DOJ Seal















14 Monday, January 12, 1998
















4 Jan Smaby, Department of Corrections

5 Sharon Lubinski, Minneapolis Police Department

6 Janet Reno, United States Attorney General

7 David Lillehaug, U.S. Attorney

8 Rod Wooten, West Broadway Business Association

9 Randy Johnson, Minneapolis Police Department

10 Pat Hoven, Honeywell Corporation

11 Chuck Wexler, Police Executive Research Forum
















1 (11:00 a.m.)

2 MR. LILLEHAUG: We'll be introducing

3 the Attorney General in a little bit and I'm

4 sure we'll give her a warm Minnesota welcome on

5 this day, but first I would like to introduce

6 Doctor Gordon Sprenger, Mr. Gordon Sprenger, who

7 is the executive officer of Allina Health

8 Systems.

9 MR. SPRENGER: Thank you very much,

10 United States Attorney General Lillehaug. Let

11 me add my welcome to you, Attorney General Reno,

12 not only to sunny Minneapolis-St. Paul and

13 Minnesota. She indicated she left some very

14 warm weather in Washington, D.C. We wish you

15 would have brought a little of that along with

16 you, but this is part of Minnesota that you're

17 experiencing today, but also to welcome you here

18 to Abbott Northwestern Hospital, where this

19 forum is being held today.

20 It is particularly appropriate, I

21 think, that this setting is in this

22 neighborhood, where you would choose to meet

23 with us, representing healthcare, government,

24 corporate leaders, city and county officials

25 and, most importantly, the people who reside in


1 the neighborhood themselves.

2 As someone who works for a healthcare

3 system, we see the tragic results of violence

4 all too often. In the past, we approached the

5 results of violence as a healthcare issue mostly

6 as it related to how do we put you back together

7 again and send you back into the community or

8 the same environment in which the violence

9 occurred.

10 Many people ask the question, Attorney

11 General, why would a healthcare system be

12 concerned about violence? Let me give you three

13 quick stories that hopefully will bring the

14 realities of violence and its affects on

15 healthcare.

16 Several years ago, with a neighborhood

17 healthcare worker, in one of our public parks,

18 we approached a young women, whose child was

19 playing in the park, with the intent to discuss

20 how we could improve the immunization rates of

21 the children in the neighborhood.

22 I will never forget when the mother

23 looked at me and said, "My first concern is that

24 when the park supervisor blows a whistle, that

25 my child knows that she goes down on all fours


1 because that whistle means that there is a gun

2 in the park.

3 "Right now, Mr. Sprenger," she told

4 me, "I'm only trying to keep my child alive.

5 It's hard to for me to think about immunization

6 that will keep my child healthy for a normal

7 lifetime."

8 Recently, we put a large billboard up

9 within our community which was emphasizing the

10 point that had as its message, "With routine

11 maintenance, that body could last you a

12 lifetime." And, obviously, it was depicting a

13 very healthy individual.

14 I remember getting a phone call

15 indicating that some graffiti had been used on

16 one of our big billboards that delivered this

17 message. The message that was left after the

18 graffiti was that "Without violence, that body

19 could last you a lifetime."

20 And the question was asked of me, did I

21 want the billboard taken down. And after

22 reflecting on that, I thought we, as a health

23 system, went out to take a message to the

24 community and we got a very important message

25 back. No, leave that billboard up as a constant


1 reminder.

2 Thirdly, Attorney General Reno, we have

3 a program within our hospital in which we take

4 tatoos off of gang members; that through the

5 park departments and the police departments,

6 they're able to counsel the young man or women

7 into leaving a gang.

8 As most of us know, gang members have

9 tatoos that are evidence that can be easily seen

10 as a way of identifying them as part of that

11 gang. They could not afford to take off those

12 tatoos if they wanted to leave the gang. We use

13 our laser center and some volunteer

14 dermatologists to take off those tatoos.

15 Is that an appropriate use of

16 healthcare resources? We believe it is.

17 Because if you went into the emergency room, you

18 would see the results of the violence and the

19 cost to the healthcare system that doesn't allow

20 us to allocate those precious healthcare dollars

21 for appropriate prenatal care, for immunization

22 programs, for chronic illness or other

23 tremendous healthcare needs within our

24 community.

25 I hope that these short stories help


1 share why we, as a healthcare system, in

2 partnership with all segments of our community,

3 are addressing this very important issue of

4 violence. If our citizens do not have a safe

5 place in which to live, able to have a job that

6 pays at a level that they can take care of their

7 families by putting food on the table, and

8 appropriate housing in which to live in, just

9 basic needs, it's very difficult for us to deal

10 with the health status of the community in which

11 we live.

12 You honor all of us, Attorney General

13 Reno, by your presence today and through your

14 attendance gives us encouragement that the path

15 we are following in close partnership, both

16 public and private, is the only way that these

17 problems are going to be addressed in a

18 meaningful way.

19 With the private and public sectors

20 working together closely with the communities

21 and the neighbors and the neighborhoods in which

22 we are all a part of, we truly do believe that

23 we can make a move upstream and ultimately

24 develop healthier communities in which we can

25 live and work.


1 Thank you again for joining us.

2 At this time I would like to introduce

3 Jim Porter, who's chief administrative officer

4 of Honeywell, one of our main partners in this

5 effort.

6 MR. PORTER: Thank you, Gordon.

7 Attorney General Reno, it certainly is

8 my pleasure to also welcome you to Minneapolis,

9 sunny Minneapolis most of the time anyway, and

10 it's also my pleasure to have this opportunity

11 along with several other of our colleagues here

12 to tell you more about Minnesota HEALS.

13 Mike Bonsignore, Honeywell's chairman

14 and CEO, along with Gordon Sprenger from Allina,

15 helped to begin this dialogue and it's lead to a

16 statewide anticrime issue. Other corporations

17 in the community have also risen to the

18 challenge and join these efforts. General Mills

19 and 3M, just to name a couple.

20 Mike was extremely disappointed that he

21 couldn't be here today to personally express his

22 pride in all that's been accomplished already

23 through Minnesota HEALS and to express his faith

24 that in the coming months and years we are going

25 to continue to make significant progress.


1 He also asked me to give you his

2 personal thanks for the pivotal role that the

3 U.S. Government has played in making this

4 initiative successful. This truly demonstrates

5 the power of partnership.

6 Honeywell is a company with its roots,

7 its headquarters and more than 7000 employees in

8 the Twin Cities area. It was born 113 years ago

9 in Minneapolis, not far from where our world

10 headquarters sits today, just a few blocks from

11 here, and right in the heart of what's known as

12 the Phillips neighborhood.

13 We remain committed today to the Twin

14 Cities and to the Phillips neighborhood and to

15 being a positive force in this community because

16 we believe that strong companies need strong

17 communities in order to grow and to prosper.

18 As a corporation, we have a tremendous

19 stake in making our neighborhood a better place

20 to live and to work. We have a responsibility

21 to our employees to ensure that they feel safe

22 when they come to work, to ensure that they feel

23 safe when they leave the building, and to ensure

24 that they feel safe when they drive through the

25 neighborhoods around our facilities.


1 We have to be able to attract new

2 employees to come and work and live in this

3 community. And last, but certainly not least,

4 we want our residential neighbors to feel safe

5 in their homes and on their streets. That's our

6 motivation for being a part of Minnesota HEALS.

7 From a handful of people that were

8 concerned about crime, Minnesota HEALS has

9 grown, as Gordon alluded to, into a strong

10 working coalition of widely varied groups from

11 government, from law enforcement, corporations

12 in the community, all with one common vision,

13 creating hope and reducing violence.

14 Again, thank you for your personal

15 support and for that of your agency. With that,

16 I would like to introduce Senator Paul

17 Wellstone. (Applause).

18 MR. WELLSTONE: We've got a really

19 great pal, and I know we want to hear from the

20 Attorney General, so I'm going to limit my

21 remarks to an hour or so and then we'll

22 (laughter) -- some do believe me too.

23 To Honeywell and Allina, thank you for

24 your commitment to the partnership work with

25 Minnesota HEALS; to colleagues that are here,


1 there are a lot of different colleagues that are

2 here. All of us, I think, are colleagues.

3 I see the Attorney General here,

4 Humphrey; and I see our Hennepin County

5 Attorney, Mike Freeman, here; my colleague, Jim

6 Ramstad. Things are so interconnected, I'm

7 going to become very committed to working with

8 Jim on substance abuse parity to make sure

9 there's some treatment for people, all of which

10 is quite connected to how we reduce violence in

11 homes and communities.

12 I also would like to thank our U.S.

13 Attorney, Dave Lillehaug. I had the honor of

14 being able to recommend him to the President,

15 and I think that David has been a really strong

16 leader in our state.

17 And what I'm most impressed about is

18 the way in which he has really used this office

19 to really connect the people at the neighborhood

20 level. I'm sure people that are here in the

21 neighborhood community level would say, "Look,

22 that's going to be key to it," and I would

23 thank him for the very strong leadership.

24 By way of the briefest possible

25 introduction to our Attorney General, let me


1 thank you first of all, Madam Attorney General,

2 for your commitment to the community police

3 program. I see Chief Finney hear and Chief

4 Olson here.

5 We're really proud of the work that

6 we've done, and in many ways, Attorney General

7 Reno, I think this should be a model for a lot

8 of what we do at the federal level. It's a

9 one-page form, am I right, everybody? One page,

10 right, Chief?

11 And the money goes directly, really, at

12 the community level, it's not centralized, it's

13 not bureaucratized, and we're doing a lot of, I

14 think, really positive, exciting things by way

15 of law enforcement, and the people that are

16 doing it are right there down in the trenches.

17 It has really worked well.

18 Let me also thank you on behalf of

19 Jill, who is not here with me, for your

20 commitment to reduce violence at home, dealing

21 with domestic violence. You have been a very,

22 very key leader in our country.

23 And finally, and most importantly, on a

24 personal note, let me just say to the Attorney

25 General, you are in a state that values


1 integrity and values quiet dignity, and you

2 represent that as well as anybody in public

3 office anywhere in the United States of

4 America. We are blessed by your presence

5 today. Thank you. (Applause).

6 MR. RAMSTAD: I too want to thank you,

7 Attorney General Reno, for being here today and

8 for your dedicated, effective leadership. Thank

9 you also for calling my sister, Cheryl Ramstad

10 Hvas, who's here today, as president of the

11 Minnesota State Bar Association, for your call

12 Friday.

13 Attorney General Reno is the only

14 cabinet officer that I've known, four terms in

15 Congress, who calls people personally, who flies

16 on commercial aircraft, who works seven days a

17 week in her office.

18 In fact, the first time she called my

19 office, we were working together in 1993 in

20 putting together the federal crime bill, and she

21 said to my intern, who answered the phone, "This

22 is Attorney General Reno," and my intern

23 responded, "Yeah, sure." (Laughter) well,

24 we've got many of those calls.

25 As chairman of the house law


1 enforcement caucus, it has been a real pleasure

2 to work with you, Attorney General Reno, since

3 '93, and getting that federal support of our

4 local police and our communities and

5 neighborhoods and the other federal initiatives

6 that we've worked together in a bipartisan

7 pragmatic way to achieve.

8 Over the past 12 years, I spent 1600

9 hours riding dogwatch and powershift with

10 Minneapolis and suburban cops, I have been with

11 the high risk entry team on 65 warrants, so I've

12 seen firsthand the human impact of crime on

13 people. I've seen the terror in the eyes of

14 those children in those crack houses, I've held

15 trembling crack cocaine-addicted babies in my

16 arms.

17 Over the past couple years, I've seen

18 new hope. I've seen the federal agents joining

19 our local officers and task forces to bust crack

20 houses. I've ridden with ATF agents and

21 Minneapolis police here at 3s, the Third

22 Precinct. I've seen more drug dealers going to

23 federal court and facing mandatory and longer

24 prison sentences. I've seen local and federal

25 officials working together on gun cases and


1 gangs being nabbed for trafficking instead of

2 one suspect being arrested for one gun.

3 But most importantly, I've seen the

4 people of our community mobilize in the broadest

5 possible way to reduce violence, also to restore

6 hope and a safer future. I've seen community,

7 corporate, government and law enforcement

8 leaders come together to form this inspiring and

9 promising coalition, Minnesota HEALS, a

10 long-term commitment, that is already making a

11 difference right here in the Phillips

12 neighborhood.

13 I want to thank you, all you law

14 enforcement people here today, for your efforts

15 in this coalition, thank you Allina, and

16 Honeywell, and 3M, and Hennepin County, and the

17 Stair Step Foundation, General Mills, the

18 Minneapolis Foundation, Minneapolis city and

19 park board officials, and many, many others who

20 are part of this important coalition.

21 You recognize that not only must we

22 provide greater support to law enforcement, but

23 that the keys to dealing with violence and crime

24 are education, jobs, better healthcare,

25 treatment for chemically dependent people like


1 me, and mentoring.

2 All of those are important. And a

3 comprehensive approach to dealing with crime and

4 violence, working together in a bipartisan,

5 pragmatic and cooperative way, just as we've

6 done, Attorney General Reno, in Washington, you

7 are making a difference in the lives of real

8 people.

9 Now, it's too late -- it's too late to

10 save Byron Phillips or Divicia Gillen. Byron,

11 who was shot down at eleven years of age, and

12 Divicia, who lost her life to gunfire at age

13 four; but, overall, there is hope. Homicides in

14 Minneapolis are down, gun crimes in the Twin

15 Cities area, including our suburban area, are

16 down. So, the message is clear. When we all

17 work together in a public and private

18 partnership, we can build a safer community.

19 I just want to close by mentioning a

20 follow-up to what my colleague Paul Wellstone

21 mentioned. We are working together on the

22 Substance Abuse Parity Act. This is the year

23 that, with your support, people like you across

24 America, we are going to pass this important

25 life-saving legislation.


1 Attorney General Reno, last Friday,

2 when your visit was announced on the front page

3 of the Minneapolis Star Tribune, opposite that

4 column, that story, was a very important column

5 citing the recent study by Columbia University's

6 Center for Substance Abuse Treatment which

7 showed empirically what all of you here,

8 certainly all of you law enforcement people know

9 by experience, that 80 percent of all crimes are

10 tied directly or indirectly to drug and alcohol

11 abuse.

12 That's why the legislation that Paul

13 Wellstone and I have introduced is absolutely

14 important to break down the barriers so that

15 more people have the opportunity that I had to

16 get into treatment. We need greater access to

17 treatment, not only to combat alcoholism and

18 drug addiction, but to save healthcare dollars

19 and reduce crime in the long run.

20 So, thank you again, Attorney General

21 Reno, thank you, all of you who are Minnesota

22 HEALS, thank you to the law enforcement officers

23 who are on the front lines each and every day,

24 let's continue to work together to assure that

25 no child -- no child, no neighborhood and no


1 community is without hope. Thank you.

2 (Applause).

3 MR. LILLEHAUG: Thank you, Senator

4 Wellstone, Congressman Ramstad, and the others

5 of you who have welcomed the Attorney General.

6 We have a number of public officials here

7 today.

8 I recognize them not only because they

9 are public officials, but have been an integral

10 part of the Minnesota HEALS effort. I would

11 like to introduce them, ask you to stand, and

12 please hold your applause until the

13 introductions are finished.

14 We have our two leading law enforcement

15 officials at the state level today, Minnesota

16 Attorney General Hubert H. Humphrey, the Third,

17 and Public Safety Commissioner Don Davis. Also

18 Superintendent of the Bureau of Criminal

19 Apprehension Nick O'Hara.

20 We have state Senator -- or state

21 representative Wes Skoglund, who heads the

22 judiciary committee. At the county level,

23 Hennepin County Attorney Mike Freeman. And I

24 might as well introduce two people who may wish

25 to succeed him, Amy Klobuchar and Cheryl Ramstad


1 Hvas. You know you're doing well when they're

2 lining up. (Laughter).

3 Ramsey County Attorney Susan Gaertner,

4 Hennepin County Sheriff Pat McGowan, three

5 Hennepin County Commissioners, Penny Steele,

6 Mark Stenglein and Peter McLaughlin. And at the

7 city level, city council members Brian Herron,

8 Jim Niland, and I understand today, because the

9 mayor and the council president are out of town,

10 council member Joe Biernat is acting mayor, so

11 we welcome you, Mr. Mayor. (Laughter).

12 At the federal level, John Hancock,

13 special agent in charge of the FBI, Pat Doman,

14 resident agent in charge of the DEA, Kelvin

15 Crenshaw, group supervisor of the ATF.

16 I left out another city official, St.

17 Paul Police Chief William Finney, and the

18 commander of the Minnesota Gang Strike Force,

19 the new law enforcement entity, Ron Ryan, and I

20 have saved for last our Minneapolis police

21 chief. The good news is that he was reappointed

22 to a new three-year term the other day. Chief

23 Robert Olson. (Laughter).

24 Would you welcome these officials.

25 (Applause).


1 And there are a variety of people from

2 neighborhood organizations, block clubs and

3 other entities, and I apologize for having to

4 limit the introductions.

5 We are here to celebrate Minnesota

6 HEALS and the reduction in the Minnesota

7 homicide rate of 33 percent in 1997. Our

8 vehicle for that celebration is twofold, a panel

9 discussion of people who have been involved in

10 the HEALS effort and then responsive remarks by

11 the Attorney General of the United States.

12 I use the word "celebration" carefully

13 today, because certainly the reduction in

14 homicides and firearms crimes in Minneapolis is

15 something to celebrate, but I emphasize that we

16 have made some progress, with emphasis on the

17 word "some," because our other levels of crime,

18 including drug dealing, burglaries and so on,

19 are at about the same level from 1996 to 1997.

20 And the question today is whether we

21 can take this model of public-private

22 partnership with the private sector involved in

23 the best tradition of Minnesota corporate

24 responsibility and use it to attack other kinds

25 of crimes, so it is a celebration and a


1 challenge today.

2 And to discuss that celebration and

3 challenge, going from your left to right, we

4 have Jan Smaby, who is the Director of the

5 Department of Community Corrections in Hennepin

6 County, whose probation officers were very much

7 involved in the Minnesota HEALS effort; Sharon

8 Lubinski, inspector of the downtown command of

9 the Minneapolis Police Department, who was the

10 police department's primary person on the HEALS

11 initiative, and along with Pat Hoven, who I will

12 now skip down to the end, vice-president of

13 Honeywell, worked very closely together to put

14 this initiative together.

15 I will introduce the Attorney General

16 momentarily. After her is Rod Wooten, who is

17 with the West Broadway Business Association in

18 north Minneapolis, and then, finally, Lieutenant

19 Randy Johnson. He is now the head of the

20 Minneapolis Police Department's homicide unit

21 but during the summer was the head of the

22 organized crime unit, also known as the gang

23 unit, and he'll have some interesting stories to

24 tell you about the summer's activity, I'm sure.

25 And to moderate our panel discussion,


1 we have an outsider. It was important to the

2 Minnesota HEALS effort that we bring in somebody

3 who had no particular connections to any of the

4 players, who could tell it like it is, and

5 believe me, he did so, for each participant in

6 the HEALS effort. He is the executive director

7 of the prestigious Police Executive Research

8 Forum from Washington, D.C., Chuck Wexler, who

9 will moderate our discussion today.

10 MR. WEXLER: Prestigious, huh? I like

11 that. Well, this really is Minnesota, I'll tell

12 you, we've got everyone here and it's great to

13 be here, it's great to have the Attorney General

14 of the United States come see something you've

15 done. We're very honored by that. You are a

16 busy person and to be here today means a lot to

17 all of us.

18 So, I'm going to walk around here a

19 little bit and I'm going to try to get our panel

20 to tell a story, if you will, because rather

21 than just hear from six people, we're going to

22 try to weave the story and tell it as we did,

23 and we did this in San Diego, so this was like

24 Off Broadway. We're on Broadway now, we're back

25 home, so it's good to be home.


1 And we don't have a lot of time so I'm

2 going to do my typical Northeast brusque type

3 and cut people off when they start to go off a

4 little bit too far. So, first, let's set the

5 scene if we could, Inspector Lubinski.

6 Inspector Lubinski, when she started this

7 project, was a Lieutenant and was given this

8 responsibility by Chief Olson to work with

9 Wexler, work with Wexler and let's do

10 something.

11 And so, Sharon, tell us a little bit

12 about what was going on in Minneapolis in 1994,

13 '95 and '96.

14 MS. LUBINSKI: Just one moment of

15 logistics while I come over to the overhead.

16 Good morning everyone. For those of

17 you who work at the hospital and come to work

18 here every day, for those of you who live in the

19 neighborhood and live in the city of Minneapolis

20 as I do, you know what the problem was. A year

21 ago you knew exactly what the problem was.

22 It's violence in our neighborhood, it's

23 violence in our city, and you didn't have to

24 tell anyone in the neighborhoods or any one of

25 those officers out on the street what the


1 problem was. There was a lot of violence.

2 For a number of years, Minneapolis went

3 along at about 58 homicides a year, 60, 62.

4 Suddenly, in 1995, something surfaced that was

5 alarming to everyone, alarming to the officer in

6 the squad car, alarming to the people in

7 Minneapolis, alarming to people not just in

8 Minneapolis but the surrounding areas.

9 And we had a record homicide year in

10 1995. We had 97 homicides. 97 homicides after

11 running along at about 60. The following year,

12 1996, 86 homicides. It was a reduction but

13 still way above anything that we had normally

14 seen.

15 So, about a year ago, Chief Olson

16 called me into his office. It always kind of

17 piques your attention when the chief calls you

18 in. He says, "I have a little project for

19 you."

20 Well, anyway, about a year ago, the

21 panel members that are before you and actually a

22 number of people that are in the audience that

23 were introduced were all pulled together and

24 said, "We have this problem and we have to be

25 ready for summer, we have to do something about


1 it, it can't be business as usual."

2 So, without belaboring what the problem

3 was, I want to take just a moment and talk about

4 exactly what we did. We decided to pull apart

5 that problem, to look more deeply into the

6 problem and do sort of the typical cop thing

7 where you do the who, what, when, how, where and

8 why and those kinds of things, so we did an

9 in-depth analysis of homicides in Minneapolis

10 starting in 1994, which was our base year, the

11 last year we had what I would -- I'm going to

12 use this in quotes, a typical year of the number

13 of homicides, and then looked at the homicides

14 1994 as our base year, '95 the record year, and

15 '96, and then up through -- you'll see the

16 numbers in the overheads, it goes up to May 24,

17 1997, because, as Chuck has mentioned, we needed

18 to be ready to go, we needed to be in the

19 starting block beginning June 1 because, again,

20 anyone in the neighborhoods and the officers

21 know that, in summertime, that's when things get

22 most violent in Minnesota.

23 So, what we did is, our analysis was

24 all geared towards what we need to be ready to

25 do in the summer of 1997. I'm going to take one


1 moment here.

2 What I've got before you, and I've

3 blocked out part of this because it includes the

4 part of the year of 1997, is, you can see here

5 in 1994 we had our typically -- or more typical

6 number of homicides and then the numbers go

7 practically off the charts in 1995 and, again, a

8 large number of homicides in 1996, and I think

9 visually this is a good thing to show because it

10 shows you just the proportionate increase that

11 we were faced with at that particular time.

12 And then, the last bar graph is that

13 the numbers in 1997 are just simply through the

14 end of May of this past year. And again, right

15 now, all I'm really talking about is the

16 research that we did about a year ago now and

17 through the spring of 1997 to show us where we

18 need to go with the resources that we've got in

19 Minneapolis.

20 This next overhead that I want to show

21 you is, this gave us a target time during which

22 we need to be ready to go in terms of having a

23 strategy, having a focus for law enforcement

24 resources. As you can see, in July and August,

25 through the years of the study that we looked


1 at, we had practically 25 percent of our

2 homicides in the summer months of July and

3 August. So, if we weren't ready to go with

4 something new, we were not going to be ready to

5 approach the problem in the way that it needed

6 to be approached.

7 There were two things that the homicide

8 study really, really wanted to look at. It

9 addressed two questions. First of all, whether

10 or not -- whether there was a connection between

11 gangs and homicides and, again, I could ask just

12 about any number of people in the room and you'd

13 say yes, there is a connection between gangs and

14 homicides, but I think when you're going to go

15 forward with a push like this, I think you need

16 to have your foundation of data, and so we

17 wanted to look at all the homicides, take them

18 apart and say how many were gang related in the

19 city of Minneapolis.

20 Second of all, we also wanted to know

21 the degree of prior criminal involvement by both

22 victims and perpetrators of homicides. We'll

23 discuss some of the exact findings a little bit

24 later, but there was some indication from the

25 gang unit that had already done a lot of good


1 groundwork in this that a number of the victims

2 involved in the gang-related homicides had

3 perhaps been witnesses in prior homicides, or

4 somehow connected in other ways, so we knew

5 there was a small group that was causing us a

6 lot of problems.

7 So those were the two main goals of the

8 homicide study. I have just two overheads in

9 terms of the main findings of that study. In

10 terms of the homicide victims, many, the

11 majority of the homicide victims as well as the

12 arrestees were from the African American

13 community.

14 There is also an important youth part

15 to this in that there was a substantial number

16 of victims and arrestees that were very young of

17 age. These victims, and particularly the

18 arrestees, were carrying firearms. For the most

19 part, semiautomatics.

20 This was the area where, when we called

21 in the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco and Firearms,

22 which we can discuss a little bit later, that's

23 where we needed to -- we started to draw in more

24 and more federal agents because we knew we

25 needed to go after firearms.


1 And finally, again, for those of you in

2 Phillips, for those of you in Powderhorn and

3 Hawthorne neighborhoods, you know that,

4 unfortunately, that's where many of the

5 homicides were concentrated in your

6 neighborhoods, and the study bore that out.

7 And the final overhead that I have, and

8 this is the information that truly gave us

9 direction in terms of where to put law

10 enforcement, where to put probation resources.

11 Many of the victims, many of the arrestees,

12 shared a similar arrest history especially in

13 those gang-related homicides.

14 There was an astonishing number of

15 prior arrests for victims in those gang-related

16 homicides, and Jan Smaby can discuss this later

17 on, but also there was a significant probation

18 connection which then told us that we then had a

19 mechanism to use to gain some sort of control

20 over some of the suspects that we had in some of

21 the homicides and, again, the arrest histories

22 was significant in all of that.

23 MR. WEXLER: Thank you, Inspector.

24 Now, Randy Johnson, at the time, you

25 were head of the organized crime division, the


1 gang unit. Give us a flavor for -- you know,

2 you probably knew most of what the inspector

3 just said, but what was it like from your

4 perspective back in those years?

5 MR. JOHNSON: Well, I also got an

6 invitation to the chief's office and he made

7 sure that I knew I didn't need a pencil and

8 paper, it wasn't going to take that long.

9 (Laughter).

10 Basically, the direction was, we know

11 that there's homicidal violence happening in

12 Minneapolis, most of it is weapon and firearm

13 related, we have to do something to stop the

14 retaliation. That's one area in this kind of

15 violence that we may have an impact on trying to

16 stop the retaliation.

17 So, in the organized crime unit, we

18 took the information that we had, we went

19 through every homicide, every shooting case from

20 1995 and '96, and we did a link analysis. We

21 looked at the common denominators; people,

22 sometimes the locations, sometimes other

23 information in the reports that could give us --

24 show us a pattern of not only where these things

25 were happening but who was involved either as


1 peripheral people or directly involved.

2 And also, the information that

3 Inspector Lubinski studied later determined

4 which was the most dangerous time of the day,

5 which was the most dangerous time of the day of

6 the week and the location, so on and so forth,

7 and we came up with some very interesting

8 results.

9 We found that there was a relatively

10 small group of people who were active in the

11 horrendous amounts of violent crime against not

12 only the people that they knew, but innocent

13 victims, and we set out to do what we could do

14 to make it known to these people in a very

15 professional way that the entire weight of the

16 criminal justice system was going to come down

17 upon them should there be a continuation of

18 these retaliatory crimes.

19 MR. WEXLER: Okay. I'm listening to

20 this and it seems pretty, you know, intuitive,

21 but, Pat Hoven, from Honeywell, now why is

22 Honeywell even interested in this? You're a

23 vice-president of Honeywell, you're not involved

24 in crime. Why is it -- go ahead and tell us

25 about it, why is the corporate sector so


1 interested in this?

2 MS. HOVEN: Corporations cannot be

3 profitable in communities that don't work, and I

4 believe we are very fortunate in this community

5 to have 15 Fortune 500 companies as well as

6 many, many other corporations who for years and

7 years and years, and foundations, have been

8 involved in trying to solve community problems.

9 In 1996, there seemed to be a

10 heightened interest and awareness that our

11 community was at risk. We were finding there

12 were shooting incidents around Honeywell's

13 corporate headquarters, and for those of you who

14 don't know, we are only a few blocks down the

15 street.

16 We did an employee survey and found

17 that their concern about driving to and from

18 work had the most negative response of any

19 question on the survey. We were feeling our

20 community was somewhat at risk.

21 Our CEO was traveling around the

22 country and he came back and said, "Wherever I

23 go, people are saying, 'what is happening in the

24 Twin Cities?' You used to be able to sell

25 quality of life. You sure can't sell weather,


1 you sure can't sell mountains and water, but you

2 used to be able to sell a good community.

3 What's happening?"

4 And the murder rate was actually

5 starting to affect recruitment. We hear

6 anecdotal stories about people wanting to come

7 to the Twin Cities and then turning down jobs

8 because of what was happening. So our CEO said

9 to some of us, "What are we going to do about

10 this?"

11 So, Andre Lewis, who is one of my

12 colleagues, and I went around and we did about

13 30 interviews and we said, "What do you see as

14 the problem? What can be done about it and what

15 can business do to help?"

16 We got some ideas. The governor

17 actually suggested that we hire consultants, one

18 that wasn't involved in our immediate problems,

19 somebody who had been around, so we brought in

20 Chuck and sat down -- it was not a very big

21 group to start with -- to develop a plan and we

22 really said this is a two-track plan, two-track

23 system.

24 Yes, we have to deal with the immediate

25 guns, gangs, drugs, law enforcement issues, but


1 we also believe, for the viability of the

2 community, we have to deal with long-term

3 solutions such as education, housing, jobs and

4 training, parks systems, school start times, all

5 kinds of things that affect crime in different

6 ways than the immediate getting at the gang

7 members.

8 So, we did this two-track system and we

9 have been meeting now for a year and really have

10 made, I think, some significant results. Now,

11 we'll get back to some of the things that we've

12 done on this two-track system, some of it

13 non-law enforcement pieces after, but I think

14 that was kind of the background of how we got

15 all this going.

16 MR. WEXLER: All right. Give us some

17 perspective from the community because, you

18 know, I listen to this, all of these law

19 enforcement people, private sector, where is the

20 community coming from on this? Where is the

21 community perspective?

22 MR. WOOTEN: We are in partnership with

23 the law enforcement perspective, Chuck, so from

24 the community's perspective, my organization,

25 which is the West Broadway Business Association,


1 has been an intricate part of the community

2 since 1942. That's 55 years of commitment.

3 And it was about four years ago that we

4 actually got together as businesses, social

5 services agencies and nonprofit organizations

6 and determined that we needed to make an

7 investment back into the community that was a

8 part of what we were about and it was due to

9 this investment that we decided to focus on four

10 areas; public safety, commercial viability,

11 community ownership and youth development and

12 employment.

13 And it's that last one, youth

14 development and employment, we feel is very

15 significant to the direction and the emphasis of

16 Minnesota HEALS and the fact that the HEALS

17 stands for hope, education, law and safety.

18 We're very, very committed to the fact that

19 investment is very critical.

20 In fact, we have in the last four years

21 raised close to half a million dollars that we

22 reinvested in projects and initiatives right

23 back into the community. I could talk a little

24 bit later about significantly how that

25 partnership and how that effort had paid off,


1 but that's kind of why we were involved.

2 MR. WEXLER: Okay. So, now we've got

3 the problem identified, we got all the people at

4 the table; but, you know, a lot of times you

5 have a lot of people at the table and things

6 still don't work right.

7 I'm going to turn to Dave Lillehaug. I

8 want you to refresh everyone's memory, if you

9 will. What were those early meetings like?

10 You've got a bunch of people in the room, a

11 bunch of law enforcement people. Did all the

12 law enforcement people get along okay?

13 MR. LILLEHAUG: They were meetings from

14 hell. (Laughter) Caused in part by you, Chuck.

15 (Laughter).

16 In Minnesota, we've had long and strong

17 tradition of law enforcement agencies working

18 together, but this was a crisis, and at that

19 point, considerations of turf, at which level of

20 government you're a part of, really had to go

21 out the window, but it took some people a little

22 while.

23 And one good thing about having Chuck

24 Wexler come in from Washington is that he could

25 get in people's faces and he could say, "Now,


1 what is your commitment today to reduce gang

2 violence in Minnesota, what is your agency going

3 to do?"

4 And if there was any hemming or hawing,

5 then, he'd be right back in your face and say,

6 "Okay, now, how many cases are you going to

7 generate, how many probation visits are you

8 going to have," and so on and so forth, just to

9 take some examples.

10 And that was very important because we

11 were being Minnesota nice to each other, but

12 Minnesota nice wasn't the way to deal with

13 gangs. We were behind the curve in dealing with

14 gangs. For a period of time we denied their

15 existence, then we talked about how gang leaders

16 could be legitimate community leaders, which was

17 silly, and it took the death of officer Jerry

18 Haff not far from here and the conviction of

19 Vicelord leader Sharif Willis to drive home to

20 everybody what gangs are doing to our community

21 and now we in law enforcement had to respond.

22 We should have responded a lot earlier,

23 but through this Minnesota HEALS process and

24 Chuck, and that kind of work, we started to make

25 some progress in these meetings.


1 MR. WEXLER: Well, let's get specific

2 here and let's talk to my friend Jan Smaby,

3 okay? Police and probation, did they work well

4 together?

5 MS. SMABY: No, they didn't. I think

6 there was both a combination of ignorance and

7 some distrust. Part of that was born from the

8 fact of in recent years, in the last decade or

9 so, the volume of offenders that both police and

10 then corrections has had to deal with had

11 mushroomed so.

12 On any given day in Hennepin County,

13 our corrections department has over 26,000

14 offenders under our jurisdiction and we have

15 about 200 probation officers. So, deciding not

16 only where to allocate those resources, but I

17 think just dealing with that volume,

18 interestingly enough, made us a little more

19 inward as opposed to reaching outward.

20 The initial meetings were from hell.

21 That's well put, David. But I think they also

22 were very helpful as we were starting to test

23 one another and see how can we come to trust one

24 another and yet respect one another's role.

25 When I was asked to be a part of this


1 -- by the way, the chief was kind enough not to

2 summon me to his office, he came with you all to

3 see me, so it was hard to say no, and I had

4 strong support from my county board of

5 commissioners, who basically were saying do

6 whatever it takes.

7 But when we were initially approached,

8 Chuck, I think we recognized two things. Number

9 one, probation officers and police officers have

10 both different authorities and different

11 responsibilities and we wanted those to

12 complement one another.

13 I didn't want probation officers

14 thinking they were becoming cops and I think

15 cops certainly didn't necessarily want to think

16 that they were going to become probation

17 officers. It took us, I think, a few weeks and

18 a few months to understand those roles and then

19 to gain trust and begin to work together. Now

20 it's working beautifully.

21 MR. WEXLER: But talk a little bit

22 about, you know, what does it mean, work

23 together? Why -- let's be strategic here. What

24 did we want you to do and what did you all do to

25 get prepared for implementing this? Remember,


1 we talked -- this is just about a year ago at

2 this time and we said we wanted to have

3 something in place by June 1.

4 MS. SMABY: Yes. You wanted us out

5 there yesterday, Chuck, that's what you wanted.

6 That's where you and I would have our fights.

7 Probation officers, first and foremost

8 for us, we had to make sure they had adequate

9 training, particularly around the issue of

10 safety. And what we were doing and what we

11 continue to do, this very night for example, we

12 will be going out and doing this, we're sending

13 probation officers out with members of the

14 organized crime unit, the gang unit as we know

15 it, to make visits, and we call it soft entry

16 visits, into the homes of selected probationers

17 whom both the police and we in probation had

18 identified as being relatively high risk. We

19 knew for a fact of their involvement in

20 gang-related activity or having a history of

21 violence.

22 The purpose of our visits was then and

23 continues to be severalfold. Number one, to

24 spread a message of no violence and, indeed,

25 when we make these visits into the home, we


1 share with the individual that "We know who you

2 are, we are here, not just downtown, we are in

3 your home, we are checking to see how things are

4 going and we want you to know that if you are

5 involved in any violent activity, we will bring

6 the full force of not just state but also

7 federal government down upon you."

8 MR. WEXLER: Okay. Let me go now to a

9 specific example which I think, Lieutenant, is

10 the turning point, because all of this sounds

11 like rhetoric and this was a see change, talk

12 about the incident, the hospital and so forth

13 and that, from your perspective, what came out

14 of that. Do you know what I'm referring to?

15 MR. JOHNSON: Just to emphasize what

16 Jan Smaby just mentioned, one thing that a

17 criminal gang member or any practicing criminal

18 really does not want is personalized attention,

19 and whether it's from law enforcement or

20 probation or the court system, they just really

21 don't want that personal visitation every so

22 often, so we made a point of talking to people.

23 And it's really not a novel concept,

24 but we actually told them, "Don't, don't do

25 this. Stop. We're going to stop this killing.


1 We're trying to save people here. Yeah, you may

2 end up going to jail for a long time;" but,

3 basically, "We know who you are, we know where

4 you live, we know what kind of a car you drive,

5 we know where you're supposed to be, we know who

6 you hang out with," and we tried to give special

7 attention to people that needed it.

8 And the end of May, May 31st of 1997,

9 there was a series of incidents that took place

10 in north Minneapolis which began with a nonfatal

11 shooting of a person at a filling station on

12 Broadway. Throughout the course of the evening,

13 officers from the gang unit and the Fourth

14 Precinct, I think some of them were on

15 Lieutenant Stanick's shift of the Fourth

16 Precinct, made some visits throughout the

17 precinct.

18 We talked to some people who we

19 suspected were involved in this shooting

20 incident or had knowledge of it. We even went

21 to the hospital and specifically met with the

22 victim of the shooting and his associates and

23 told them the same message that we have been

24 giving everybody else, do not retaliate or the

25 entire weight of the system will fall on your


1 shoulders.

2 Well, sure enough, these people didn't

3 take it to heart so, later on in the morning,

4 there was a drive-by shooting incident at an

5 address in north Minneapolis, four people in

6 this vehicle were later stopped, four weapons

7 recovered including a couple of Molotov

8 cocktails, and at that point both the county

9 attorney's office and the U.S. attorney's office

10 began looking at this particular case and others

11 related to it to see exactly what kind of

12 prosecution we could bring.

13 MR. WEXLER: That was a pretty

14 important event because, first of all, you were

15 at the hospital that night, you had been alerted

16 right away, people were there and you warned

17 them, then they violated it, and then there was

18 an ATF official, if I remember, was riding with

19 the Minneapolis PD and picked some people up

20 with guns, then we brought that to the meeting

21 and I think it was at that meeting that the U.S.

22 attorney took some action if I'm not mistaken.

23 MR. LILLEHAUG: Yes. The county

24 attorney, Mike Freeman's office and our office

25 looked at these individuals that had been


1 arrested and we made a rational decision as to

2 who should be prosecuted where.

3 And these were members of the Bogus

4 Boys. This was a gang that was wreaking

5 enormous havoc in both north and south

6 Minneapolis and certain members are prime

7 suspects in the killing of Byron Phillips.

8 And we took one of those gang members,

9 Carlos Ranell Brandon, and charged him with

10 being a felon in possession of a .40 caliber

11 semiautomatic pistol. He had a previous

12 conviction for drug dealing. He was convicted

13 by a jury on September 16, 1997. The others are

14 making their way through state court.

15 And I think simply dealing with the

16 Bogus Boys gang as part of this Minnesota HEALS

17 effort did have an effect on the numbers that

18 you just saw up on that screen because every day

19 members of those gangs are off the street is one

20 day in which we can feel just a little bit

21 safer.

22 MR. WEXLER: Okay. Real interesting

23 about law enforcement. What is the private

24 sector doing now? What's going on in the

25 corporate side and the community side? How is


1 that? Talk about that.

2 MS. HOVEN: Good. As I mentioned, I

3 think the corporate-community side is looking at

4 solutions that are long-term that are what we

5 would call prevention. We believe that if you

6 have a place to live and a good education and a

7 good job you're probably not as apt to be out

8 doing criminal activity so we've been working on

9 many of those things.

10 Along the jobs line, Allina through

11 Abbott Northwestern and Children's, and

12 Honeywell helping to support it, have -- they

13 have 150 jobs at the hospital, entry level jobs,

14 pay good wages, and we all helped to provide

15 some prejob training for people that -- they

16 were hiring people from the neighborhood and

17 many of these people hadn't gone to work before.

18 And part of the training is, if you

19 need three alarm clocks to get to work on time,

20 buy three alarm clocks, and things that a lot of

21 us don't think too much about. So that jobs

22 piece was very important and there are 150 jobs

23 available there.

24 3M in St. Paul worked the jobs unit and

25 now General Mills with Risa, Dave Nasby and


1 Ellen Luger and people, have worked very hard to

2 develop a project in north Minneapolis having to

3 do with food, I don't know exactly what it's

4 called, Risa, but, anyway, you're going to have

5 a big project having to do with more jobs

6 there.

7 Housing is a key issue. Again, we

8 think if you own your house and have a good

9 place to live, you're not going to be out on the

10 street as much. So, just recently, if you drive

11 down 26th Street, you've been seeing a lot of

12 buildings coming down between 26th and 28th and

13 between Fifth Avenue and Portland. It's going

14 to be called Portland Place.

15 Honeywell, along with some others, is

16 taking the initiative and we're tearing down all

17 those buildings. 13 percent of the police calls

18 in the Phillips neighborhood were in those two

19 blocks. So, we think that getting rid of some

20 of those crack houses and some of the other

21 things will help. We'll build 52 units of

22 housing with nonprofit developers. There will

23 be aid habitats for humanity houses, PPL is very

24 involved, so it's a real community effort.

25 The African American community got


1 together and developed something called

2 "achieving the dream," and they've come up with

3 a variety of ideas as to how they're going to

4 work on this issue.

5 When we started the planning, we

6 started talking about the park board, and

7 someone said, "Well, you know, the park board

8 isn't open as much as it should be on the

9 weekends and often in the summer they close

10 early," and we said, "Well, this is ridiculous.

11 This is when you need to have people out there

12 so the kids have something to do," so we worked

13 with them.

14 There's a Beacon's program in the

15 Minneapolis public schools now that's a pilot,

16 but is funded by many of the foundations, and it

17 is to provide the schools -- the schools are

18 providing use for community after hours so if

19 the kids have something to do, they're not out

20 on the street and these school buildings are

21 being used longer.

22 School start time was another thing,

23 the mayor got very involved in that one, because

24 many of the criminal acts that kids were doing

25 happened in the afternoon when they weren't in


1 school. So, if you could start them later in

2 the morning and have them continue longer in the

3 afternoon, they weren't going to be three and

4 out there, so we worked hard on that one.

5 MR. WEXLER: Pat, that's a pretty key

6 point right there just in terms of, you know,

7 people's thinking that, you know, you have the

8 kids and keep kids at home at night, but that

9 three-to-six-hour block can have a big impact on

10 assaults and burglaries, can't it, more than,

11 say, a hundred police officers.

12 MS. HOVEN: Sure. A lot of the parents

13 are working at that time and these kids are just

14 kind of free floating around, so -- and I think

15 we want to do more with the school start in the

16 future.

17 Mentoring is a big thing. Almost

18 anything you read about what is something

19 helpful for kids is mentoring. Many of the

20 corporations are doing the one-to-one

21 mentoring. Now you see ads on TV, everybody

22 from Don Shelby to other people, and the mayor,

23 are talking about mentoring.

24 Honeywell has committed 8000 of our

25 U.S. employees to be mentors by the year 2000.


1 We hooked up with the President's summit on

2 that. So we think that will help. Medtronic

3 funded the billboards that we just talked

4 about.

5 All of these are collaborative efforts,

6 they're partnerships with the community. We

7 worked a lot more with the community block

8 clubs. And on the north side, General Mills has

9 worked very, very hard with the block clubs and

10 community efforts, and we've done some of that

11 in Phillips, and because we all have to work

12 together on these things.

13 No one sector can take on these

14 problems alone. We can't arrest everybody, we

15 can't build a house for everybody, but if we all

16 work together, a lot more is going to happen.

17 So, I'm pleased with the progress we have made

18 to date but we have a long way to go.

19 MR. WEXLER: Rod, talk about this from

20 the perspective of the community. How was this

21 been felt in the community, how was it being

22 perceived?

23 MR. WOOTEN: Well, Pat actually talked

24 on a couple specifics about the outcomes, but,

25 you know, this didn't happen just in a vacuum.


1 This was a very inclusive process and probably

2 still yet is working very hard to be even more

3 inclusive.

4 From the business community's

5 perspective, as I mentioned earlier, you know,

6 the makeup of our organization kind of precluded

7 that this was initiative that we felt very close

8 and dear to.

9 As I mentioned earlier, I talked about

10 investment. When you think about investments,

11 you think about something being perpetual,

12 something that you expect a return on, your

13 expectations are higher, or your commitment is

14 there, both in capacity and in dollars and

15 resources.

16 When you think about funding, you think

17 about something that is problematic and period

18 certain, and the way we looked at this is that

19 this had to be a true investment into the

20 community.

21 Earlier, I talked about one of our

22 initiatives being youth development and

23 employment. We felt from the standpoint of our

24 organization that youth development and

25 employment was key, that we needed to do more


1 and seek more seeding alternatives for kids.

2 I mean activities where kids and youth

3 could be involved in something outside of just

4 day-to-day school as well as we needed to

5 provide opportunity for those individuals who

6 wanted to work but either weren't capable

7 because of the lack of training or weren't

8 capable because of, you know, situations in

9 their life-styles, so we were adamantly working

10 to change most of that.

11 Some of the successes we had relative

12 to the partnerships we developed were those that

13 involved the initiative that Minneapolis

14 Foundation came up with a couple years ago where

15 they were committed to working in our

16 neighborhood which is north Minneapolis and

17 south Minneapolis.

18 They were willing to make the

19 investment and I must stress that point. We

20 think that there needs to be the same level of

21 investment in the community that is currently in

22 law enforcement and also making sure that the

23 communities are viable.

24 MR. WEXLER: Let me just call on

25 Inspector Lubinski to make some final comments


1 before we turn to the Attorney General. Just,

2 so what happened? What are the results at the

3 end of the summer, a year later? You know, how

4 did we do and what does the future look like?

5 MS. LUBINSKI: The thing about working

6 on the homicide rate is that there is no

7 fudging. There's no fudging. The number that

8 you see is exactly what happens in your city.

9 So, as we approached the summer, there were a

10 number of people that stood forward and said we

11 are going to go after the homicide rate.

12 And let me tell you, that in and of

13 itself is a bit scary because the homicide rate

14 is something that you cannot hide, and so each

15 and every day we were given a report card of how

16 we were doing. Each and every -- there were

17 times when the pulse was taken on the homicide

18 rate of how are we doing a year ago? How are we

19 doing in the summers of June, July and August?

20 And so there was a lot of heightened attention,

21 heightened scrutiny, about what we did.

22 But I have to say that I think because

23 there were commitments on the part of

24 Honeywell. In all my years of law enforcement,

25 I have not seen corporate America come forward


1 in that fashion. People like David Lillehaug

2 rearranged the resources in his office so if he

3 made a commitment at a meeting, the next day

4 that commitment occurred, and when you have

5 Chief Olson made a commitment to expand the gang

6 unit, that happened.

7 And I think as a result of a multitude

8 of things we did have a reduction. For example,

9 I think a very significant number is to compare

10 the summer of 1996, June, July and August,

11 during which we had 40 homicides, to the summer

12 of 1997, June, July and August, we had eight

13 homicides.

14 I think that is a significant thing to

15 really sit up and take notice about and remember

16 what we did well and continue on with that. I

17 think that that is a critical part of today, is

18 that this is not the end, this is not the end of

19 the celebration and it's not the end of the

20 work.

21 And finally, the final numbers in terms

22 of homicides was 58 for the number of homicides,

23 which brings it back to the early numbers of the

24 early '90s in Minneapolis compared to 86 a year

25 ago.


1 MR. WEXLER: Before we call on the

2 Attorney General, just one last point, and that

3 this was a Minnesota initiative and the St. Paul

4 Police Department and Chief Finney made a

5 contribution, came to all the meetings, and

6 really worked very well together.

7 So, I think what I would like to do

8 now, with your permission, is ask Ms. Reno if

9 she has some comments and thoughts about all of

10 this.

11 MS. RENO: Could I just ask some

12 questions?

13 MR. WEXLER: Oh, yes, yes, yes.

14 MS. RENO: I would be interested, you

15 have addressed the issue of violence, what about

16 drugs and drug dealings, where do you stand now

17 in that effort?

18 MS. SMABY: Well, I think from the

19 correction's perspective, the volume is still

20 high. There has been instituted in Hennepin

21 County District Court a drug court, but I think

22 the more serious drug dealers are now being

23 diverted to the federal court system.

24 I think the drug court effort in

25 Hennepin County, we had estimated we would have


1 about, oh, 1200 offenders. Looks like by

2 year-end in our first full year of operation

3 we'll have close to 2000, maybe as high as 2500

4 offenders.

5 The drug court, I think, is

6 experimenting with the issue of treatment,

7 trying to get individuals who are in need of

8 treatment into treatment immediately, and we

9 have clearly made some achievements in terms of

10 from point of arrest until disposition of case.

11 Over 50 percent of the cases are handled within

12 ten days, which is, as you know, Attorney

13 General Reno, almost a miracle within the

14 justice system.

15 But I think none of us is satisfied

16 that we have yet really made a significant dent

17 as we did, I think, with the homicide rate this

18 past summer in diminishing the level of drug

19 dealing that is still taking place on

20 neighborhood streets. I think that is still the

21 real challenge for us.

22 MR. WEXLER: Dave Lillehaug, do you

23 want to comment, or Sharon Lubinski, about the

24 narcotics issue, because that is a real good

25 question.


1 MR. LILLEHAUG: We have a serious

2 narcotics problem in Minneapolis and anyone who

3 says the drug dealing is a victimless crime has

4 not lived next to a crack house. We prosecuted

5 a group of gangsters known as the Detroit Boys.

6 They were running a dozen crack houses in this

7 neighborhood.

8 And then we asked the neighbors to

9 weigh in at sentencing what crack houses were

10 doing in this neighborhood, ranging from -- and

11 the answers ranged from drive-by shootings to

12 constant noise day and night, to kids who were

13 completely neglected, to bullets, condoms, crack

14 pipes and liquor bottles in the gutters.

15 And we need to turn this Minnesota

16 HEALS initiative towards narcotics because there

17 is a perception among drug dealers, many of whom

18 come out of state so they can sell a rack of

19 crack for 20 bucks here that might go for five

20 bucks in Chicago, that the criminal justice

21 system in Minnesota is lenient when it comes to

22 drug dealers, significant drug dealers, and they

23 think they can be arrested and back out on the

24 street again within a few hours or at best a day

25 or two.


1 And the proposal we're making in the

2 Minnesota HEALS initiative is that we identify,

3 as we did identify gangsters, those drug dealers

4 who have been through the system over and over

5 again, and believe me, there are those who have

6 been arrested 20, 30, 40, even 50 times, and

7 they don't get long sentences.

8 And that includes not only -- we need

9 not only long federal sentences, but put

10 together a state and local system to deal with

11 the drug dealers that makes sense, and then, for

12 the addicts, to offer treatment because there is

13 no way we can deal only with the supply side and

14 not with the demand side.

15 As Chief Olson says, there is a lot of

16 money on the streets in Minneapolis for drugs,

17 and not just on the streets in Minneapolis. We

18 have to understand that this is a problem that

19 includes the suburbs. People do come into

20 Minneapolis to buy drugs and there are just as

21 many teenagers in Apple Valley where crack --

22 where powder is going up their noses as there

23 are in Minneapolis that are smoking it here, so

24 you've identified exactly the challenge for our

25 next step, Attorney General.


1 MS. RENO: Go ahead.

2 FROM THE FLOOR: As long as, on New

3 Year's Day, you could spot 52 drug dealers

4 operating on one block in a city, and that's on

5 Park and Franklin, that was New Year's day and

6 we went out and counted them, 52 drug dealers in

7 the block, then you have not addressed the drug

8 problem. (Applause).

9 MS. RENO: My understanding is that you

10 have about two million people in the greater

11 Twin Cities area, that's about seven counties.

12 How do the seven counties and all the

13 municipalities coordinate their efforts to keep

14 it from spilling from one over to the other?

15 MS. SMABY: I'll just start in, but I

16 think Lieutenant Randy Johnson can speak to this

17 as well, Attorney General Reno. The state

18 legislature this past year provided some funding

19 to create a metropolitan-wide gang task force

20 that is zeroing in on not just gang members but

21 obviously we'll also be dealing with the issues

22 of the serious drug offenders as well, and our

23 office is associated with that.

24 As a matter of fact, they've invited

25 all of us who were working in the Minnesota


1 HEALS effort to have a presence with that metro

2 gang effort, and it is a coordinated law

3 enforcement, really criminal justice system-wide

4 effort on a metropolitan basis.

5 Years ago, I'm old enough to have been

6 around this bend before, as I think a number of

7 you out here in the audience with me, there used

8 to be a gang unit and a drug unit on the metro

9 basis, and then that sort of slipped away under

10 the old law enforcement administration days, so

11 I think its resurrection is both critical and

12 also a reflection of our ongoing frustration in

13 not having as comprehensively attacked the drug

14 crime issue as we have with the homicide unit at

15 least on a temporary basis.

16 MS. RENO: What are you doing in

17 truancy prevention?

18 MS. SMABY: I hesitate to be the only

19 one speaking here. I am looking out at the

20 audience. There are a number of people who have

21 played a very significant role in trying to deal

22 with the issue of truancy prevention, and you're

23 right, Attorney General Reno, that's, boy, from

24 the correction's point of view, that is one of

25 the biggest giveaways of potentially a child


1 coming unfortunately under our jurisdiction if

2 they're chronically truant.

3 We have a truancy center that has been

4 established in Hennepin County where children

5 who are truant are picked up and go to make a

6 visit. It has gotten particular attention from

7 both city and county and state officials in the

8 last two years.

9 Again, I think while we have a good

10 foundation in place to more effectively deal

11 with the issue of truancy, we are just now

12 experiencing the beginning of that effort as

13 opposed to saying we are able to produce some

14 very instrumental results.

15 The movement, I think, on the part of a

16 number of school districts to also change or

17 alter the school day is also a factor that we

18 think will help us significantly in dealing with

19 that issue.

20 But, again, you're looking, in the

21 front three rows here, at a number of the

22 significant actors in the truancy business who

23 can speak better to that than I.

24 MR. LILLEHAUG: And I think we want to

25 mention the efforts of County Attorney Freeman


1 on a related matter, which is curfews in the

2 various municipalities. That is an important

3 piece of it.

4 Anything else?

5 MS. RENO: No.

6 MR. LILLEHAUG: Well, now let me

7 formally introduce the Attorney General. I can

8 tell you very briefly that we U.S. Attorneys

9 have a tremendous sense of comfort and security

10 that Attorney General Reno is our boss.

11 We appreciate her honesty and

12 integrity, her openness to real people, in real

13 neighborhoods, arising out of her experience as

14 state county prosecutor, and we appreciate her

15 lack of pomp and circumstance. Her idea of a

16 junket is to come to Minnesota in January

17 (Applause) to hear about new models of crime

18 fighting.

19 She has made a promise. She has

20 promised that when she retires, and we hope that

21 is a long ways away, that she will come back to

22 Minnesota with her Kayak to spend time in the

23 Boundary Waters, and we know that when Attorney

24 General Janet Reno makes a promise, it will

25 happen.


1 I think of the Attorney General every

2 time I think of my favorite quotation, which is

3 from Mark Twain. He said, "Always do what is

4 right. This will astonish some people and

5 gratify the rest." And we look forward to the

6 Attorney General continuing to astonish and

7 gratify us.

8 The Attorney General of the United

9 States.

10 (Standing ovation)

11 MS. RENO: Thank you, David, and thank

12 you all for that warm response, but I'm the one

13 that should be thanking you. I think this is my

14 third trip to Minneapolis and I have been here

15 and I've had people say, "There's not been

16 enough change, we've got to do more."

17 But I talked to people when I first

18 came about the need to approach the problem of

19 crime in a sensible bipartisan, whole way,

20 pointing out that law enforcement and tough

21 penalties were a very important part of that

22 equation but that prevention programs were

23 essential, too.

24 I talked about the need to bring

25 communities together. And the reason I have to


1 thank you, Minnesota HEALS today, is because you

2 have proven that it can be done and I can take

3 this message to other parts of the country to

4 say that if we approach crime, and the other

5 problems that face our nation, in a thoughtful,

6 careful, factual way and develop sound plans

7 that respond to what the facts present, we can

8 do it.

9 It's been fun to listen and, I think,

10 perhaps where you lead the way is in the private

11 sector involvement. I haven't heard about

12 federal monies from Washington. You thank me

13 for coming but you don't thank me for money.

14 Other people will thank me for money.

15 There is some community policing money

16 here, there are some excellent programs that the

17 federal government is responsible for, but

18 what's happened here is that a community has

19 pulled itself together, the private sector has

20 understood that it can make an investment in its

21 own company and its own future and together

22 people have made a difference.

23 You have talked about healthcare.

24 Healthcare is part of it all. You've talked

25 about housing. You've talked about parks and


1 recreation and talked about education. It's so

2 important. And it is so gratifying to see

3 state, local and federal governments together,

4 to see cities together. Chief Finney was here.

5 It is really exciting. But what is

6 most important is to see people that I met

7 before in the Phillips neighborhood, who looked

8 at me like, hmm, will we really see a

9 difference? And to know that they are seeing a

10 difference, to know how important to this

11 equation are the people who are involved, the

12 people who live in the neighborhoods, and you

13 have proven again that with their involvement,

14 their participation, their speaking out, we can

15 truly make a difference.

16 It's exiting to see what's happened

17 with community probation and community policing,

18 to see what you're doing in the violence against

19 women in the domestic violence areas, but I

20 would like to challenge you. I would like to

21 come back and next time I would like to hear

22 about what you have done about drugs.

23 You've got a danger in the west

24 (applause), methamphetamines have swept across

25 the country into Nebraska, Iowa, and now it's


1 hitting you in the west. Get it before it gets

2 stabilized.

3 You're in a nice, wonderful country

4 here, the border lakes, the 10,000 lakes, yes,

5 I'm coming back, but the bad things get here

6 late and crack got here late and it's still

7 here. When I come back, I don't want to hear

8 the word "crack," and I think you can do it

9 based on what you've done. If we understand

10 that the people who distribute the stuff and

11 traffic in the stuff deserve penalties,

12 penalties that fit the crime, we can make a

13 difference.

14 Let us focus together on the gangs, on

15 the groups if they're not gangs, on those guys

16 that are coming from Chicago to prey on your

17 communities and on your people because they can

18 get a higher price for crack here because it's

19 passe in Chicago, let us look at those people

20 who stand on that street corner in Phillips on

21 New Year's Day and convey the stuff and convey

22 the broken windows and the stolen cars and the

23 burglaries, and have records that are not that

24 impressive, but for the people in the community

25 they say countless hours of worry, and getting a


1 new car, and getting the insurance forms filled

2 out, and repairing the broken window, and

3 getting the radio back, and taking care of so

4 many details that minor or relatively minor

5 crime means to a community.

6 But let's do it as a partnership. We

7 in the federal government want to be a partner,

8 Mr. Freeman. We don't want to come in and tell

9 you what to do. We don't want to come in and

10 grab a case for the glory of it. We don't want

11 any turf battles. We want to make sure there is

12 a good two-way exchange of information so that

13 if DEA and the FBI have information that can be

14 helpful in your case, you get it, and so, let me

15 know how we can improve and what we can do

16 better.

17 But I'm so proud of what David has done

18 in terms of the violence initiative, and I think

19 working with you in ways that you think are

20 appropriate, we can be so helpful. We can get

21 sentences that fit the crime of these people

22 that traffic in these drugs and we can truly

23 make a difference.

24 But I would like to follow up with drug

25 court. I saw a drug court established in 1988


1 in Dade County, the first one. It operates on a

2 carrot and stick approach. It gives a young,

3 nonviolent first offender a chance to get off to

4 a fresh start with close supervision and regular

5 testing, job training and placement, good

6 treatment.

7 But it won't work if we spread it too

8 thin and we have got to ensure the quality of

9 drug court. We can take drug court further, to

10 that four-time offender who has hit rock bottom

11 and is finally pleading for help, but it's going

12 to take a different approach than the approach

13 for the first offender.

14 We've got to tailor these programs so

15 that they work. And when the stick is

16 necessary, we've got to be able to lower the

17 boom so that they know we mean what we say.

18 We've got to focus on the fact that particularly

19 crack has hit at young women, women with

20 children, women with small infants.

21 Minnesota can look at what New York has

22 done in one of its state prisons, where women

23 with crack-involved infants are together,

24 learning how to raise children the right way so

25 that when they come out they do not lose another


1 child to the community.

2 You can make a difference. If you're

3 smart but tough, if you make the threat, the

4 legitimate, decent, respectable threat, and then

5 make sure you carry it out, but you've got to

6 mean what you say, both in terms of the

7 penalties threatened and in terms of the

8 treatment offered.

9 I was surprised that you talked about

10 healthcare as if we should be surprised that it

11 was talked about in connection with criminal

12 justice, because up until about 1988, there was

13 no course work in addictionology in America's

14 medical schools. The healthcare industry hadn't

15 really gotten involved.

16 And then it got involved but it was

17 kind of expensive. And then the healthcare

18 industry started looking at how it can do it

19 smarter, better and more cost effectively, and

20 you have been champions in this area in so many

21 instances, but we have got to form a stronger

22 partnership between the public health systems of

23 this country and the criminal justice systems,

24 and we welcome your suggestions as to what we

25 can do better in developing better drug courts


1 and better treatment.

2 Now, I don't think I've met your head

3 of corrections for the state, but that's another

4 problem. If you've got somebody in state prison

5 or in your jail that is a user, an addict,

6 you've got one of the first advantages, you've

7 got a place to put them.

8 Let's use that place to put them and

9 make sure we work together at all levels of

10 government to get appropriate funding for sound

11 treatment in the prisons and then let's use the

12 carrot and stick approach again and say, "Look,

13 you cooperate with us, you work with us in

14 treatment, you stay clean, we'll work you

15 through the system," and get job training, into

16 a placement, into work release, into a

17 community, but it won't work unless we provide

18 not only the treatment in the prison or in the

19 jail but treatment in terms of aftercare and

20 follow-up in the community.

21 But that comes back to the community

22 itself. Those neighbors who wanted that person

23 off the street can be the same people that

24 welcome that neighbor back and give them a fresh

25 start.


1 But when I came to Minnesota before, I

2 talked about prevention and some people, even in

3 the wonderful state of Minnesota, which is so

4 enlightened, looked at me like, what is the

5 Attorney General of the United States talking

6 about prevention for?

7 Well, Honeywell will tell you that you

8 aren't going to attract people to Minneapolis

9 unless you start doing something about crime and

10 start earlier, and Honeywell will also tell you

11 it won't have a work force in 50 years unless we

12 make an investment in children now, not just in

13 terms of crime reduction but in terms of

14 immunizations, in terms of educare, in terms of

15 afternoon and evening programs, in terms of

16 programs that keep them in school and try to

17 give them the best education possible, in terms

18 of school to work programs that can make a

19 difference, and you're doing it here and it is

20 so exciting to see the balance between law

21 enforcement, and tough enforcement where it's

22 needed, and prevention programs that can make a

23 difference.

24 Explore further as you develop these

25 ideas about drugs and youth and prevention what


1 we can do in terms of community justice. You

2 have community policing initiatives now, you

3 have community probation officers. What about

4 community courts in the Phillips neighborhood

5 where everybody knows everybody and you can make

6 it work. I've seen it work in the heart of

7 midtown Manhattan.

8 It can work in Minneapolis and suddenly

9 people will start looking at it not just as

10 numbers and names they don't recognize but as

11 true community justice where the community can

12 be supportive of the whole system.

13 Ladies and gentlemen, in Boston, I

14 watched a variation of your efforts work to

15 bring down crime and to save the lives of young

16 people. I've watched it work here from a

17 distance and now today I've seen it firsthand.

18 I've seen comprehensive efforts work in San

19 Diego.

20 You all are proving to this country

21 that people who care, that governments that

22 care, that agencies that care and that neighbors

23 that care, can make a difference. I'm going to

24 go back to Washington and try to share this with

25 other communities, try to help them find the


1 ingredients of what works and what doesn't work,

2 letting them know that each community

3 understands its needs and resources better, but

4 I want to continue to hear from you.

5 It's been fun to get a letter from the

6 people in the Phillips neighborhood, saying, "We

7 want to do this." Keep it coming. It's 10th

8 Avenue and Constitution 20530, Washington, D.C.

9 So, when I come back, I won't hear

10 about drugs anymore, I'll hear about the route I

11 should take to the Boundary lakes. But remember

12 one thing, you have proven that things can work

13 but you must not become complacent. Continue to

14 watch the developments because it does happen.

15 I can remember thinking we had turned

16 the corner when I was the prosecutor in Dade

17 County and then a mysterious substance started

18 to receive comments from police officers. They

19 said, "It's some kind of cocaine but it's

20 violence inciting. It's just compulsive, it's

21 addictive so quickly. What are we going to do

22 about it?" And we heard about crack for the

23 first time.

24 But we didn't react because we were

25 complacent and didn't understand the need to


1 look at the data and react quickly. Some of our

2 challenges we can see right now. The number of

3 young people will increase significantly in the

4 next ten years. We've got to be prepared.

5 But if we approach the problem of crime

6 and the problem of public health and the problem

7 of jobs for America's future and the problem of

8 how we make America's industries strong and

9 vital and the best in the world, we all start

10 with the same thing. Come together, invest in

11 human beings wisely, hold those who do wrong

12 accountable, and work together to solve the

13 problems.

14 You've given me a great message for the

15 rest of America and I thank you very, very

16 much. (Standing ovation).

17 MR. LILLEHAUG: That concludes our

18 program and please take special care to drive

19 safely today. Thank you.


21 (WHEREUPON, this matter was

22 concluded at 12:30 p.m.)







3 I, JOHN R. BRENNAN, C.S.R., a notary

4 public in and for the County of DAKOTA and State

5 of MINNESOTA, do hereby certify that the above

6 roundtable discussion was recorded

7 stenographically by me and reduced to

8 typewriting by me. I FURTHER CERTIFY that the

9 foregoing transcript of the said discussion is a

10 true and correct transcript of the proceedings

11 at the time and place specified hereinbefore.

12 IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand

13 and seal of office this 13th day of January,

14 1998.




18 Certified Shorthand Reporter


20 My notary commission

21 expires January 31, 2000.