentions, Wisconsin, 1996-1998

Bar graph showing Emergency Department mentions for methamphetamine in Wisconsin for the years 1996 through 1998.

The chart shows that there were 120 mentions for methamphetamine in 1996, 156 in 1997 and 177 in 1998.

Return to Chart 3.

Chart 4. Heroin-Related Deaths, Milwaukee County, 1996-2000

Bar graph showing heroin-related deaths in Milwaukee county for the years 1996 through 2000.

The graph shows that there were 5 heroin-related deaths in 1996, 2 in 1997, 14 in 1998, 12 in 1999 and 21 in 2000.
Return to Chart 4

Chart 5. State Crime Laboratory Cases for Other Dangerous Drugs, 1997-1999

Bar graph showing Wisconsin state crime laboratory cases for other dangerous drugs for the years 1997 through 1999, broken down by drug type.

In 1997, there were 131 cases for Psilocybin, 50 cases for LSD, 12 cases for MDMA, 0 cases for GHB and 1 case for Ketamine.

In 1998, there were 65 cases for Psilocybin, 61 cases for LSD, 11 cases for MDMA, 3 cases for GHB and 0 cases for Ketamine.

In 1999, there were 96 cases for Psilocybin, 69 cases for LSD, 37 cases for MDMA, 9 cases for GHB and 6 cases for Ketamine.                 

Return to Chart 5.

Figure 1. Methamphetamine Abuse Problem Areas, Wisconsin, 1998-1999

Two maps of Wisconsin broken down by counties showing comparison of existing methamphetamine abuse problem areas in 1998 with new methamphetamine abuse problem areas in 1999.

The map for 1998 shows 8 counties in the western portion of the state with a methamphetamine abuse problem, including the county in which the city of Eau Claire is located.

The map for 1999 shows an additional 11 counties with a methamphetamine abuse problem, with five of them located in the western and southwest portion of the state, and six of them located in the eastern and southeastern portion of the state, including the county in which the city of Green Bay is located.

Return to Figure 1.

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