November 2000 Resource Management Account PAINEWEBBER INC. HERITAGE PLAZA 1111 BAGRY STREET, SUITE 5100 HOUSTON, TX 71002-9960 EZ4LO2 7389-Xe - 1100- I-IS- Page lof 4 Value on October 31 Value on November 30 Money funds in 11/30 value $ 327,599.53 $ 262,464.39 $ 99,957.39 PaineWebber. Resource Management Account Account Number Your Financial AdvIsor MONTGOMERY/EMERY 713 654-0200/800-553-3119 HEBECCA COMEAU CARTER HOUSTON TX Activity highlights Current period Year-to-date Private investment distributions received $ 1,900.00 $ 5,700.00 Withdrawals .00 -315,38245 Securities transferred in (valued at time of transfer) .00 458,360.50 Net change from activity listed above 1,900.00 $ 148,678.05 Portfolio summary Current period Year-to-date Opening value $ 327,599.53 $ 159,397.14 Net change from Activity Highlights 1,900.00 148,678.05 Net security earnings 456.47 9,631.36 Change in value of investments -67,491.61 -55,242.16 Value on November30 $ 262,464.39 $ 262,464.39 Asset summary Refer to tire disclosure on the back of the first page for information on assets exduded from this summary. % of portfolio Value Equities 5662 148,627.00 Money funds 38.08 99,957.39 Mutual funds 5.30 13,880.00 Nel Invested assets 100.00 $ 262,464.39 Value on November30 $ 262,464.39 L. Bulletin Board THE PAINEWEBBER EDGE IS NOW PAINEWEBBER ONLINE SERVICES. WE HAVE ADDED NEW FEATURES, ENHANCEMENTS AND RICHER CONTENT. SPEAK TO YOUR Fhr~JA~1r~IAI Afl\IISOR TO ENROLL TODAY. RESOURCELINE 1-800-RMA-1000: ACCOUNT It: 055074766 Investment objectives The following return objective and risk profile describe tire overall goals for this account. For each account you hold, you choose one return objective and a primary and, if applicable, secondary risk profile. A full description of the alternatives is included on the beck of the first page. If you have any questions regarding these objectives or wish to change them, please contact your Financial Advisor or the Branch ivfanaqer at your bran~ ffjcetor.ptepuraccounl objectives. Return objective: Capital appreciation Risk profile: Primary: Moderate GOVERNMENT EXHIBIT 24611 Crim No. H 04-0025 November 00/ I H EZ4L027389-X6 4327938- 000004 -'I m c~o ~mz ~z-n comz ~& ~-f mr- cn -4 m ETF- 125 1F-000612 November 2000 Resource Management Account Account Number Your Financial Advisor MONTGOMERY/EMERY 713 654-0200/600-553-3119 Page 2of 4 PaineWebber. Resource Management Account Earnings summary Earnings below are classified as taxable or non-taxable based on the tax stat us for the specific security on which the earnings are received and does not attempt to reflect your accounts tax status or reporting requirements. Use only official tax reporting documents (e.g. 1099) for tax reporting purposes. The classification of pnvate investment distributions can only be detemiined by referring to the official year-end tax reporting document provided by the issuer. Current period Year-to-date Taxable PaineWebber Money lund dividends $ 458.47 $ 9,101.95 Other dividends .00 369.75 Total taxable security earnings $ 45647 9,471.70 Total current year security earnings $ 456.47 $ 9,471.70 Prior year(s) adjustments .00 159.66 Net security earnings 456.47 $ 9,631.36 Private investment distributions 1,900.00 5,700.00 Asset portfolio When available, prices, Income and current values may be approximate and thus gains/losses may not be accurately reflected. Refer to the disclosure on the back of the first page. An asterisk (~fl) indicates a change in the original transaction data from the prior month or the display of new data input at your branch office. Gains/losses are not calculated for zero coupon investments. Equities Common stock Eat, annual Trade Shares Unrealized Total shares Description Price Current value income date purchased Purchase price Cost basis Gain~loss 986 ENRON CORP 64.750 63,843.50 493 986.000 ---This information was unavailable--- 4,500 TNPC INC 5063 22,783.50 10/04/00 4,500.000 21 .000 94,500 -71,716 Totai $ 86,627.00 493 94,500 -71,716 Other equity investments Cost basis and gains/losses have not been adjusted automatically for return of capital payments. Restricted security values are estimated for informational purposes. Refer to the disciosure on the back of the first pag~ for details. Eat, annual Trade Shares Unrealized Total shares Description Price Current value income date purchased Purchase price Cost basis Gain/loss 15.500 62,000.00 7.600 02/04/00 4,000.000 12.500 50,240 11,760 4,000 EQiT ENERGY PARTNERS L P UNIT LTD PARTNERSHIP tNT $ 62,000.00 November 00/~ ETF~125~FOOO6l3 H EZ4L027390-X6 4327938- 000005 Total -~rn coma :1 cn -E 171 0 7,600 50,240 11,760 November 2000 Resource Management Account Account Number Your Financial Advisor MONTGOMERY/EMERY 713654-0200/800-553-3119 Page 3of 4 PaineWebber. Resource Management Accounts Money funds Description Opening balance Ckjs:ng share once Average yield Dividend period Days in period 1.00 609% 10/19-11/15 28 RMA MONEY MKT. PORTFOLIO Total Closing balance 97,600.92 99,957.39 $ 97,600.92 $ 99.957.39 EZ4LO2 7391-Xe 432793ll- 000006 Mutual funds Unrealized gairLloss indicales the cost basis versus the current value for each security lot from a tax reporting perspective and is the amount that would be realized should you sell the lot. Cost basis may need to be adjusted for return of capital payments. An 'earnings' lot represents the aggregate cost basis of all dividends paid that were reinvested in the fund. It you have earnings lots, an additional calculation appears showing the overall change in value of your current position versus the money you invested in the fund. This 'Investment return' shows overall performance of your total investment including dividends reinvested in the fund and market appreciation or depreciation. The 'Investment retum' figure doss not include cash dividends not reinvested in the fund. Eat, annual Trade Shares Unrealized Total shares Description Price Current value income date purchased Purchase price Cost basis (3ainAoss 2,000 PW STRATEGY FD C 6.940 11/29/99 2,000.000 10.000 13880.00 $ 13,880.00 Monthly activity Ca~h fln~, Dale Activity Description Amount 10/31 Balance forward $ .00 11/14 DIVIDEND EOTf ENERGY PARTNERS L P 1900.00 UNIT LTD PARTNERSHIP INT PAID ON 4000 Money fund transactions The FIMA Money Mid. Portfolio is your primary sweep fund. Date Acti vity Money fund 10,31 11/15 BOUGHT 11/17 BOUGHT 11130 Opening AMA Money Mid. Portfolio RMA MONEY MKT. PORTFOLIO RMA MONEY MKT. PORTFOLIO Closing AMA Money Mkt. Portfolio Money funds purchased Date Activity Description 11/17 DIVIDEND 11130 RMA MONEY MKT. PORTFOLIO Funds used for money fund transactions S Closing balance S Amount $ 97,600.92 1,900.00 456.47 $ 99,957.39 $ 2,356.47 Unsettled transaction activity The followinu transactinn~ are nendinn settlement. Trade Settlement date date Activity -- - . - Description Quantity Price! Value Amount 11/28 12/01 SOLD ENRON CORP UNSOLICITED -20,994.000 79 00 1.657,211.07 Continued on page 4 November 00l~ ETF~125~F-OOO6l4 H Total 20,000 20,000 -6,120 -6,120 Amount 456.47 -2,356.47 .00 Ill G)~O ~rflZ -40 -4 Ill 0 November 2000 Resource Management Account Unsettled transaction activity - continued The follo"dng ~ rrade Settlement date date Act, vitv 11/30 12/05 BOUGHT Account Number Your Financial Advisor MONTGOMERY/EMERY 713 654-0200/600-553-3119 Page 4of 4 PaineWebber. Resource Management Account Quantity Price / Value 2,000.000 5.00 TNPC INC UNSOLICITED Total pending securities purchased Total pending securities sold Amount -10.303.00 S -10.303.00 S 1,657,211.07 Year-to-date realized capital gain/loss totals Short-term gains/losses held one year or less: $ "1*302.50 !~!iear-to-date capital gains/losses excluding transactions for which gaIns/losses are not calculated S -4.~9~0 - November ooiin ETF- 125 1F-000615 H EZ4LO2 7392-Xe 432793a. 000007 -4 m G)~8 ~mz ~z-n comz C,, -4 rn 0