Collateral Valuation - Summary SiocA Price Assunqi~ions as opj 21-Sep-01 I Enron 123.30 I Compaq 17.99 I Eli Lilly S73.99 I ~ p~q4uI.8pwq(fdjw . .~ .~::'f .~ ~ ~ I . I I BA Chase Comi ass' FU Euro. Total 80.0% 75.0% I BA -NFL Loam 30.0% Original I.OC On Winding Current l.TV Mki Val. Collateral Collaleral Req. Excess (liclicit) 140,000,000 SI 5.000,000 0.0% 14,932,3 38 $9 14,932,333 0.0% $2,602,769 $0 12,602,769 S l0,D00,000 789,371 13.3% 15,924,259 52.939.403 S4,000,000 3,031,617 14,000,300 112,328,483 72.3% 111,111,600 110.7 13.156 1393,444 n/a n/a n/a Borrowing Poweri 53,945,370 I 52.362.215 I 52,149,537 I 5295.363 I 56 I 53,472,705 I Original LOC Outstanding A,'allable Ilnel .. . -. .. . . , 4~ ,. '*4*..¶'~,**" ,' ..~. -. 4 .. . -* ,;tJ,;-~ 1I.000,000 $1,000,000 1500,000 ti/a n/a 12.500.000 10 . $0 $0 n/a ti/a SO 51,000 51,000000 5500 Wa n/a ~J!~!2~J I otal all 201.145 NIL 111,l80,850 wINlI. ($j,7tItI,ttlltt) Tax due ()cI IS 6,916,350 lotal Aiiailable Compass LOU has 80% L TV on all liquid assets held as collateral; the exception is the Sanderi' uccounh which consuuls of illiquid assets that Compass offers the lesser of 30% Liv or Simm 100.0% 100.0% 100.0% tAJI~ Ott)9it iii, 9IiJAJt Enron Conipaq Eli Lilly EOTi 1Cw ITY 30.0% 80.0% 15,000,000 71.4% 16.453.145 $6.2~ 000 203,145 ii St ii 0-c 0. ow em AllocatIon of Collateral for Secured LOC BA Chase Corn ass FU 46.2% 93.9% 69.5% 53.3% 6.1% 0.0% 0 0% 30.5% diversilied 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% Collateral Valuation - Summauy Stoch Price Assunspdons as oft I 21-Sep.-01 I EOTT Sf9.70 Enron 52330 TCW - Select Sf2.29 Compaq 57.99 TCW - Aggr. 5357 Eli Lilly 573.99 TCW - Small 513.22 I P-&em~4 LI.. BA Corn ass FIJ Total 10.0% 30.0% 30.0% Original LOC $1 0.000.000 OulsIandlag 4,423,000 51.000,000 $2,000,000 S 13,000.000 520,000 51,841,377 56,734,377 4,273,500 St 1,057,177 Currcflt LTV Mkt Val. Collateral Collateral Req. Excess (Deficit) BorrowIng Poweri 5927,939 I 546,000 I 5264,849 U 51,231,718 I 1~ul Original LOC Outstanding AvaIlable Unel 51,000.000 S 1.000,000 n/a n/a n/a n/a 51,000 .000 SI .000.000 SO rn/a rn/a S. 51,000,006 $12,057,877 Total Payables Allocudon of Colluieral BA Coin ass FU 25.4% 100.0% 13.5% 0.0% 21.4% 0.0% diversified 1.5% 0.0% 37.3% 0.0% 100.0% 100.0% 51,238,718 ITotal AvaIlable IA )C..tiItIiI2 I .itu 9/23/01 LTV A/I' KLL Total all 66.1% $6,633,674 55.523.750 SI,159,924 73.5% $707,500 $57,506 69.9% $2,632,733 S2.301.721 533 1,662 510.023.957 53.430.471 51,543,435 a-ic a' am am .bfl tot It, 11 Enron Compaq Eli Lilly EOTT TCW