Collateral Valuation Bank 0/America Stock Price assumptions :7-Nov.o1 Enron S4.l1~ EOfl $16.49 Compaq $9.52 TCW - Small SI 8.08 Eli Lilly 582.23 Outstanding Loan Balance Collateral Pledged Shares Value Enron Corp. SO.O0 Compaq Computer $0.00 Total Market Value of Collateral SO Less: Collateral Required (80% LTV) #DIVIO! SO 'it. ~tnersz'n *se ' tine Outstanding Loan Balance S1.930.OOO~ Collateral Pled ed Shares Value Compaq (K.LL. owns) 113.064 51,076.369 Eli Lilly & Co. 20.220 51.662,691 ~orr Energy Parmers 5,000 S82.450 Enron Corp. 60,000 $246,600 Enron Enron @ $1244/share (owed by K.LL personal) 35.000 TCW Small Ca~ Growth 21.369 5386.352 Total Market Value of Collateral S3,454,461 Less: Collateral Required (LTV 80%) 55.87% S2,412.500 Excess (Deficit) Collateral 51,041.961 Borrowlag Power 5833,569 Available to Borrow 5833 .569 LOC.O11 L26 8/8/2002 GOVERNMENT EXHIBiT 24248 Cnm No H 04-0025 Con fldenuaj 'Treugnent &equeseed under FOIA LAY-SEC-i 000000375 I ~DlV 0! #DIV '0! ~DIV.0! 3 1.2% 48.1% 2.4% 7. 1% 11.2% 100.0% r Collateral Valuation Sank of Amerzca Outstanding Loan Balance S2.550.000 Collateral Pledged Compaq Compaq Compuwi' Compaq Computer Compaq Computer Enron Corp. Enrort ~ 12.44/share Enron (SIS.81/sh) Enron (S 17.75/sb) Enron (S16.2SIsh) Enron Corp. (from Compass & BA) Lilly Total Market Value of Collateral Less: Collateral Required (80% LTV) Shares 207,660 1:4.596 .970 1,094 210.400 '9.691 9440 I.859 790 18.620 L330 77.7% fExcess (Deficit) Collateral Borrowing Power Available to Borrow Value Si .976.923 S864,744 s3:7.530 538.798 S~,640 s3.:47 S47.52S 5438.286 53.279,953 53,187,500 60.3% 26.4% 13.4% 100% 592,453 S73,962 S73.96Z LOC.011126 8/812002 LAY-SEC..Z 000000376 C Oflfl~~~~j Traa~~ equa,e~~ ~fl~~a* FOJA *........................................I....., -. Acci I nmrlcl f low I dr house leg ~ 75% 50361954 5,257.87 3,094,994.58 0.00 773.74865 5036 1958 0.00 0.00 0.00 000 50361960 000 229,06000 0.00 57,265.00 54154324 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 54154326 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 50361952 0.00 0.00 (1,632,570.72) 0.00 5,258 3,324,055 (1,632,571? 831,014 $3, 10(3,252.45 Asscls 3,329,312 I..iaI)IIIIICS 1,4)32,57 I) logal liquily 1,696,742 Requircment 831,014 I:KcCsS (call) ~f5,7~8 AccI twirki j tiny (Ir house req ~ 75% 48259883 48259887 48259889 48259881 0 12,892 355 0 205, 500 967,436 468,754 0 (h~J,I79) 0 0 (1.006.010) 5I,375 241,859 117.189 Accou inN 50)61960 (Iiidie'sduaI lIoIdi,ag.iJ Ilulti in 's Sinaics $ISlaaie Value Celeslica 500 41.52 20,760 12 5,00() 6.86 34,3011 New 1'owcr 150,000 1.16 174,000 I Z29,060 I Accomnauff 48259.58) Ibid iii 'a Skates $/Shaiv ham oh 50,000 4. II 205,51)0 0 13,247 1,641,690 (1,166.189) Assels 1,654,937 I .,abaliraes I ,I66,189 I I:tjtiily 488,748 C, a keqaaiieaucam 410,423 I~xcess (call) 78,32~ 'I, ~0 -4 Cypress ~WW~-Mld mdiv. hold *I~CW-Sdt~ Foyea ('a' F. ye i Cypress or- 0~' 0U) onl '.4'.' 410,423