U.S. Department of Justice Seal Strategic Plan 2001 - 2006

USDOJ Homepage Strategic Plan Homepage A Message from the Attorney General FY 1999 Annual Accountability Report FY 2000 Performance Report and FY 2002 Performance Plan
Table of Contents Introduction Chapter I Chapter II Goal One
Goal Two Goal Three Goal Four Goal Five Goal Six
Goal Seven Goal Eight External Factors Chapter III Appendix A
Appendix B Appendix C Appendix D Appendix E Appendix F



Responsibility for administering the Nation's immigration laws primarily rests with the Department's Immigration and Naturalization Service. INS deters, apprehends, and removes persons who violate our immigration laws. It works with the U.S. Attorneys to investigate and prosecute violators of immigration statutes, including purveyors of fraudulent documents. At the same time, INS provides an array of services and benefits to those who legally enter and reside in the United States. These services range from providing employment authorization to processing applications for citizenship ("naturalization"). The Civil Division defends immigration laws and policies, as well as class action law suits or immigration judgments involving individuals. A separate component organization within the Department, the Executive Office for Immigration Review, provides for the independent administrative adjudication of immigration cases.

Strategic Objective 5.1 ENFORCEMENT - - Secure America's borders, especially to reduce the incidence of alien smuggling.

Sovereignty presumes the right of all nation-states to defend their borders and regulate the people and commerce that cross them. Increasing sophistication of alien smuggling and the threat of international terrorism require a comprehensive, coordinated approach that begins beyond U.S. borders and follows through to the interior of the United States. It also requires the flexibility to tailor an enforcement response to the unique situations of each border area. To be truly effective, aggressive enforcement calls for a careful balance between control and compassion and an ongoing commitment to personal and community safety.

Strategies to Achieve the Objective

Prevent and deter illegal entry by phased implementation of a comprehensive border enforcement strategy that concentrates resources to control corridors of illegal entry.

This strategy extends the multiyear effort initiated in 1994 to strengthen enforcement of the Nation's immigration laws and to disrupt the traditional illegal immigration corridors along the Nation's southwest border. Under the strategy, new personnel, backed with equipment and infrastructure improvements, are deployed in targeted areas, starting with the most vulnerable areas. INS will continue to tailor enforcement approaches to the unique situations of each border area, including the northern border.

Pursue border safety initiatives that create a safe border environment.

Seeking to avoid detection, smugglers often lead migrants to dangerous terrain, where they may become lost or are abandoned. In cooperation with the Government of Mexico and state and local officials in border communities, INS will continue border safety initiatives aimed at educating migrants about the dangers associated with illegal crossings and assisting those who do not heed these warnings.

Strengthen the capabilities of host and transit countries to combat illegal migration and prevent and deter illegal immigration at the source.

In keeping with the international crime control strategy of the U.S. Government announced in May 1998, INS will build its first line of defense beyond U.S. borders. There it will work with other governments to prevent illegal entry by identifying and intercepting mala fide travelers and migrants before they enter the United States. The strategy includes assisting with offshore prosecutions and providing assistance to foreign governments in prosecuting cases within their own judicial systems.

Enhance and maintain an effective intelligence capability through coordination with other agencies and integration of INS worldwide intelligence resources.

Recognizing that the first line of defense is beyond the borders of the U.S., advance intelligence information on criminal activities planned abroad is critical to the accomplishment of this objective. INS will build upon the intelligence efforts of other U.S. Government agencies as well as international agencies and organizations in order to obtain the intelligence information it needs to protect our borders. Such intelligence will allow INS to make more informed decisions on where and when to concentrate resources. To this end, INS will pursue partnerships with these agencies and organizations.

To meet the increasing sophistication of alien smuggling organizations, alien smuggling investigations are now much more complex and require greater funding. Congress has provided additional investigative tools, including wiretap and expanded forfeiture authority, as well as the authority to apply racketeering and money laundering statutes to Service investigations. Law enforcement strategies and investigations have also become much more international in scope, often requiring coordination between U.S. law enforcement organizations and those of other governments.

INS' anti-smuggling program will continue to disrupt and dismantle major alien smuggling organizations at source and transit countries, the borders, and the interior of the United States in support of the National Anti-Smuggling Strategy. The Service will continue to enhance its Interior Enforcement Strategy, Border Safety Initiative, the Intelligence and International Programs, and operational methods to improve the effectiveness of its anti-smuggling program. INS will continue the use of statutory authorities, and traditional and non-traditional investigative techniques, including the use of wire intercepts, asset forfeiture, and the creation of business proprietaries.

Key Crosscutting Programs

Investigations. INS conducts international investigations to identify, disrupt, and dismantle criminal organizations that facilitate illegal migration. INS' anti-smuggling strategies are coordinated with the FBI, with DOJ's Alien Smuggling Task Force, the U.S. Coast Guard, the State Department, and agencies in the U.S. intelligence community.

Operational Alliances. In accomplishing its border management mission, the INS has relationships with numerous federal, state, local, and international law enforcement agencies whose operational initiatives intersect with its own. Such initiatives include a memorandum of understanding with DEA, particularly with respect to a delegation of legal authority to enforce drug laws under Title 21. A similar agreement is in place with the United States Customs Service where cross-designated authority is provided to both INS and USCS officers to enforce their respective laws.

The INS also is involved with a number of federal, state, and local joint-agency task forces with missions such as antiterrorism, drug interdiction, alien smuggling, fraud, and other illegal activities. On the international front, the INS coordinates its border enforcement efforts with its land neighbors to both the north and south through such special programs as Operation Alliance with Mexico and Project Northstar with Canada.

Information Sharing. INS agents in offices worldwide work closely with the Department of State, the USCS, the USCG, the DEA, and the FBI, as well as with foreign governments, in order to exchange information with their foreign immigration counterparts, and to better identify and disrupt organized alien smuggling activities.

Maritime Smuggling. INS personnel support the maritime interdiction activities of the USCG by providing investigatory assistance and conducting asylum interviews. Maritime interdictions reduce the chances that illegal immigrants will successfully enter the United States. Moreover, interdiction and a quick repatriation by the USCG saves detention and processing costs and helps deter future attempts.

Strategic Objective 5.2 CRIMINAL ALIENS - - Promote public safety by combating immigration-related crimes and removing individuals, especially criminals, who are unlawfully present in the United States.

Interior enforcement complements the global and border components of the INS enforcement strategy. INS' interior enforcement strategy concentrates resources on investigations of cases having the broadest impact on criminal networks and infrastructure. This strategy also emphasizes coordination among the various INS enforcement functions and closer ties with other federal, state, and local law enforcement agencies.

Strategies to Achieve the Objective

Identify and expeditiously remove criminal aliens and develop approaches to minimize recidivism.

By identifying and removing aliens who commit crimes in our country, INS contributes to an increased quality of life in our communities. Deporting incarcerated criminal aliens reduces pressure on over-taxed correctional facilities and lowers the costs to local communities. Through the use of the Institutional Removal Program, INS will identify and remove criminal aliens who are in the criminal justice system, concentrating resources on high volume areas in order to achieve the greatest impact. INS will work with the U.S. Attorneys to prosecute criminal aliens who illegally re-enter the U.S., and will expand its use of the IDENT fingerprint system and the INS Law Enforcement Support Center to identify, apprehend, and deport repeat offenders. INS, together with the Department of State, is working with foreign nations to improve the process for issuance of travel documents for deportees. Streamlining this process should reduce detention times and increase removal effectiveness.

Support global and border enforcement efforts to intercept illegal immigration-related activities before they occur.

In keeping with the international crime control strategy announced by the U.S. Government in May 1998, INS will coordinate its enforcement activities, creating a seamless web of immigration law enforcement beginning overseas in source and transit countries and continuing inside the United States. As part of the strategy, INS will teach foreign officials and airline personnel to identify fraudulent documents at departure airports. As this program fully develops, it is expected to reduce the incidence of fraudulent documents at air ports of entry, as well as the demand for detention and deportation here in the U.S. The strategy involves such initiatives as building partnerships with other U.S. and international agencies and organizations to coordinate intelligence information and investigations; assisting with offshore prosecutions; and working with other governments to reduce recidivism by monitoring and controlling foreign travel of deported aliens.

Respond to community reports and complaints about the negative consequences of illegal immigration and build partnerships to help address these concerns.

INS will continue to respond to stakeholder concerns in the communities it serves. This includes building partnerships with other federal, state, and local law enforcement organizations to prevent crimes involving illegal aliens. In addition, INS will continue to maintain a law enforcement presence in every state, utilize Quick Response Teams to diminish the impact of criminal alien and smuggling activity on local law enforcement, and contribute to joint investigations and task forces with other agencies. INS will also use input from the offices of the U.S. Attorneys, local government and law enforcement officials, community leaders, and advocacy groups to develop local threat assessments and action plans to address local problems. Finally, INS will maintain a continuous dialogue with communities to evaluate the effects of its enforcement actions.

Minimize immigration benefit fraud and other document abuse.

In order to maintain the integrity of the legal immigration system, INS will employ an aggressive investigation and prosecution strategy against benefit fraud and document abuse. Priority will be given to investigating and prosecuting complex fraud schemes and other cases having the broadest impact on criminal networks and the infrastructure supporting benefit fraud and document abuse. In addition, INS will take advantage of new technology and methodologies, such as data mining and biometric identification, to identify criminal fraud schemes.

Block and remove employers' access to undocumented workers and help reduce worker exploitation.

In order to deter unauthorized employment, INS will pursue a comprehensive approach that includes building relationships with employers, openly conducting audits and surveys, inviting employer cooperation, and working with employers after unauthorized workers are removed to ensure continued compliance with immigration laws. Based on institutional experience and current data, INS will also identify and target notorious and egregious violators. In addition, INS will concentrate on removing aliens with criminal convictions, many of whom hold jobs that could be held by citizens or legal residents.

Key Crosscutting Programs

Removals. To facilitate removals and repatriations, INS works in conjunction with BOP, USMS, state and local law enforcement, and foreign governments.

Investigations. INS conducts international investigations to prevent, identify, disrupt, and dismantle criminal organizations that facilitate illegal migration. In addition, INS works with the U.S. Attorneys to prepare cases and receives information on work-site enforcement activities from the Department of Labor.

Strategic Objective 5.3 SERVICE TO THE PUBLIC - - Provide timely and consistent services and achieve a substantial reduction in the benefits processing backlog.

The mission of the Immigration Services Program is to provide accurate and timely information and adjudicate immigration benefit applications for customers in a professional and courteous manner. INS sees applicants and petitioners through the process, beginning at the point of initial contact when an application or petition is filed. This contact continues to the point of decision, the production of a final document or oath ceremony, and concludes with the retirement of case records. These services include immigrant and nonimmigrant sponsorship, adjustment of status, work authorization and other permits, naturalization, and refugees and asylum.

INS has experienced substantial increases in applications for benefits since the early 1990s. The Service received six million applications for immigration benefits, including naturalization, in 2000, nearly 35 percent more than it received in 1993. To succeed at its work, INS must ensure that correct decisions are made - - that people who are eligible for benefits receive them and those who are ineligible are denied. To ensure that the right decisions are made, INS must ensure that the right processes are in place and documented and that INS employees adhere to these processes. In addition, before, during, and after the adjudication process, INS must ensure that excellent customer service is provided. Timely, consistent, professional, and courteous treatment are service priorities that are important to all INS customers, including benefit applicants, the community-based organizations who represent them, and businesses.

INS is committed to building and maintaining an immigration services program that ensures integrity, provides services accurately and in a timely manner, and emphasizes a culture of respect. INS will continue to enhance services provided, including improvements to automated systems supporting benefit application processing, fingerprint processing, telephone and internet-based information services, and online filing of applications.

Strategies to Achieve the Objective

Reduce Benefits Backlog.

In FY 2002, INS will begin a backlog reduction strategy to reduce processing times on benefits applications to 6 months. The universal 6-month processing standard for all immigration applications within 5 years is one of the Administration's highest priorities. INS' backlog reduction strategy will include a phased implementation plan, comprehensive workload evaluation, and staffing model to meet the Administration's 5-year goal for all applications. The implementation plan will address staffing requirements for every immigration benefit application in every district and service center for three workload categories: receipts, backlog, and Legal Immigration Family Equity (LIFE) Act.

Establish quality assurance, timeliness, and customer service standards for all immigration benefits processing, and ensure that mechanisms are in place to meet these standards.

INS stakeholders indicate that the integrity of benefits adjudication processes, including naturalization, is particularly important, especially with regard to the outcome of these processes. Nearly all INS stakeholders also report that the speed with which INS processes cases is a high priority, as is the courtesy and respect INS displays to applicants as they navigate benefits processes. This includes cultural sensitivity on the part of INS employees. To meet the needs of its stakeholders and customers, INS will create standards and mechanisms by which to meet those standards in the areas of processing quality, timeliness, and customer service.

Maintain fair and timely refugee and asylum case processing that denies meritless claims quickly without discouraging legitimate seekers of refuge.

Due to the urgency of many refugee and asylum cases, it is imperative that INS maintain a system by which cases can be processed quickly and fairly. However, the process must also preserve the integrity of the refugee and asylum programs by ensuring that only those who are eligible for such protection receive it. To this end, INS will build on the successful reform of the asylum system implemented in 1995.

Complete reengineering of the naturalization process, redesign processes for immigrant and non-immigrant applications processing, and institute documented standard operating procedures nationwide.

In an effort begun in 1997, INS reengineered the naturalization process to enhance its integrity and to improve the way it delivered services to the customer. INS will document and monitor compliance with this new process. It will also apply lessons learned from the naturalization reengineering effort to the redesign of other benefits processes in order to improve service delivery and customer satisfaction for those benefits. To ensure consistent application of the redesigned procedures on a nationwide basis, the Service will document the new processes and monitor compliance with them.

Introduce electronic filing for applications processes.

Consistent with stakeholders' expressed interest in timely and user-friendly processing, the INS will develop an electronic filing capability. This will enable processing to be conducted more quickly, at a lower cost and with fewer errors.

Create a culture of customer service as an integral, permanent component of INS benefits application processing.

Customer service is one of the highest priorities of INS customers and stakeholders. INS will continue to move toward creating an organizational culture that supports customer service by providing employees with guidelines, training, and adequate tools and resources to provide high quality service to customers.

Key Crosscutting Programs

Fingerprint Screening. INS will continue coordination with the FBI on fingerprint screening to ensure that persons applying for benefits will be promptly checked for the existence of records maintained by the FBI.

Data Sharing. INS coordinates with the Department of State in a data-sharing initiative that permits the electronic sharing of traveler visa and application information, thereby improving the issuance process and facilitating the identification of fraudulent visas.

Strategic Objective 5.4 ORGANIZATION and INFRASTRUCTURE - - Improve operational efficiency and organizational effectiveness of the INS workforce.

The INS experienced unprecedented growth and change during fiscal years 1994-2001. These changes included dramatic increases in workload, a doubling of the agency's budget, a 60 percent increase in the size of the workforce, and major reforms of immigration law. As a result, INS now faces unique and pressing infrastructure needs. For example, the growth in the size of the workforce and the budget has been targeted at very specific areas and, over time, these changes have resulted in backlogs, shortfalls, imbalances, and inconsistencies in the infrastructure that supports the INS workforce. In addition, these changes have created a need to redefine the agency's corporate culture, to ensure that all employees share a common vision of the INS mission, values, and goals. This strategic objective addresses these organization and infrastructure needs.

Strategies to Achieve the Objective

Restructure INS.

INS proposes to address systemic problems related to its dual missions of service and enforcement by creating two separate chains of command and accountability, reporting to a single policy leader. INS' restructuring plan will streamline the organization to emphasize front-line enforcement and service delivery functions. Restructuring is one of the Administration's top priorities. INS will implement restructuring in a phased manner, beginning in FY 2002, with the realignment of headquarters and the development of detailed plans for separating service and enforcement functions at the field level, including reducing the number of management layers and clarifying reporting relationships. The next phase, the beginning of field implementation of the plan, will occur in FY 2003. Completion of the restructuring is targeted for FY 2005.

Institutionalize New Processes and Systems.

Simultaneous with restructuring plans, INS will review and improve its management and infrastructure, primarily by institutionalizing new processes and systems put into place in FY 2001 and FY 2002. Material in the Administrative and Field Manuals will be updated and consolidated to ensure consistency of management and operations across the Service. Resources for facilities and vehicles will continue to be focused on the most serious problem areas in terms of health, safety, and security of both INS employees and the public, while phased construction of facilities begun in prior years will continue.

Modernize Financial and Information Technology Resources.

Management of both financial and information technology resources will also be improved. Consolidation of procedures for handling accounts payable under a modern, integrated financial system is expected to reduce erroneous, improper, and late payments, while new approaches to bond management will reduce the number of outstanding bonds. In addition, INS will pursue a long-term strategy for financial management in collaboration with the Department of Justice.

Complete the INS Enterprise Architecture Plan (EAP).

Expedited development of the EAP will allow the Service to acquire the necessary technological tools to capitalize on information/intelligence from INS inspectors, Border Patrol agents, and investigators. Completion of the plan will also allow the Service to move forward with an automated arrival/departure system and to address the agency's dual missions of border management and enforcement. Up-to-date technology is the only answer to adequately determine the admissibility of the more than 600 million travelers a year that arrive at U.S. Ports of Entry.

Strategic Objective 5.5 QUALITY OF DATA - - Provide accurate, easy-to-use, readily accessible, and up-to-date information to meet planning and operational needs.

The Immigration and Nationality Act charges the Commissioner of INS with collecting immigration information and disseminating it to Congress and the public. Accurate, easy-to-use, readily accessible, and up-to-date information is a priority of a significant number of INS stakeholders, including benefits applicants, other government agencies, and businesses. The demand for good information is also reflected in the large volume of visitors at INS information counters, the increasing demand placed on INS' telephone center, and the growing use of INS' web site. But maintaining and providing good information does more than improve customer service; it also facilitates INS business processes. Well-informed customers make case processing easier, quicker, and often cheaper.

In addition, data serves as the raw material that allows INS to make informed policy decisions, identify opportunities for improvement, and demonstrate success. Information on the sizes and locations of various alien populations, for example, allows INS to plan effectively for the impacts of benefits offered through new legislation. Key information collected in case-tracking systems identifies sources of bottlenecks, assisting in reducing processing times. Finally, current and accurate data provides Congress and the public with the information needed to gauge the degree of success of INS initiatives.

Strategies to Achieve the Objective

Expand the Use of Information Technology.

INS will continue to increase the availability of reliable information and expand access to this information. Where applicable, INS will expand the use of electronic means to deliver services and benefits and to gather and exchange information. Much of this work will be done in accordance with the Government Paperwork Elimination Act. INS is also completing its Enterprise Architecture Plan, which will govern management of information and technology. Primary benefits of the Enterprise Architecture will be improved quality of data and broader availability of information.

Institute National Case Management.

Specific initiatives include record centralization and backlog reduction for the Freedom of Information Act/Privacy Act (FOIA/PA) program. INS will continue to manage the surge in requests and reduce the response time for its customers through national case management and alternative means of addressing requests for particular types of information, such as genealogy and case discovery.

Increase Use of Electronic Benefit Processing.

INS has committed to increasing the number of benefit application forms online starting in FY 2002. The Service will maintain public use forms that are available online, expand the types of applications that can be filed online, and explore opportunities for expanded electronic access to alien status verification by employers. Additionally, in support of benefit processing, INS now provides fee receipts electronically through the Bank One operation for the LIFE Act. INS is centralizing its alien file records to improve access to critical information and will establish a fee-for-service genealogy unit to reduce some of the burden of FOIA requests.

Strategic Objective 5.6 BORDER FACILITATION - - Improve the efficiency of the inspections process for lawful entry of persons and goods.

In an era of growing interdependence of economies and ideas, border integrity involves a proper balance between controlling movement and facilitating exchange. Because the vast majority of individuals who enter the country do so legally, it is incumbent upon INS continuously to seek improvements in its facilitation function. In addition, our expanding global trade obligations require innovative ways to facilitate the movement of international personnel across the Nation's borders without compromising border security.

Strategies to Achieve the Objective

Promote the expeditious movement of travelers by conducting critical enforcement functions prior to the primary inspection process.

Using techniques such as pre-enrollment programs or pre-arrival passenger information review, INS will expand the use of prescreening for passenger and vehicle traffic at both land and airport venues. This is critical to the improvement of traveler service at land borders and international airports, and enhances our ability to identify and prevent criminal and other illegal aliens from entering the United States.

Maximize the use of techniques and technologies that promote and expedite lawful entry and exit, including cooperative strategies with local authorities, the travel industry, and foreign governments.

INS will continue to develop and test automation and other technologies that facilitate lawful traffic and commerce as well as enhance our ability to identify and prevent criminal and other inadmissible aliens from entering the United States.

Develop, improve, and integrate alternative inspection processes.

INS has successfully implemented alternatives to traditional inspection processes and will continue to improve these processes and integrate them at ports-of-entry (POEs). These automated processes will contribute to increased efficiency and shorter wait times at the borders and POEs.

Work cooperatively with other federal agencies at POEs to create a secure and seamless federal inspection process.

INS shares responsibility for inspecting foreign travelers at the borders with other federal agencies, including the Department of State, the USCS, and the Department of Agriculture. INS will continue to develop partnerships with these agencies to improve traveler service and enhance enforcement. This will include approaches such as the DataShare Initiative with the Department of State which improves the identification of fraudulent visas and enhances the visa issuance process.

Establish traveler service standards and ensure mechanisms are in place to meet these standards.

First-class customer service requires that travelers are processed within acceptable time frames and in a courteous and professional manner. To this end, INS will develop standards for timely service and treatment of travelers at the borders and ports-of-entry, as well as mechanisms to ensure that those standards are met. INS will work with its partners in the travel industry to identify strategies to ensure that appropriate resources are available to support their common interests in meeting these standards.

Key Crosscutting Programs

Data Sharing. At land POEs, INS collects data on processing times and shares the information with the USCS. At air POEs, USCS and INS receive passenger data from the Advance Passenger Information System, which allows the agencies to perform enforcement checks and identify high-risk passengers before they arrive in the United States.

SENTRI and INSPASS. INS coordinates with the USCS and the General Services Administration on port modifications and construction necessary for the Secure Electronic Network for Travelers Rapid Inspection (SENTRI) system. INS also coordinates with the Government of Mexico on construction of access roads for SENTRI. In addition, INS works with local airport authorities to open enrollment centers and kiosks for the INS Passenger Accelerated Service System (INSPASS).

Strategic Objective 5.7 ADJUDICATION - - Adjudicate all immigration cases promptly and impartially in accordance with due process.

The Executive Office for Immigration Review (EOIR) provides for the review and adjudication of immigration cases. EOIR's mission is to provide a uniform and timely interpretation and application of immigration law. Although EOIR is an independent agency, its workload is largely determined by the activities and initiatives undertaken by the INS. Similarly, EOIR's ability to process cases in a timely fashion directly affects INS goals to remove criminal or inadmissible aliens expeditiously and to efficiently use limited detention space.

Strategy to Achieve the Objective

Adjudicate priority cases within specified time frames.

EOIR has identified three adjudication priorities and set specific processing time frames for each. The first priority is the adjudication of alien inmates incarcerated in federal, state, and local institutions as a result of convictions for criminal offenses. The aim is to adjudicate these cases prior to the inmate's release so that those found by EOIR to be removable may be removed quickly from the United States by the INS. The second priority is the adjudication of expedited asylum cases within 180 days. The third priority is the adjudication of cases involving detained aliens within 30 days.


Despite significant progress, the Department continues to face major challenges in the management of its immigration programs. Many of the objectives and strategies described above are aimed at meeting these challenges by focusing on a strong customer-orientation, the provision of reliable and timely data, reengineered business processes, and infrastructure improvements.

INS is heavily dependent on information technology and significant resources have been devoted to the development and deployment of new systems. The Service has had difficulty, however, in managing its automation programs effectively. To help remedy this situation, INS has established an Information Technology Investment Review Board to oversee the selection, control, and evaluation of information technology investments; it has also instituted related improvements. Nevertheless, information technology management within INS remains a management challenge closely monitored by the Department.

INS' rapid growth and increased responsibilities have placed greater demands on its information systems. Over time, INS, like other federal agencies, developed a number of stovepipe data base systems to meet specific, rather than common, needs. Those systems eventually failed to keep up with the demand largely because they were never designed to interface with other systems, internal or external. To address this problem, the Department and OMB tasked INS to develop an Enterprise Architecture Plan for its information systems. Such a plan will ensure timely access to needed data; a useful format for data to be easily interpreted, accurate, and consistent throughout every department; responsiveness to rapidly changing business conditions; and data sharing across the enterprise.. INS is in the process of improving its financial management systems. Despite progress in this area, INS continues to experience problems in meeting federal accounting standards. To correct these problems, INS has begun implementing new accounting systems and procedures. This issue, too, is being carefully monitored by the Department.

Another management challenge is in the area of identifying and removing persons who are in the United States illegally, including the monitoring of alien overstays. In addition, INS is evaluating existing systems, in an attempt to successfully match arrival records with departure records of the traveling public.


FY 2001 -- 2006 Strategic Plan
U.S. Department of Justice


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