Collateral Valuation - Summary Slack Price Assumptions as of I 34.141 I Enron S4W I Compaq $15.14 Eli Lilly 176.35 I~~At4~~ ~ "i'~A~ ~ BA Chase Corn * PW Total 800% 75 0% 30 0% 60%-70% Original LOC Ouiata.dI.g Current LIV Mkt Val. Collateral Collateral Req. Excess (Deficit) $40,000,000 S9,354,392 40.7% $24,194,594 112.317.990 $11,876,604 $15,000,000 $7,042,000 60.4% $11,655,506 $9.3S9.333 $2,266,173 $10,000,000 $3,439,371 SIS,139,322 $35,575,535 48.7% $7,161,431 $3,929. 145 $43,011,532 125.636.468 $14,142,171 Borrowing roweri 59,5eI,2P I $1,699,630 I $439,274 I I 511,646,187 I Total for BA, Chase, d Compass ~ Original LOC Outstanding Mailable Linel I ~ ~ ~JM~A~i. .'~ ~J~J &~ I~s( .~ I $750,000 $1,000,000 $0 $0 $750,000 I $1,000,000 I Enron Compaq Eli Lilly EOU TCW 1000% 100.0% 100.0% * Conapass LLK' has 809'. L TV on all liquid assets held as collateral; the exception is the Sander,' account ,.hwl, cans isis of illiquid assets that Compass offers the lesser of iOi'. LlVor Sl'pm iAH'OIEI7O:g gi. 7,5/lit I .9 GOVERNMENT EXHIBIT 24214 Crim No H 04-0025 LTV 30.0% $5,000,000 11.5% S6,996,266 16.250.000 746,266 $500,000 $0 $500,000 I SO $0 $2,250,000 $0 '-F a5 3- Oi ow em 'no 0' Allocation of Collateralfer Secured LOC BA Chase Com ass PW 79.2% 97.4% 79.3% 20.8% 2.6% 00% 0.0% 0.0% 20.9% 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% Collateral Valuation - Summary Stock Pike Assumptleiss as eft I 3-Jul41 EO1T $13.56 Enron 548.0 TCW Select $17.93 I Compaq 515.14 TCW - Agp. 514.55 Eli Lilly 576.35 TCW - Small 523.65 I I v4~ I BA PW Total 30.0% 60%-70% Original bC Outstamdlag C.rremt LIV Mkt V.1. Collateral Collateral Req. Excess (Deficit) Borrowlag Foweri Enron Compaq Eli Lilly EOfl TCW ~F TI g.~( II gg~ WO 0' WM $1,179,861 I l00.OV. I 51,179,861 I LOC0 10103aIa 715/01 LTV $lo,000,000 $6,952,000 68.4% $10,164,327 53.690.000 $1,474,327 $1 0,000,000 $6,952,000 $10,164,327 SS.690.000 51,474,827 Allocation of celtuteral BA PW 28.7% 16.8% 15.2% 0.9% 38.3%