UNITED STATES DISTRICT COURT FOR THE DISTRICT OF COLUMBIA _________________________________ ELOUISE PEPION COBELL, et al., ) ) Plaintiffs, ) ) v. ) Case No. 1:96CV01285 ) (Judge Lamberth) GALE A. NORTON, Secretary of the ) Interior, et al., ) ) Defendants. ) _________________________________) NOTICE On July 21, 2004, Defendants filed their Objections To Plaintiffs' Statement Of Fees And Expenses Filed June 21, 2004 ("Defendants' Objections"). Exhibit A to our objections is intended to list all of the fee entries submitted by Plaintiffs that fall outside the scope of the Court's relevant orders, but the version originally filed contains an incomplete listing. As a result, the hours and value of those improper billing entries were erroneously stated in Defendants' Objections (pp. 4, 6) as $118,716.26. A corrected listing in the attached Exhibit A indicates that the total sum of such entries is $225,415.32. Calculations concerning Plaintiffs' billable time that is within the scope of the Court's orders and the maximum potential recovery to which Plaintiffs might be entitled were also inaccurately stated in the original filing (pp. 4,8-9), and they too have been corrected. A $30 error in the calculation of the total fees sought by Plaintiffs (pp. 2,3,5,7) has also been adjusted. Exhibit C to Defendants' Objections is intended to itemize Plaintiffs' fee entries that are internally inconsistent, but incorrectly indicated that the total for these improper entries was $12,463.15 for 34.06 hours. The corrected total for the improper entries is $11,932.15 for 34.549 hours. Some of the objection descriptions in the table were also modified. Exhibit C, and the reference to the total value of those entries at page 11 of the main text of Defendants' Objections, have been corrected accordingly. Defendants' original filing also refers (at footnote 14) to Exhibit D, a table that lists all of the billing entries for which Plaintiffs seek recovery and Defendants' applicable objections, but fails to include the actual exhibit. Defendants hereby file the corrected documents and, for the Court's convenience, attach a complete copy of Defendants' Objections in which the aforementioned corrections have been made. Dated: July 23, 2004 Respectfully submitted, ROBERT D. McCALLUM, JR. Associate Attorney General PETER D. KEISLER Assistant Attorney General STUART E. SCHIFFER Deputy Assistant Attorney General J. CHRISTOPHER KOHN Director /s/ Gino D. Vissicchio SANDRA P. SPOONER Deputy Director D.C. Bar No. 261495 JOHN T. STEMPLEWICZ Senior Trial Counsel GINO D. VISSICCHIO Trial Attorney Commercial Litigation Branch Civil Division P.O. Box 875 Ben Franklin Station Washington, D.C. 20044-0875 (202) 514-7194 2 CERTIFICATE OF SERVICE I hereby certify that, on July 23, 2004 the foregoing Notice and Defendant's Corrected Objections to Plaintiffs' Statement of Fees and Expenses Filed June 21, 2004 was served by Electronic Case Filing, and on the following who is not registered for Electronic Case Filing, by facsimile: Earl Old Person (Pro se) Blackfeet Tribe P.O. Box 850 Browning, MT 59417 Fax (406) 338-7530 /s/ Kevin P. Kingston Kevin P. Kingston UNITED STATES DISTRICT COURT FOR THE DISTRICT OF COLUMBIA _________________________________ ELOUISE PEPION COBELL, et al., Plaintiffs, v. GALE A. NORTON, Secretary of the Interior, et al., Defendants. ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) Case No. 1:96CV01285 (Judge Lamberth) _________________________________) DEFENDANTS' CORRECTED OBJECTIONS TO PLAINTIFFS' STATEMENT OF FEES AND EXPENSES FILED JUNE 21, 2004 Pursuant to the Court's Order of May 25, 2004, Defendants respectfully submit their objections to Plaintiffs' Statement Of Fees And Expenses In Accordance With The Court's March 11, 2003 Order (filed June 21, 2004) ("Plaintiffs' Statement"). PRELIMINARY STATEMENT On March 11, 2003, the Court issued a Memorandum and Order imposing sanctions against Defendants under Federal Rule of Civil Procedure 56(g) based on the filing of a declaration executed by Frank Sapienza, the former Director of the Indian Trust Accounting Division of the General Services Administration ("Sapienza Declaration").1 Specifically, the Court ordered Defendants to "compensate Plaintiffs for any reasonable expenses, including attorneys' fees, incurred by plaintiffs as a result of opposing the claims set forth in the Sapienza Affidavit submitted in conjunction with defendants' Third Motion."2 Mem. & Order at 15. The 1 On May 25, 2004, the Court denied our motion to reconsider the sanctions ruling. 2 The "Third Motion" refers to Defendants' Third Phase II Motion For Partial Summary Judgment (filed Sept. 19, 2000) ("Third Motion"). Court ordered Plaintiffs to submit an application "detailing the amount of reasonable expenses and attorneys' fees incurred as a result of preparing and filing their opposition brief to the Third Motion." Id. Plaintiffs have submitted a fee application seeking a staggering $356,804.12, based on 1,165.7 claimed billable hours, in response to the Court's Order allowing them recovery for the preparation of a single summary judgment opposition brief. In so doing, they disregard the limitation prescribed in the Court's Order, seek reimbursement for other motions and activities for which the Court has not allowed them recovery, and seek unreasonable levels of compensation for the work that they ostensibly performed. Because Plaintiffs have so overreached in seeking reimbursement of fees which they could not reasonably believe the Court allowed them to recover, their entire application should be denied under established law in this Circuit. Alternatively, their total claim should be substantially reduced to $29,322.50, a reasonable amount in light of the relief contemplated by the Court's Order. ARGUMENT I. Because Plaintiffs Improperly Seek Fees And Expenses Based On Work For Which They Have Not Been Awarded Recovery, Their Entire Claim Should Be Disallowed The Court's March 11, 2003 Memorandum and Order permits the Plaintiffs to seek reimbursement for fees and expenses "incurred as a result of preparing and filing their opposition brief to the Third Motion." Mem. & Order at 15. Viewed against these clear parameters, Plaintiffs' application is so outlandish that it warrants denial in its entirety. This Court previously has recognized the exacting standards that are to be applied in reviewing fee applications against the government: "The D.C. Circuit has admonished . . . that 2 'where a fee is sought from the United States, which has infinite ability to pay, the court must scrutinize the claim with particular care.'" Cobell v. Babbitt, 188 F.R.D. 122, 125 (D.D.C. 1999) (quoting Copeland v. Marshall, 641 F.2d 880, 888 (D.C. Cir. 1980)). And, in Environmental Defense Fund v. Reilly, 1 F.3d 1254, 1258 (D.C. Cir. 1993), the D.C. Circuit warned: We may deny in its entirety a request for an "outrageously unreasonable" amount, lest claimants feel free to make "unreasonable demands, knowing that the only unfavorable consequence of such misconduct would be reduction of their fee to what they should have asked for in the first place." (quoting Brown v. Stackler, 612 F.2d 1057, 1059 (7th Cir. 1980), and citing Jordan v. Dep't of Justice, 691 F.2d 514, 518 (D.C. Cir. 1982); Trichilo v. Sec'y of Health & Human Servs., 823 F.2d 702, 708 (2d Cir. 1987)). The court also noted that, as an alternative to disallowance of the entire fee request, a court may "impose a lesser sanction, such as awarding a fee below what a 'reasonable' fee would have been in order to discourage fee petitioners from submitting an excessive request." 1 F.3d at 1258. After considering the fees claimed and work performed, the court disallowed the entire fee sought by one of the attorneys for the applicant (but not the others) because of an excessive amount of time claimed for certain tasks. Id. Plaintiffs' Statement fits precisely within the "outrageously unreasonable" standard described in Environmental Defense Fund. Aside from the fact that the overall amount claimed by Plaintiffs (1,165.7 hours and fees and expenses totaling $356,804.12) is grossly excessive in light of the matter for which recovery was allowed, Plaintiffs' Statement is outrageously unreasonable because it seeks substantial sums for work on motions and other tasks for which 3 they were not authorized to request fees.3 Plaintiffs had no basis to believe that they were entitled to include that work in their present application. Their conduct is aggravated by the fact that they have engaged in this practice twice before.4 A substantial sanction is appropriate to ensure that this does not happen again.5 Based upon the dates and descriptions of work contained in the fee statements attached to Plaintiffs' Statement, the vast majority of the hours for which Plaintiffs seek recovery (at least 713.1 hours, which is 61% of the 1,165.70 total hours claimed) involves work on activities other than preparing and filing their opposition brief to the Third Motion.6 See Exh. A (identifying the various activities outside the scope of the Court's Order for which Plaintiffs seek fees). Plaintiffs even go so far as to seek recovery for work on motions as to which they did not prevail, such as 3 Moreover, as discussed in detail in Section II.B.3, infra, there is reason to believe that Plaintiffs have modified their billing records in an effort to increase their fee request. This conduct further militates in favor of denial of their entire fee award. 4 Following the 1999 contempt proceeding, Plaintiffs submitted an application for over $2.3 million, which the Court reduced to under $625,000, finding that Plaintiffs included in their application much work on matters beyond the scope of what the Court's decision stated they could recover at that time. Cobell v. Babbitt, 188 F.R.D. at 123, 139-40. On April 29, 2002, Plaintiffs filed a fee statement claiming over $409,000 for opposing two short discovery motions. The Court substantially reduced that award to $125,484.87, finding that Plaintiffs again included work beyond the scope of the recovery permitted by the Court. Mem. Op. and Order (Nov. 12, 2002). 5 This is particularly important now because Plaintiffs are preparing what is likely to be, based on prior practice, an equally excessive interim fee petition pursuant to EAJA. It bears noting that Plaintiffs have now sought two extensions of time (which the Court has not yet acted upon) in order to compile their "contemporaneous" billing records for that interim petition. 6 The actual quantity of inappropriately claimed time may be higher; many of Plaintiffs' time entries include unsegregated tasks and are too vague to clearly identify which activity they involve. 4 their motion to amend their contempt motion, cross-motions for summary judgment, and their opposition to Defendants' motion to withdraw three summary judgment motions.7 Plaintiffs have ignored the Court's clear instruction that their application be limited to those fees and expenses incurred in connection with the preparation and filing of their opposition brief to the Third Motion. Instead, Plaintiffs' Statement is so far afield from these simple parameters that it cannot reasonably have been thought proper. Because Plaintiffs' Statement contains time for so many clearly non-recoverable tasks, we respectfully request that the Court disallow Plaintiffs' request for recovery in its entirety. As the D.C. Circuit recognized in Environmental Defense Fund v. Reilly, 1 F.3d at 1258, that is the only effective way to deter such wrongful conduct. II. Alternatively, Plaintiffs' Statement Should Be Substantially Reduced Because It Exceeds The Scope Of The Relief Ordered By The Court And Is Grossly Excessive Plaintiffs' Application far exceeds the relief ordered by the Court. First, Plaintiffs seek reimbursement of fees and expenses for work that was not incurred in connection with preparing and filing their opposition brief to the Third Motion. Second, the fees and expenses that Plaintiffs seek are unreasonable because $356,804.12, based on 1,165 hours, is a patently excessive amount for the preparation of a single summary judgment opposition brief. The billing 7 See Order (Mar.11, 2003) (denying Plaintiffs' Consolidated Motion for Leave to Amend and Motion to Amend Plaintiffs' February 15, 2002 Summary Judgment Contempt Motion and a Contempt Finding Pursuant to F.R.C.P. 56(g) in Accordance with Newly Discovered Evidence: the April 19, 2002 Letter of GAO General Counsel Anthony Gamboa to OHTA Director Bert Edwards); Order (Sept. 17, 2002) (denying without prejudice Plaintiffs' Cross-Motions for Summary Judgment as to (A) There Being No Temporal Limit to Defendants' Obligation to Account, and (B) the Non-Settlement of Accounts); Memorandum and Order (Mar. 11, 2002) (granting Defendants' Motion to Withdraw Three Motions for Partial Summary Judgment). 5 entries are also replete with inconsistencies and other improprieties, and include the application of an inappropriate billing rate for non-professional work. Plaintiffs' Fee Statement should be denied insofar as the billing entries included therein suffer from these defects. A. Plaintiffs' Application Goes Beyond The Relief Ordered By The Court The Court expressly limited the fees and expenses for which Plaintiffs could seek reimbursement to those "incurred as a result of preparing and filing their opposition brief to the Third Motion." Mem. & Order at 15. Plaintiffs disregard this limitation and seek fees and expenses for a variety of work unrelated to their opposition brief to the Third Motion, including discovery-related activities; summary judgment motions relating to the Phase 1.5 trial; an opposition to Defendants' motion to withdraw three summary judgment motions and Plaintiffs' cross-motions; a motion to amend Plaintiffs' request for contempt orders; and an opposition to Defendants' motion for reconsideration of the Court's sanctions order. See Exh. A. None of these activities can be construed as "preparing and filing their opposition brief" to the Third Motion for summary judgment and, therefore, they are outside the scope of the Court's Order. Indeed, some of the work for which Plaintiffs seek reimbursement was allegedly performed by Mr. Gingold in June and July 2000, and by Mr. Rempel in June 2000, before the Third Motion was even filed.8 The total value of fees and expenses claimed by Plaintiffs that are outside the scope of the Court's Order is $225,415.32. 8 The Third Motion and accompanying Sapienza Declaration were filed on September 19, 2000. 6 B. Plaintiffs' Application Is Excessive And Unreasonable Plaintiffs seek exorbitant compensation for both work ostensibly within the scope of the Court's Order and activities clearly outside the Order's parameters. They also improperly seek to have non-professional services compensated at a professional rate, and base a significant portion of their fee request on inconsistent or otherwise defective billing entries. 1. The Number Of Billable Hours For Which Plaintiffs Seek Compensation Is Unreasonable Plaintiffs have requested $356,804.12 for 1,165.70 hours of billed time. Under no interpretation can such a sum be deemed reasonable for "preparing and filing their opposition to the Third Motion." In a recent decision analyzing the reasonableness of a fee application, this Court found it appropriate to compare the total number of hours worked to the specific document produced. Mitchell v. National R.R. Passenger Corp., 217 F.R.D. 53, 58-60 (D.D.C. 2003) (Facciola, MJ); see also Environmental Defense Fund v. Reilly, 1 F.3d 1254, 1258 (evaluating fee application under Resource Conservation and Recovery Act by multiplying prevailing hourly rate by number of attorney hours reasonably expended). In making this assessment, the Court considered the complexity of the legal issues and factual analysis involved, as well as whether the work was appropriately delegated. Mitchell, 217 F.R.D. at 58. Applying these factors, the Court found that the fee application was unreasonably high. A 16-page motion for which the applicant sought recovery cost $12,866.25, or $800 per page, to prepare; other documents for which recovery was sought cost more than $500 per page. In finding these sums unreasonable, the Court determined that the work performed by a junior lawyer, allowing for necessary research and familiarization 7 with applicable legal principles, should not exceed one hour per page. The Court further held that a senior lawyer, whose role generally is limited to supervising and editing, should be capable of reviewing a ten-page draft in one hour. Based on these conclusions, the fee award was substantially reduced. Id. at 60. Even looking only at the time Plaintiffs attribute to opposing the Third Motion, which is the only time compensable under the Court's March 11, 2003 and May 25, 2004 Orders, the fees and expenses Plaintiffs seek reach dizzying heights. Plaintiffs claim to have spent 452.83 hours and have billed $131,389.50 to prepare their 38-page opposition brief to the Third Motion and the accompanying 73-page "evidentiary appendix."9 This amounts to $1183.69 per page!10 Id. No degree of complexity could justify such overreaching, particularly given the number of years of legal experience possessed by the lawyers who performed the work. Even employing the rate of one hour per page utilized in Mitchell for the work of an inexperienced attorney, Plaintiffs' 9 This is based on the following individual hours billed by Plaintiffs for work on their opposition brief to the Third Motion: Mr. Brown - 146.23 hours; Mr. Harper - 96.3 hours; Mr. Gingold - 105.2 hours; and Mr. Rempel - 105.1 hours. It is not clear that the appendix Plaintiffs filed with their opposition brief, titled "Evidentiary Appendix Filed In Opposition To Defendants' Third Phase II Motion For Partial Summary Judgment (Re: Settlement Of Accounts By Treasury And GAO), should be factored into the fee analysis. But for purposes of computing the maximum award to which Plaintiffs could be entitled, we include it here as work for which fees may be recoverable under the Court's Order. 10 The time submitted by Plaintiffs for work not within the scope of the Court's orders (and therefore not compensable at all) is similarly extravagant. For example, Plaintiffs claim to have spent 201.5 hours and seek more than $52,000, or $4,053 per page, for preparing their 13- page motion to amend their contempt motion, and 134.42 hours and $29,179, or $1,621 per page, for opposing Defendants' motion to withdraw summary judgment motions and for preparing cross-motions. 8 fees for preparing their opposition to the Third Motion still would be reduced to an amount based on 111 hours of work, or 25% of the hours that Plaintiffs have submitted. Reducing the hours to 25% of those submitted by Plaintiffs, the maximum fees to which Plaintiffs would be entitled with respect to opposing the Third Motion are $29,322.50, consisting of: $12,810 for Mr. Brown (36.6 hours at $350/hour); $4,940.50 for Mr. Harper (24.1 hours at $205/hour); $9,205 for Mr. Gingold (26.3 hours at $350/hour); and $2,367 for Mr. Rempel (26.3 hours at the paralegal rate of $90/hour11). Accordingly, any fee award to Plaintiffs for their work in preparing the opposition brief to the Third Motion should not exceed $29,322.50. 2. Non-Professional Services Rendered By Plaintiffs' Counsel's Consultant Does Not Merit Compensation At A Professional Rate Plaintiffs improperly seek reimbursement for time billed by non-lawyer Geoffrey Rempel at the professional rate of $225 per hour, based on an earlier decision of the Court finding that Mr. Rempel had performed professional accounting services in connection with a prior fee application. See Affidavit of Geoffrey Rempel, executed June 21, 2004 and submitted with Plaintiffs' Statement ("Rempel Aff."), at ¶ 20 (citing Memorandum Opinion (Nov. 12, 2002) at 9). Here, however, Mr. Rempel rendered no professional accounting services in connection with Plaintiffs' opposition brief to the Third Motion. Instead, his work consisted primarily of assisting with the drafting of legal papers and providing other litigation support to Plaintiffs' counsel. As a result, he cannot be compensated based on the provision of professional accounting services. Indeed, because he is not actively licensed as a CPA, see Rempel Aff., ¶ 1, he is not authorized to 11 As discussed in Section II.B.2, infra, Mr. Rempel rendered no professional accounting or legal services that would justify a professional rate of compensation for his work. 9 render professional accounting services. And because he is not a lawyer, he cannot be compensated professionally in that capacity either. Rather, Mr. Rempel's role in connection with Plaintiffs' opposition to the Third Motion can properly be deemed to be only that of a paralegal, and his billing rate should be adjusted downward to reflect that status. Under the Laffey matrix, paralegal work performed in the year 2000 (when Plaintiffs prepared their opposition brief) is compensable at the hourly rate of $90. Accordingly, any fees awarded to Plaintiffs based on work performed by Mr. Rempel in connection with Plaintiffs' opposition to the Third Motion should be reduced by $135 per hour ($225-$90) to reflect the appropriate nature of Mr. Rempel's work.12 3. The Specific Time Entries Submitted By Plaintiffs Reveal Patent Improprieties Plaintiffs' Statement is replete with improper billing entries that warrant denial of fees claimed for that work. First, Plaintiffs' counsel seek reimbursement of fees and expenses that were already submitted, and rejected, on two prior occasions in connection with Plaintiffs' efforts to hold the Secretary and Assistant Secretary in contempt. See Cobell v. Norton, 334 F.3d 1128, 1133 (D.C.Cir. Jul 18, 2003), Cobell v. Norton, 319 F.Supp.2d 36 (D.D.C. 2004). Having attested to those fees as having been incurred in connection with their contempt charges, Plaintiffs cannot now claim such fees as having been incurred in connection with opposing the Third Motion. Plaintiffs employ similar tactics with respect to time that they previously 12 As discussed in Section II.A, supra, time billed by Mr. Rempel for activities unrelated to Plaintiffs' opposition to the Third Motion is not compensable under the Court's order. Moreover, as discussed in Section II.B, supra, the hours Mr. Rempel does attribute to Plaintiffs' opposition brief are excessive and must be reduced to a reasonable level, i.e., 25% of the hours he claims. 10 submitted in connection with the Mona Infield matter. The total value of all time entries included in Plaintiffs' Statement that have been double billed, which are identified in Exhibit B, is $57,748.50. Second, in numerous instances, time entries by one member of Plaintiffs' litigation team are not consistent with those of others. For example, Mr. Gingold seeks reimbursement for an alleged conference call of 0.4 hours with Mr. Harper and Mr. Brown on October 28, 2000, but the billing records of neither Mr. Harper nor Mr. Brown indicate that any such conference call took place. Similarly, Mr. Gingold claims to have spent 1.3 hours on March 11, 2002, and 2.3 hours on March 13, 2002, in teleconferences with Mr. Harper, but Mr. Harper's records do not reflect that any such conferences occurred on those dates. Indeed, there are dozens of entries in the fee schedules submitted by Plaintiffs that are internally inconsistent. The total value of these improper entries, which are set forth in Exhibit C, is $11,932.15. Third, itemized entries included in Plaintiffs' present fee request that were also the subject of previous fee applications made by Plaintiffs in other contexts are not consistent with those prior entries. For example, in the fee application Plaintiffs filed on November 18, 2002, Mr. Gingold sought to be reimbursed for the following billing entry for June 2, 2000: Appear at Special Master meeting with defendants and their counsel; discuss withheld GAO documents and related memoranda re: DOJ/DOI misrepresentations regarding GAO disbursing officer account audits and discharge of accounting duties in accordance with 12/21/99 Court order. Affidavit of Dennis M. Gingold, executed Nov. 18, 2002, Att. B (included in Exh. B(1) hereto). However, in Plaintiffs' present fee application, the same (purportedly contemporaneous) billing entry bears little resemblance to the form in which it was previously submitted: 11 Accompanied by Rempel, met with Master, DOJ, DOI, & DOT re: production of accounting documents relevant to Cobell litigation, including all documentation that purports to represent the settlement of IIM accounts in the custody or control of disbursement officers. Brooks represented that the settlement of Disbursing [sic] officer accounts also settled IIM accounts. Asst. Secretary of the Treasury Don Hammond confirmed that the settlement of disbursing officer accounts did not result in accounting of IIM trust accounts. Affidavit of Dennis M. Gingold, executed June 21, 2004 ("Gingold Aff."), Schedule (included in Exh. B(1) hereto) (emphasis added). The obvious purpose of the new language apparently added by Mr. Gingold is to match statements he makes in his current affidavit in an effort to justify an award beyond the scope defined in the Court's Order: However, the attached Schedule does include time spent on this issue from the time this matter first was presented formally to the Special Master four years ago, a matter candidly discussed by the parties and counsel in the presence of the Master on June 2, 2000. During this meeting, Assistant Treasury Secretary Don Hammond explicitly admitted - contrary to knowingly false claims of defense counsel and the Interior defendants - that neither the GAO nor Treasury had settled, or conducted an accounting of, the accounts of individual Indian trust beneficiaries. Gingold Aff., ¶ 4 (emphasis added). While the foregoing entry is among the most egregious examples in Plaintiffs' Statement, it is only one of over forty billing entries that have been modified by Mr. Gingold to suit the present fee application.13 13 See Exh. (B)(1), Affidavits of Dennis Gingold of Nov. 5, 2002, Nov. 18, 2002, and June 20, 2004, and compare entries for June 2, 2000 (two entries), July 5, 2000, July 25, 2000, Sept. 24, 2000 (two entries), Sept. 25, 2000 (two entries), Sept. 26, 2000 (three entries), Sept. 28, 2000 (two entries), Sept. 30, 2000, Oct. 1, 2000, Oct. 5, 2000, Oct. 7, 2000 (two entries), Oct. 8, 2000, Oct. 28, 2000, Oct. 29, 2000 (two entries), Oct. 30, 2000, Oct. 31, 2000, Nov. 1, 2000, Nov. 2, 2000, Nov. 3, 2000 (four entries), May 1, 2002 (two entries), June 20, 2002, June 21, 2002, June 24, 2002, June 25, 2002, July 5, 2002, July 11, 2002, July 29, 2002, July 30, 2002, Aug. 6, 2002, and Aug. 7, 2002. 12 Plaintiffs also makes inconsistent claims with regard to the billing entries of Mr. Rempel. For example, the fee statement submitted in connection with Plaintiffs' second contempt campaign in 2002 included the following entry for Mr. Rempel for September 23, 2000: Review Defs' Motion for MSJ re: GAO settled accounts for contempt motion. Affidavit of Geoffrey Rempel, executed Nov. 18, 2002, Schedule (included in Exh. B(2))(emphasis added). But in Plaintiffs' present fee application, which is limited only to work related to Plaintiffs' opposition to the Third Motion, Mr. Rempel has deleted the reference "for contempt motion" in an apparent attempt to link his work for that day to the scope of the present fee matter. In the present application, his billing entry for September 23, 2000 now reads simply: Review Defs' Motion for MSJ and exhibits re: GAO settlement of accounts. Rempel Aff., Schedule. In fact, new language has been added to virtually all of Mr. Rempel's present fee entries that were also the subject of a prior fee application in an apparent effort to make them appear related to the award contemplated by the Court. See, e.g., id. at 9/25/00 (adding the language "begin drafting and preparing response"); id. at 9/29/00 (adding the language "re settlement of accounts process"), id. at 10/5/00, 10/6/00, 10/26/00, 10/27/00, and 10/28/00 (adding the language "for purposes of drafting the opposition" to each entry); see Exh. B(2), Affidavits of Geoffrey Rempel of June 21, 2004 and Nov. 18, 2002, and compare entries for Sept. 25, 2000, Sept. 26, 2000, Sept. 27, 2000, (two entries), Oct 5, 2000, Oct. 6, 2000, Oct. 25, 2000, Oct. 26, 2000, Oct. 27, 2000, Oct. 28, 2000 (two entries) Oct. 29, 2000, Nov. 1, 2000, Nov. 2, 2000, Nov. 3, 2000, May 6, 2000. 13 This conduct warrants not only disallowance of those fees that are based on the manipulated billing entries, but outright denial of the entire fee application as outrageously unreasonable. See Section I, supra. Both Mr. Gingold and Mr. Rempel swore that their billing entries were made contemporaneously with the tasks allegedly performed. See Gingold Aff. at ¶ 2; Rempel Aff. at ¶ 15. Yet, these representations cannot be reconciled with the subsequent modification of Plaintiffs' bills to better suit their present fee application. A table identifying all of these suspect billing entries is attached hereto as Exhibit B.14 CONCLUSION Based on the foregoing, Defendants respectfully request that the Court issue an order denying Plaintiffs' entire fee application as outrageously unreasonable. In the alternative, any fee award to Plaintiffs for preparing their opposition brief to the Third Motion should be reduced to an amount not exceeding $29,322.50. Dated: July 23, 2004 Respectfully submitted, ROBERT D. McCALLUM, JR. Associate Attorney General PETER D. KEISLER Assistant Attorney General STUART E. SCHIFFER Deputy Assistant Attorney General J. CHRISTOPHER KOHN Director /s/ Gino D. Vissicchio SANDRA P. SPOONER Deputy Director D.C. Bar No. 261495 JOHN T. STEMPLEWICZ 14 For the Court's convenience, a table reproducing all of the billing entries included in Plaintiffs' Statement, and describing our objections where applicable, is attached as Exhibit D. 14 Senior Trial Counsel GINO D. VISSICCHIO Trial Attorney Commercial Litigation Branch Civil Division P.O. Box 875 Ben Franklin Station Washington, D.C. 20044-0875 (202) 514-7194 15 Brown Entries Outside of Scope of Court Order Date Matter Time Claimed Amount Objection 2/7/02 Research/Review GAO Report 2.5 $900.00 Outside of Scope 2/9/02 Legal Research re Cross-motion for MSJ 3.166 $1,139.76 Outside of Scope 2/11/02 Legal Research re Withdrawing MSJ; Prepare Memorandum of Points and Authorities 3.25 $1,170.00 Outside of Scope 2/12/02 Revise Opposition to Motion to Withdraw MSJ 1.583 $569.88 Outside of Scope 2/12/02 Revise Opposition to Motion to Withdraw MSJ 0.333 $119.88 Outside of Scope 2/13/02 Revise Opposition to Motion to Withdraw MSJ 0.333 $119.88 Outside of Scope 2/13/02 Revise Summary Judgment Opposition 0.666 $239.76 Outside of Scope 2/14/02 Revise Memorandum of Points and Authorities re Cross-Motion for Summary Judgment 2.92 $1,051.20 Outside of Scope 2/14/02 Revise Summary Judgment Opposition 4.916 $1,769.76 Outside of Scope 2/15/02 Revise Summary Judgment Opposition 0.75 $270.00 Outside of Scope 2/15/02 Revise Summary Judgment Opposition 3 $1,080.00 Outside of Scope 2/15/02 Revise Summary Judgment Opposition /miscellaneous re service & filing 1.333 $479.88 Outside of Scope 3/10/02 Review Opposition to Rule 56(g) Motion 1.666 $599.76 Outside of Scope 3/13/02 Prepare Reply re Cross-Motion for Summary Judgment 2.75 $990.00 Outside of Scope 3/13/02 Prepare Reply re Cross-Motion for Summary Judgment 6.916 $2,489.76 Outside of Scope 5/26/04 Review Court Orders re Sapienza Sanctions; Review File re Same 1.166 $443.08 Outside of Scope 6/8/04 Gather and segregate time for Sapienza Fee Application 4.916 $1,868.08 Outside of Scope 6/9/04 Gather and segregate time for Sapienza Fee Application 1.916 $728.08 Outside of Scope Brown Entries Outside of Scope of Court Order Date Matter Time Claimed Amount Objection 6/9/04 Gather and segregate time for Sapienza Fee Application; Prepare MKB Affidavit re fees; Legal Research re Laffey rates 3.666 $1,393.08 Outside of Scope 6/10/04 Prepare MKB Affidavit re fees 1.916 $728.08 Outside of Scope 6/10/04 Legal Research re adjusted Laffey rates/McDowell decision 1.25 $475.00 Outside of Scope 6/10/04 Prepare MKB Affidavit re fees 3.166 $1,203.08 Outside of Scope 6/11/04 Gather and segregate time for Sapienza Fee Application 0.583 $221.54 Outside of Scope 6/11/04 Revise MKB Affidavit re fees 2.916 $1,108.08 Outside of Scope 6/11/04 Revise MKB Affidavit re fees 1.833 $696.54 Outside of Scope 6/11/04 Revise MKB Affidavit re fees/Prepare Application and Order 3.75 $1,425.00 Outside of Scope 6/14/04 Revise MKB Affidavit re fees/Prepare Application and Order 4.166 $1,583.08 Outside of Scope 6/14/04 Finalize MKB Affidavit re fees/Application and Order 1.666 $633.08 Outside of Scope 6/17/04 Telephone Conference with team re time entries re GAO fee application 1.25 $475.00 Outside of Scope Total 70.242 $25,970.32 Gingold Entries Outside of Scope of Court Order Date Matter Time Claimed Amount Objection 6/2/00 Accompanied by Rempel, met with Master, DOJ, DOI & DOT re. production of accounting docs. relevant to Cobell litigation, including all documentation that purports to represent the settlement of IIM accounts in the custody or control of disbursement officers. Brooks represented that settlement of Disbursing officer accounts also settled IIM accounts. sst. Secretary of the Treasury Don Hammond confirmed that the settlement of disbursing officer accounts did not result in an accounting of IIM trust accounts. 2.1 $735.00 Previously Billed/Denied Outside of Scope 6/2/00 Prepare for Special Master meeting re. Defendants misrepresentation re. settlement of Indian disbursing officer accounts as accounting IIM trust accounts. 0.8 $280.00 Previously Billed/Denied Outside of Scope 6/5/00 Telcom. with Brian Ferrell, DOJ, requesting production of all documents relevant to settlement of IIM accounts in the custody or control of disbursement officers, at least with respect to the named plaintiffs and their predecessors-in-interes ? in conformity with the representations of Brooks at the 6.2.00 meeting at the Master's office. 0.3 $105.00 Outside of Scope 6/6/00 Telcoms. with Ferrell re. same. (Document Production & Account Settlement) 0.3 $105.00 Outside of Scope 7/5/00 Telcoms. Holt re. GAO summary judgment/accounting 0.7 $245.00 Previously Billed/Denied Outside of Scope 7/25/00 Draft MSJ surreply re. defs' material misrepresentations re. GAO 1.7 $595.00 Previously Billed/Denied Outside of Scope 2/1/02 Meet and confer with Cynthia Alexander and Matt Fader, DOJ, and object to defendants' motion to withdraw pending motion for partial summary judgement regarding GAO Settlement of Accounts of disbursing officers as discharging the accounting of IIM Trust beneficiaries ("MSJ III"). 0.1 $36.00 Outside of Scope/ Inconsistent with Harper bill 2/1/02 Telcom. Harper re. same. 0.1 $36.00 Outside of Scope 2/1/02 Telcoms. Cobell re. same 0.3 $108.00 Outside of Scope A Gingold Entries Outside of Scope of Court Order Date Matter Time Claimed Amount Objection 2/4/02 Telcom. Cobell re. same, particularly impact false MSJ III was intended to have on class. 0.2 $72.00 Outside of Scope 2/12/02 Telcoms. Ferrell re. MSJ III issues, intended impact, etc. 0.2 $72.00 Outside of Scope 2/14/02 Review and revise Plaintiffs' Opposition to Motion to Withdraw Defendants' Motions for Summary Judgment; Plaintiffs' Cross- Motions for Summary Judgment as to (B) The Non-Settlement of accounts to reinforce such settlement of Indian disbursing officer accounts does not constitute an accounting of IIM trust accounts. 8.5 $3,060.00 Outside of Scope 2/14/02 Telcom. Harper re. same. 0.2 $72.00 Outside of Scope 2/14/02 Conference call with Cobell and Rempel re. defs' motion to withdraw MSJ III, the intended affect of the motion, the deception practiced on the district court, and reasons for the opposition. 0.4 $144.00 Outside of Scope 2/15/02 Finalize revisions and refinement of opp. to defs' motion and cross motion re. MSJ III. 6.2 $2,232.00 Outside of Scope 2/15/02 Conference call with Cobell and Rempel re opp. to motion to withdraw MSJ III and crossmotion for summary judgment. 0.5 $180.00 Outside of Scope 3/5/02 Review, revise, and redraft reply to consolidated MSJ III cross motion and show cause motion. 11 $3,960.00 Outside of Scope 3/5/02 Telcom. Harper re. same. 0.6 $216.00 Outside of Scope/ Inconsistent with Harper bill 3/8/02 Review, revise, and modify current draft of consolidated MSJ III crossmotion. 12 $4,320.00 Outside of Scope 3/11/02 Conference call with Cobell and Rempel re. consolidated MSJ III crossmotion, accounting implica bad faith, irreparable harm. 1.2 $432.00 Outside of Scope 3/11/02 Continue revisions and refinement of MSJ III draft in accordance with discussion with Cobell and Rempel, and Harper. 6.6 $2,376.00 Outside of Scope 3/11/02 Telcom. Harper re. same. 1.3 $468.00 Outside of Scope/ Inconsistent with Harper bill 3/11/02 Telcom. Cobell re. same. 1.1 $396.00 Outside of Scope 3/11/02 Discussion with Rempel re. MSJ III reply draft and necessary revisions, additional supporting documents. 0.8 $288.00 Outside of Scope Gingold Entries Outside of Scope of Court Order Date Matter Time Claimed Amount Objection 3/12/02 Continue revisions and refinement of MSJ III reply draft, including factual appendix. 14.5 $5,220.00 Outside of Scope 3/12/02 Telcom. Harper re. same. 1.1 $396.00 Outside of Scope/ Inconsistent with Harper bill 3/12/02 Conference call Brown and Harper re. same. 0.8 $288.00 Outside of Scope/ Inconsistent with Harper bill 3/12/02 Discussion with Rempel re. same. 0.6 $216.00 Outside of Scope 3/13/02 Finalize revisions and refinement of MSJ III reply draft, including factual appendix; confirm supporting documentation. 13.2 $4,752.00 Outside of Scope 3/13/02 Telcom. Harper re. same. 2.3 $828.00 Outside of Scope/ Inconsistent with Harper bill 3/13/02 Telcom. Cobell re. same. 0.5 $180.00 Outside of Scope 3/13/02 Conference call Cobell and Rempel re. same. 0.4 $144.00 Outside of Scope/ Inconsistent with Harper bill 4/22/00 Review GAO Gamboa April 19, 2002 letter that confirms knowingly false representations made re. settlement of IIM accounts. 0.5 $180.00 Outside of Scope 4/22/00 Telcoms. Harper re. same and implications of knowingly false representations to Court and pltffs' and plaintiffs' counsel. 0.6 $216.00 Outside of Scope 4/23/02 Telcom. Cobell re. same. 0.5 $180.00 Outside of Scope 4/23/02 Telcom. Harper re. same. 0.4 $144.00 Outside of Scope/ Inconsistent with Harper bill 4/24/02 Review implications of Gamboa admissions and willful misrepresentations to Court and pltffs' counsel; review all filings by government and plaintiffs related thereto and consider options to rectify consequences of deception. 2.9 $1,044.00 Outside of Scope 4/24/02 Telcom. Holt re. same. 0.3 $108.00 Outside of Scope/Denied 4/24/02 Telcom. Levitas re same. 0.7 $252.00 Outside of Scope/Denied Gingold Entries Outside of Scope of Court Order Date Matter Time Claimed Amount Objection 4/24/02 Telcom. Cobell re. same. 0.5 $180.00 Outside of Scope/Denied 4/24/02 Telcom. Harper re. same. 0.6 $216.00 Inconsistent with Harper bill; Outside of Scope/Denied 4/24/02 Telcom. Fasold re. same. 0.2 $72.00 Ouside of Scope/Denied 4/25/02 Telcom. Harper re. same. 0.4 $144.00 Inconsistent with Harper bill; Outside of Scope/Denied 4/25/02 Telcom. Levitas re same. 0.1 $36.00 Outside of Scope/Denied 5/1/02 Telcom. Craig Lawrence, U.S. Attorney's Office re. Gamboa letter and its implications. 0.2 $72.00 Previously Billed/Denied; Outside of Scope 5/1/02 Telcoms. Scott Harris, U.S. Attorney's Office, re. same. 0.4 $144.00 Previously Billed/Denied; Outside of Scope 5/2/02 Telcom. Craig Lawrence, U.S. Attorney's Office, re same. 0.4 $144.00 Previously Billed/Denied; Outside of Scope 5/2/02 Work on notice of supplemental authority re. Gamboa letter. 0.6 $216.00 Outside of Scope/Denied 5/2/02 Telcoms. Harper re. discussions with U.S. Attorney's office and notice of supplemental authority re. Gamboa letter. 0.9 $324.00 Inconsistent with Harper bill; Outside of Scope/Denied 5/3/02 Review and revise consolidated motion for leave to amend plaintiffs' 2.15.02 MSJ III contempt motion and finding pursuant to R 56(g) per newly discovered evidence, i.e., the Gamboa letter. 5.6 $2,016.00 Outside of Scope/Denied 5/3/02 Telcom. Craig Lawrence, U.S. Attorney's Office, re same. 0.1 $36.00 Outside of Scope/ Previously Billed/Denied 5/4/02 Work on notice of supp. authority, leave to amend 2.15.02 MSJ III contempt motion, amendment of MSJ III contempt motion per newly discovered evidence. 3.9 $1,404.00 Outside of Scope/Denied Gingold Entries Outside of Scope of Court Order Date Matter Time Claimed Amount Objection 5/5/02 Continue to draft and revise same. 6.3 $2,268.00 Outside of Scope/Denied 5/5/02 Telcom. Harper re. issues and implications re. same. 0.1 $36.00 Inconsistent with Harper bill; Outside of Scope/Denied 5/6/02 Telcom. Lawrence re. same. 0.2 $72.00 Outside of Scope/ Previously Billed/Denied 5/6/02 Work on notice of supp. authority, leave to amend 2.15.02 MSJ III contempt motion, amendment of MSJ III contempt motion per newly discovered evidence. 5.3 $1,908.00 Outside of Scope/Denied 5/6/02 Telcoms. Harper re. same. 0.2 $72.00 Inonsistent with Harper bill; Outside of Scope/Denied 5/7/02 Work on motion for leave to amend 2.15.02 MSJ III contempt motion, amendment of MSJ III contempt motion per newly discovered evidence. 3.7 $1,332.00 Outside of Scope/Denied 5/7/02 Telcoms. Lawrence re. same. 1.2 $432.00 Outside of Scope/Denied 5/9/02 Telcoms. Harper re. same. 0.3 $108.00 Inconsistent with Harper bill; Outside of Scope/Denied 5/9/02 Work on motion for leave to amend 2.15.02 MSJ III contempt motion, amendment of MSJ III contempt motion per newly discovered evidence. 5.4 $1,944.00 Outside of Scope/ Denied 5/10/02 Work on motion for leave to amend 2.15.02 MSJ III contempt motion, amendment of MSJ III contempt motion per newly discovered evidence. 0.2 $72.00 Outside of Scope/ Denied 5/10/02 Telcom. Lawrence re. same. 0.1 $36.00 Outside of Scope/ Denied 5/10/02 Telcom. Harper re. same. 0.1 $36.00 Inconsistent with Harper bill; Outside of Scope/ Denied 5/12/02 Telecom. Harper re same. 0.2 $72.00 Inconsistent with Harper bill; Outside of Scope /Denied Gingold Entries Outside of Scope of Court Order Date Matter Time Claimed Amount Objection 5/13/02 Work on motion to amend 2.15.02 MSJ III contempt motion, amendment of MSJ III contempt motion per newly discovered evidence. 2.7 $972.00 Outside of Scope/ Denied 5/13/02 Telcoms. Harper re. same. 0.4 $144.00 Inconsistent with Harper bill; Outside of Scope/ Denied 5/13/02 Telcoms. Levitas re. same. 0.3 $108.00 Outside of Scope 5/14/02 Telcom with Lawrence re. same. 0.4 $144.00 Outside of Scope/ Denied 5/14/02 Discussion with Rempel re. same. 0.1 $36.00 Outside of Scope/ Denied 5/14/02 Telcom. Cobell re. same. 0.4 $144.00 Outside of Scope/ Denied 5/14/02 Telcom. Levitas re same. 0.5 $180.00 Outside of Scope/ Denied 5/15/02 Work on motion to amend 2.15.02 MSJ III contempt motion, amendment of MSJ III contempt motion per newly discovered evidence. 1.8 $648.00 Outside of Scope/ Denied 5/15/02 Telcoms. Harper re. comments to same. 0.4 $144.00 Inconsistent with Harper bill; Outside of Scope/ Denied 5/16/02 Telcom. Lawrence re. same. 0.1 $36.00 Outside of Scope/ Denied 5/16/02 Work on motion to amend 2.15.02 MSJ III contempt motion, amendment of MSJ III contempt motion per newly discovered evidence. 7.4 $2,664.00 Outside of Scope/ Denied 5/16/02 Telcom. Scott Harris re. same. 0.1 $36.00 Outside of Scope/ Denied 5/17/02 Work on motion to amend 2.15.02 MSJ III contempt motion, amendment of MSJ III contempt motion per newly discovered evidence. 7 $2,520.00 Outside of Scope/ Denied 5/18/02 Work on motion to amend 2.15.02 MSJ III contempt motion, amendment of MSJ III contempt motion per newly discovered evidence. 1.9 $684.00 Outside of Scope/ Denied 5/20/02 Work on motion to amend 2.15.02 MSJ III contempt motion, amendment of MSJ III contempt motion per newly discovered evidence. 2.2 $792.00 Outside of Scope/ Denied Gingold Entries Outside of Scope of Court Order Date Matter Time Claimed Amount Objection 5/24/02 Work on motion to amend 2.15.02 MSJ III contempt motion, amendment of MSJ III contempt motion per newly discovered evidence. 4.7 $1,692.00 Outside of Scope/ Denied 5/24/02 Telcom. Lawrence re. same. 0.1 $36.00 Outside of Scope/ Denied 5/24/02 Telcom. Cobell re. same. 0.4 $144.00 Outside of Scope/ Denied 5/24/02 Telcom. Cobell re. same. 0.1 $36.00 Outside of Scope/ Denied 5/25/02 Work on motion to amend 2.15.02 MSJ III contempt motion, amendment of MSJ III contempt motion per newly discovered evidence. 4 $1,440.00 Outside of Scope/ Denied 5/25/02 Telcoms. Harper re. same. 0.2 $72.00 Inconsistent with Harper bill; Outside of Scope/ Denied 5/26/02 Work on motion to amend 2.15.02 MSJ III contempt motion, amendment of MSJ III contempt motion per newly discovered evidence. 7.1 $2,556.00 Outside of Scope/ Denied 5/27/02 Work on motion to amend 2.15.02 MSJ III contempt motion, amendment of MSJ III contempt motion per newly discovered evidence. 8.8 $3,168.00 Outside of Scope/ Denied 5/27/02 Telcom. Harper re. same. 0.2 $72.00 Inconsistent with Harper bill; Outside of Scope/ Denied 5/28/02 Work on motion to amend 2.15.02 MSJ III contempt motion, amendment of MSJ III contempt motion per newly discovered evidence. 2.6 $936.00 Outside of Scope/ Denied 5/28/02 Telcom. Lawrence re. same. 0.2 $72.00 Outside of Scope/ Denied 5/30/02 Work on motion to amend 2.15.02 MSJ III contempt motion, amendment of MSJ III contempt motion per newly discovered evidence. 2.5 $900.00 Outside of Scope/ Denied 5/30/02 Telcom. Harper re. same. 0.3 $108.00 Inconsistent with Harper bill; Outside of Scope 5/31/02 Telcom. Lawrence re. same. 0.1 $36.00 Outside of Scope/Denied 6/1/02 Work on motion to amend 2.15.02 MSJ III contempt motion, amendment of MSJ III contempt motion per newly discovered evidence. 3.4 $1,258.00 Outside of Scope/Denied Gingold Entries Outside of Scope of Court Order Date Matter Time Claimed Amount Objection 6/3/02 Telcom. Lawrence re. meet and confer re filing of MSJ III contempt motion. 0.4 $148.00 Outside of Scope/Denied 6/3/02 Work on motion to amend 2.15.02 MSJ III contempt motion, amendment of MSJ III contempt motion per newly discovered evidence. 2 $740.00 Outside of Scope/Denied 6/3/02 Discussion with Rempel re. same. 0.5 $185.00 Outside of Scope/Denied 6/3/02 Telcoms. Harper re. same. 0.3 $111.00 Inconsistent with Harper bill; Outside of Scope/Denied 6/4/02 Continued telcoms. Lawrence re. meet and confer on MSJ III contempt motion. 0.7 $259.00 Outside of Scope/Denied 6/4/02 Telcoms. Harper re. same. 0.4 $148.00 Outside of Scope/Denied 6/4/02 Finalize motion to amend 2.15 02 MSJ III contempt motion, amendment fo MSJ III contempt motion per newly discovered evidence. 8.6 $3,182.00 Outside of Scope/Denied 6/6/02 Research and analyze complex personal service issues re. nonparties as to same. 4 $1,480.00 Outside of Scope/Denied 6/6/02 Telcoms. Scott Harris, U.S. Attorney's Office, re. same. 0.4 $148.00 Outside of Scope/Denied 6/6/02 Telcoms. Lawrence re. same. 0.6 $222.00 Outside of Scope/Denied 6/6/02 Telcoms. Harper re. same. 0.6 $222.00 Outside of Scope/Denied 6/7/02 Telcom. Lawrence re. unresolved personal service issues in connection with MSJ III contempt. 0.1 $37.00 Outside of Scope/Denied 6/7/02 Conference call Rempel, Harper, Brown concerning appealability of contempt re. MSJ III contemnors, officially and individually, including DOJ attorneys. 1.1 $407.00 Inconsistent with Harper & Brown bills; Outside of Scope/Denied 6/8/02 Telcoms. Lawrence re. MSJ III personal service logistical issues. 0.5 $185.00 Outside of Scope/Denied 6/8/02 Telcoms. Harper re. same. 1.5 $555.00 Inconsistent with Harper bill; Outside of Scope/Denied 6/9/02 Telcom. Lawrence re. unresolved personal service issues in connection with MSJ III contempt. 0.1 $37.00 Outside of Scope/Denied Gingold Entries Outside of Scope of Court Order Date Matter Time Claimed Amount Objection 6/19/02 Telcom. Lawrence re. production of GAO documents referenced in Gamboa letter but withheld by defendants. 0.5 $185.00 Outside of Scope/Denied 6/20/02 Telcom. Lawrence re. same. 0.1 $37.00 Outside of Scope/ Previously Billed/Denied 6/20/02 Telcom. Harper re. same. 0.1 $37.00 Outside of Scope/Denied/In consistent with Harper bill 6/21/02 Telcom. Lawrence re. same. 0.1 $37.00 Previously Billed; Outside of Scope/Denied 6/24/02 Telcoms. Lawrence re. same. 0.3 $111.00 Previously Billed; Outside of Scope/Denied 6/24/02 Meet with Cobell concerning Gamboa letter and MSJ III. 1 $370.00 Outside of Scope/Denied 6/25/02 Work on reply to MSJ III, including review of defs' cases and authorities and begin preparation of draft. 5 $1,850.00 Outside of Scope/Denied 6/25/02 Telcom. Lawrence re. production of GAO documents referenced in Gamboa letter but withheld by defendants. 0.4 $148.00 Previously Billed; Outside of Scope/Denied 6/26/02 Continue work on Gamboa/MSJ III reply; includes research and draft revisions. 2.2 $814.00 Outside of Scope/Denied 6/27/02 Continue work on Gamboa/MSJ III reply; includes research and draft revisions. 1.3 $481.00 Outside of Scope/Denied 6/27/02 Telcom. Harper re. same. 0.1 $37.00 Inconsistent with Harper bill; Outside of Scope/Denied 6/27/02 Meet with Cobell re. same. 0.4 $148.00 Outside of Scope/Denied 6/28/02 Continue work on Gamboa/MSJ III reply; includes research and draft revisions. Consolidated Motion for Leave to Amend and Motion to Amend Plaintiffs' February 15, 2002 Summary Judgment Contempt Motion and a Contempt Finding Pursuant to F.R.C.P. 56(g) in accordance with Newly Discovered Evidence: The April 19, 2002 Letter of GAO General Counsel Anthony Gamboa to OHTA Director Bert Edwards). 3.7 $1,369.00 Outside of Scope/Denied Gingold Entries Outside of Scope of Court Order Date Matter Time Claimed Amount Objection 6/28/02 Telcom. Harper re. same. 0.4 $148.00 Inconsistent with Harper bill; Outside of Scope 7/1/02 Telcom. Lawrence re. production of GAO documents referenced in Gamboa letter but withheld by defendants. 0.1 $37.00 Outside of Scope/Denied 7/5/02 Telcom. Lawrence re. continued failure to produce GAO documents referenced, and in connection, with Gamboa letter. 0.2 $74.00 Previously Billed; Outside of Scope/Denied 7/9/02 Telcom. Lawrence re. continued failure to produce GAO documents referenced, and in connection, with Gamboa letter. 0.5 $185.00 Previously Billed; Outside of Scope/Denied 7/11/02 Telcom. Lawrence re. continued failure to produce GAO documents referenced, and in connection with Gamboa letter. 0.4 $148.00 Previously Billed; Outside of Scope/Denied 7/19/02 Prepare letter to Lawrence re. continued failure to produce GAO documents referenced, and in connection with, Gamboa letter, particularly with respect to docs. created, or received, by Interior and Treasury in response to GAO general counsel's opinion that IIM accounts were not settled. 1 $370.00 Outside of Scope/Denied 7/29/02 Telcom. Lawrence re. same. 0.3 $111.00 Previously Billed; Outside of Scope/Denied 7/30/02 Prepare letter response to Lawrence re. same. 0.3 $111.00 Previously Billed; Outside of Scope/Denied 8/6/02 Telcom. Lawrence re. same. 0.3 $111.00 Previously Billed; Outside of Scope/Denied 8/7/02 Telcom. Lawrence re. same. 0.1 $37.00 Previously Billed; Outside of Scope/Denied 8/8/02 Review first production of docs. referenced in Gamboa letter further demonstrating bad faih of defs' in filing MSJ III. 1.3 $481.00 Outside of Scope/Denied 9/13/02 Telcoms. Lawrence re. production of remaining relevant Gamboa related docs. 0.2 $74.00 Outside of Scope/Denied 9/16/02 Telcom. Lawrence re. same. 0.1 $37.00 Outside of Scope/Denied 1/28/03 Conference call Harper and Brown re. need to file MSJ declaring settlement of disbursing officer accounts does not settle or constitute accounting of IIM Trust accounts. 0.4 $148.00 Outside of Scope; Inconsistent with Brown & Harper bills Gingold Entries Outside of Scope of Court Order Date Matter Time Claimed Amount Objection 1/30/03 Review documents in support of statement of undesputed material facts re. MSJ settlements of Account. Review and revise Plaintiffs' Motion for Partial Summary Judgment as to the NonSettlement of Accounts and Defendants' Failure to Perform the Accounting, in Whole or Part, Ordered by this Court on December 21, 1999 and Plaintiffs' Statement of Material Fasts as to Which There is No Genuine Issue in Support of Motion for Partial Summary Judgment. 6.1 $2,257.00 Outside of Scope 1/31/03 Telcom. Harper re. same. 0.3 $111.00 Outside of Scope; Inconsistent with Harper bill 1/31/03 Review and revise motion for partial summary judgment and 5.4 $1,998.00 Outside of Scope 2/3/03 Finalize revisions and refinement of motion for partial summary judgment and undisputed material facts. 6.1 $2,257.00 Outside of Scope 2/15/03 Telcom. Harper re. same and opp. to defs' motion to strike GAO MSJ. 0.4 $148.00 Outside of Scope; Inconsistent with Harper bill 2/21/03 Revise and redraft Reply to defs' opp. to GAO MSJ. 3.6 $1,332.00 Outside of Scope 2/21/03 Telcoms. Harper re. same. 0.4 $148.00 Outside of Scope; Inconsistent with Harper bill 2/21/03 Telcom. Levitas re same. 0.2 $74.00 Outside of Scope 2/24/03 Telcom. Harper re. same. 0.4 $148.00 Outside of Scope; Inconsistent with Harper bill 2/24/03 Telcoms. Levitas re. same. 0.5 $185.00 Outside of Scope; 2/26/03 Telcom. Levitas re same. 0.1 $37.00 Outside of Scope Gingold Entries Outside of Scope of Court Order Date Matter Time Claimed Amount Objection 2/27/03 Prepare affidavit in support of Plaintiffs' Consolidated Motion to Treat as Conceded Plaintiffs' Motion for Partial Summary Judgment as to the NonSettlement of Accounts and Defendants' Failure to Perform the Accounting, in Whole or Part, Ordered by this Court on December 21, 1999 and to Strike as Untimely Defendants' Opposition to Plaintiffs' Motion for Partial Summary Judgment as to NonSettlement of Accounts, or in the Alternative, Motion for Enlargement of Time Within Which to Reply to Defendants' Opposition Brief; review and revise motion to strike as conceded Plaintiffs' Motion for Partial Summary Judgment. 4.3 $1,591.00 Outside of Scope 3/8/03 Review and Revise draft Motion to Continue and Enlargement of Time re. GAO Summary Judgment. 5.5 $2,035.00 Outside of Scope 3/12/03 Review and revise Plaintiffs' Motion to Continue Defendants' Motions for Summary Judgment Pursuant to Fed. R. Civ. P. 56(f) and to Enlarge Plaintiffs' Time to Respond Thereto and Affidavit of Dennis Gingold in Support Thereof and draft affidivate which avers, among other things, that 8 requests for docs. regarding the April 19, 2002 Gamboa letter remained unsatisifed, affecting plaintiffs' ability to provide fully informed opposition to defs' motion. 4.3 $1,591.00 Outside of Scope 3/10/03 Review documents and begin draft affidavit in support of Motion to Continue GAO MSJ due to failure of defendants' to produced relevant referenced docuements. 3.8 $1,406.00 Outside of Scope 3/12/03 Continue such review and preparation of affidavit. 0.3 $111.00 Outside of Scope 3/13/03 Finalize same and prepare affidavit in support of Plaintiffs' Motion to Continue Motions for Summary Judgment due to failure of defendants to produce documents relevant to GAO Settlements issues, including evidence related to Defendants' Statement of Material Facts in Support of Motion for Partial Summary Judgment re. April 19, 2002 Gamboa letter and document references contained therein. 7.4 $2,738.00 Outside of Scope 3/13/03 Telcom. Harper re. same. 0.3 $111.00 Outside of Scope 4/7/03 Review and revise Plaintiffs' Reply re. Motion to Continue Defendants' Motions for Summary Judgment Pursuant to Fed. R. Civ. P. 56(f) and to Enlarge Plaintiffs' Time to Respond Thereto due to defs' refusal to comply with relevant doc. production requests. 1.3 $481.00 Outside of Scope 4/8/03 Review and revise Opposition to Defendants' Latest Motion for Reconsideration with Respect to this Court's March 11, 2003 Memorandum and Order and Request for Enlargement of Time Within Which to Submit Filing Detailing Amount of Reasonable Expenses and Attorneys' Fees Incurred. 2.9 $1,073.00 Outside of Scope Gingold Entries Outside of Scope of Court Order Date Matter Time Claimed Amount Objection 4/9/03 Review and Revise Plaintiffs' Reply to Defendants' Opposition to Plaintiffs' Motion for Partial Summary Judgment as to the NonSettlement of Accounts. 4.2 $1,554.00 Outside of Scope 6/7/04 Review relevant memoranda and orders and diary entries, allocate and begin preparation of time 7 $2,730.00 Outside of Scope 6/7/04 Telcom. Harper re. scope of orders and time allocation issues. 0.4 $156.00 Outside of Scope 6/8/04 Allocate, review briefs, other filings, affidavits, related briefs, and prepare time in accordance with GAO sanctions decision. 8.3 $3,237.00 Outside of Scope 6/9/04 Telcoms. Harper re. same. 0.7 $273.00 Outside of Scope; Inconsistent with Harper bill 6/9/04 Allocate and prepare time in accordance with GAO sanctions decision. 5.1 $1,989.00 Outside of Scope 6/10/04 Allocate and prepare time in accordance with GAO sanctions decision. 8.4 $3,276.00 Outside of Scope 6/11/04 Allocate and prepare time in accordance with GAO sanctions decision. 6.5 $2,535.00 Outside of Scope 6/12/04 Allocate and prepare time in accordance with GAO sanctions decision. 4 $1,560.00 Outside of Scope 6/13/04 Allocate and prepare time in accordance with GAO sanctions decision. 4.8 $1,872.00 Outside of Scope 6/14/03 Begin preparation of affidavit in support of fee application. Allocate and prepare time in accordance with GAO sanctions decision. 5.7 $2,223.00 Outside of Scope 6/14/04 Revise draft affidavit in support of GAO fee request. 1 $390.00 Outside of Scope 6/14/04 Telcom. Harper re. GAO time and scope of roders 0.2 $78.00 Outside of Scope; Inconsistent with Harper bill 6/15/04 Allocate and adjust time in accordance with GAO sanctions decision; revise draft affidavit; review Rempel time and affidavit to confirm accuracy and fairness; discuss issues with Rempel re same. 7 $2,730.00 Outside of Scope 6/16/04 Review and revise GAO Fee Schedule to correct errors and clarify per discussions with Rempel and Harper as to scope of Orders and work performed in connection with defendants’ repeated filing of false Sapienza declaration. Revise affidavit to conform to such discussion. 1.6 $624.00 Outside of Scope Gingold Entries Outside of Scope of Court Order Date Matter Time Claimed Amount Objection 6/16/04 Conference call Rempel and Harper to confirm accuracy of time entries and scope of action taken in connection with protection of class re. defs’ repeated filing of false Sapienza declaration. 2 $780.00 Outside of Scope; Inconsistent with Harper bill 6/16/04 Conference call Rempel, Harper, and Brown re. same. 1 $390.00 Outside of Scope; Inconsistent with Harper & Brown bills 6/17/04 Continue revision of affidavit in conformity with same. 0.9 $351.00 Outside of Scope 6/17/04 Telcom. Harper re. same. 0.2 $78.00 Outside of Scope 6/19/04 Revise transmittal papers to Court in accordance with comments from Rempel and Harper. 0.8 $312.00 Outside of Scope 6/19/04 Telcoms. Harper re. same and comments re. affidavits. 0.5 $195.00 Outside of Scope; Inconsistent with Harper bill 6/20/04 Draft memorandum to Brown re. clarification of Brown affidavit and time. 0.4 $156.00 Outside of Scope 6/21/04 Telcoms. Harper re. clarification of affidavits and time entries in conformity with order. 0.5 $195.00 Outside of Scope; Inconsistent with Harper bill 6/21/04 Review Brown revisions. 0.3 $117.00 Outside of Scope 6/21/04 Provide comments to Brown on additional revision. 0.2 $78.00 Outside of Scope 6/21/04 Continuing preparation of GAO time. 0.3 $117.00 Outside of Scope Total 362.5 $133,441.00 Rempel Entries Outside of Scope of Court Order Date Matter Time Claimed Amount Objection 6/2/00 Meet and Confer /w DOI and DOI counsel before Special Master re various motions. Includes discussion w/ Dennis Gingold, Mark Brown between meetings and preparation and review of the existing status of discovery. During the course of this meeting Assistant Secretary Don Hammond confirmed that the settlement of accounts process did not constitute an accounting of the individual Indian trust accounts. 6.5 $1,462.50 Outside of Scope 12/15/01 Review material, including facsimiles from the Department of Justice and discovery material and prepare for contempt trial. 4.0 $900.00 Outside of Scope 12/16/01 Review material, including facsimiles from the Department of Justice and discovery material and prepare for contempt trial. 2.5 $562.50 Outside of Scope 2/4/02 Review Defs' Motion to Withdrawal Motions for Summary Judgment. Edit, draft Opposition to Defs' Motion to Withdraw MSJ. 2.8 $630.00 Outside of Scope; Pltfs did not prevail on Opposition to Motion to Withdraw 2/10/02 Edit, draft Opposition to Defs' Motion to Wthdrawal MSJ. Includes review of trial testimony and exhibits attached to original MSJ. 5.9 $1,327.50 Outside of Scope; Pltfs did not prevail on Opposition to Motion to Withdraw 2/11/02 Edit, draft Opposition to Defs' Motion to Wthdrawal MSJ. 5.5 $1,237.50 Outside of Scope; Pltfs did not prevail on Opposition to Motion to Withdraw 2/12/02 Edit, draft Opposition to Defs' Motion to Wthdrawal MSJ. 9.5 $2,137.50 Outside of Scope; Pltfs did not prevail on Opposition to Motion to Withdraw 2/14/02 CC w/ Elouise Cobell, Dennis Gingold e Defs' 3rd MSJ and motion to withdrawal. 0.4 $90.00 Outside of Scope; Pltfs did not prevail on Opposition to Motion to Withdraw 2/14/02 Prepare opposition to motion to withdrawal MSJ's and crossmotions for summary judgment and sanctions for seeking to mislead the Court. 8.4 $1,890.00 Outside of Scope; Pltfs did not prevail on Opposition to Motion to Withdraw r Rempel Entries Outside of Scope of Court Order Date Matter Time Claimed Amount Objection 2/15/02 CC w/ Elouise Cobell, Dennis Gingold re Defs' 3rd MSJ and motion to withdrawal. 0.5 $112.50 Outside of Scope; Pltfs did not prevail on Opposition to Motion to Withdraw 2/15/02 Prepare opposition to motion to withdrawal MSJ's and crossmotions for summary judgment and sanctions for seeking to mislead the Court. File and service opposition. 6.8 $1,530.00 Outside of Scope; Pltfs did not prevail on Opposition to Motion to Withdraw 3/5/02 Review defendants' opposition to plaintiffs MSJ (incl. settlement of accounts) and prepare to draft reply. 5.0 $1,125.00 Outside of Scope; Adjusted to $95/hour 3/5/02 CC w/ Elouise Cobell re Defendants' 3rd MSJ and ubsequent withdrawal. 0.3 $67.50 Outside of Scope; Pltfs did not prevail on Opposition to Motion to Withdraw 3/6/02 Draft and edit reply to defendants' opposition to plaintiffs' MSJ (incl. settlement of accounts). 7.2 $1,620.00 Outside of Scope; Adjusted to $95/hour 3/7/02 Draft and edit reply to defendants' opposition to plaintiffs' MSJ (incl. settlement of accounts). 8.0 $1,800.00 Outside of Scope; Adjusted to $95/hour 3/8/02 Draft and edit reply to defendants' opposition to plaintiffs' MSJ (incl. settlement of accounts). 6.5 $1,462.50 Outside of Scope; Adjusted to $95/hour 3/9/02 Draft and edit reply to defendants' opposition to plaintiffs' MSJ (incl. settlement of accounts). 2.5 $562.50 Outside of Scope; Adjusted to $95/hour 3/10/02 Draft and edit reply to defendants' opposition to plaintiffs' MSJ (incl. settlement of accounts). 1.5 $337.50 Outside of Scope; Adjusted to $95/hour 3/11/02 CC with Elouise Cobell, Dennis Gingold re Defs' 3rd MSJ and drafting of reply in support of Plaintiffs' MSJ re settlement of accounts. 1.2 $270.00 Outside of Scope; Adjusted to $95/hour s Rempel Entries Outside of Scope of Court Order Date Matter Time Claimed Amount Objection 3/11/02 Draft and edit reply to defendants' opposition to plaintiffs' MSJ (incl. settlement of accounts). 1.5 $337.50 Outside of Scope; Adjusted to $95/hour 3/11/02 Discuss w/ Dennis Gingold re Defendants' 3rd MSJ and drafting of reply in support of Plts' MSJ re settlement of accounts. 0.8 $180.00 Outside of Scope; Adjusted to $95/hour 3/12/02 Discuss w/ Dennis Gingold re Defendants' 3rd MSJ and drafting of reply in support of Plts' MSJ re settlement of accounts. 0.6 $135.00 Outside of Scope; Adjusted to $95/hour 3/12/02 Draft and edit reply to defendants' opposition to plaintiffs' MSJ (incl. settlement of accounts). 6.0 $1,350.00 Outside of Scope; Adjusted to $95/hour 3/13/02 CC w/ Elouise Cobell, Dennis Gingold re Defs' 3rd MSJ and drafting of reply in support of Plaintiffs' MSJ re settlement of accounts. 0.4 $90.00 Outside of Scope; Adjusted to $95/hour 3/13/02 Draft and edit reply to defendants' opposition to plaintiffs' MSJ (incl. settlement of accounts). File and serve reply. 11.2 $2,520.00 Outside of Scope; Excessive; Time; Gingold bills 13.2 hrs. for "finalizing revisions and refinement" of reply draft 5/6/02 Notice of Supplemental Authority - Draft, prepare, file and serve notice regarding GAO letter from GAO General Counsel to Bert Edwards, Director of OHTA re settlement of accounts process. 2.6 $585.00 Outside of Scope; Previously Billed 5/9/02 Draft and edit Plaintiffs' Consolidated Motion for Leave to Amend and Motion to Amend Plaintiffs' February 15, 2002 Summary Judgment Contempt Motion and a Contempt Finding Pursuant to F.R.C.P. 56(g) in Accordance with Newly Discovered Evidence: the April 19, 2002 Letter of GAO General Counsel Anthony Gamboa to OHTA Director Bert Edwards. 4.5 $1,012.50 Outside of Scope Rempel Entries Outside of Scope of Court Order Date Matter Time Claimed Amount Objection 5/14/02 Draft and edit Plaintiffs' Consolidated Motion for Leave to Amend and Motion to Amend Plaintiffs' February 15, 2002 Summary Judgment Contempt Motion and a Contempt Finding Pursuant to F.R.C.P. 56(g) in Accordance with Newly Discovered Evidence: the April 19, 2002 Letter of GAO General Counsel Anthony Gamboa to OHTA Director Bert Edwards. 3.8 $855.00 Outside of Scope 5/14/02 Discuss w/ Dennis Gingold re motion to amend GAO Motion for Summary Judgment. 0.1 $22.50 Outside of Scope 5/15/02 Draft and edit Plaintiffs' Consolidated Motion for Leave to Amend and Motion to Amend Plaintiffs' February 15, 2002 Summary Judgment Contempt Motion and a Contempt Finding Pursuant to F.R.C.P. 56(g) in Accordance with Newly Discovered Evidence: the April 19, 2002 Letter of GAO General Counsel Anthony Gamboa to OHTA Director Bert Edwards. 4.8 $1,080.00 Outside of Scope 5/30/02 Draft and edit Plaintiffs' Consolidated Motion for Leave to Amend and Motion to Amend Plaintiffs' February 15, 2002 Summary Judgment Contempt Motion and a Contempt Finding Pursuant to F.R.C.P. 56(g) in Accordance with Newly Discovered Evidence: the April 19, 2002 Letter of GAO General Counsel Anthony Gamboa to OHTA Director Bert Edwards. 1.5 $337.50 Outside of Scope 6/3/02 Draft and edit Plaintiffs' Consolidated Motion for Leave to Amend and Motion to Amend Plaintiffs' February 15, 2002 Summary Judgment Contempt Motion and a Contempt Finding Pursuant to F.R.C.P. 56(g) in Accordance with Newly Discovered Evidence: the April 19, 2002 Letter of GAO General Counsel Anthony Gamboa to OHTA Director Bert Edwards. 0.7 $157.50 Outside of Scope 6/3/02 Discuss w/ Dennis Gingold re motion to amend and Defs' 3rd MSJ (re settlement of accounts process). 0.5 $112.50 Outside of Scope 6/4/02 Draft and edit Plaintiffs' Consolidated Motion for Leave to Amend and Motion to Amend Plaintiffs' February 15, 2002 Summary Judgment Contempt Motion and a Contempt Finding Pursuant to F.R.C.P. 56(g) in Accordance with Newly Discovered Evidence: the April 19, 2002 Letter of GAO General Counsel Anthony Gamboa to OHTA Director Bert Edwards . 6.5 $1,462.50 Outside of Scope 6/6/02 Discuss w/ Dennis Gingold re GAO motion to amend and sanctions. 0.7 $157.50 Outside of Scope 6/6/02 CC w/ investigator re service of motion to amend for individuals personally identified in that motion. 0.2 $45.00 Outside of Scope 6/7/02 CC w/ Mark Brown, Keith Harper, Dennis Gingold re appealability of contempt in the context of GAO sanctions memorandum. 1.1 $247.50 Outside of Scope Rempel Entries Outside of Scope of Court Order Date Matter Time Claimed Amount Objection 6/22/02 Draft and edit Reply in support of Plaintiffs' Consolidated Motion for Leave to Amend and Motion to Amend Plaintiffs' February 15, 2002 Summary Judgment Contempt Motion and a Contempt Finding Pursuant to F.R.C.P. 56(g) in Accordance with Newly Discovered Evidence: the April 19, 2002 Letter of GAO General Counsel Anthony Gamboa to OHTA Director Bert Edwards. 4.5 $1,012.50 Outside of Scope 6/23/02 Draft and edit Reply in support of Plaintiffs' Consolidated Motion for Leave to Amend and Motion to Amend Plaintiffs' February 15, 2002 Summary Judgment Contempt Motion and a Contempt Finding Pursuant to F.R.C.P. 56(g) in Accordance with Newly Discovered Evidence: the April 19, 2002 Letter of GAO General Counsel Anthony Gamboa to OHTA Director Bert Edwards. 5.2 $1,170.00 Outside of Scope 6/24/02 Draft and edit Reply in support of Plaintiffs' Consolidated Motion for Leave to Amend and Motion to Amend Plaintiffs' February 15, 2002 Summary Judgment Contempt Motion and a Contempt Finding Pursuant to F.R.C.P. 56(g) in Accordance with Newly Discovered Evidence: the April 19, 2002 Letter of GAO General Counsel Anthony Gamboa to OHTA Director Bert Edwards. 2.1 $472.50 Outside of Scope 6/24/02 Meet w/ Elouise Cobell re Defs' 3rd MSJ and reply in support of motion to amend. 1.2 $270.00 Outside of Scope 6/25/02 Draft and edit Reply in support of Plaintiffs' Consolidated Motion for Leave to Amend and Motion to Amend Plaintiffs' February 15, 2002 Summary Judgment Contempt Motion and a Contempt Finding Pursuant to F.R.C.P. 56(g) in Accordance with Newly Discovered Evidence: the April 19, 2002 Letter of GAO General Counsel Anthony Gamboa to OHTA Director Bert Edwards. 5.3 $1,192.50 Outside of Scope 6/25/02 Work with investigator to locate individuals identified in plaintiffs reply in support of motion to amend. 1.5 $337.50 Outside of Scope 6/26/02 Draft and edit Reply in support of Plaintiffs' Consolidated Motion for Leave to Amend and Motion to Amend Plaintiffs' February 15, 2002 Summary Judgment Contempt Motion and a Contempt Finding Pursuant to F.R.C.P. 56(g) in Accordance with Newly Discovered Evidence: the April 19, 2002 Letter of GAO General Counsel Anthony Gamboa to OHTA Director Bert Edwards. 6.4 $1,440.00 Outside of Scope 6/27/02 Draft and edit Reply in support of Plaintiffs' Consolidated Motion for Leave to Amend and Motion to Amend Plaintiffs' February 15, 2002 Summary Judgment Contempt Motion and a Contempt Finding Pursuant to F.R.C.P. 56(g) in Accordance with Newly Discovered Evidence: the April 19, 2002 Letter of GAO General Counsel Anthony Gamboa to OHTA Director Bert Edwards. 5.6 $1,260.00 Outside of Scope Rempel Entries Outside of Scope of Court Order Date Matter Time Claimed Amount Objection 6/28/02 Draft and edit Reply in support of Plaintiffs' Consolidated Motion for Leave to Amend and Motion to Amend Plaintiffs' February 15, 2002 Summary Judgment Contempt Motion and a Contempt Finding Pursuant to F.R.C.P. 56(g) in Accordance with Newly Discovered Evidence: the April 19, 2002 Letter of GAO General Counsel Anthony Gamboa to OHTA Director Bert Edwards. 1.9 $427.50 Outside of Scope 4/8/03 Draft and edit Opposition to defendants' motion to reconsider the Court's GAO sanctions memorandum opinion awarding plaintiffs' sanctions for the deliberate filing of a false and misleading affidavit (Sapienza). 8.5 $1,912.50 Outside of Scope 5/26/04 Review GAO Order; Consider order in context delay and year old otion for reconsideration. Review original 3/11/03 sanctions order. 1.5 $337.50 Outside of Scope; Adjusted to $105/hr. 5/26/04 Review time sheets for GAO-related material. Begin process of compiling time sheets. 1.5 $337.50 Outside of Scope; Adjusted to $105/hr. 6/4/04 Compile GAO Sanctions time. Includes reviewing time sheets and determining whether such time should be included in application. 5.1 $1,147.50 Outside of Scope; Adjusted to $105/hr. 6/4/04 Discuss w/ Dennis Gingold regarding GAO fees and application. 0.4 $90.00 Outside of Scope; Adjusted to $105/hr. 6/5/04 Compile GAO Sanctions time. Includes reviewing time sheets and determining whether such time should be included in application. 1.2 $270.00 Outside of Scope; Adjusted to $105/hr. 6/6/04 Compile GAO Sanctions time. Includes reviewing time sheets and determining whether such time should be included in application. 2.5 $562.50 Outside of Scope; Adjusted to $105/hr. 6/6/04 Discuss w/ DG re GAO memorandum opinion and compiling time for application. Includes discussion of affidavits to be included. 0.3 $67.50 Outside of Scope; Adjusted to $105/hr. 6/7/04 Compile GAO Sanctions time. Includes reviewing time sheets and determining whether such time should be included in application. 6.1 $1,372.50 Outside of Scope; Adjusted to $105/hr. 6/7/04 Draft affidavit in connection with GAO sanctions memorandum $292.50. 1.3 $292.50 Outside of Scope; Adjusted to $105/hr. m Rempel Entries Outside of Scope of Court Order Date Matter Time Claimed Amount Objection 6/8/04 Compile GAO Sanctions time. Includes reviewing time sheets and determining whether such time should be included in application. 1.5 $337.50 Outside of Scope; Adjusted to $105/hr. 6/9/04 Discuss GAO Sanctions and compilation of hours with Dennis Gingold. 1.2 $270.00 Outside of Scope; Adjusted to $105/hr. 6/10/04 Discuss GAO Sanctions and compilation of hours with Dennis Gingold. 0.4 $90.00 Outside of Scope; Adjusted to $105/hr. 6/10/04 Discuss GAO Sanctions and compilation of hours with Dennis Gingold. 3.1 $697.50 Outside of Scope; Adjusted to $105/hr. 6/11/04 Draft affidavit in support of GAO application. 2.1 $472.50 Outside of Scope; Adjusted to $105/hr. 6/11/04 Discuss with Dennis Gingold re GAO fee and expense application. 0.4 $90.00 Outside of Scope; Adjusted to $105/hr. 6/14/04 Compile time records in support of GAO fee and expense application; includes review of draft cover prepared by Mark Brown. 4.3 $967.50 Outside of Scope; Adjusted to $105/hr. 6/15/04 Review Dennis Gingold hours, convert electronic file for editing, correct conversion errors. 2.1 $472.50 Outside of Scope; Adjusted to $105/hr. 6/15/04 Review Dennis Gingold affidavit. 0.5 $112.50 Outside of Scope; Adjusted to $105/hr. 6/15/04 Review and edit Rempel affidavit. 0.7 $157.50 Outside of Scope; Adjusted to $105/hr. 6/15/04 Discuss GAO with Dennis Gingold. 1.1 $247.50 Outside of Scope; Adjusted to $105/hr. Rempel Entries Outside of Scope of Court Order Date Matter Time Claimed Amount Objection 6/16/04 Compile time records in support of GAO fee and expense application; includes review of draft cover prepared by Mark Brown. 1.8 $405.00 Outside of Scope; Previously Billed 6/16/04 Discuss w/ Dennis Gingold re GAO application. 0.5 $112.50 Outside of Scope; Adjusted to $105/hr. 6/16/04 Review, edit Gingold Time and expense application. 2.2 $495.00 Outside of Scope; Adjusted to $105/hr. 6/17/04 CC w/ Keith Harper, Dennis Gingold (Mark Brown some) re GAO application. 2.0 $450.00 Outside of Scope; Inconsistent with Harper bill 6/17/04 Edit, Dennis Gingold GAO time. 1.6 $360.00 Outside of Scope; Adjusted to $105/hr. 6/17/04 Edit, review Rempel time and application. 0.5 $112.50 Outside of Scope; Adjusted to $105/hr. 6/17/04 Review Mark Brown time and expense. 2.4 $540.00 Outside of Scope; Adjusted to $105/hr. 6/17/04 Discuss w/ Dennis Gingold re GAO time. 0.8 $180.00 Outside of Scope; Adjusted to $105/hr. 6/18/04 CC w/ Keith Harper, Dennis Gingold e GAO application and memorandum. 0.2 $45.00 Outside of Scope; Adjusted to $105/hr. 6/18/04 Review and edit Gingold Time and expense for GAO application. 0.3 $67.50 Outside of Scope; Adjusted to $105/hr. 6/18/04 Update Rempel Affidavit and supporting GAO schedule. 1.1 $247.50 Outside of Scope; Adjusted to $105/hr. r Rempel Entries Outside of Scope of Court Order Date Matter Time Claimed Amount Objection 6/19/04 Discuss GAO application with Dennis Gingold. 0.4 $90.00 Outside of Scope; Adjusted to $105/hr. 6/21/04 Review Brown GAO time and affidavit. 0.9 $202.50 Outside of Scope; Adjusted to $105/hr. 6/21/04 Finalize edits and serve GAO application. 3.2 $720.00 Outside of Scope; Adjusted to $105/hr. Total 229.9 $51,727.50 Harper Entries Outside of Scope of Court Order Date Matter Time Claimed Amount Objection 12/10/00 Review government filings including motion for sanctions and reply motion for summary judgement on the settlement of accounts by GAO Pre-1951 2.5 $512.50 Outside of scope 2/14/02 Review draft brief in opposition to motion to withdraw and cross motion for summary judgement and discuss same with DG 1.5 $390.00 Outside of scope 3/6/02 Telephone call from DG re: MSJ withdrawal and sanctions request 0.4 $104.00 Outside of scope, Inconsistent with Gingold's bill 3/12/02 Review and edit draft MSJ waiver brief and sanctions request reply 2 $520.00 Outside of scope 6/4/02 Review and edit GAO contempt supplemental and amendment 3.5 $927.50 Outside of scope 1/29/03 Conference call with IIM team re: response to government's Jan 6 plans and need for GAO summary judgement motion 1.1 Outside of scope 1/31/03 Draft and finalize GAO summary judgement motion; edit; review and add additional authorities; finalize order and statement of incontraverted facts 8 $2,120.00 Outside of scope 3/12/03 Review opinion of court re: GAO "settlement of Accounts" and false affidavit; sanctions granted 1 $265.00 Outside of scope 4/8/03 Draft and edit opposition to motion for reconsideration for GAO sanctions award 2.5 $662.50 Outside of scope 4/12/03 Draft Plaintiffs reply in further support of MSJ on GAO failure to provide accounting 4.5 $1,192.50 Outside of scope 4/13/03 Draft and edit and discuss with co-counsel-plaintiffs reply in support of MSJ on GAO failure to settle accounts 5 $1,325.00 Outside of scope 4/14/03 Finalize reply in support of MSJ re: GAO failure to settle accounts 3.3 $874.00 Outside of scope 6/2/04 Review opinion denying motion for reconsideration for GAO/Sapienza bad faith affidavit fees and expenses 0.4 $134.00 Outside of scope 6/7/04 Review Time records for GAO/Sapenza atement of fees and expenses 2.5 $837.50 Outside of scope 6/7/04 Confer with DG re: GAO expenses and cover sheet for GAO/Sapenza bad faith affidavit 0.5 $167.50 Outside of scope 6/16/04 Review time records to determine what claims court's May 11 order granting fees for GAO MSJ and Sapienza bad faith affidavit 2.1 $703.50 Outside of scope 6/17/04 Review edit cover memorandum to support fee application in compliance with courts May 11 order granting fees for GAO MSJ and Sapienza bad faith affidavit 3 $1,005.00 Outside of scope $291.50 st Harper Entries Outside of Scope of Court Order Date Matter Time Claimed Amount Objection 6/17/04 Conference call to DG and GR to discuss scope of courts May 11th order granting fees for GAO MSJ and Sapienza bad faith affidavit and review time jointly to ensure accuracy 2 $670.00 Outside of scope; Inconsistent with Gingold's & Rempel's bill 6/18/04 Draft affidavit in support of fee application in compliance with court's May 11 order granting fees for GAO MSJ and Sapienza bad faith affidavit; finalize time record claims; review prior decisions to ensure conformity with prior judicial guidance 4.7 $1,574.50 Outside of scope Total 50.5 $14,276.50 Total Time and Amount Claimed Outside of Scope of Order Time Claimed Amount Total 713.1 $225,415.32 REVIEW OF GINGOLD SCHEDULE: FEES PREVIOUSLY SUBMITTED 06/21/04, 11/18/02 & 11/05/02 Affidavits Items # Date Matter Time Claimed Amount Objection Adjusted Amount 1 6/2/00 Prepare for Special Master meeting re. Defendants misrepresentation re. settlement of Indian disbursing officer accounts as accounting IIM trust accounts 0.8 $280.00 Previously Billed / Denied $0.00 2 6/2/00 Accompanied by Rempel, met with Master, DOJ, DOI, & DOT re. production of accounting docs. relevant to Cobell litigation, including all documentation that purports to represent the settlement of IIM accounts in the custody or control of disbursement officers. Brooks represented that the settlement of Disbursing officer accounts also settled IIM accounts. Asst. Secretary of the Treasury Don Hammond confirmed that the settlement of disbursing officer accounts did not result in an accounting of IIM trust accounts. 2.1 $735.00 Previously Billed / Denied $0.00 3 7/5/00 Telcoms. Holt re. GAO summary judgment/accounting 0.7 $245.00 Previously Billed / Denied $0.00 4 7/25/00 Draft MSJ surreply re. Defs' material misrepresentations re. GAO 1.7 $595.00 Previously Billed / Denied $0.00 5 9/24/00 Review MSJ, note defs' claims, identify responses, and assess authorities in opposition to such claims. 0.7 $245.00 Previously Billed / Denied $0.00 6 9/24/00 Review relevant documents and prepare letters to Brooks and Ferrell concerning same and in response to letters defending MSJ claims. 2.2 $770.00 Previously Billed / Denied $0.00 7 9/25/00 Work on MSJ III response; begin review legal authorities, e.g., "Law of Appropriations" and cases and Comptroller General discussion of nature and scope of settlement of accounts process and legal impact; begin review of documents related thereto. 8 $2,800.00 Previously Billed / Denied $0.00 8 9/25/00 Telcoms. Harper re. nature and scope of settlements-of-account process per Comptroller General. 0.3 $105.00 Previously Billed / Denied $0.00 9 9/26/00 Continue document review, revisions, legal research for MSJ III response. 4.5 $1,575.00 Previously Billed / Denied $0.00 10 9/26/00 Telcom. Harper re. MSJ III draft. 0.2 $70.00 Previously Billed / Denied $0.00 11 9/26/00 Telcom. Holt re. same. 0.3 $105.00 Previously Billed / Denied $0.00 REVIEW OF GINGOLD SCHEDULE: FEES PREVIOUSLY SUBMITTED 06/21/04, 11/18/02 & 11/05/02 Affidavits Items # Date Matter Time Claimed Amount Objection Adjusted Amount 12 9/28/00 Continue document review, revisions, legal research for MSJ III response 6.2 $2,170.00 Previously Billed / Denied $0.00 13 9/28/00 Telcom. Harper re. MSJ III draft. 0.4 $140.00 Previously Billed / Denied $0.00 14 9/30/00 Continue document review, revisions, legal research for MSJ III response 5 $1,750.00 Previously Billed / Denied $0.00 15 10/1/00 Continue document review, revisions, legal research for MSJ IIIresponse 1 $350.00 Previously Billed / Denied $0.00 16 10/4/00 Telcoms. with Harper re. MSJ III response. 1.4 $490.00 Previously Billed / Denied $0.00 17 10/5/00 Telcom. Interior witness confirming false GAO MSJ. 0.1 $35.00 Previously Billed / Denied $0.00 18 10/7/00 Continue work on MSJ III response; continue review of legal authorities; documents, including data reports, oil & gas reports, and assessments of nature and scope of settlements process re. the class. 9.1 $3,185.00 Previously Billed / Denied $0.00 19 10/7/00 Telcoms. with Harper re. MSJ III documentation issues given the refusal of Interior and Treasury to produce documents to support their settlement of account claims. 0.9 $315.00 Previously Billed / Denied $0.00 20 10/8/00 Continue document review, revisions, legal research for MSJ III response. Includes review of data reports, oil & gas reports, and assessments of nature and scope of settlements process re. the class; compare "accounting" to desk audits by GAO and Treasury of disbursing officer reports. 3.9 $1,365.00 Previously Billed / Denied $0.00 21 10/28/00 Revise and redraft draft opposition to MSJ III. 4.5 $1,575.00 Previously Billed / Denied $0.00 22 10/28/00 Telcom. Harper re. MSJ III issues. 0.5 $175.00 Previously Billed / Denied $0.00 23 10/29/00 Revise and redraft draft opposition to MSJ III. 4 $1,400.00 Previously Billed / Denied $0.00 24 10/29/00 Telcom. Harper re. defendants' misrepresentations regarding settlement of accounts v. accounting. 0.1 $35.00 Previously Billed / Denied $0.00 25 10/30/00 Continue revisions of MSJ III draft response. 4.6 $1,610.00 Previously Billed / Denied $0.00 REVIEW OF GINGOLD SCHEDULE: FEES PREVIOUSLY SUBMITTED 06/21/04, 11/18/02 & 11/05/02 Affidavits Items # Date Matter Time Claimed Amount Objection Adjusted Amount 26 10/31/00 Revise and redraft opposition to MSJ III. 6.9 $2,415.00 Previously Billed / Denied $0.00 27 11/1/00 Revise and redraft draft opposition to MSJ III based on Rempel additions. 6.1 $2,135.00 Previously Billed / Denied $0.00 28 11/2/00 Continue revisions of Rempel additions to MSJ III draft response and review and comment on Rempel affidavit in support of certain factual statements including admissions of Hammond. 4.4 $1,540.00 Previously Billed / Denied $0.00 29 11/3/00 Finalize Plaintiffs' Opposition to Defendants' Third Phase II Motion for Partial Summary Judgement (Re: Settlement of Accounts by Treasury and GAO). 11.6 $4,060.00 Previously Billed / Denied $0.00 30 11/3/00 Telcoms. with Harper re. finalization of MSJ III opposition. 0.4 $140.00 Previously Billed / Denied $0.00 31 11/3/00 Telcom. Ferrell re. service of MSJ III opposition. 0.1 $35.00 Previously Billed / Denied $0.00 32 11/3/00 Telcom. Cobell re. MSJ III issues. 0.3 $105.00 Previously Billed / Denied $0.00 33 5/1/02 Telcom. Craig Lawrence, U.S. Attorney's Office re. Gamboa letter and its implications. 0.2 $72.00 Previously Billed / Denied $0.00 34 5/1/02 Telcoms. Scott Harris, U.S. Attorney's Office, re. same. 0.4 $144.00 Previously Billed / Denied $0.00 35 6/20/02 Telcom. Lawrence re. same. 0.1 $37.00 Previously Billed $0.00 36 6/21/02 Telcom. Lawrence re. same. 0.1 $37.00 Previously Billed $0.00 37 6/24/02 Telcoms. Lawrence re. same. 0.3 $111.00 Previously Billed $0.00 38 6/25/02 Telcom. Lawrence re. production of GAO documents referenced in Gamboa letter but withheld by defendants. 0.4 $148.00 Previously Billed $0.00 39 7/5/02 Telcom. Lawrence re. continued failure to produce GAO documents referenced, and in connection, with Gamboa letter. 0.2 $74.00 Previously Billed $0.00 40 7/9/02 Telcom. Lawrence re. continued failure to produce GAO documents referenced, and in connection, with Gamboa letter. 0.5 $185.00 Previously Billed $0.00 REVIEW OF GINGOLD SCHEDULE: FEES PREVIOUSLY SUBMITTED 06/21/04, 11/18/02 & 11/05/02 Affidavits Items # Date Matter Time Claimed Amount Objection Adjusted Amount 41 7/11/02 Telcom. Lawrence re. continued failure to produce GAO documents referenced, and in connection with Gamboa letter. 0.4 $148.00 Previously Billed $0.00 42 7/29/02 Telcom. Lawrence re. same. 0.3 $111.00 Previously Billed $0.00 43 7/30/02 Prepare letter response to Lawrence re. same. 0.3 $111.00 Previously Billed $0.00 44 8/6/02 Telcom. Lawrence re. same. 0.3 $111.00 Previously Billed $0.00 45 8/7/02 Telcom. Lawrence re. same. 0.1 $37.00 Previously Billed $0.00 Total 96.6 $33,876.00 $0.00 IN THE UNITED STATES DISTRICT COURT FOR THE DISTRICT OF COLUMBIA ELOUISE PEPION COBELL, et al., on their own behalf and on behalf of all persons similarly situated, Plaintiffs, v. GALE NORTON, Secretary of the Interior, et al., Defendants. ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) Civil Action No. 96-1285 (RCL) __________________ AFFIDAVIT OF DENNIS M. GINGOLD 1. My name is Dennis M. Gingold. I am a member of the Bar of this Court and am lead attorney for plaintiffs in this action. I make this affidavit in support of plaintiffs' request for fees and expenses in connection with certain sanctionable conduct of defendants as outlined in this Court’s March 11, 2003 Memorandum and Order and reaffirmed in its May 25, 2004 Memorandum and Order (collectively the “Orders”). 2. I maintain my time records in annual, hard copy diaries. Contemporaneous with the completion of a particular task or activity, I manually enter the time charged on the date the professional service is rendered; the specific matter or task; the time expended, to the tenth of an hour; and a brief description of the work performed. From this diary, I enter my time 1 IIM TRUST LITIGATION Gingold Schedule: GAO Settlement of Accounts Sanctions DATE TIME SUBJECT MATTER 6.2.00 2.1 Accompanied by Rempel, met with Master, DOJ, DOI, & DOT re. production of accounting docs. relevant to Cobell litigation, including all documentation that purports to represent the settlement of IIM accounts in the custody or control of disbursement officers. Brooks represented that the settlement of Disbursing officer accounts also settled IIM accounts. Asst. Secretary of the Treasury Don Hammond confirmed that the settlement of disbursing officer accounts did not result in an accounting of IIM trust accounts. 0.8 Prepare for Special Master meeting re. Defendants misrepresentation re. settlement of Indian disbursing officer accounts as accounting IIM trust accounts. 6.5.00 0.3 Telcom. with Brian Ferrell, DOJ, requesting production of all dcouments relevant to settlement of IIM accounts in the custody or control of disbursement officers, at least with respect to the named plaintiffs and their predecessors-in-interes ? in conformity with the representations of Brooks at the 6.2.00 meeting at the Master's office. 6.6.00 0.3 Telcoms. with Ferrell re. same. 7.5.00 0.7 Telcoms. Holt re. GAO summary judgment/accounting. 7.25.00 1.7 Draft MSJ surreply re. defs’ material misrepresentations re. GAO accounting issues. 9.19.00 0.2 Telcom. Harper re. GAO settlement issues and action to take regarding Brooks delivery of threat to file motion for summary judgment claiming falsely that the settlement of disbursing officers' accounts for 30 years discharges defs' accounting duty from 1921-1950. 9.20.00 0.3 Telcom. with Harper re. same. 9.22.00 0.8 Telcoms. with Ferrell re. GAO settlements of account issues and conflicting representatiions of Brooks and Hammond. 0.6 Meet with Rempel re. Defendants Third Phase II Motion for Partial Summary Judgment (Re: Settlement of Accounts by Treasury and GAO) ("MSJ III") and in responce collect documents in create factual appendix to explicitly refute misrepresentations, including opinion of Don Hammond. 9.24.00 0.7 Review MSJ, note defs' claims, identify responses, and assess authorities in opposition to such claims. 2.2 Review relevant documents and prepare letters to Brooks and Ferrell concerning same and in response RATE AMOUNT $350.00 $735.00 $350.00 $280.00 $350.00 $105.00 $350.00 $350.00 $350.00 $105.00 $245.00 $595.00 $350.00 $70.00 $350.00 $105.00 $350.00 $280.00 $350.00 $210.00 $350.00 $245.00 $350.00 $770.00 to letters defending MSJ claims. DATE TIME SUBJECT MATTER RATE AMOUNT 9.25.00 8.0 Work on MSJ III response; begin review legal authorities, e.g., $350.00 $2,800.00 "Law of Appropriations" and cases and Comptroller General discussion of nature and scope of settlement of accounts process and legal impact; begin review of documents related thereto. 0.4 Telcom. with Ferrell re. same. $350.00 $140.00 0.3 Telcoms. Harper re. nature and scope of settlements-of-account $350.00 $105.00 process per Comptroller General. 9.26.00 4.5 Continue document review, revisions, legal research for MSJ III $350.00 $1,575.00 response. 0.2 Telcom. Harper re. MSJ III draft. $350.00 $70.00 0.3 Telcom. Holt re. same. $350.00 $105.00 9.27.00 5.0 Continue document review, revisions, legal research for MSJ III $350.00 $1,750.00 response. 9.28.00 6.2 Continue document review, revisions, legal research for MSJ III $350.00 $2,170.00 response. 0.4 Telcom. Harper re. MSJ III draft. $350.00 $140.00 9.30.00 5.0 Continue document review, revisions, legal research for MSJ III $350.00 $1,750.00 response. 10.1.00 1.0 Continue document review, revisions, legal research for MSJ III $350.00 $350.00 response. 10.4.00 1.4 Telcoms. with Harper re. MSJ III response. 0.1 Telcom. Holt re. MSJ III issues. 0.8 Review relevant authorities; docoumentation. 10.5.00 4.9 Continue work on MSJ III response; continue review of legal authorities; documents. 0.1 Telcom. Interior witness confirming false GAO MSJ. 10.6.00 0.2 Discussion with Rempel re. relevance of BIA regs. to MSJ III and Trial 1 testimony and exhibits related thereto for reference in opposition to MSJ III. 10.7.00 9.1 Continue work on MSJ III response; continue review of legal authorities; documents, including data reports, oil & gas reports, and assessments of nature and scope of settlements process re. the class. 0.9 Telcoms. with Harper re. MSJ III documentation issues given the refusal of Interior and Treasury to produce documents to support their settlement of account claims. 10.8.00 3.9 Continue document review, revisions, legal research for MSJ III response. Includes review of data reports, oil & gas reports, and assessments of nature and scope of settlements process re. the class; compare "accounting" to desk audits by GAO and Treasury of disbursing officer reports. 10.28.00 4.5 Revise and redraft draft opposition to MSJ III. 0.4 Conference call with Harper and Brown re. status of MSJ III and issues that need to be flushed out. $350.00 $490.00 $350.00 $35.00 $350.00 $280.00 $350.00 $1,715.00 $350.00 $35.00 $350.00 $70.00 $350.00 $3,185.00 $350.00 $315.00 $350.00 $1,365.00 $350.00 $1,575.00 $350.00 $140.00 1.2 Discussion with Rempel re. MSJ III draft and necessary edits. $350.00 $420.00 0.5 Telcom. Harper re. MSJ III issues. $350.00 $175.00 DATE TIME SUBJECT MATTER RATE AMOUNT 10.29.00 4.0 Revise and redraft draft opposition to MSJ III. $350.00 $1,400.00 0.1 Telcom. Harper re. defendants' misrepresentations regarding $350.00 $35.00 settlement of accounts v. accounting. 0.2 Discussion with Rempel re. MSJ III draft and necessary edits. $350.00 $70.00 10.30.00 0.5 Conference call with Harper and Brown re. status of MSJ III. $350.00 $175.00 1.0 Conference call with Rempel, Harper and Brown re. status of $350.00 $350.00 remaining tasks re. MSJ III response includling need for Rempel supporting affidavit vis-a-vis admissions of Don Hammond, etc. 4.6 Continue revisions of MSJ III draft response. $350.00 $1,610.00 10.31.00 6.9 Revise and redraft opposition to MSJ III. $350.00 $2,415.00 11.1.00 6.1 Revise and redraft draft opposition to MSJ III based on Rempel $350.00 $2,135.00 additions. 11.2.00 4.4 Continue revisions of Rempel addtitions to MSJ III draft response $350.00 $1,540.00 and review and comment on Rempel affidavit in support of certain factual statements including admissions of Hammond. 0.4 Conference call with Rempel, Harper and Brown re. status of $350.00 $140.00 remaining tasks and text of Rempel affidavit. 11.3.00 11.6 Finalize Plaintiffs' Opposition to Defendants' Third Phase II Motion $350.00 $4,060.00 for Partial Summary Judgement (Re: Settlement of Accounts by Treasury and GAO). 0.4 Telcoms. with Harper re. finalization of MSJ III opposition. $350.00 $140.00 0.1 Telcom. Ferrell re. service of MSJ III opposition. $350.00 $35.00 0.3 Telcom. Cobell re. MSJ III issues. $350.00 $105.00 11.6.00 0.5 Telcom. Brown re. Sanctions for defs’ materially false GAO MSJ $350.00 $175.00 III. 2.1.02 0.1 Meet and confer with Cynthia Alexander and Matt Fader, DOJ, and $360.00 $36.00 object to defendants' motion to withdraw pending motion for partial summary judgement regarding GAO Settlement of Accounts of disbursing officers as discharging the accounting of IIM Trust beneficiaries ("MSJ III"). 0.1 Telcom. Harper re. same. $360.00 $36.00 0.3 Telcoms. Cobell re. same. $360.00 $108.00 2.4.02 0.2 Telcom. Cobell re. same, particularly impact false MSJ III was $360.00 $72.00 intended to have on class. 2.12.02 0.2 Telcoms. Ferrell re. MSJ III issues, intended impact, etc. $360.00 $72.00 2.14.02 8.5 Review and revise Plaintiffs' Opposition to Motion to Withdraw $360.00 $3,060.00 Defendants' Motions for Summary Judgment; Plaintiffs' Cross-Motions for Summary Judgment as to (B) The Non-Settlement of accounts to reinforce such settlement of Indian disbursing officer accounts does not constitute an accounting of IIM trust accounts. 0.2 Telcoms. Harper re. same. $360.00 $72.00 0.4 Conference call with Cobell and Rempel re. defs' motion to $360.00 $144.00 withdraw MSJ III, the intended affect of DATE TIME SUBJECT MATTER RATE AMOUNT $144.00 $144.00 0.2 Telcom. Fasold re. same. $360.00 $72.00 4.25.02 0.4 Telcom. Harper re. same. $360.00 $144.00 0.1 Telcom. Levitas re same. $360.00 $36.00 5.1.02 0.2 Telcom. Craig Lawrence, U.S. Attorney's Office re. Gamboa letter $360.00 $72.00 and its implications. 0.4 Telcoms. Scott Harris, U.S. Attorney's Office, re. same. $360.00 5.2.02 0.4 Telcom. Craig Lawrence, U.S. Attorney's Office, re same. $360.00 0.6 Work on notice of supplemental authority re. Gamboa letter. $360.00 $216.00 0.9 Telcoms. Harper re. discussions with U.S. Attorney's office and $360.00 $324.00 notice of supplemental authority re. Gamboa letter. 5.3.02 5.6 Review and revise consolidated motion for leave to amend plaintiffs' 2.15.02 MSJ III contempt motion and finding $360.00 $2,016.00 pursuant to R 56(g) per newly discovered evidence, i.e., the Gamboa letter. 0.1 Telcom. Craig Lawrence, U.S. Attorney's Office, re same. $360.00 $36.00 5.4.02 3.9 Work on notice of supp. authority, leave to amend 2.15.02 MSJ III $360.00 $1,404.00 contempt motion, amendment of MSJ III contempt motion per newly discovered evidence. 5.5.02 6.3 Continue to draft and revise same. $360.00 $2,268.00 0.1 Telcom. Harper re. issues and implications re. same. $360.00 $36.00 5.6. 02 0.2 Telcom. Lawrence re. same. $360.00 $72.00 5.3 Work on notice of supp. authority, leave to amend 2.15.02 MSJ III $360.00 $1,908.00 contempt motion, amendment of MSJ III contempt motion per newly discovered evidence. 0.2 Telcoms. Harper re. same. $360.00 $72.00 5.7.02 3.7 Work on motion for leave to amend 2.15.02 MSJ III contempt $360.00 $1,332.00 motion, amendment of MSJ III contempt motion per newly discovered evidence. 1.2 Telcoms. Lawrence re. same. $360.00 $432.00 5.9.02 0.3 Telcoms. Harper re. same. $360.00 $108.00 5.4 Work on motion for leave to amend 2.15.02 MSJ III contempt $360.00 $1,944.00 motion, amendment of MSJ III contempt motion per newly discovered evidence. 5.10.02 0.2 Work on motion for leave to amend 2.15.02 MSJ III contempt motion, amendment of $360.00 $72.00 MSJ III contempt motion per newly discovered evidence. 0.1 Telcom. Lawrence re. same. $360.00 $36.00 0.1 Telcom. Harper re. same. $360.00 $36.00 5.12.02 0.2 Telcom. Harper re. same. $360.00 $72.00 5.13.02 2.7 Work on motion to amend 2.15.02 MSJ III contempt motion, $360.00 $972.00 amendment of MSJ III contempt motion per newly discovered evidence. 0.4 Telcoms. Harper re. same. $360.00 $144.00 0.3 Telcoms. Levitas re. same. $360.00 $108.00 5.14.02 0.4 Telcom with Lawrence re. same. $360.00 $144.00 0.1 Discussion with Rempel re. same. $360.00 $36.00 0.4 Telcom. Cobell re. same. $360.00 $144.00 0.5 Telcom. Levitas re same. $360.00 $180.00 DATE TIME SUBJECT MATTER RATE AMOUNT 2.0 Work on motion to amend 2.15.02 MSJ III contempt motion, $370.00 $740.00 amendment of MSJ III contempt motion per newly discovered evidence. 0.5 Discussion with Rempel re. same. $370.00 $185.00 0.3 Telcoms. Harper re. same. $370.00 $111.00 6.4.02 0.7 Continued telcoms. Lawrence re. meet and confer on MSJ III $370.00 $259.00 contempt motion. 0.4 Telcoms. Harper re. same. $370.00 $148.00 8.6 Finalize motion to amend 2.15 02 MSJ III contempt motion, $370.00 $3,182.00 amendment fo MSJ III contempt motion per newly discovered evidence. 6.6.02 4.0 Research and analyze complex personal service issues re. non- $370.00 $1,480.00 parties as to same. 0.4 Telcoms. Scott Harris, U.S. Attorney's Office, re. same. $370.00 $148.00 0.6 Telcoms. Lawrence re. same. $370.00 $222.00 0.6 Telcoms. Harper re. same. $370.00 $222.00 6.7.02 0.1 Telcom. Lawrence re. unresolved personal service issues in $370.00 $37.00 connection with MSJ III contempt.. 1.1 Conference call Rempel, Harper, Brown concerning appealability $370.00 $407.00 of contempt re. MSJ III contemnors, officially and individually, including DOJ attorneys. 6.8.02 0.5 Telcoms. Lawrence re. MSJ III personal service logistical issues. $370.00 $185.00 1.5 Telcoms. Harper re. same. $370.00 $555.00 6.9.02 0.1 Telcom. Lawrence re. unresolved personal service issues in $370.00 $37.00 connection with MSJ III contempt.. 6.19.02 0.5 Telcom. Lawrence re. production of GAO documents referenced in $370.00 $185.00 Gamboa letter but withheld by defendants. 6.20.02 0.1 Telcom. Lawrence re. same. $370.00 $37.00 0.1 Telcom. Harper re. same. $370.00 $37.00 6.21.02 0.1 Telcom. Lawrence re. same. $370.00 $37.00 6.24.02 0.3 Telcoms. Lawrence re. same. $370.00 $111.00 1.0 Meet with Cobell concerning Gamboa letter and MSJ III. $370.00 $370.00 6.25.02 5.0 Work on reply to MSJ III, including review of defs' cases and $370.00 $1,850.00 authorities and begin preparation of draft. 0.4 Telcom. Lawrence re. production of GAO documents referenced in $370.00 $148.00 Gamboa letter but withheld by defendants. 6.26.02 2.2 Continue work on Gamboa/MSJ III reply; includes research and $370.00 $814.00 draft revisions. 6.27.02 1.3 Continue work on Gamboa/MSJ III reply; includes research and $370.00 $481.00 draft revisions. 0.1 Telcom. Harper re. same. $370.00 $37.00 0.4 Meet with Cobell re.same. $370.00 $148.00 6.28.02 3.7 Continue work on Gamboa/MSJ III reply; includes research and $370.00 $1,369.00 draft revisions. Consolidated Motion for Leave to Amend and Motion to Amend Plaintiffs' February 15, 2002 Summary DATE TIME SUBJECT MATTER RATE AMOUNT Judgment Contempt Motion and a Contempt Finding Pursuant to F.R.C.P. 56(g) in accordance with Newly Discovered Evidence: The April 19, 2002 Letter of GAO General Counsel Anthony Gamboa to OHTA Director Bert Edwards). 0.4 Telcom. Harper re. same. $370.00 $148.00 7.1.02 0.1 Telcom. Lawrence re. production of GAO documents referenced in $370.00 $37.00 Gamboa letter but withheld by defendants. 7.5.02 0.2 Telcom. Lawrence re. continued failure to produce GAO documents referenced, and in connection, with Gamboa letter. 7.9.02 0.5 Telcom. Lawrence re. continued failure to produce GAO documents referenced, and in connection, with Gamboa letter. 7.11.02 0.4 Telcom. Lawrence re. continued failure to produce GAO documents referenced, and in connection with Gamboa letter. 7.19.02 1.0 Prepare letter to lawrence re. continued failure to produce GAO documents referenced, and in connection with, Gamboa letter, particularly with respect to docs. created, or received, by Interior and Treasury in response to GAO general counsel's opinion that IIM accounts were not settled. 7.29.02 0.3 Telcom. Lawrence re. same. 7.30.02 0.3 Prepare letter response to Lawrence re. same. 8.6.02 0.3 Telcoms. Lawrence re. same. 8.7.02 0.1 Telcom. Lawrence re. same. 8.8.02 1.3 Review first production of docs. referenced in Gamboa letter further demonstrating bad faih of defs' in filing MSJ III. 9.13.02 0.2 Telcoms. Lawrence re. production of remaining relevant Gamboa related docs. 9.16.02 0.1 Telcom. Lawrence re. same. 1.28.03 0.4 Conference call Harper and Brown re. need to file MSJ declaring settlement of disbursing officer accounts does not settle or constitute accounting of IIM Trust accounts. 1.30.03 6.1 Review documents in support of statement of undesputed material facts re. MSJ settlements of Account. Review and revise Plaintiffs' Motion for Partial Summary Judgment as to the Non-Settlement of Accounts and Defendants' Failure to Perform the Accounting, in Whole or Part, Ordered by this Court on December 21, 1999 and Plaintiffs' Statement of Material Fasts as to Which There is No Genuine Issue in Support of Motion for Partial Summary Judgment. 0.3 Telcom. Harper re. same. 1.31.03 5.4 Review and revise motion for partial summary judgment and $370.00 $74.00 $370.00 $185.00 $370.00 $148.00 $370.00 $370.00 $370.00 $111.00 $370.00 $111.00 $370.00 $111.00 $370.00 $37.00 $370.00 $481.00 $370.00 $74.00 $370.00 $37.00 $370.00 $148.00 $370.00 $2,257.00 $370.00 $111.00 $370.00 $1,998.00 REVIEW OF REMPEL SCHEDULE: FEES PREVIOUSLY SUBMITTED 06/21/04 & 11/18/02 Affidavits Items # Date Matter Time Claimed Amount Objection Adjusted Amount 1 9/23/00 Review Defs' Motion for MSJ and exhibits re: GAO settlement of accounts. 1.7 $382.50 Previously Billed /Denied $0.00 2 9/25/00 Review Defs' Motion for MSJ and exhibits re: GAO settlement of accounts; begin drafting and preparing response. 5.5 $1,237.50 Previously Billed /Denied $0.00 3 9/26/00 Review Defs' Motion for MSJ and exhibits re: GAO settlement of accounts; begin drafting and preparing response. 9.5 $2,137.50 Previously Billed /Denied $0.00 4 9/27/00 Review Mildred Cleghorn documentation for settled accounts as it relates to Defs' 3rd MSJ (settlement of accounts process). 4.2 $945.00 Previously Billed /Denied $0.00 5 9/28/00 CC w/ Rick Fasold re : BIA documentation reviewed. Conference call in context of Defs' 3rd MSJ and availability of information to refute defendants' contention that the GAO settled the IIM accounts. 0.1 $22.50 Previously Billed /Denied $0.00 6 9/28/00 Review Defs' Motion for MSJ and exhibits re: GAO settlement of accounts; begin drafting and preparing response. 7.2 $1,620.00 Previously Billed /Denied $0.00 7 9/29/00 Draft, edit response to Defendants' 3rd MSJ (re. settlement of accounts process). 1.9 $427.50 Previously Billed /Denied $0.00 8 9/29/00 Draft preliminary statement of facts for opposition to Defs' MSJ (re. settlement of accounts process). 3.5 $787.50 Previously Billed /Denied $0.00 9 10/5/00 Draft statement of facts for Response to Defs' MSJ III (re. settlement of accounts process). Includes reviewing Defs' documentation as well as plaintiffs' pertinent trial 1 exhibits and testimony for purposes of drafting the opposition. 1.8 $405.00 Previously Billed /Denied $0.00 REVIEW OF REMPEL SCHEDULE: FEES PREVIOUSLY SUBMITTED 06/21/04 & 11/18/02 Affidavits Items # Date Matter Time Claimed Amount Objection Adjusted Amount 10 10/6/00 Draft statement of facts for Response to Defs. MSJ III (re. settlement of accounts process). Includes reviewing Defs' documentation as well as plaintiffs' pertinent trial 1 exhibits and testimony for purposes of drafting the opposition. 7.4 $1,665.00 Previously Billed /Denied $0.00 11 10/25/00 Draft statement of facts for Response to Defs. MSJ III (re. settlement of accounts process). Includes reviewing Defs' documentation (exhibits) and drafting response in light of uncontested facts. 2.5 $562.50 Previously Billed /Denied $0.00 12 10/26/00 Draft Response and statement of facts to Defs' MSJ III (settlement of accounts process). 8.5 $1,912.50 Previously Billed /Denied $0.00 13 10/27/00 Draft Response and statement of facts to Defs' MSJ III (settlement of accounts process). 3.3 $742.50 Previously Billed /Denied $0.00 14 10/28/00 Draft Response and statement of facts to Defs' MSJ III (settlement of accounts process). 3.0 $675.00 Previously Billed /Denied $0.00 15 10/28/00 Discussion w/ Dennis Gingold re: Defs' MSJ III and edits to draft. 1.2 $270.00 Previously Billed /Denied $0.00 16 10/29/00 CC with Dennis Gingold re: Defs' MSJ III and edits. 0.2 $45.00 Previously Billed /Denied $0.00 17 10/30/00 CC w/ Dennis Gingold, Mark Brown, Keith Harper re: Response to Defs' MSJ III and tasks. 1.0 $225.00 Previously Billed /Denied $0.00 18 10/30/00 Draft Response and statement of facts to Defs' MSJ III (settlement of accounts process). Begin drafting Rempel affidavit in support of response. 7.0 $1,575.00 Previously Billed /Denied $0.00 REVIEW OF REMPEL SCHEDULE: FEES PREVIOUSLY SUBMITTED 06/21/04 & 11/18/02 Affidavits Items # Date Matter Time Claimed Amount Objection Adjusted Amount 19 11/1/00 Draft Response and statement of facts to Defs' MSJ III (settlement of accounts process). Includes drafting Rempel affidavit in support of response. 9.5 $2,137.50 Previously Billed /Denied $0.00 20 11/2/00 Draft Response and statement of facts to Defs' MSJ III (settlement of accounts process). Includes drafting Rempel affidavit in support of response. 13.0 $2,925.00 Previously Billed /Denied $0.00 21 11/3/00 Draft Response and statement of facts to Defs' MSJ III (settlement of accounts process). Includes drafting Rempel affidavit in support of response. File and serve response. 11.5 $2,587.50 Previously Billed /Denied $0.00 22 5/6/02 Notice of Supplemental Authority - Draft, prepare, file and serve notice regarding GAO letter from GAO General Counsel to Bert Edwards, Director of OHTA re settlement of accounts process. 2.6 $585.00 Previously Billed /Denied $0.00 Total 106.1 $23,872.50 $0.00 IN THE UNITED STATES DISTRICT COURT FOR THE DISTRICT OF COLUMBIA ELOUISE PEPION COBELL, et al., Plaintiffs, v. GALE NORTON, et al., Defendants. ___________________________________ ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) Civil Action No. I:96 CV 01285 RCL AFFIDAVIT OF GEOFFREY REMPEL 1. My name is Geoffrey Rempel. I am a Certified Public Accountant (inactive) and I am engaged as a member of plaintiffs’ litigation team. I have been involved in this matter for almost eight years, including almost three-and-one-half years at PricewaterhouseCoopers L.L.P. I make this affidavit in support of plaintiffs’ submission of reasonable expenses, including attorneys fees, as ordered in the Court’s March11, 2003 Memorandum and Order and the Court’s May 25, 2004 Order (collectively “Orders”). 2. Defendants’ Third Phase II Motion for Partial Summary Judgment(Re: Settlement of Accounts by Treasury and GAO (“Defendants’ MSJ”) was served on plaintiffs and filed with the Court on September 19, 2000. In support of Defendants’ MSJ, defendants attached the Affidavit of Frank Sapienza. This affidavit (and the motion for summary judgment based upon that affidavit) were 1 IIM TRUST LITIGATION Rempel Schedule: GAO Settlement of Accounts Sanctions "Subtotal" Corresponds to Timeframe set forth in Affidavit Billing Rate $225.00 DATE TASK TIME AMOUNT SUBTOTAL Meet and Confer w/ DOT and DOI counsel before Special Master re: various motions. Includes discussion w/ Dennis Gingold, Mark Brown between meetings and 06/02/00 preparation and review of the existing status of discovery. 6.5 $1,462.50 During the course of this meeting Assistant Secretary Don Hammond confirmed that the settlement of accounts process did not constitute an accounting of the individual Indian trust accounts. CC w/ Rick Fasold re: Defs' Third Motion for Summary 09/22/00 Judgment (GAO settlement of accounts) and available material available to refute; compile information for opposition. Discussion w/ Dennis Gingold re: DOT and GAO 09/22/00 settlement of accounts and defendants' 3rd Motion for Summary Judgment. Review Defs' Motion for MSJ and exhibits re: GAO 09/23/00 settlement of accounts. Review Defs' Motion for MSJ and exhibits re: GAO 09/25/00 settlement of accounts; begin drafting and preparing response. Review Defs' Motion for MSJ and exhibits re: GAO 09/26/00 settlement of accounts; begin drafting and preparing response. Review Mildred Cleghorn documentation for settled 09/27/00 accounts as it relates to Defs' 3rd MSJ (settlement of accounts process). CC w/ Rick Fasold re: BIA documentation reviewed. Conference call in context of Defs' 3rd MSJ and 09/28/00 availability of information to refute defendants' contention that the GAO settled the IIM accounts. Review Defs' Motion for MSJ and exhibits re: GAO 09/28/00 settlement of accounts; begin drafting and preparing response. 09/29/00 Draft, edit response to Defendants' 3rd MSJ (re. settlement of accounts process). 09/29/00 Draft preliminary statement of facts for opposition to Defs' MSJ (re. settlement of accounts process). 0.3 $67.50 0.6 $135.00 1.7 $382.50 5.5 $1,237.50 9.5 $2,137.50 4.2 $945.00 0.1 $22.50 7.2 $1,620.00 1.9 $427.50 3.5 $787.50 1 DATE TASK TIME AMOUNT SUBTOTAL 10/05/00 10/05/00 10/06/00 10/06/00 10/25/00 CC w/ Lorna Babby re: production of policy and procedure boxes. This conference call was initiated for the purpose of ascertaining whether there was an information contained in prior discovery (policy and 0.3 $67.50 procedures boxes) that might assist in drafting the opposition to Defs' 3rd MSJ (settlement of accounts process). Draft statement of facts for Response to Defs. MSJ III (re. settlement of accounts process). Includes reviewing Defs' documentation as well as plaintiffs' pertinent trial 1 1.8 $405.00 exhibits and testimony for purposes of drafting the opposition. Discuss w/ DG re: BIA regulations and Defs' 3rd MSJ (re. settlement of accounts process). Includes discussion of 0.2 $45.00 drafting opposition and research on historical regulations at DOI/DOT/GAO. Draft statement of facts for Response to Defs. MSJ III (re. settlement of accounts process). Includes reviewing Defs' documentation as well as plaintiffs' pertinent trial 1 7.4 $1,665.00 exhibits and testimony for purposes of drafting the opposition. Draft statement of facts for Response to Defs. MSJ III (re. settlement of accounts process). Includes reviewing Defs' 2.5 $562.50 documentation (exhibits) and drafting response in light of uncontested facts. 10/26/00 Draft Response and statement of facts to Defs' MSJ III 8.5 $1,912.50 (settlement of accounts process). 10/27/00 Draft Response and statement of facts to Defs' MSJ III 3.3 $742.50 (settlement of accounts process). 10/28/00 Draft Response and statement of facts to Defs' MSJ III 3.0 $675.00 (settlement of accounts process). 10/28/00 Discussion w/ Dennis Gingold re: Response to Defs' MSJ 1.2 $270.00 III and edits to draft. 10/29/00 CC w/ Dennis Gingold re: Defs' MSJ III and edits. 0.2 $45.00 10/30/00 CC w/ Dennis Gingold, Mark Brown, Keith Harper re: 1.0 $225.00 Response to Defs' MSJ III and tasks. Draft Response and statement of facts to Defs' MSJ III 10/30/00 (settlement of accounts process). Begin drafting Rempel 7.0 $1,575.00 affidavit in support of response. Draft Response and statement of facts to Defs' MSJ III 11/01/00 (settlement of accounts process). Includes drafting Rempel 9.5 $2,137.50 affidavit in support of response. Draft Response and statement of facts to Defs' MSJ III 11/02/00 (settlement of accounts process). Includes drafting Rempel 13.0 $2,925.00 affidavit in support of response. 11/02/00 CC w/ DG, MB, KH re Rempel GAO affidavit. 0.2 $45.00 2 DATE TASK TIME AMOUNT SUBTOTAL Draft Response and statement of facts to Defs' MSJ III 11/03/00 (settlement of accounts process). Includes drafting Rempel 11.5 $2,587.50 affidavit in support of response. File and serve response. $25,110.00 Review material, including facsimiles from the 12/15/01 Department of Justice and discovery material and prepare for contempt trial. Review material, including facsimiles from the 12/16/01 Department of Justice and discovery material and prepare for contempt trial. 4.0 $900.00 2.5 $562.50 $1,462.50 Review Defs' Motion to Withdrawal Motions for 02/04/02 Summary Judgment. Edit, draft Opposition to Defs' 2.8 $630.00 Motion to Wthdrawal MSJ. Edit, draft Opposition to Defs' Motion to Wthdrawal 02/10/02 MSJ. Includes review of trial testimony and exhibits 5.9 $1,327.50 attached to original MSJ. 02/11/02 Edit, draft Opposition to Defs' Motion to Wthdrawal 5.5 $1,237.50 MSJ. 02/12/02 Edit, draft Opposition to Defs' Motion to Wthdrawal 9.5 $2,137.50 MSJ. 02/14/02 CC w/ Elouise Cobell, Dennis Gingold re Defs' 3rd MSJ 0.4 $90.00 and motion to withdrawal. Prepare opposition to motion to withdrawal MSJ's and 02/14/02 cross-motions for summary judgment and sanctions for 8.4 $1,890.00 seeking to mislead the Court. 02/15/02 CC w/ Elouise Cobell, Dennis Gingold re Defs' 3rd MSJ 0.5 $112.50 and motion to withdrawal. Prepare opposition to motion to withdrawal MSJ's and 02/15/02 cross-motions for summary judgment and sanctions for 6.8 $1,530.00 $8,955.00 seeking to mislead the Court. File and service opposition. 03/05/02 Review defendants' opposition to plaintiffs MSJ (incl. settlement of accounts) and prepare to draft reply. 5.0 $1,125.00 03/05/02 CC w/ Elouise Cobell re Defendants' 3rd MSJ and subsequent withdrawal. 0.3 $67.50 03/06/02 Draft and edit reply to defendants' opposition to plaintiffs' MSJ (incl. settlement of accounts). 7.2 $1,620.00 03/07/02 Draft and edit reply to defendants' opposition to plaintiffs' MSJ (incl. settlement of accounts). 8.0 $1,800.00 03/08/02 Draft and edit reply to defendants' opposition to plaintiffs' MSJ (incl. settlement of accounts). 6.5 $1,462.50 03/09/02 Draft and edit reply to defendants' opposition to plaintiffs' MSJ (incl. settlement of accounts). 2.5 $562.50 3 DATE TASK TIME AMOUNT SUBTOTAL 03/10/02 Draft and edit reply to defendants' opposition to 1.5 $337.50 plaintiffs' MSJ (incl. settlement of accounts). CC w/ Elouise Cobell, Dennis Gingold re Defs' 3rd MSJ 03/11/02 and drafting of reply in support of Plaintiffs' MSJ re 1.2 $270.00 settlement of accounts. 03/11/02 Draft and edit reply to defendants' opposition to 1.5 $337.50 plaintiffs' MSJ (incl. settlement of accounts). Discuss w/ Dennis Gingold re Defendants' 3rd MSJ and 03/11/02 drafting of reply in support of Plfs' MSJ re settlement of 0.8 $180.00 accounts. Discuss w/ Dennis Gingold re Defendants' 3rd MSJ and 03/12/02 drafting of reply in support of Plfs' MSJ re settlement of 0.6 $135.00 accounts. 03/12/02 Draft and edit reply to defendants' opposition to 6.0 $1,350.00 plaintiffs' MSJ (incl. settlement of accounts). CC w/ Elouise Cobell, Dennis Gingold re Defs' 3rd MSJ 03/13/02 and drafting of reply in support of Plaintiffs' MSJ re 0.4 $90.00 settlement of accounts. Draft and edit reply to defendants' opposition to 03/13/02 plaintiffs' MSJ (incl. settlement of accounts). File and 11.2 $2,520.00 $11,857.50 serve reply. Notice of Supplemental Authority - Draft, prepare, file 05/06/02 and serve notice regarding GAO letter from GAO- 2.6 $585.00 General Counsel to Bert Edwards, Director of OHTA re settlement of accounts process. Draft and edit Plaintiffs’ Consolidated Motion for Leave to Amend and Motion to Amend Plaintiffs’ February 15, 2002 Summary Judgment Contempt Motion and a 05/09/02 Contempt Finding Pursuant to F.R.C.P. 56(g) in 4.5 $1,012.50 Accordance with Newly Discovered Evidence: the April19, 2002 Letter of Gao General Counsel Anthony Gamboa to OHTA Director Bert Edwards. Draft and edit Plaintiffs’ Consolidated Motion for Leave to Amend and Motion to Amend Plaintiffs’ February 15, 2002 Summary Judgment Contempt Motion and a 05/14/02 Contempt Finding Pursuant to F.R.C.P. 56(g) in 3.8 $855.00 Accordance with Newly Discovered Evidence: the April19, 2002 Letter of Gao General Counsel Anthony Gamboa to OHTA Director Bert Edwards. 05/14/02 Discuss w/ Dennis Gingold re motion to amend GAO 0.1 $22.50 Motion for Summary Judgment. Draft and edit Plaintiffs’ Consolidated Motion for Leave to Amend and Motion to Amend Plaintiffs’ February 15, 2002 Summary Judgment Contempt Motion and a 05/15/02 Contempt Finding Pursuant to F.R.C.P. 56(g) in 4.8 $1,080.00 Accordance with Newly Discovered Evidence: the April19, 2002 Letter of Gao General Counsel Anthony Gamboa to OHTA Director Bert Edwards. 4 Brown Internally Inconsistent Entries Date Matter Time Claimed Amount Objection 10/4/00 Telephone Conversations with Keith Harper re MSJ strategy 0.416 $145.60 Inconsistent with Harper bill 10/30/00 Revise Objections Memorandum; Telephone Conference with Keith Harper/Dennis Gingold re Strategy 1.333 $466.55 Inconsistent with Harper & Gingold bills Total 1.749 $612.15 Gingold Internally Inconsistent Entries Date Matter Time Claimed Amount Objection 10/28/00 Conference call with Harper and Brown re. status of MSJ III and issues that need to be flushed out. 0.4 $140.00 Inconsistent with Harper & Brown bills 10/29/00 Telcom. Harper re. defendants' misrepresentations regarding settlement of accounts v. accounting. 0.1 $35.00 Previously Billed/Denied; Inconsistent with Harper bill 10/30/00 Discussion with Rempel re. MSJ III draft and necessary edits. 0.2 $70.00 Inconsistent with Rempel bill 10/30/00 Conference call with Harper and Brown re. status of MSJ III. 0.5 $175.00 Inconsistent with Harper bill 10/30/00 Conference call with Rempel, Harper and Brown re. status of remaining tasks re. MSJ III response including need for Rempel supporting affidavit vis-a-vis admissions of Don Hammond, etc. 1 $350.00 Inconsistent with Rempel, Harper, & Brown bills 11/6/00 Telcom. Brown re. Sanctions for defs’ materially false GAO MSJ III. 0.5 $175.00 Inconsistent with Brown bill 2/1/02 Telcom. Harper re. same. 0.1 $36.00 Inconsistent with Harper bill; Outside of scope 3/5/02 Telcoms. Harper re. same. 0.6 $216.00 Inconsistent with Harper bill; Outside of scope 3/11/02 Telcoms. Harper re. same. 1.3 $468.00 Inconsistent with Harper bill; Outside of scope 3/12/02 Telcoms. Harper re. same. 1.1 $396.00 Inconsistent with Harper bill; Outside of scope 3/12/02 Conference call Brown and Harper re. same. 0.8 $288.00 Inconsistent with Harper & Brown bills; Outside of scope 3/13/02 Telcoms. Harper re. same. 2.3 $828.00 Inconsistent with Harper bill; Outside of scope 3/13/03 Conference call Cobell and Rempel re. same. 0.4 $144.00 Inconsistent with Rempel bill; Outside of scope Gingold Internally Inconsistent Entries Date Matter Time Claimed Amount Objection 4/22/02 Telcoms. Harper re. same and implications of knowingly false representations to Court and pltffs' and plaintiffs' counsel. 0.6 $216.00 Inconsistent with Harper bill 4/23/02 Telcoms. with Harper re. same. 0.4 $144.00 Inconsistent with Harper bill; Outside of scope 4/24/02 Telcom. Levitas re same. 0.7 $252.00 Outside of Scope/Denied 4/24/02 Telcom. Harper re. same. 0.6 $216.00 Inconsistent with Harper bill; Outside of Scope/Denied 4/25/02 Telcom. Harper re. same. 0.4 $144.00 Inconsistent with Harper bill; Outside of Scope/Denied 4/25/02 Telcom. Levitas re same. 0.1 $36.00 Outside of Scope/Denied 5/5/02 Telcom. Harper re. issues and implications re. same. 0.1 $36.00 Inconsistent with Harper bill; Outside of Scope/Denied 5/6/02 Telcoms. Harper re. same. 0.2 $72.00 Inonsistent with Harper bill; Outside of Scope/Denied 5/9/02 Telcoms. Harper re. same. 0.3 $108.00 Inconsistent with Harper bill; Outside of Scope/Denied 5/10/02 Telcom. Harper re. same. 0.1 $36.00 Inconsistent with Harper bill; Outside of Scope/ Denied 5/12/02 Telcom. Harper re. same 0.2 $72.00 Inconsistent with Harper bill; Outside of Scope/ Denied 5/13/02 Telcoms. Harper re. same. 0.4 $144.00 Inconsistent with Harper bill; Outside of Scope/ Denied 5/13/02 Telcoms. Levitas re. same. 0.3 $108.00 Outside of Scope Gingold Internally Inconsistent Entries Date Matter Time Claimed Amount Objection 5/14/02 Telcom. Levitas re same. 0.5 $180.00 Outside of Scope/ Denied 5/15/02 Telcoms. Harper re. comments to same. 0.4 $144.00 Inconsistent with Harper bill; Outside of Scope/ Denied 5/25/02 Telcoms. Harper re. same. 0.2 $72.00 Inconsistent with Harper bill; Outside of Scope/ Denied 5/27/02 Telcom. Harper re. same. 0.2 $72.00 Inconsistent with Harper bill; Outside of Scope/ Denied 5/30/02 Telcom. Harper re. same. 0.3 $108.00 Inconsistent with Harper bill; Outside of Scope 6/3/02 Telcoms. Harper re. same. 0.3 $111.00 Inconsistent with Harper bill; Outside of Scope/Denied 6/7/02 Conference call Rempel, Harper, Brown concerning appealability of contempt re. MSJ III contemnors, officially and individually, including DOJ attorneys. 1.1 $407.00 Inconsistent with Harper & Brown bills; Outside of Scope/Denied 6/8/02 Telcoms. Harper re. same. 1.5 $555.00 Inconsistent with Harper bill; Outside of Scope/Denied 6/20/02 Telcom. Harper re. same. 0.1 $37.00 Outside of Scope/Denied; Inconsistent with Harper bil; 6/27/02 Telcom. Harper re. same. 0.1 $37.00 Inconsistent with Harper bill; Outside of Scope/Denied 6/28/02 Telcom. Harper re. same. 0.4 $148.00 Inconsistent with Harper bill; Outside of Scope Gingold Internally Inconsistent Entries Date Matter Time Claimed Amount Objection 1/28/03 Conference call Harper and Brown re. need to file MSJ declaring settlement of disbursing officer accounts does not settle or constitute accounting of IIM Trust accounts. 0.4 $148.00 Outside of Scope; Inconsistent with Brown & Harper bills 1/31/03 Telcom. Harper re. same. 0.3 $111.00 Outside of Scope; Inconsistent with Harper bill 2/15/03 Telcom. Harper re. same and opp. to defs' motion to strike GAO MSJ. 0.4 $148.00 Outside of Scope; Inconsistent with Harper bill 2/21/03 Telcoms. Harper re. same. 0.4 $148.00 Outside of Scope; Inconsistent with Harper bill 2/21/03 Telcom. Levitas re same. 0.2 $74.00 Outside of Scope; 2/24/03 Telcom. Harper re. same. 0.4 $148.00 Outside of Scope; Inconsistent with Harper bill 2/24/03 Telcoms. Levitas re. same. 0.5 $185.00 Outside of Scope; 2/26/03 Telcom. Levitas re same. 0.1 $37.00 Outside of Scope 6/9/04 Telcoms. Harper re. same. 0.7 $273.00 Inconsistent with Harper bill; Outside of scope 6/14/04 Telcom. Harper re. GAO time and scope of roders 0.2 $78.00 Inconsistent with Harper bill; Outside of scope 6/16/04 Conference call Rempel and Harper to confirm accuracy of time entries and scope of action taken in connection with protection of class re. defs’ repeated filing of false Sapienza declaration. 2 $780.00 Inconsistent with Harper bill; Outside of scope 6/16/04 Conference call Rempel, Harper, and Brown re. same. 1 $390.00 Inconsistent with Harper & Brown bills; Outside of scope 6/19/04 Telcoms. Harper re. same and comments re. affidavits. 0.5 $195.00 Inconsistent with Harper bill; Outside of scope Gingold Internally Inconsistent Entries Date Matter Time Claimed Amount Objection 6/21/04 Telcoms. Harper re. clarification of affidavits and time entries in conformity with order. 0.5 $195.00 Inconsistent with Harper bill; Outside of scope Total 26.4 $9,686.00 Rempel Internally Inconsistent Entries 6/17/04 CC w/ Keith Harper, Dennis Gingold (Mark Brown some) re GAO application. 2.0 $450.00 Inconsistent with Harper bill; Outside of scope $0.00 Total 2 $450.00 $0.00 Harper Internally Inconsistent Entries Date Matter Time Claimed Amount Objection 9/21/00 Conference with DG re: Defs' Motion for Summary Judgement on the Settlement of Accounts by GAO Pre-1951 0.6 $123.00 Inconsistent with Gingold bill 10/9/00 Telephone call from and to DG (2 calls) re: settlement possibilities; discussions with Interior; SMJ III; extension of time; 0.4 $82.00 Inconsistent with Gingold's bill 10/27/00 Telephone call to DG and or GR (4 calls) to discuss Opposition to Defs' Motion for Summary Judgement on the Settlement of Accounts by GAO Pre-1951 1 $205.00 Inconsistent with Gingold's & Rempel's bill 3/6/02 Telephone call from DG re: MSJ withdrawal and sanctions request 0.4 $104.00 Inconsistent with Gingold's bill; Outside of scope 6/17/04 Conference call to DG and GR to discuss scope of courts May 11th order granting fees for GAO MSJ and Sapienza bad faith affidavit and review time jointly to ensure accuracy 2 $670.00 Inconsistent with Gingold's & Rempel's bill; Outside of scope Total 4.4 $1,184.00 REVIEW OF BROWN SCHEDULE: GAO SETTLEMENT OF ACCOUNTS SANCTIONS Date Matter Time Claimed Amount Objection Opposition to Defendants' Third Phase II Motion for Summary Judgment & Evidentiary Appendix 9/25/00 Review Transcripts re Opposition to MSJ3 3.833 $1,341.55 9/27/00 Legal Research re Evidentiary Objections re Sapienza Affidavit (Sapienza Table) 0.833 $291.55 9/29/00 Prepare Objections to Sapienza Affidavit; Legal Research re Ancient Documents (Sapienza Table) 1.25 $437.50 9/30/00 Prepare Memorandum re Evidentiary Objections re MSJ (Sapienza Table) 3.25 $1,137.50 10/3/00 Review and Analyze Sapienza Affidavit re objections (Sapienza Table) 2.166 $758.10 10/4/00 Telephone Conversations with Keith Harper re MSJ strategy 0.416 $145.60 Inconsistent with Harper bill 10/5/00 Legal Research re Evidentiary Issues; Revise Memorandum re Same re MSJ 0.333 $116.55 10/5/00 Legal Research re Best Evidence Rule; Prepare Objections re Same 4.083 $1,429.05 10/6/00 Revise Best Evidence Rule Memorandum re MSJ 1.25 $437.50 10/6/00 Legal Research re Authentication Issues re MSJ 1.166 $408.10 10/7/00 Legal Research at NARF re Authentication; Prepare Memorandum re Same re MSJ 3.5 $1,225.00 10/7/00 Legal Research at NARF re Authentication; Prepare Memorandum re Same re MSJ 2.666 $933.10 10/8/00 Revise Memorandum re Authentications Issues; 3.833 $1,341.55 10/8/00 Legal Research re Expert Witness Deficiencies of Sapienza Affidavit (Part IV) 1.166 $408.10 10/10/00 Review Arthur Andersen 1992 Tribal Trust Report re MSJ 2.666 $933.10 10/10/00 Revise Objection to Sapienza Affidavit re MSJ (Sapienza Table) 2.416 $845.60 10/11/00 Revise Memorandum re Expert Testimony (Part IV) 2.833 $991.55 10/12/00 Legal Research re Expert's Need for Personal Knowledge (Part IV) 3.333 $1,166.55 10/12/00 Prepare Chart of Objections to Exhibits re MSJ 4.583 $1,604.05 10/13/00 Legal Research re Expert's Ability to Opine on Regulations; Review Fed Evid Digest for Cases Fitting Fact Pattern (Part IV) 4.583 $1,604.05 Page 1 of 34 10/13/00 Prepare Objections to Sapienza Affidavit (Sapienza Table) 3.916 $1,370.60 10/14/00 Revise Evidentiary Memorandum 3.166 $1,108.10 10/15/00 Revise Evidentiary Memorandum 2.333 $816.55 10/15/00 Legal Research re Form of Objections (Sapienza Table) 0.25 $87.50 10/16/00 Further Legal Research re Interplay of Expert's Use of Hearsay Evidence That Has Not Been Authenticated (Part IV) 2.5 $875.00 10/16/00 Revise Evidentiary Memorandum re MSJ; Further Legal Research as noted above (Part IV) 5.25 $1,837.50 10/17/00 Legal Research re additional Hearsay cases; Revise Objections Memorandum 3.083 $1,079.05 10/17/00 Revise Objections Memorandum 3.833 $1,341.55 10/18/00 Prepare Objections to Sapienza Affidavit (Sapienza Table) 2.25 $787.50 10/18/00 Legal Research re 'Implicit Hearsay' 0.583 $204.05 10/18/00 Prepare Objections to Sapienza Affidavit (Sapienza Table) 2.416 $845.60 10/19/00 Prepare Objections to Sapienza Affidavit (Sapienza Table) 1.75 $612.50 10/19/00 Prepare Objections to Sapienza Affidavit (Sapienza Table) 1.083 $379.05 10/20/00 Prepare Objections to Sapienza Affidavit (Sapienza Table) 1.166 $408.10 10/23/00 Prepare Objections to Sapienza Affidavit (Sapienza Table) 1.5 $525.00 10/23/00 Prepare Objections to Sapienza Affidavit (Sapienza Table) 1 $350.00 10/24/00 Legal Research re Expert Opinion re Legal Issues; Revise Memorandum (Part IV) 1.166 $408.10 10/25/00 Revise Objections to MSJ with Cites to Exhibits (Sapienza Table) 1.25 $437.50 10/25/00 Revise Memorandum of Points and Authorities re Evidentiary Issues re MSJ (Part IV) 2.916 $1,020.60 10/26/00 Revise Objections; Convert for Transmission to Counsel (Sapienza Table) 1.166 $408.10 10/28/00 Revise Objections to Evidence (Sapienza Table) 1.416 $495.60 10/29/00 Revise Keith Harper Introduction to MSJ Opposition 1 $350.00 10/30/00 Revise Objections Memorandum; Telephone Conference with Keith Harper/Dennis Gingold re Strategy 1.333 $466.55 Inconsistent with Harper & Gingold bills 10/30/00 Revise Objections Memorandum 2.25 $787.50 10/30/00 Telephone Conference withTeam/Keith Harper re MSJ Opposition 1 $350.00 10/30/00 Revise Objections Memorandum 1.083 $379.05 Page 2 of 34 10/31/00 Revise Rempel Declaration re MSJ 0.25 $87.50 10/31/00 Review Database re Proving Government Admissions re Inability to Account 1.75 $612.50 10/31/00 Review Database re Proving Government Admissions re Inability to Account 2.416 $845.60 10/31/00 Revise Keith Harper MSJ Insert 2.5 $875.00 11/1/00 Revise Keith Harper MSJ Insert 2.75 $962.50 11/1/00 Revise Keith Harper MSJ Insert 1.583 $554.05 11/1/00 Revise Opposition to MSJ (Part IV) 3.833 $1,341.55 11/1/00 Legal Research re Expert Testimony as Basis for MSJ (Part IV) 1.25 $437.50 11/1/00 Further Legal Research re Expert Testimony as Basis for MSJ (Part IV) 1.75 $612.50 11/2/00 Telephone Conference with Mr. Levitas re Evidentiary Memorandum of Points and Authorities 0.166 $58.10 11/2/00 Prepare Memorandum re Expert Issues in MSJ Context (Part IV) 0.75 $262.50 11/2/00 Revise Keith Harper Legal Argument re MSJ 0.666 $233.10 11/2/00 Prepare Memorandum re Expert Issues in MSJ Context (Part IV) 1.333 $466.55 11/2/00 Telephone Conference with S. Philippi re Expert Witnesses Evidentiary Issues (Part IV) 1.333 $466.55 11/2/00 Prepare Memorandum re Expert Issues in MSJ Context (Part IV) 1.666 $583.10 11/2/00 Prepare Memorandum re Expert Issues in MSJ Context; Revise MSJ Opposition (Part IV) 4.083 $1,429.05 11/2/00 Revise MSJ Opposition 3.333 $1,166.55 11/3/00 Revise MSJ Opposition (cont. after midnight) 2.166 $758.10 11/3/00 Prepare MSJ Opposition 3.666 $1,283.10 Page 3 of 34 11/3/00 Prepare MSJ Opposition; Legal Research re Right to Confront Witnesses (Part IV) 6.25 $2,187.50 11/3/00 Finalize/proofread MSJ Opposition 1.916 $670.60 TOTALS for Opposition to MSJ 146.228 $51,179.80 Motion to Withdraw & Cross-Motions for Summary Judgment and Sanctions 2/7/02 Research/Review GAO Report 2.5 $900.00 2/9/02 Legal Research re Cross-motion for MSJ 3.166 $1,139.76 Outside of Scope 2/11/02 Legal Research re Withdrawing MSJ; Prepare Memorandum of Points and Authorities 3.25 $1,170.00 Outside of Scope 2/12/02 Revise Opposition to Motion to Withdraw MSJ 1.583 $569.88 Outside of Scope 2/12/02 Revise Opposition to Motion to Withdraw MSJ 0.333 $119.88 Outside of Scope 2/13/02 Revise Opposition to Motion to Withdraw MSJ 0.333 $119.88 Outside of Scope 2/13/02 Revise Summary Judgment Opposition 0.666 $239.76 Outside of Scope 2/14/02 Revise Memorandum of Points and Authorities re Cross-Motion for Summary Judgment 2.92 $1,051.20 Outside of Scope 2/14/02 Revise Summary Judgment Opposition 4.916 $1,769.76 Outside of Scope 2/15/02 Revise Summary Judgment Opposition 0.75 $270.00 Outside of Scope 2/15/02 Revise Summary Judgment Opposition 3 $1,080.00 Outside of Scope 2/15/02 Revise Summary Judgment Opposition /miscellaneous re service & filing 1.333 $479.88 Partial Award Subtotal (Time re Rule 56(g) Motion) 24.75 $8,910.00 3/10/02 Review Opposition to Rule 56(g) Motion 1.666 $599.76 3/13/02 Prepare Reply re Cross-Motion for Summary Judgment 2.75 $990.00 Outside of Scope 3/13/02 Prepare Reply re Cross-Motion for Summary Judgment 6.916 $2,489.76 Outside of Scope Subtotal (Time re Rule 56(g) Reply) 11.332 $4,079.52 TOTAL 36.082 $12,989.52 Proof Fees 5/26/04 Review Court Orders re Sapienza Sanctions; Review File re Same 1.166 $443.08 6/8/04 Gather and segregate time for Sapienza Fee Application 4.916 $1,868.08 6/9/04 Gather and segregate time for Sapienza Fee Application 1.916 $728.08 Page 4 of 34 6/9/04 Gather and segregate time for Sapienza Fee Application; Prepare MKB Affidavit re fees; Legal Research re Laffey rates 3.666 $1,393.08 6/10/04 Prepare MKB Affidavit re fees 1.916 $728.08 6/10/04 Legal Research re adjusted Laffey rates/McDowell decision 1.25 $475.00 6/10/04 Prepare MKB Affidavit re fees 3.166 $1,203.08 6/11/04 Gather and segregate time for Sapienza Fee Application 0.583 $221.54 6/11/04 Revise MKB Affidavit re fees 2.916 $1,108.08 6/11/04 Revise MKB Affidavit re fees 1.833 $696.54 6/11/04 Revise MKB Affidavit re fees/Prepare Application and Order 3.75 $1,425.00 6/14/04 Revise MKB Affidavit re fees/Prepare Application and Order 4.166 $1,583.08 6/14/04 Finalize MKB Affidavit re fees/Application and Order 1.666 $633.08 6/17/04 Telephone Conference with team re time entries re GAO fee application 1.25 $475.00 TOTAL Proof fees 34.16 $12,980.80 Page 5 of 34 REVIEW OF GINGOLD SCHEDULE: GAO SETTLEMENT OF ACCOUNTS SANCTIONS Date Matter Time Claimed Amount Objection 6/2/00 Accompanied by Rempel, met with Master, DOJ, DOI, & DOT re. production of accounting docs. relevant to Cobell litigation, including all documentation that purports to represent the settlement of IIM accounts in the custody or control of disbursement officers. Brooks represented that the settlement of Disbursing officer accounts also settled IIM accounts. Asst. Secretary of the Treasury Don Hammond confirmed that the settlement of disbursing officer accounts did not result in an accounting of IIM trust accounts. 2.1 $735.00 Previously Billed/Denied Outside of Scope 6/2/00 Prepare for Special Master meeting re. Defendants misrepresentation re. settlement of Indian disbursing officer accounts as accounting IIM trust accounts 0.8 $280.00 Previously Billed/Denied Outside of Scope 6/5/00 Telcom. with Brian Ferrell, DOJ, requesting production of all documents relevant to settlement of IIM accounts in the custody or control of disbursement officers, at least with respect to the named plaintiffs and their predecessors-in-interes ? in conformity with the representations of Brooks at the 6.2.00 meeting at the Master's office. 0.3 $105.00 Outside of Scope 6/6/00 Telcoms. with Ferrell re. same. (Document Production & Account Settlement) 0.3 $105.00 Outside of Scope 7/5/00 Telcoms. Holt re. GAO summary judgment/accounting 0.7 $245.00 Previously Billed/Denied Outside of Scope 7/25/00 Draft MSJ surreply re. Defs' material misrepresentations re. GAO 1.7 $595.00 Previously Billed/Denied Outside of Scope 9/19/00 Telcom. Harper re. GAO settlement issues and action to take regarding Brooks delivery of threat to file motion for summary judgment claiming falsely that the settlement of disbursing officers' accounts for 30 years discharges defs' accounting duty from 1921-1950. 0.2 $70.00 9/20/00 Telcom. with Harper re. same. 0.3 $105.00 9/22/00 Telcoms. with Ferrell re. GAO settlements of account issues and conflicting representations Brooks and Hammond. 0.8 $280.00 9/22/00 Meet with Rempel re. Defendants Third Phase II Motion for Partial Summary Judgment (Re: Settlement of Accounts by Treasury and GAO) ("MSJ III") and in response collect documents in create factual appendix to explicitly refute misrepresentations, including opinion of Don Hammond. 0.6 $210.00 Page 6 of 34 REVIEW OF GINGOLD SCHEDULE: GAO SETTLEMENT OF ACCOUNTS SANCTIONS Date Matter Time Claimed Amount Objection 9/24/00 Review MSJ, note defs' claims, identify responses, and assess authorities in opposition to such claims. 0.7 $245.00 Previously Billed/Denied 9/24/00 Review relevant documents and prepare letters to Brooks and Ferrell concerning same and in response to letters defending MSJ claims. 2.2 $770.00 Previously Billed/Denied 9/25/00 Work on MSJ III response; begin review legal authorities, e.g., "Law of Appropriations" and cases and Comptroller General discussion of nature and scope of settlement of accounts process and legal impact; begin review of documents related thereto. 8 $2,800.00 Previously Billed/Denied 9/26/00 Telcoms. Harper re. nature and scope of settlements-of-account process per Comptroller General. 0.3 $105.00 Previously Billed/Denied 9/26/00 Continue document review, revisions, legal research for MSJ III response. 4.5 $1,575.00 Previously Billed/Denied 9/26/00 Telcom. Harper re. MSJ III draft. 0.2 $70.00 Previously Billed/Denied 9/26/00 Telcom. Holt re. same. 0.3 $105.00 Previously Billed/Denied 9/27/00 Continue document review, revisions, legal research for MSJ III response. 5 $1,750.00 9/28/00 Continue document review, revisions, legal research for MSJ III response 6.2 $2,170.00 Previously Billed/Denied 9/28/00 Telcom. Harper re. MSJ III draft. 0.4 $140.00 Previously Billed/Denied 9/30/00 Continue document review, revisions, legal research for MSJ III response 5 $1,750.00 Previously Billed/Denied 10/1/00 Continue document review, revisions, legal research for MSJ III response 1 $350.00 Previously Billed/Denied 10/4/00 Telcoms. with Harper re. MSJ III response. 1.4 $490.00 Previously Billed/Denied 10/4/00 Telcom. Holt re. MSJ III issues. 0.1 $35.00 10/4/00 Review relevant authorities; documentation. 0.8 $280.00 10/5/00 Continue work on MSJ III response; continue review of legal authorities; documents. 4.9 $1,715.00 10/5/00 Telcom. Interior witness confirming false GAO MSJ. 0.1 $35.00 Previously Billed/Denied 10/6/00 Discussion with Rempel re. relevance of BIA regs. to MSJ III and Trial 1 testimony and exhibits related thereto for reference in opposition to MSJ III. 0.2 $70.00 Page 7 of 34 REVIEW OF GINGOLD SCHEDULE: GAO SETTLEMENT OF ACCOUNTS SANCTIONS Date Matter Time Claimed Amount Objection 10/7/00 Continue work on MSJ III response; continue review of legal authorities; documents, including data reports, oil & gas reports, and assessments of nature and scope of settlements process re. the class. 9.1 $3,185.00 Previously Billed/Denied 10/7/00 Telcoms. with Harper re. MSJ III documentation issues given the refusal of Interior and Treasury to produce documents to support their settlement of account claims. 0.9 $315.00 Previously Billed/Denied 10/8/00 Continue document review, revisions, legal research for MSJ III response. Includes review of data reports, oil & gas reports, and assessments of nature and scope of settlements process re. the class; compare "accounting" to desk audits by GAO and Treasury of disbursing officer reports. 3.9 $1,365.00 Previously Billed/Denied 10/28/00 Revise and redraft draft opposition to MSJ III. 4.5 $1,575.00 Previously Billed/Denied 10/28/00 Conference call with Harper and Brown re. status of MSJ III and issues that need to be flushed out. 0.4 $140.00 Inconsistent with Harper & Brown bills 10/28/00 Discussion with Rempel re. MSJ III draft and necessary edits. 1.2 $420.00 10/28/00 Telcom. Harper re. MSJ III issues. 0.5 $175.00 Previously Billed/Denied 10/29/00 Revise and redraft draft opposition to MSJ III. 4 $1,400.00 Previously Billed/Denied 10/29/00 Telcom. Harper re. defendants' misrepresentations regarding settlement of accounts v. accounting. 0.1 $35.00 Previously Billed/Denied; Inconsistent with Harper bill 10/30/00 Discussion with Rempel re. MSJ III draft and necessary edits. 0.2 $70.00 Inconsistent with Rempel bill 10/30/00 Conference call with Harper and Brown re. status of MSJ III. 0.5 $175.00 Inconsistent with Harper bill 10/30/00 Conference call with Rempel, Harper and Brown re. status of remaining tasks re. MSJ III response including need for Rempel supporting affidavit vis-a-vis admissions of Don Hammond, etc. 1 $350.00 Inconsistent with Rempel, Harper, & Brown bills 10/30/00 Continue revisions of MSJ III draft response. 4.6 $1,610.00 Previously Billed/Denied 10/31/00 Revise and redraft opposition to MSJ III. 6.9 $2,415.00 Previously Billed/Denied 11/1/00 Revise and redraft draft opposition to MSJ III based on Rempel additions. 6.1 $2,135.00 Previously Billed/Denied Page 8 of 34 REVIEW OF GINGOLD SCHEDULE: GAO SETTLEMENT OF ACCOUNTS SANCTIONS Date Matter Time Claimed Amount Objection 11/2/00 Continue revisions of Rempel additions to MSJ III draft response and review and comment on Rempel affidavit in support of certain factual statements including admissions of Hammond. 4.4 $1,540.00 Previously Billed/Denied 11/2/00 Conference call with Rempel, Harper and Brown re. status of remaining tasks and text of Rempel affidavit. 0.4 $140.00 11/3/00 Finalize Plaintiffs' Opposition to Defendants' Third Phase II Motion for Partial Summary Judgement (Re: Settlement of Accounts by Treasury and GAO). 11.6 $4,060.00 Previously Billed/Denied 11/3/00 Telcoms. with Harper re. finalization of MSJ III opposition. 0.4 $140.00 Previously Billed/Denied 11/3/00 Telcom. Ferrell re. service of MSJ III opposition. 0.1 $35.00 Previously Billed/Denied 11/3/00 Telcom. Cobell re. MSJ III issues. 0.3 $105.00 Previously Billed/Denied 11/6/00 Telcom. Brown re. Sanctions for defs’ materially false GAO MSJ III. 0.5 $175.00 Inconsistent with Brown bill 2/1/02 Meet and confer with Cynthia Alexander and Matt Fader, DOJ, and object to defendants' motion to withdraw pending motion for partial summary judgement regarding GAO Settlement of Accounts of disbursing officers as discharging the accounting of IIM Trust beneficiaries ("MSJ III"). 0.1 $36.00 2/1/02 Telcom. Harper re. same. 0.1 $36.00 Inconsistent with Harper bill 2/1/02 Telcoms. Cobell re. same. 0.3 $108.00 2/4/02 Telcom. Cobell re. same, particularly impact false MSJ III was intended to have on class. 0.2 $72.00 2/12/02 Telcoms. Ferrell re. MSJ III issues, intended impact, etc. 0.2 $72.00 2/14/02 Review and revise Plaintiffs' Opposition to Motion to Withdraw Defendants' Motions for Summary Judgment; Plaintiffs' Cross- Motions for Summary Judgment as to (B) The Non-Settlement of accounts to reinforce such settlement of Indian disbursing officer accounts does not constitute an accounting of IIM trust accounts. 8.5 $3,060.00 Partial Recovery 2/14/02 Telcoms. Harper re. same. 0.2 $72.00 Partial Recovery 2/14/02 Conference call with Cobell and Rempel re. defs' motion to withdraw MSJ III, the intended affect of the motion, the deception practiced on the district court, and reasons for the opposition. 0.4 $144.00 Partial Recovery Page 9 of 34 REVIEW OF GINGOLD SCHEDULE: GAO SETTLEMENT OF ACCOUNTS SANCTIONS Date Matter Time Claimed Amount Objection 2/15/02 Finalize revisions and refinement of opp. to defs' motion and cross motion re. MSJ III. 6.2 $2,232.00 Partial Recovery 2/15/02 Conference call with Cobell and Rempel re opp. to motion to withdraw MSJ III and crossmotion for summary judgment. 0.5 $180.00 Partial Recovery 3/5/02 Review, revise, and redraft reply to consolidated MSJ III cross motion and show cause motion. 11 $3,960.00 Partial Recovery 3/5/02 Telcoms. Harper re. same. 0.6 $216.00 Inconsistent with Harper bill 3/8/02 Review, revise, and modify current draft of consolidated MSJ III crossmotion. 1.2 $4,320.00 Partial Recovery 3/11/02 Conference call with Cobell and Rempel re. consolidated MSJ III crossmotion, accounting implica bad faith, irreparable harm. 1.2 $432.00 Partial Recovery 3/11/02 Continue revisions and refinement of MSJ III draft in accordance with discussion with Cobell and Rempel, and Harper. 6.6 $2,376.00 Partial Recovery 3/11/02 Telcoms. Harper re. same. 1.3 $468.00 Inconsistent with Harper bill 3/11/02 Telcoms. Cobell re. same. 1.1 $396.00 Partial Recovery 3/11/02 Discussion with Rempel re. MSJ III reply draft and necessary revisions, additional supporting documents. 0.8 $288.00 Partial Recovery 3/12/02 Continue revisions and refinement of MSJ III reply draft, including factual appendix. 14.5 $5,222.00 Partial Recovery 3/12/02 Telcoms. Harper re. same. 1.1 $396.00 Inconsistent with Harper bill 3/12/02 Conference call Brown and Harper re. same. 0.8 $288.00 Inconsistent with Harper & Brown bills 3/12/02 Discussion with Rempel re. same. 0.6 $216.00 Partial Recovery 3/13/02 Finalize revisions and refinement of MSJ III reply draft, including factual appendix; confirm supporting documentation. 13.2 $4,752.00 Partial Recovery 3/13/02 Telcoms. Harper re. same. 2.3 $828.00 Inconsistent with Harper bill 3/13/02 Telcoms. Cobell re. same. 0.5 $180.00 Partial Recovery 3/13/03 Conference call Cobell and Rempel re. same. 0.4 $144.00 Inconsistent with Rempel bill 4/22/00 Review GAO Gamboa April 19, 2002 letter that confirms knowingly false representations made re. settlement of IIM accounts. 0.5 $180.00 Partial Recovery Page 10 of 34 REVIEW OF GINGOLD SCHEDULE: GAO SETTLEMENT OF ACCOUNTS SANCTIONS Date Matter Time Claimed Amount Objection 4/22/02 Telcoms. Harper re. same and implications of knowingly false representations to Court and pltffs' and plaintiffs' counsel. 0.6 $216.00 Inconsistent with Harper bill 4/23/02 Telcoms. with Cobell re. same. 0.5 $180.00 Partial Recovery 4/23/02 Telcoms. with Harper re. same. 0.4 $144.00 Inconsistent with Harper bill 4/24/02 Review implications of Gamboa admissions and willful misrepresentations to Court and pltffs' counsel; review all filings by government and plaintiffs related thereto and consider options to rectify consequences of deception. 2.9 $1,044.00 Outside of Scope 4/24/03 Telcom. Holt re. same. 0.3 $108.00 Outside of Scope/Denied 4/24/03 Telcom. Levitas re same. 0.7 $252.00 Inconsistent with Levitas bill; Outside of Scope/Denied 4/24/02 Telcom. Cobell re. same. 0.5 $180.00 Outside of Scope/Denied 4/24/02 Telcom. Harper re. same. 0.6 $216.00 Inconsistent with Harper bill; Outside of Scope/Denied 4/24/02 Telcom. Fasold re. same. 0.2 $72.00 Ouside of Scope/Denied 4/25/02 Telcom. Harper re. same. 0.4 $144.00 Inconsistent with Harper bill; Outside of Scope/Denied 4/25/02 Telcom. Levitas re same. 0.1 $36.00 Inconsistent with Levitas bill; Outside of Scope/Denied 5/1/02 Telcom. Craig Lawrence, U.S. Attorney's Office re. Gamboa letter and its implications. 0.2 $72.00 Previously Billed/Denied; Outside of Scope 5/1/02 Telcoms. Scott Harris, U.S. Attorney's Office, re. same. 0.4 $144.00 Previously Billed/Denied; Outside of Scope 5/2/02 Telcom. Craig Lawrence, U.S. Attorney's Office, re same. 0.4 $144.00 Previously Billed/Denied; Outside of Scope Page 11 of 34 REVIEW OF GINGOLD SCHEDULE: GAO SETTLEMENT OF ACCOUNTS SANCTIONS Date Matter Time Claimed Amount Objection 5/2/02 Work on notice of supplemental authority re. Gamboa letter. 0.6 $216.00 Outside of Scope/Denied 5/2/02 Telcoms. Harper re. discussions with U.S. Attorney's office and notice of supplemental authority re. Gamboa letter. 0.9 $324.00 Inconsistent with Harper bill; Outside of Scope/Denied 5/3/02 Review and revise consolidated motion for leave to amend plaintiffs' 2.15.02 MSJ III contempt motion and finding pursuant to R 56(g) per newly discovered evidence, i.e., the Gamboa letter. 5.6 $2,016.00 Outside of Scope/Denied 5/3/02 Telcom. Craig Lawrence, U.S. Attorney's Office, re same. 0.1 $36.00 Previously Billed/Denied 5/4/02 Work on notice of supp. authority, leave to amend 2.15.02 MSJ III contempt motion, amendment of MSJ III contempt motion per newly discovered evidence. 3.9 $1,404.00 Outside of Scope/Denied 5/5/02 Continue to draft and revise same. 6.3 $2,268.00 Outside of Scope/Denied 5/5/02 Telcom. Harper re. issues and implications re. same. 0.1 $36.00 Inconsistent with Harper bill; Outside of Scope/Denied 5/6/02 Telcom. Lawrence re. same. 0.2 $72.00 Previously Billed/Denied 5/6/02 Work on notice of supp. authority, leave to amend 2.15.02 MSJ III contempt motion, amendment of MSJ III contempt motion per newly discovered evidence. 5.3 $1,908.00 Outside of Scope/Denied 5/6/02 Telcoms. Harper re. same. 0.2 $72.00 Inonsistent with Harper bill; Outside of Scope/Denied 5/7/02 Work on motion for leave to amend 2.15.02 MSJ III contempt motion, amendment of MSJ III contempt motion per newly discovered evidence. 3.7 $1,332.00 Outside of Scope/Denied 5/7/02 Telcoms. Lawrence re. same. 1.2 $432.00 Outside of Scope/Denied 5/9/02 Telcoms. Harper re. same. 0.3 $108.00 Inconsistent with Harper bill; Outside of Scope/Denied 5/9/02 Work on motion for leave to amend 2.15.02 MSJ III contempt motion, amendment of MSJ III contempt motion per newly discovered evidence. 5.4 $1,944.00 Outside of Scope/ Denied Page 12 of 34 REVIEW OF GINGOLD SCHEDULE: GAO SETTLEMENT OF ACCOUNTS SANCTIONS Date Matter Time Claimed Amount Objection 5/10/02 Work on motion for leave to amend 2.15.02 MSJ III contempt motion, amendment of MSJ III contempt motion per newly discovered evidence. 0.2 $72.00 Outside of Scope/ Denied 5/10/02 Telcom. Lawrence re. same. 0.1 $36.00 Outside of Scope/ Denied 5/10/02 Telcom. Harper re. same. 0.1 $36.00 Inconsistent with Harper bill; Outside of Scope/ Denied 5/12/02 Telcom. Harper re. same 0.2 $72.00 Inconsistent with Harper bill; Outside of Scope/ Denied 5/13/02 Work on motion to amend 2.15.02 MSJ III contempt motion, amendment of MSJ III contempt motion per newly discovered evidence. 2.7 $972.00 Outside of Scope/ Denied 5/13/02 Telcoms. Harper re. same. 0.4 $144.00 Inconsistent with Harper bill; Outside of Scope/ Denied 5/13/02 Telcoms. Levitas re. same. 0.3 $108.00 Inconsistent with Levitas bill; Outside of Scope 5/14/02 Telcom with Lawrence re. same. 0.4 $144.00 Outside of Scope/ Denied 5/14/02 Discussion with Rempel re. same. 0.1 $36.00 Outside of Scope/ Denied 5/14/02 Telcom. Cobell re. same. 0.4 $144.00 Outside of Scope/ Denied 5/14/02 Telcom. Levitas re same. 0.5 $180.00 Inconsistent with Levitas bill; Outside of Scope/ Denied 5/15/02 Work on motion to amend 2.15.02 MSJ III contempt motion, amendment of MSJ III contempt motion per newly discovered evidence. 1.8 $648.00 Outside of Scope/ Denied 5/15/02 Telcoms. Harper re. comments to same. 0.4 $144.00 Inconsistent with Harper bill; Outside of Scope/ Denied 5/16/02 Telcom. Lawrence re. same. 0.1 $36.00 Outside of Scope/ Denied Page 13 of 34 REVIEW OF GINGOLD SCHEDULE: GAO SETTLEMENT OF ACCOUNTS SANCTIONS Date Matter Time Claimed Amount Objection 5/16/02 Work on motion to amend 2.15.02 MSJ III contempt motion, amendment of MSJ III contempt motion per newly discovered evidence. 7.4 $2,664.00 Outside of Scope/ Denied 5/16/02 Telcom. Scott Harris re. same. 0.1 $36.00 Outside of Scope/ Denied 5/17/02 Work on motion to amend 2.15.02 MSJ III contempt motion, amendment of MSJ III contempt motion per newly discovered evidence. 7 $2,520.00 Outside of Scope/ Denied 5/18/02 Work on motion to amend 2.15.02 MSJ III contempt motion, amendment of MSJ III contempt motion per newly discovered evidence. 1.9 $684.00 Outside of Scope/ Denied 5/20/02 Work on motion to amend 2.15.02 MSJ III contempt motion, amendment of MSJ III contempt motion per newly discovered evidence. 2.2 $792.00 Outside of Scope/ Denied 5/24/02 Work on motion to amend 2.15.02 MSJ III contempt motion, amendment of MSJ III contempt motion per newly discovered evidence. 4.7 $1,692.00 Outside of Scope/ Denied 5/24/02 Telcom. Lawrence re. same. 0.1 $36.00 Outside of Scope/ Denied 5/24/02 Telcom. Cobell re. same. 0.4 $144.00 Outside of Scope/ Denied 5/24/02 Telcom. Cobell re. same. 0.1 $36.00 Outside of Scope/ Denied 5/25/02 Work on motion to amend 2.15.02 MSJ III contempt motion, amendment of MSJ III contempt motion per newly discovered evidence. 4 $1,440.00 Outside of Scope/ Denied 5/25/02 Telcoms. Harper re. same. 0.2 $72.00 Inconsistent with Harper bill; Outside of Scope/ Denied 5/26/02 Work on motion to amend 2.15.02 MSJ III contempt motion, amendment of MSJ III contempt motion per newly discovered evidence. 7.1 $2,556.00 Outside of Scope/ Denied 5/27/02 Work on motion to amend 2.15.02 MSJ III contempt motion, amendment of MSJ III contempt motion per newly discovered evidence. 8.8 $3,168.00 Outside of Scope/ Denied 5/27/02 Telcom. Harper re. same. 0.2 $72.00 Inconsistent with Harper bill; Outside of Scope/ Denied Page 14 of 34 REVIEW OF GINGOLD SCHEDULE: GAO SETTLEMENT OF ACCOUNTS SANCTIONS Date Matter Time Claimed Amount Objection 5/28/02 Work on motion to amend 2.15.02 MSJ III contempt motion, amendment of MSJ III contempt motion per newly discovered evidence. 2.6 $936.00 Outside of Scope/ Denied 5/28/02 Telcom. Lawrence re. same. 0.2 $72.00 Outside of Scope/ Denied 5/30/02 Work on motion to amend 2.15.02 MSJ III contempt motion, amendment of MSJ III contempt motion per newly discovered evidence. 2.5 $900.00 Outside of Scope/ Denied 5/30/02 Telcom. Harper re. same. 0.3 $108.00 Inconsistent with Harper bill; Outside of Scope 5/31/02 Telcom. Lawrence re. same. 0.1 $36.00 Outside of Scope/Denied 6/1/02 Work on motion to amend 2.15.02 MSJ III contempt motion, amendment of MSJ III contempt motion per newly discovered evidence. 3.4 $1,258.00 Outside of Scope/Denied 6/3/02 Telcom. Lawrence re. meet and confer re filing of MSJ III contempt motion. 0.4 $148.00 Outside of Scope/Denied 6/3/02 Work on motion to amend 2.15.02 MSJ III contempt motion, amendment of MSJ III contempt motion per newly discovered evidence. 2 $740.00 Outside of Scope/Denied 6/3/02 Discussion with Rempel re. same. 0.5 $185.00 Outside of Scope/Denied 6/3/02 Telcoms. Harper re. same. 0.3 $111.00 Inconsistent with Harper bill; Outside of Scope/Denied 6/4/02 Continued telcoms. Lawrence re. meet and confer on MSJ III contempt motion. 0.7 $259.00 Outside of Scope/Denied 6/4/02 Telcoms. Harper re. same. 0.4 $148.00 Outside of Scope/Denied 6/4/02 Finalize motion to amend 2.15 02 MSJ III contempt motion, amendment fo MSJ III contempt motion per newly discovered evidence. 8.6 $3,182.00 Outside of Scope/Denied 6/6/02 Research and analyze complex personal service issues re. nonparties as to same. 4 $1,480.00 Outside of Scope/Denied 6/6/02 Telcoms. Scott Harris, U.S. Attorney's Office, re. same. 0.4 $148.00 Outside of Scope/Denied 6/6/02 Telcoms. Lawrence re. same. 0.6 $222.00 Outside of Scope/Denied Page 15 of 34 REVIEW OF GINGOLD SCHEDULE: GAO SETTLEMENT OF ACCOUNTS SANCTIONS Date Matter Time Claimed Amount Objection 6/6/02 Telcoms. Harper re. same. 0.6 $222.00 Outside of Scope/Denied 6/7/02 Telcom. Lawrence re. unresolved personal service issues in connection with MSJ III contempt. 0.1 $37.00 Outside of Scope/Denied 6/7/02 Conference call Rempel, Harper, Brown concerning appealability of contempt re. MSJ III contemnors, officially and individually, including DOJ attorneys. 1.1 $407.00 Inconsistent with Harper & Brown bills; Outside of Scope/Denied 6/8/02 Telcoms. Lawrence re. MSJ III personal service logistical issues. 0.5 $185.00 Outside of Scope/Denied 6/8/02 Telcoms. Harper re. same. 1.5 $555.00 Inconsistent with Harper bill; Outside of Scope/Denied 6/9/02 Telcom. Lawrence re. unresolved personal service issues in connection with MSJ III contempt. 0.1 $37.00 Outside of Scope/Denied 6/19/02 Telcom. Lawrence re. production of GAO documents referenced in Gamboa letter but withheld by defendants. 0.5 $185.00 Outside of Scope/Denied 6/20/02 Telcom. Lawrence re. same. 0.1 $37.00 Previously Billed/Denied 6/20/02 Telcom. Harper re. same. 0.1 $37.00 Outside of Scope/Denied; Inconsistent with Harper bil; 6/21/02 Telcom. Lawrence re. same. 0.1 $37.00 Previously Billed; Outside of Scope/Denied 6/24/02 Telcoms. Lawrence re. same. 0.3 $111.00 Previously Billed; Outside of Scope/Denied 6/24/02 Meet with Cobell concerning Gamboa letter and MSJ III. 1 $370.00 Outside of Scope/Denied 6/25/02 Work on reply to MSJ III, including review of defs' cases and authorities and begin preparation of draft. 5 $1,850.00 Outside of Scope/Denied 6/25/02 Telcom. Lawrence re. production of GAO documents referenced in Gamboa letter but withheld by defendants. 0.4 $148.00 Previously Billed; Outside of Scope/Denied 6/26/02 Continue work on Gamboa/MSJ III reply; includes research and draft revisions. 2.2 $814.00 Outside of Scope/Denied Page 16 of 34 REVIEW OF GINGOLD SCHEDULE: GAO SETTLEMENT OF ACCOUNTS SANCTIONS Date Matter Time Claimed Amount Objection 6/27/02 Continue work on Gamboa/MSJ III reply; includes research and draft revisions. 1.3 $481.00 Outside of Scope/Denied 6/27/02 Telcom. Harper re. same. 0.1 $37.00 Inconsistent with Harper bill; Outside of Scope/Denied 6/27/02 Meet with Cobell re. same. 0.4 $148.00 Outside of Scope/Denied 6/28/02 Continue work on Gamboa/MSJ III reply; includes research and draft revisions. Consolidated Motion for Leave to Amend and Motion to Amend Plaintiffs' February 15, 2002 Summary Judgment Contempt Motion and a Contempt Finding Pursuant to F.R.C.P. 56(g) in accordance with Newly Discovered Evidence: The April 19, 2002 Letter of GAO General Counsel Anthony Gamboa to OHTA Director Bert Edwards). 3.7 $1,369.00 Outside of Scope/Denied 6/28/02 Telcom. Harper re. same. 0.4 $148.00 Inconsistent with Harper bill; Outside of Scope 7/1/02 Telcom. Lawrence re. production of GAO documents referenced in Gamboa letter but withheld by defendants. 0.1 $37.00 Outside of Scope/Denied 7/5/02 Telcom. Lawrence re. continued failure to produce GAO documents referenced, and in connection, with Gamboa letter. 0.2 $74.00 Previously Billed; Outside of Scope/Denied 7/9/02 Telcom. Lawrence re. continued failure to produce GAO documents referenced, and in connection, with Gamboa letter. 0.5 $185.00 Previously Billed; Outside of Scope/Denied 7/11/02 Telcom. Lawrence re. continued failure to produce GAO documents referenced, and in connection with Gamboa letter. 0.4 $148.00 Previously Billed; Outside of Scope/Denied 7/19/02 Prepare letter to Lawrence re. continued failure to produce GAO documents referenced, and in connection with, Gamboa letter, particularly with respect to docs. created, or received, by Interior and Treasury in response to GAO general counsel's opinion that IIM accounts were not settled. 1 $370.00 Outside of Scope/Denied 7/29/02 Telcom. Lawrence re. same. 0.3 $111.00 Previously Billed; Outside of Scope/Denied 7/30/02 Prepare letter response to Lawrence re. same. 0.3 $111.00 Previously Billed; Outside of Scope/Denied Page 17 of 34 REVIEW OF GINGOLD SCHEDULE: GAO SETTLEMENT OF ACCOUNTS SANCTIONS Date Matter Time Claimed Amount Objection 8/6/02 Telcom. Lawrence re. same. 0.3 $111.00 Previously Billed; Outside of Scope/Denied 8/7/02 Telcom. Lawrence re. same. 0.1 $37.00 Previously Billed; Outside of Scope/Denied 8/8/02 Review first production of docs. referenced in Gamboa letter further demonstrating bad faih of defs' in filing MSJ III. 1.3 $481.00 Outside of Scope/Denied 9/13/02 Telcoms. Lawrence re. production of remaining relevant Gamboa related docs. 0.2 $74.00 Outside of Scope/Denied 9/16/02 Telcom. Lawrence re. same. 0.1 $37.00 Outside of Scope/Denied 1/28/03 Conference call Harper and Brown re. need to file MSJ declaring settlement of disbursing officer accounts does not settle or constitute accounting of IIM Trust accounts. 0.4 $148.00 Outside of Scope; Inconsistent with Brown & Harper bills 1/30/03 Review documents in support of statement of undesputed material facts re. MSJ settlements of Account. Review and revise Plaintiffs' Motion for Partial Summary Judgment as to the NonSettlement of Accounts and Defendants' Failure to Perform the Accounting, in Whole or Part, Ordered by this Court on December 21, 1999 and Plaintiffs' Statement of Material Fasts as to Which There is No Genuine Issue in Support of Motion for Partial Summary Judgment. 6.1 $2,257.00 Outside of Scope 1/31/03 Telcom. Harper re. same. 0.3 $111.00 Outside of Scope; Inconsistent with Harper bill 1/31/03 Review and revise motion for partial summary judgment and 5.4 $1,998.00 Outside of Scope 2/3/03 Finalize revisions and refinement of motion for partial summary judgment and undisputed material facts. 6.1 $2,257.00 Outside of Scope 2/15/03 Telcom. Harper re. same and opp. to defs' motion to strike GAO MSJ. 0.4 $148.00 Outside of Scope; Inconsistent with Harper bill 2/21/03 Revise and redraft Reply to defs' opp. to GAO MSJ. 3.6 $1,332.00 Outside of Scope 2/21/03 Telcoms. Harper re. same. 0.4 $148.00 Outside of Scope; Inconsistent with Harper bill 2/21/03 Telcom. Levitas re same. 0.2 $74.00 Outside of Scope; Inconsistent with Levitas bill Page 18 of 34 REVIEW OF GINGOLD SCHEDULE: GAO SETTLEMENT OF ACCOUNTS SANCTIONS Date Matter Time Claimed Amount Objection 2/24/03 Telcom. Harper re. same. 0.4 $148.00 Outside of Scope; Inconsistent with Harper bill 2/24/03 Telcoms. Levitas re. same. 0.5 $185.00 Outside of Scope; Inconsistent with Levitas bill 2/26/03 Telcom. Levitas re same. 0.1 $37.00 Outside of Scope; Inconsistent with Levitas bill 2/27/03 Prepare affidavit in support of Plaintiffs' Consolidated Motion to Treat as Conceded Plaintiffs' Motion for Partial Summary Judgment as to the NonSettlement of Accounts and Defendants' Failure to Perform the Accounting, in Whole or Part, Ordered by this Court on December 21, 1999 and to Strike as Untimely Defendants' Opposition to Plaintiffs' Motion for Partial Summary Judgment as to NonSettlement of Accounts, or in the Alternative, Motion for Enlargement of Time Within Which to Reply to Defendants' Opposition Brief; review and revise motion to strike as conceded Plaintiffs' Motion for Partial Summary Judgment. 4.3 $1,591.00 Outside of Scope 3/8/03 Review and Revise draft Motion to Continue and Enlargement of Time re. GAO Summary Judgment. 5.5 $2,035.00 Outside of Scope 3/12/03 Review and revise Plaintiffs' Motion to Continue Defendants' Motions for Summary Judgment Pursuant to Fed. R. Civ. P. 56(f) and to Enlarge Plaintiffs' Time to Respond Thereto and Affidavit of Dennis Gingold in Support Thereof and draft affidivate which avers, among other things, that 8 requests for docs. regarding the April 19, 2002 Gamboa letter remained unsatisifed, affecting plaintiffs' ability to provide fully informed opposition to defs' motion. 4.3 $1,591.00 Outside of Scope 3/10/03 Review documents and begin draft affidavit in support of Motion to Continue GAO MSJ due to failure of defendants' to produced relevant referenced docuements. 3.8 $1,406.00 Outside of Scope 3/12/03 Continue such review and preparation of affidavit. 0.3 $111.00 Outside of Scope 3/13/03 Finalize same and prepare affidavit in support of Plaintiffs' Motion to Continue Motions for Summary Judgment due to failure of defendants to produce documents relevant to GAO Settlements issues, including evidence related to Defendants' Statment of Material Facts in Support of Motion for Partial Summary Judgment re. April 19, 2002 Gamboa letter and document references contained therein. 7.4 $2,738.00 Outside of Scope 3/13/03 Telcom. Harper re. same. 0.3 $111.00 Outside of Scope Page 19 of 34 REVIEW OF GINGOLD SCHEDULE: GAO SETTLEMENT OF ACCOUNTS SANCTIONS Date Matter Time Claimed Amount Objection 4/7/03 Review and revise Plaintiffs' Reply re. Motion to Continue Defendants' Motions for Summary Judgment Pursuant to Fed. R. Civ. P. 56(f) and to Enlarge Plaintiffs' Time to Respond Thereto due to defs' refusal to comply with relevant doc. production requests. 1.3 $481.00 Outside of Scope 4/8/03 Review and revise Opposition to Defendants' Latest Motion for Reconsideration with Respect to this Court's March 11, 2003 Memorandum and Order and Request for Enlargement of Time Within Which to Submit Filing Detailing Amount of Reasonable Expenses and Attorneys' Fees Incurred. 2.9 $1,073.00 4/9/03 Review and Revise Plaintiffs' Reply to Defendants' Opposition to Plaintiffs' Motion for Partial Summary Judgment as to the NonSettlement of Accounts. 4.2 $1,554.00 Outside of Scope 6/7/04 Review relevant memoranda and orders and diary entries, allocate and begin preparation of time 7 $2,730.00 6/7/04 Telcom. Harper re. scope of orders and time allocation issues. 0.4 $156.00 6/8/04 Allocate, review briefs, other filings, affidavits, related briefs, and prepare time in accordance with GAO sanctions decision. 8.3 $3,237.00 6/9/04 Telcoms. Harper re. same. 0.7 $273.00 Inconsistent with Harper bill 6/9/04 Allocate and prepare time in accordance with GAO sanctions decision. 5.1 $1,989.00 6/10/04 Allocate and prepare time in accordance with GAO sanctions decision. 8.4 $3,276.00 6/11/04 Allocate and prepare time in accordance with GAO sanctions decision. 6.5 $2,535.00 6/12/04 Allocate and prepare time in accordance with GAO sanctions decision. 4 $1,560.00 6/13/04 Allocate and prepare time in accordance with GAO sanctions decision. 4.8 $1,872.00 6/14/03 Begin preparation of affidavit in support of fee application. Allocate and prepare time in accordance with GAO sanctions decision. 5.7 $2,223.00 6/14/04 Revise draft affidavit in support of GAO fee request. 1 $390.00 6/14/04 Telcom. Harper re. GAO time and scope of roders 0.2 $78.00 Inconsistent with Harper bill 6/15/04 Allocate and adjust time in accordance with GAO sanctions decision; revise draft affidavit; review Rempel time and affidavit to confirm accuracy and fairness; discuss issues with Rempel re same. 7 $2,730.00 Page 20 of 34 REVIEW OF GINGOLD SCHEDULE: GAO SETTLEMENT OF ACCOUNTS SANCTIONS Date Matter Time Claimed Amount Objection 6/16/04 Review and revise GAO Fee Schedule to correct errors and clarify per discussions with Rempel and Harper as to scope of Orders and work performed in connection with defendants’ repeated filing of false Sapienza declaration. Revise affidavit to conform to such discussion. 1.6 $624.00 6/16/04 Conference call Rempel and Harper to confirm accuracy of time entries and scope of action taken in connection with protection of class re. defs’ repeated filing of false Sapienza declaration. 2 $780.00 Inconsistent with Harper bill 6/16/04 Conference call Rempel, Harper, and Brown re. same. 1 $390.00 Inconsistent with Harper & Brown bills 6/17/04 Continue revision of affidavit in conformity with same. 0.9 $351.00 6/17/04 Telcom. Harper re. same. 0.2 $78.00 6/19/04 Revise transmittal papers to Court in accordance with comments from Rempel and Harper. 0.8 $312.00 6/19/04 Telcoms. Harper re. same and comments re. affidavits. 0.5 $195.00 Inconsistent with Harper bill 6/20/04 Draft memorandum to Brown re. clarification of Brown affidavit and time. 0.4 $156.00 6/21/04 Telcoms. Harper re. clarification of affidavits and time entries in conformity with order. 0.5 $195.00 Inconsistent with Harper bill 6/21/04 Review Brown revisions. 0.3 $117.00 6/21/04 Provide comments to Brown on additional revision. 0.2 $78.00 6/21/04 Continuing preparation of GAO time. 0.3 $117.00 Total 455.6 $170,123.00 Page 21 of 34 REVIEW OF REMPEL SCHEDULE: GAO SETTLEMENT OF ACCOUNTS SANCTIONS Date Matter Time Claimed Amount Objection 6/2/00 Meet and Confer /w DOI and DOI counsel before Special Master re various motions. Includes discussion w/ Dennis Gingold, Mark Brown between meetings and preparation and review of the existing status of discovery. During the course of this meeting Assistant Secretary Don Hammond confirmed that the settlement of accounts process did not constitute an accounting of the individual Indian trust accounts. 6.5 $1,462.50 Outside of Scope 9/22/00 CC w/ Rick Fasold re : Defs' Third Motion for Summary Judgment (GAO settlement of accounts) and available material available to refute; compile information for opposition. 0.3 $67.50 9/22/00 Discussion w/ Dennis Gingold re DOT and GAO settlement of accounts and defendants' 3rd Motion for Summary Judgment. 0.6 $135.00 Adjusted to $90/hour 9/23/00 Review Defs' Motion for MSJ and exhibits re: GAO settlement of accounts. 1.7 $382.50 Previously billed 9/25/00 Review Defs' Motion for MSJ and exhibits re: GAO settlement of accounts; begin drafting and preparing response. 5.5 $1,237.50 Previously billed 9/26/00 Review Defs' Motion for MSJ and exhibits re: GAO settlement of accounts; begin drafting and preparing response. 9.5 $2,137.50 Previously billed 9/27/00 Review Mildred Cleghorn documentation for settled accounts as it relates to Defs' 3rd MSJ (settlement of accounts process). 4.2 $945.00 Previously billed 9/28/00 CC w/ Rick Fasold re : BIA documentation reviewed. Conference call in context of Defs' 3rd MSJ and availability of information to refute defendants' contention that the GAO settled the IIM accounts. 0.1 $22.50 Previously billed 9/28/00 Review Defs' Motion for MSJ and exhibits re: GAO settlement of accounts; begin drafting and preparing response. 7.2 $1,620.00 Previously billed 9/29/00 Draft, edit response to Defendants' 3rd MSJ (re. settlement of accounts process). 1.9 $427.50 Previously billed 9/29/00 Draft preliminary statement of facts for opposition to Defs' MSJ (re. settlement of accounts process). 3.5 $787.50 Previously billed 10/5/00 CC with Lorna Babby re: production of policy and procedure boxes. This conference call was initiated for the purpose of ascertaining whether there was an information contained in prior discovery (policy and procedures boxes) that might assist in drafting the opposition to Defs' 3rd MSJ (settlement of accounts process). 0.3 $67.50 Page 22 of 34 REVIEW OF REMPEL SCHEDULE: GAO SETTLEMENT OF ACCOUNTS SANCTIONS Date Matter Time Claimed Amount Objection 10/5/00 Draft statement of facts for Response to Defs' MSJ III (re. settlement of accounts process). Includes reviewing Defs' documentation as well as plaintiffs' pertinent trial 1 exhibits and testimony for purposes of drafting the opposition. 1.8 $405.00 Previously billed 10/6/00 Discuss w/ DG re: BIA regulations and Defs' 3rd MSJ (re. settlement of accounts process). Includes discussion of drafting opposition and research on historical regulations at DOI/DOT/GAO. 0.2 $45.00 Adjusted to $90/hour 10/6/00 Draft statement of facts for Response to Defs. MSJ III (re. settlement of accounts process). Includes reviewing Defs' documentation as well as plaintiffs' pertinent trial 1 exhibits and testimony for purposes of drafting the opposition. 7.4 $1,665.00 Previously billed 10/25/00 Draft statement of facts for Response to Defs. MSJ III (re. settlement of accounts process). Includes reviewing Defs' documentation (exhibits) and drafting response in light of uncontested facts. 2.5 $562.50 Previously billed 10/26/00 Draft Response and statement of facts to Defs' MSJ III (settlement of accounts process). 8.5 $1,912.50 Previously billed 10/27/00 Draft Response and statement of facts to Defs' MSJ III (settlement of accounts process). 3.3 $742.50 Previously billed 10/28/00 Draft Response and statement of facts to Defs' MSJ III (settlement of accounts process). 3.0 $675.00 Previously billed 10/28/00 Discussion w/ Dennis Gingold re: Defs' MSJ III and edits to draft. 1.2 $270.00 Previously billed 10/29/00 CC with Dennis Gingold re: Defs' MSJ III and edits. 0.2 $45.00 Previously billed 10/30/00 CC w/ Dennis Gingold, Mark Brown, Keith Harper re: Response to Defs' MSJ III and tasks. 1.0 $225.00 Previously billed 10/30/00 Draft Response and statement of facts to Defs' MSJ III (settlement of accounts process). Begin drafting Rempel affidavit in support of response. 7.0 $1,575.00 Previously billed 11/1/00 Draft Response and statement of facts to Defs' MSJ III (settlement of accounts process). Includes drafting Rempel affidavit in support of response. 9.5 $2,137.50 Previously billed 11/2/00 Draft Response and statement of facts to Defs' MSJ III (settlement of accounts process). Includes drafting Rempel affidavit in support of response. 13.0 $2,925.00 Previously billed 11/2/00 CC w/ DG, MB, KH re Rempel GAO affidavit. 0.2 $45.00 Inconsistent with Brown & Harper bills Page 23 of 34 REVIEW OF REMPEL SCHEDULE: GAO SETTLEMENT OF ACCOUNTS SANCTIONS Date Matter Time Claimed Amount Objection 11/3/00 Draft Response and statement of facts to Defs' MSJ III (settlement of accounts process). Includes drafting Rempel affidavit in support of response. File and serve response. 11.5 $2,587.50 Previously billed 12/15/01 Review material, including facsimiles from the Department of Justice and discovery material and prepare for contempt trial. 4.0 $900.00 Outside of Scope 12/16/01 Review material, including facsimiles from the Department of Justice and discovery material and prepare for contempt trial. 2.5 $562.50 Outside of Scope 2/4/02 Review Defs' Motion to Withdrawal Motions for Summary Judgment. Edit, draft Opposition to Defs' Motion to Withdraw MSJ. 2.8 $630.00 Pltfs did not prevail on Opposition to Motion to Withdraw 2/10/02 Edit, draft Opposition to Defs' Motion to Wthdrawal MSJ. Includes review of trial testimony and exhibits attached to original MSJ. 5.9 $1,327.50 Pltfs did not prevail on Opposition to Motion to Withdraw 2/11/02 Edit, draft Opposition to Defs' Motion to Wthdrawal MSJ. 5.5 $1,237.50 Pltfs did not prevail on Opposition to Motion to Withdraw 2/12/02 Edit, draft Opposition to Defs' Motion to Wthdrawal MSJ. 9.5 $2,137.50 Pltfs did not prevail on Opposition to Motion to Withdraw 2/14/02 CC w/ Elouise Cobell, Dennis Gingold re Defs' 3rd MSJ and motion to withdrawal. 0.4 $90.00 Pltfs did not prevail on Opposition to Motion to Withdraw 2/14/02 Prepare opposition to motion to withdrawal MSJ's and crossmotions for summary judgment and sanctions for seeking to mislead the Court. 8.4 $1,890.00 Pltfs did not prevail on Opposition to Motion to Withdraw 2/15/02 CC w/ Elouise Cobell, Dennis Gingold re Defs' 3rd MSJ and motion to withdrawal. 0.5 $112.50 Pltfs did not prevail on Opposition to Motion to Withdraw Page 24 of 34 REVIEW OF REMPEL SCHEDULE: GAO SETTLEMENT OF ACCOUNTS SANCTIONS Date Matter Time Claimed Amount Objection 2/15/02 Prepare opposition to motion to withdrawal MSJ's and crossmotions for summary judgment and sanctions for seeking to mislead the Court. File and service opposition. 6.8 $1,530.00 Pltfs did not prevail on Opposition to Motion to Withdraw 3/5/02 Review defendants' opposition to plaintiffs MSJ (incl. settlement of accounts) and prepare to draft reply. 5.0 $1,125.00 Adjusted to $95/hour 3/5/02 CC w/ Elouise Cobell re Defendants' 3rd MSJ and subsequent withdrawal. 0.3 $67.50 Pltfs did not prevail on Opposition to Motion to Withdraw 3/6/02 Draft and edit reply to defendants' opposition to plaintiffs' MSJ (incl. settlement of accounts). 7.2 $1,620.00 Adjusted to $95/hour 3/7/02 Draft and edit reply to defendants' opposition to plaintiffs' MSJ (incl. settlement of accounts). 8.0 $1,800.00 Adjusted to $95/hour 3/8/02 Draft and edit reply to defendants' opposition to plaintiffs' MSJ (incl. settlement of accounts). 6.5 $1,462.50 Adjusted to $95/hour 3/9/02 Draft and edit reply to defendants' opposition to plaintiffs' MSJ (incl. settlement of accounts). 2.5 $562.50 Adjusted to $95/hour 3/10/02 Draft and edit reply to defendants' opposition to plaintiffs' MSJ (incl. settlement of accounts). 1.5 $337.50 Adjusted to $95/hour 3/11/02 CC with Elouise Cobell, Dennis Gingold re Defs' 3rd MSJ and drafting of reply in support of Plaintiffs' MSJ re settlement of accounts. 1.2 $270.00 Adjusted to $95/hour 3/11/02 Draft and edit reply to defendants' opposition to plaintiffs' MSJ (incl. settlement of accounts). 1.5 $337.50 Adjusted to $95/hour 3/11/02 Discuss w/ Dennis Gingold re Defendants' 3rd MSJ and drafting of reply in support of Plts' MSJ re settlement of accounts. 0.8 $180.00 Adjusted to $95/hour 3/12/02 Discuss w/ Dennis Gingold re Defendants' 3rd MSJ and drafting of reply in support of Plts' MSJ re settlement of accounts. 0.6 $135.00 Adjusted to $95/hour 3/12/02 Draft and edit reply to defendants' opposition to plaintiffs' MSJ (incl. settlement of accounts). 6.0 $1,350.00 Adjusted to $95/hour 3/13/02 CC w/ Elouise Cobell, Dennis Gingold re Defs' 3rd MSJ and drafting of reply in support of Plaintiffs' MSJ re settlement of accounts. 0.4 $90.00 Adjusted to $95/hour Page 25 of 34 REVIEW OF REMPEL SCHEDULE: GAO SETTLEMENT OF ACCOUNTS SANCTIONS Date Matter Time Claimed Amount Objection 3/13/02 Draft and edit reply to defendants' opposition to plaintiffs' MSJ (incl. settlement of accounts). File and serve reply. 11.2 $2,520.00 Excessive; Time; Gingold bills 13.2 hrs. for "finalizing revisions and refinement" of reply draft 5/6/02 Notice of Supplemental Authority - Draft, prepare, file and serve notice regarding GAO letter from GAO General Counsel to Bert Edwards, Director of OHTA re settlement of accounts process. 2.6 $585.00 Previously Billed 5/9/02 Draft and edit Plaintiffs' Consolidated Motion for Leave to Amend and Motion to Amend Plaintiffs' February 15, 2002 Summary Judgment Contempt Motion and a Contempt Finding Pursuant to F.R.C.P. 56(g) in Accordance with Newly Discovered Evidence: the April 19, 2002 Letter of GAO General Counsel Anthony Gamboa to OHTA Director Bert Edwards. 4.5 $1,012.50 Outside of Scope 5/14/02 Draft and edit Plaintiffs' Consolidated Motion for Leave to Amend and Motion to Amend Plaintiffs' February 15, 2002 Summary Judgment Contempt Motion and a Contempt Finding Pursuant to F.R.C.P. 56(g) in Accordance with Newly Discovered Evidence: the April 19, 2002 Letter of GAO General Counsel Anthony Gamboa to OHTA Director Bert Edwards. 3.8 $855.00 Outside of Scope 5/14/02 Discuss w/ Dennis Gingold re motion to amend GAO Motion for Summary Judgment. 0.1 $22.50 Outside of Scope 5/15/02 Draft and edit Plaintiffs' Consolidated Motion for Leave to Amend and Motion to Amend Plaintiffs' February 15, 2002 Summary Judgment Contempt Motion and a Contempt Finding Pursuant to F.R.C.P. 56(g) in Accordance with Newly Discovered Evidence: the April 19, 2002 Letter of GAO General Counsel Anthony Gamboa to OHTA Director Bert Edwards. 4.8 $1,080.00 Outside of Scope 5/30/02 Draft and edit Plaintiffs' Consolidated Motion for Leave to Amend and Motion to Amend Plaintiffs' February 15, 2002 Summary Judgment Contempt Motion and a Contempt Finding Pursuant to F.R.C.P. 56(g) in Accordance with Newly Discovered Evidence: the April 19, 2002 Letter of GAO General Counsel Anthony Gamboa to OHTA Director Bert Edwards. 1.5 $337.50 Outside of Scope Page 26 of 34 REVIEW OF REMPEL SCHEDULE: GAO SETTLEMENT OF ACCOUNTS SANCTIONS Date Matter Time Claimed Amount Objection 6/3/02 Draft and edit Plaintiffs' Consolidated Motion for Leave to Amend and Motion to Amend Plaintiffs' February 15, 2002 Summary Judgment Contempt Motion and a Contempt Finding Pursuant to F.R.C.P. 56(g) in Accordance with Newly Discovered Evidence: the April 19, 2002 Letter of GAO General Counsel Anthony Gamboa to OHTA Director Bert Edwards. 0.7 $157.50 Outside of Scope 6/3/02 Discuss w/ Dennis Gingold re motion to amend and Defs' 3rd MSJ (re settlement of accounts process). 0.5 $112.50 Outside of Scope 6/4/02 Draft and edit Plaintiffs' Consolidated Motion for Leave to Amend and Motion to Amend Plaintiffs' February 15, 2002 Summary Judgment Contempt Motion and a Contempt Finding Pursuant to F.R.C.P. 56(g) in Accordance with Newly Discovered Evidence: the April 19, 2002 Letter of GAO General Counsel Anthony Gamboa to OHTA Director Bert Edwards . 6.5 $1,462.50 Outside of Scope 6/6/02 Discuss w/ Dennis Gingold re GAO motion to amend and sanctions. 0.7 $157.50 Outside of Scope 6/6/02 CC w/ investigator re service of motion to amend for individuals personally identified in that motion. 0.2 $45.00 Outside of Scope 6/7/02 CC w/ Mark Brown, Keith Harper, Dennis Gingold re appealability of contempt in the context of GAO sanctions memorandum. 1.1 $247.50 Outside of Scope 6/22/02 Draft and edit Reply in support of Plaintiffs' Consolidated Motion for Leave to Amend and Motion to Amend Plaintiffs' February 15, 2002 Summary Judgment Contempt Motion and a Contempt Finding Pursuant to F.R.C.P. 56(g) in Accordance with Newly Discovered Evidence: the April 19, 2002 Letter of GAO General Counsel Anthony Gamboa to OHTA Director Bert Edwards. 4.5 $1,012.50 Outside of Scope 6/23/02 Draft and edit Reply in support of Plaintiffs' Consolidated Motion for Leave to Amend and Motion to Amend Plaintiffs' February 15, 2002 Summary Judgment Contempt Motion and a Contempt Finding Pursuant to F.R.C.P. 56(g) in Accordance with Newly Discovered Evidence: the April 19, 2002 Letter of GAO General Counsel Anthony Gamboa to OHTA Director Bert Edwards. 5.2 $1,170.00 Outside of Scope 6/24/02 Draft and edit Reply in support of Plaintiffs' Consolidated Motion for Leave to Amend and Motion to Amend Plaintiffs' February 15, 2002 Summary Judgment Contempt Motion and a Contempt Finding Pursuant to F.R.C.P. 56(g) in Accordance with Newly Discovered Evidence: the April 19, 2002 Letter of GAO General Counsel Anthony Gamboa to OHTA Director Bert Edwards. 2.1 $472.50 Outside of Scope Page 27 of 34 REVIEW OF REMPEL SCHEDULE: GAO SETTLEMENT OF ACCOUNTS SANCTIONS Date Matter Time Claimed Amount Objection 6/24/02 Meet w/ Elouise Cobell re Defs' 3rd MSJ and reply in support of motion to amend. 1.2 $270.00 Outside of Scope 6/25/02 Draft and edit Reply in support of Plaintiffs' Consolidated Motion for Leave to Amend and Motion to Amend Plaintiffs' February 15, 2002 Summary Judgment Contempt Motion and a Contempt Finding Pursuant to F.R.C.P. 56(g) in Accordance with Newly Discovered Evidence: the April 19, 2002 Letter of GAO General Counsel Anthony Gamboa to OHTA Director Bert Edwards. 5.3 $1,192.50 Outside of Scope 6/25/02 Work with investigator to locate individuals identified in plaintiffs reply in support of motion to amend. 1.5 $337.50 Outside of Scope 6/26/02 Draft and edit Reply in support of Plaintiffs' Consolidated Motion for Leave to Amend and Motion to Amend Plaintiffs' February 15, 2002 Summary Judgment Contempt Motion and a Contempt Finding Pursuant to F.R.C.P. 56(g) in Accordance with Newly Discovered Evidence: the April 19, 2002 Letter of GAO General Counsel Anthony Gamboa to OHTA Director Bert Edwards. 6.4 $1,440.00 Outside of Scope 6/27/02 Draft and edit Reply in support of Plaintiffs' Consolidated Motion for Leave to Amend and Motion to Amend Plaintiffs' February 15, 2002 Summary Judgment Contempt Motion and a Contempt Finding Pursuant to F.R.C.P. 56(g) in Accordance with Newly Discovered Evidence: the April 19, 2002 Letter of GAO General Counsel Anthony Gamboa to OHTA Director Bert Edwards. 5.6 $1,260.00 Outside of Scope 6/28/02 Draft and edit Reply in support of Plaintiffs' Consolidated Motion for Leave to Amend and Motion to Amend Plaintiffs' February 15, 2002 Summary Judgment Contempt Motion and a Contempt Finding Pursuant to F.R.C.P. 56(g) in Accordance with Newly Discovered Evidence: the April 19, 2002 Letter of GAO General Counsel Anthony Gamboa to OHTA Director Bert Edwards. 1.9 $427.50 Outside of Scope 4/8/03 Draft and edit Opposition to defendants' motion to reconsider the Court's GAO sanctions memorandum opinion awarding plaintiffs' sanctions for the deliberate filing of a false and misleading affidavit (Sapienza). 8.5 $1,912.50 Outside of Scope 5/26/04 Review GAO Order; Consider order in context delay and year old motion for reconsideration. Review original 3/11/03 sanctions order. 1.5 $337.50 Adjusted to $105/hr. 5/26/04 Review time sheets for GAO-related material. Begin process of compiling time sheets. 1.5 $337.50 Adjusted to $105/hr. 6/4/04 Compile GAO Sanctions time. Includes reviewing time sheets and determining whether such time should be included in application. 5.1 $1,147.50 Adjusted to $105/hr. Page 28 of 34 REVIEW OF REMPEL SCHEDULE: GAO SETTLEMENT OF ACCOUNTS SANCTIONS Date Matter Time Claimed Amount Objection 6/4/04 Discuss w/ Dennis Gingold regarding GAO fees and application. 0.4 $90.00 Adjusted to $105/hr. 6/5/04 Compile GAO Sanctions time. Includes reviewing time sheets and determining whether such time should be included in application. 1.2 $270.00 Adjusted to $105/hr. 6/6/04 Compile GAO Sanctions time. Includes reviewing time sheets and determining whether such time should be included in application. 2.5 $562.50 Adjusted to $105/hr. 6/6/04 Discuss w/ DG re GAO memorandum opinion and compiling time for application. Includes discussion of affidavits to be included. 0.3 $67.50 Adjusted to $105/hr. 6/7/04 Compile GAO Sanctions time. Includes reviewing time sheets and determining whether such time should be included in application. 6.1 $1,372.50 Adjusted to $105/hr. 6/7/04 Draft affidavit in connection with GAO sanctions memorandum $292.50. 1.3 $292.50 Adjusted to $105/hr. 6/8/04 Compile GAO Sanctions time. Includes reviewing time sheets and determining whether such time should be included in application. 1.5 $337.50 Adjusted to $105/hr. 6/9/04 Discuss GAO Sanctions and compilation of hours with Dennis Gingold. 1.2 $270.00 Adjusted to $105/hr. 6/10/04 Discuss GAO Sanctions and compilation of hours with Dennis Gingold. 0.4 $90.00 Adjusted to $105/hr. 6/10/04 Discuss GAO Sanctions and compilation of hours with Dennis Gingold. 3.1 $697.50 Adjusted to $105/hr. 6/11/04 Draft affidavit in support of GAO application. 2.1 $472.50 Adjusted to $105/hr. 6/11/04 Discuss with Dennis Gingold re GAO fee and expense application. 0.4 $90.00 Adjusted to $105/hr. 6/14/04 Compile time records in support of GAO fee and expense application; includes review of draft cover prepared by Mark Brown. 4.3 $967.50 Adjusted to $105/hr. 6/15/04 Review Dennis Gingold hours, convert electronic file for editing, correct conversion errors. 2.1 $472.50 Adjusted to $105/hr. 6/15/04 Review Dennis Gingold affidavit. 0.5 $112.50 Adjusted to $105/hr. 6/15/04 Review and edit Rempel affidavit. 0.7 $157.50 Adjusted to $105/hr. Page 29 of 34 REVIEW OF REMPEL SCHEDULE: GAO SETTLEMENT OF ACCOUNTS SANCTIONS Date Matter Time Claimed Amount Objection 6/15/04 Discuss GAO with Dennis Gingold. 1.1 $247.50 Adjusted to $105/hr. 6/16/04 Compile time records in support of GAO fee and expense application; includes review of draft cover prepared by Mark Brown. 1.8 $405.00 Previously Billed 6/16/04 Discuss w/ Dennis Gingold re GAO application. 0.5 $112.50 Adjusted to $105/hr. 6/16/04 Review, edit Gingold Time and expense application. 2.2 $495.00 Adjusted to $105/hr. 6/17/04 CC w/ Keith Harper, Dennis Gingold (Mark Brown some) re GAO application. 2.0 $450.00 Inconsistnet with Harper bill 6/17/04 Edit, Dennis Gingold GAO time. 1.6 $360.00 Adjusted to $105/hr. 6/17/04 Edit, review Rempel time and application. 0.5 $112.50 Adjusted to $105/hr. 6/17/04 Review Mark Brown time and expense. 2.4 $540.00 Adjusted to $105/hr. 6/17/04 Discuss w/ Dennis Gingold re GAO time. 0.8 $180.00 Adjusted to $105/hr. 6/18/04 CC w/ Keith Harper, Dennis Gingold re GAO application and memorandum. 0.2 $45.00 Adjusted to $105/hr. 6/18/04 Review and edit Gingold Time and expense for GAO application. 0.3 $67.50 Adjusted to $105/hr. 6/18/04 Update Rempel Affidavit and supporting GAO schedule. 1.1 $247.50 Adjusted to $105/hr. 6/19/04 Discuss GAO application with Dennis Gingold. 0.4 $90.00 Adjusted to $105/hr. 6/21/04 Review Brown GAO time and affidavit. 0.9 $202.50 Adjusted to $105/hr. 6/21/04 Finalize edits and serve GAO application. 3.2 $720.00 Adjusted to $105/hr. Total 335 $75,375.00 Page 30 of 34 REVIEW OF HARPER SCHEDULE: GAO SETTLEMENT OF ACCOUNTS SANCTIONS Date Matter Time Claimed Amount Objection 9/21/00 Review cases cited in Defs' motion for summary judgement on settle of accounts by GAO Pre-1951 2.0 $410.00 9/21/00 Conference with DG re: Defs' Motion for Summary Judgement on the Settlement of Accounts by GAO Pre-1951 .60 $123.00 Inconsistent with Gingold bill 9/21/00 Review and study Defs' Motion for Summary Judgement on the Settlement of Accounts by GAO Pre-195; Review cases cited and attachments 5.0 $1,025.00 9/26/00 Research case law for Opposition to Defs' Motion for Summary Judgement on the Settlement of Accounts by GAO Pre-1951; Review cases cited and attachments 4.0 $820.00 9/27/00 Research cases discussed Opposition to Defs' Motion for Summary Judgement on the Settlement of Accounts by GAO Pre-1951 3.4 $697.00 9/27/00 Telephone call to Spinner Re: Motion for Enlargement of Time to Respond to Defs' Motion for Summary Judgement on the Settlement of Accounts by GAO Pre-1951; meet and confer; Discuss same with DG .50 $102.50 9/27/00 Research case law for Opposition to Defs' Motion for Summary Judgement on the Settlement of Accounts by GAO Pre-1951; Review cases cited and attachments 2.2 $451.00 9/28/00 Draft motion for Extension of Time for Opposition to Defendants' Motion for Summary Judgement on the Settlement of Accounts by GAO Pre-1951; circulate; edit; file. 1.8 $369.00 9/29/00 Review cases re: Opposition to Defs' Motion for Summary Judgement on the Settlement of Accounts by GAO Pre-1951 1.5 $307.50 10/3/00 Conference with Lorna re: Opposition to Defs' Motion for Summary Judgement on the Settlement of Accounts by GAO Pre-1951 .40 $82.00 10/3/00 Review Westlaw search for Opposition to Defs' Motion for Summary Judgement on the Settlement of Accounts by GAO Pre-1951 2.50 $512.50 10/4/00 Research for Opposition to Defs' Motion for Summary Judgement on the Settlement of Accounts by GAO Pre-1951 3.50 $717.50 10/4/00 Telephone call to DG (MSG - 2 calls) to discuss Opposition to Defs' Motion for Summary Judgement on the Settlement of Accounts by GAO Pre-1951 .20 $41.00 10/5/00 Research for Opposition to Defs' Motion for Summary Judgement on the Settlement of Accounts by GAO Pre-1951 3.0 $615.00 Page 31 of 34 REVIEW OF HARPER SCHEDULE: GAO SETTLEMENT OF ACCOUNTS SANCTIONS Date Matter Time Claimed Amount Objection 10/5/00 Conference with EL re: Opposition to Defs' Motion for Summary Judgement on the Settlement of Accounts by GAO Pre-1951 .40 $82.00 10/5/00 Conference with Lorna on Opposition to Defs' Motion for Summary Judgement on the Settlement of Accounts by GAO Pre-1951 .20 $41.00 10/6/00 Research case law for Opposition to Defs' Motion for Summary Judgement on the Settlement of Accounts by GAO Pre-1951 4.0 $820.00 10/7/00 Telephone call from and to DG (3 calls) re: Opposition to Defendants' Motion for Summary Judgement on the Settlement of Accounts by GAO Pre-1951 .90 $184.50 10/9/00 Telephone call from and to DG (2 calls) re: settlement possibilities; discussions with Interior; SMJ III; extension of time; .40 $82.00 Inconsistent with Gingold's bill 10/9/00 Draft motion for enlargement of time to respond to SMJ III 1.8 $339.00 10/11/00 Prepare and file motion for enlargement until Nov 3 for Opposition to Defs' Motion for Summary Judgement on the Settlement of Accounts by GAO Pre-1951 1.5 $307.50 10/11/00 Draft revise motion for enlargement to SMJ III to Nov 3 0.5 $102.50 10/25/00 Draft Opposition to Defs' Motion for Summary Judgement on the Settlement of Accounts by GAO Pre-1951 4.0 $820.00 10/26/00 Draft Opposition to Defs' Motion for Summary Judgement on the Settlement of Accounts by GAO Pre-1951 7.0 $1,435.00 10/27/00 Telephone call to DG and or GR (4 calls) to discuss Opposition to Defs' Motion for Summary Judgement on the Settlement of Accounts by GAO Pre-1951 1.0 $205.00 Inconsistent with Gingold's & Rempel's bill 10/27/00 Draft Opposition to Defs' Motion for Summary Judgement on the Settlement of Accounts by GAO Pre-1951 9.0 $1,845.00 10/29/00 Draft Opposition to Defs' Motion for Summary Judgement on the Settlement of Accounts by GAO Pre-1951 4.2 $861.00 10/31/00 Draft Opposition to Defs' Motion for Summary Judgement on the Settlement of Accounts by GAO Pre-1951 9.5 $1,947.50 11/1/00 Draft Opposition to Defs' Motion for Summary Judgement on the Settlement of Accounts by GAO Pre-1951 12.50 $2,562.50 11/2/00 Finalize Opposition to Defs' Motion for Summary Judgement on the Settlement of Accounts by GAO Pre-1951; review brief, comment and edit; discuss with counsel 4.5 $922.50 Page 32 of 34 REVIEW OF HARPER SCHEDULE: GAO SETTLEMENT OF ACCOUNTS SANCTIONS Date Matter Time Claimed Amount Objection 11/3/00 Finalize Opposition to Defs' Motion for Summary Judgement on the Settlement of Accounts by GAO Pre-1951; comments to DG and confer with same 3.2 $656.00 11/6/00 Review final and files draft response to SMJ III 1.1 $225.50 12/10/00 Review government filings including motion for sanctions and reply motion for summary judgement on the settlement of accounts by GAO Pre-1951 2.5 $512.50 2/14/02 Review draft brief in opposition to motion to withdraw and cross motion for summary judgement and discuss same with DG 1.5 $390.00 3/6/02 Telephone call from DG re: MSJ withdrawal and sanctions request .40 $104.00 Inconsistent with Gingold's bill 3/12/02 Review and edit draft MSJ waiver brief and sanctions request reply 2.0 $520.00 6/4/02 Review and edit GAO contempt supplemental and amendment 3.5 $927.50 Outside of scope 1/29/03 Conference call with IIM team re: response to government's Jan 6 plans and need for GAO summary judgement motion 1.1 $291.50 Outside of scope 1/31/03 Draft and finalize GAO summary judgement motion; edit; review and add additional authorities; finalize order and statement of incontraverted facts 8 $2,120.00 Outside of scope 3/12/03 Review opinion of court re: GAO "settlement of Accounts" and false affidavit; sanctions granted 1.0 $265.00 Outside of scope 4/8/03 Draft and edit opposition to motion for reconsideration for GAO sanctions award 2.5 $662.50 Outside of scope 4/12/03 Draft Plaintiffs reply in further support of MSJ on GAO failure to provide accounting 4.5 $1,192.50 Outside of scope 4/13/03 Draft and edit and discuss with co-counsel-plaintiffs reply in support of MSJ on GAO failure to settle accounts 5.0 $1,325.00 Outside of scope 4/14/03 Finalize reply in support of MSJ re: GAO failure to settle accounts 3.3 $874.00 Outside of scope 6/2/04 Review opinion denying motion for reconsideration for GAO/Sapienza bad faith affidavit fees and expenses .40 $134.00 6/7/04 Review Time records for GAO/Sapenza statement of fees and expenses 2.5 $837.50 6/7/04 Confer with DG re: GAO expenses and cover sheet for GAO/Sapenza bad faith affidavit 0.5 $167.50 Page 33 of 34 REVIEW OF HARPER SCHEDULE: GAO SETTLEMENT OF ACCOUNTS SANCTIONS Date Matter Time Claimed Amount Objection 6/16/04 Review time records to determine what claims court's May 11 order granting fees for GAO MSJ and Sapienza bad faith affidavit 2.1 $703.50 6/17/04 Review edit cover memorandum to support fee application in compliance with courts May 11 order granting fees for GAO MSJ and Sapienza bad faith affidavit 3 $1,005.00 6/17/04 Conference call to DG and GR to discuss scope of courts May 11th order granting fees for GAO MSJ and Sapienza bad faith affidavit and review time jointly to ensure accuracy 2.0 $670.00 Inconsistent with Gingold's & Rempel's bill 6/18/04 Draft affidavit in support of fee application in compliance with court's May 11 order granting fees for GAO MSJ and Sapienza bad faith affidavit; finalize time record claims; review prior decisions to ensure conformity with prior judicial guidance 4.7 $1,574.50 Total 146.8 $33,988.00 Page 34 of 34