Exercise of Non-Qualified Stock Option Same-Day Sale Exercise - Retain for Tax Records ENRON CORP. SUSAN SKILLING Subsidiary: 0011 Grant Number: 113405 SSN Exercise Summary Exercise Date 10/04/2000 Market Price $82.859900 Options Exercised 41,866 Market Value $3,469,012.57 Grant Date 01/21/1997 Option Price $22.250000 Options Granted 41,866 Option Cost $931,518.5D Plan 1991 Sale Price $82.859900 BONUS Exercise Fees Paid $2,627.60 Tax Information Taxable Compensation $2,537,494.07 Tax Code TX Allocation % 100.00 Taxes Due Federal 710,498.34 Medicare 36,793.66 $747,292.00 Same-Day Sale Calculation Totals Options Exercised 41,866 Number of Shares Sold - 41,866 Shares Retained 0 Market Value of Shares Sold Option Cost Witholding Tax Exercise Fees Paid Net Cash Proceeds due Optionee CONTROL NUMBER 28300C ACCOUNT NUMBER UBS PaineWebbw Inc. (713)654-0371 or(800) 713-0231 IGOVERNMENTJ I EXHIBIT I 1246091 $3,469,012.57 - $931,518.50 - $747,292.00 - $2,627.60 $1,787,574.47 page 1 EChOI 2968032 Exercise of Non-Qualified Stock Option Same-Day Sale Exercise - Retain for Tax Records ENRON CORP. SUSAN SKILLING Subsidiary: 0011 Grant Number~ 113404 SSN Exercise Summaiy Exercise Date 10/04/2000 Market Price $82.859900 Options Exercised 41,862 Market Value $3,468,681.1 Grant Date 12/31/1996 Option Price $2 1.562500 Options Granted 41,862 Option Cost $902,649.3 ~ Plan 1991 Sale Price $82.859900 Exercise Fees Paid $2,627.34 Tax Information Taxable Compensation $2,566,031.76 Tax Code TX Allocation % 100.00 Taxes Due Federal 718,488.89 Medicare 37,207.46 $755,696.35 Same-Day Sale Calculation Totals Options Exercised 41,862 Number of Shares Sold - 41,862 Shares Retained 0 Market Value of Shares Sold Option Cost Witholding Tax Exercise Fees Paid Net Cash Proceeds due Optionee CONTROL NUMBER 28300B ACCOUNT NUMBER $3,468,681.13 - $902,649.38 - $755,696.35 - $2,627.34 $1,807,708.06 UBS PameWebber Inc. (713) 654-0371 or (800) 713-0231 page 2 EChOI 2968033 Exercise of Non-Qualified Stock Option Same-Day Sale Exercise - Retain for Tax Records ENRON CORF. SUSAN SKILLING Subsidiary: 0011 Grant Nwnber~ 113403 SSN Exercise Summary Exercise Date 10/04/2000 Market Price $82.859900 Options ExercIsed 142,700 Market Value $11,824,107.7 Grant Date 01/23/1996 Option Price $18.375000 Options Granted 142,700 Option Cost $2,622,112.5) Plaii 1991 Sale Price $82.859900 Exercise Fees Paid $8,956.14 Tax Information Taxable Compensation $9,201,995.23 Tax Code TX Allocation % 100.00 Taxes Due Federal 2,576,558.66 MedIcare 133,428.93 $2,709,987.59 Same-Day Sale Calculation Totals Options Exercised 142,700 Number of Shares Sold - 142,700 Shares Retained 0 Market Value of Shares Sold Option Cost Witholding Tax Exercise Fees Paid Net Cash Proceeds due Optionee CONTROL NUMBER 28300A ACCOUNT NUMBER $11,824,107.73 - $2,622,112.50 - $2,709,987.59 - $8,956.14 $6,483,051.50 UBS PaincWd~b~ Inc. (713) 654-0371 or (800) 713.0231 EChOI 2968034 I, page 3 (Exercise Order Summary) Shares Tendered Total Exercised Total Shares Swapped Total Shares Returned Total Shares Sold Total Shares For Taxes Net Shares Issued Authorization CONTROL NUMBER 28300A UBS PaineWcbbu Inc. (713) 654.0371 or (800) 713-0231 ACCOUNT NUMBER EChOI 2968035 0 226,428 0 0 226,428 0 0 page 4