21                Saturday, July 12, 1997 
23                     Radisson Hotel 
24                  Adirondack Ballroom 
25                  Burlington, Vermont 
 1                                          (8:20 p.m.) 
 2             ATTORNEY GENERAL RENO:  Thank you, 
 3   Senator Leahy and thank you for your friendship 
 4   and your wise counsel over these four years. 
 5   Governor Dean, it's been wonderful to watch you in 
 6   action and I have appreciated the opportunity to 
 7   work with you.  Commissioner Walton and 
 8   Commissioner McMahon, Colonel Sinclair, Colonel 
 9   Marshall, thank you.  Thank you one and all for 
10   making me feel so welcome this evening.  It's been 
11   like coming home to Miami but going the other way. 
12             And I appreciate it so much.  I 
13   appreciate the invitation to come back to this 
14   perfectly beautiful state and have the chance, if 
15   just for a few hours, to look out across that 
16   lake, to fly in and see the mountains coming up 
17   ahead, to see the spirit of community that is so 
18   evident, not just in Burlington but throughout the 
19   state.  To hear people talk about how they would 
20   wake the Senator up at 3:00 in the morning, or how 
21   they were started together and how they worked 
22   together or when they grew up together.  You have 
23   an extraordinary opportunity here for community 
24   that few other places have, and you have used it 
25   to the fullest and it is a pleasure to be here. 
 1             It's also a great honor for me to be 
 2   here to help you celebrate and to congratulate you 
 3   on 50 years of distinguished and dedicated service 
 4   to the people of Vermont and to the millions of 
 5   people who come here year round to enjoy this 
 6   beautiful state. 
 7             I think good policing is probably one of 
 8   the most challenging undertakings that any person 
 9   can pursue.  I think policing is one of the most 
10   challenging and complex professions that I know. 
11   At 10:00 at night on an icy, snowy night when you 
12   give an 18 year old his first ticket, the way you 
13   give it to him is going to form his opinion of law 
14   enforcement for the rest of his life.  And based 
15   on the people that I've met this evening, I bet 
16   most 18 year olds have a very, very good opinion 
17   of law enforcement. 
18             I think that day in and day out people 
19   don't realize that you're putting your life on the 
20   line.  It may seem like safe duty, but that's 
21   oftentimes the most treacherous.  And day in and 
22   day out you go out and you put your life on the 
23   line for the people of Vermont, and you do it with 
24   such grace and courage. 
25             There are other things to being a police 
 1   officer, and you know it.  Having to go into court 
 2   to remember something that may have happened a 
 3   year ago because witnesses were missing; to be 
 4   cross examined by a lawyer who's gone to law 
 5   school, who can sit in his law office and prepare, 
 6   who can prop his feet up and pull his books off 
 7   the library shelf, but you've got to make the same 
 8   decisions with respect to search and seizure, with 
 9   respect to the constitutional rights afforded a 
10   defendant.  You've got to make the same decisions 
11   the lawyer makes, and you've got to make them 
12   stick by quiet, firm, honest testimony in court. 
13   And the way people have spoken of your work, you 
14   do that day in and day out. 
15             And families, as the Governor said, can 
16   never, ever be forgotten for you wait, and then 
17   after you've waited, they come home after they've 
18   had a terrible night with four calls, one -- all 
19   back to back, and they're tired and they've had to 
20   work a little bit extra and it's been an awful, 
21   freezing, sleety night and you've got to make them 
22   feel warm and welcome and you've got to do it with 
23   a sense of humor.  And judging by the way some of 
24   the couples that I've met tonight who have been 
25   together for a very long time and who have been 
 1   with the Vermont State Police for a very long 
 2   time, the families do such a wonderful job of 
 3   that.  So I salute you all, families and troopers, 
 4   50 years of extraordinary service. 
 5             For these last four, as Senator Leahy 
 6   has said, we have tried to be a good partner.  As 
 7   a state prosecutor, I never liked the feds coming 
 8   to town to tell me what to do.  I never liked them 
 9   coming to town to say, give me all the 
10   intelligence you have, but not giving it back. 
11   And I came to Washington resolved to do everything 
12   I could to form a good, strong partnership with 
13   state and local law enforcement across this 
14   country both in the urban areas and in more rural 
15   areas like Vermont.  You are on the front line. 
16   You understand your needs and resources in Vermont 
17   better than I do sitting in Washington.  I need 
18   your input, your ideas.  I need to know what your 
19   problem is and how the federal government, 
20   consistent with principles of federalism, can best 
21   work with you to solve that problem in a real 
22   tangible way that can make a difference. 
23             The Senator described some of the things 
24   that we have done, and we've got to work harder on 
25   the partnership with respect to development of a 
 1   complete, accurate, full criminal history record 
 2   system.  Nothing is more frustrating, I suspect, 
 3   to a trooper because it was frustrating to me as a 
 4   prosecutor to see somebody arrested, get them 
 5   booked into the jail, have them released because 
 6   there was no prior criminal history that we could 
 7   find and find they were a two time armed robber 
 8   from halfway across the country and we didn't have 
 9   the record.  Let us continue to work together in 
10   every way we possibly can to develop a criminal 
11   history record system in this country that can 
12   protect and benefit all of law enforcement and the 
13   community that they serve. 
14             But as we have looked back at 50 years 
15   of distinguished service, let's look forward now 
16   for just a moment to the next 50.  What's it going 
17   to be like?  Ladies and gentlemen, policing won't 
18   seem the same 50 years from now.  We have 
19   technology already in existence that staggers the 
20   imagination and converts vanity to prayer.  We 
21   have a man who can sit in a kitchen in St. 
22   Petersburg, Russia, at his computer, and steal 
23   from a bank in Burlington.  We have men who can 
24   obtain access to credit card information for 
25   35,000 people in south Florida and take that 
 1   information and extort money in exchange for the 
 2   return of the information.  We have people who can 
 3   hack into computer systems and bring down power 
 4   grids, bring down emergency systems, bring down 
 5   financial systems.  This applies to a person 
 6   whether they are a common thief who wants to steal 
 7   from the bank or the terrorist that wants to 
 8   terrorize this nation. 
 9             We must form partnerships to deal with 
10   this.  At the Department of Justice, and the FBI 
11   and in other agencies of government we're working 
12   hard to develop the expertise and to develop the 
13   equipment necessary to match wits with the 
14   sophisticated terrorist, with the common thief who 
15   happens to be computer literate.  We are trying to 
16   do that consistent with the Constitution and with 
17   people's right to privacy.  We need to work with 
18   the private sector to do this, and we're in the 
19   process of building those partnerships.  But as we 
20   see this technology develop, we are also staggered 
21   by the cost of it, and we're all so frustrated by 
22   the fact that something that is state of the art 
23   today may be obsolete in two years. 
24             The simple fact is that very 
25   sophisticated equipment is going to replace the 
 1   gun as a common weapon, and we have got to develop 
 2   the equipment and the expertise throughout law 
 3   enforcement in this country that can match wits 
 4   with the criminals that we will face.  I would 
 5   like to work with you and with law enforcement 
 6   across this country to form partnerships to ensure 
 7   that we share with you the sophisticated equipment 
 8   that you might need once in a blue moon but that 
 9   it will be available to state and local law 
10   enforcement; that we share the expertise, that we 
11   share it on a national basis and on a regional 
12   basis, but that we make sure that state boundaries 
13   and local jurisdictions are not arbitrary borders 
14   that prevent the exchange of the expertise that is 
15   so important. 
16             Just as technology presents 
17   extraordinary challenges, so does it present some 
18   extraordinary opportunities.  We are seeing cases 
19   solved now through the FBI systems using DNA that 
20   we simply didn't believe possible, we couldn't 
21   really comprehend when I had my first summer job 
22   at the sheriff's department in Dade County in 1956 
23   and fiddled around in the crime lab because they 
24   heard I was a chemistry major and they thought I 
25   might know a little bit. 
 1             We are watching DNA in 16 cases that we 
 2   have identified in the Justice Department alone, 
 3   16 cases from law enforcement across this land 
 4   where DNA has absolved people who have been 
 5   convicted of a crime, have absolved them and 
 6   enabled them to go free.  It is a remarkable tool. 
 7   And within five years if we work together, if we 
 8   pursue smart solutions, a crime scene tech will be 
 9   able to go to the scene of a crime, do DNA tests, 
10   immediately match them on the computer and 
11   immediately eliminate three potential targets that 
12   would cost the Vermont State Police thousands of 
13   dollars to pursue but immediately will be able to 
14   eliminate them as suspects through DNA.  And 
15   hopefully we will be able to identify true 
16   defendants faster, quicker before they continue to 
17   hurt and harm others. 
18             We have such extraordinary opportunities 
19   in the terms of what we can do in the development 
20   of information systems.  Can't you imagine what it 
21   will be like when we have an information system 
22   that can immediately provide you with information 
23   that the green Oldsmobile that you've just 
24   identified as having participated in the 
25   convenient store robbery here in Burlington was 
 1   the same green Oldsmobile with the battered right 
 2   fender that might have been involved in a similar 
 3   offense in Augusta, in Manchester before they got 
 4   here, and that with the collection of information 
 5   that will be immediately brought to bear for you 
 6   and for law enforcement around this country.  We 
 7   should be much more capable of solving crimes much 
 8   faster and much more effectively.  But we have got 
 9   to work together to make sure that our information 
10   systems are interoperable so that they can talk to 
11   each other.  We've got to work together to make 
12   sure that you are not making expenditures in 
13   Vermont in the next five years that will only lead 
14   you down a dead end because you can't talk to 
15   other agencies around the country.  We've got to 
16   work together as partners to develop an 
17   information system in this country that is 
18   accurate, that protects privacy interests, that 
19   does everything it can to put in the hands of law 
20   enforcement the information that is going to help 
21   you solve the crime. 
22             Yes, we have extraordinary challenges, 
23   but we have magnificent opportunities in the 
24   technology that is before us, but we must never, 
25   ever let technology rule.  We must always remember 
 1   that people come first, and we must develop the 
 2   expertise so that we control the technology and 
 3   the technology does not control us.  We must never 
 4   forget that the most important part of policing is 
 5   serving the people of our jurisdiction, serving 
 6   them with compassion, with firmness, with 
 7   understanding. 
 8             In my travels around this country and in 
 9   my 15 years as the prosecutor in Miami I became 
10   convinced that good police are the glue that bring 
11   communities together, that cause communities to 
12   flourish, that give young people a chance to grow 
13   in strong, constructive ways.  It is the whole 
14   function of policing to build community.  You have 
15   done so much to build that sense of community here 
16   in Vermont.  You have done so much to represent 
17   what's best in policing in terms of bravery, in 
18   terms of dedication, in terms of professionalism. 
19   Thank you for 50 years of magnificent service to 
20   the people you serve, and I expect that in 25 if 
21   I'm an old lady and you invite me back here we may 
22   be congratulating each other on what we've done 
23   with the technology, but I suspect that I will 
24   feel the same sense of camaraderie, the same sense 
25   of community, the same sense of reverence for the 
 1   Vermont state troopers that I do tonight.  Thank 
 2   you. 
 3             (Applause) 
 4             (Whereupon, at 8:35 p.m., the speech 
 5   concluded) 
 1                CERTIFICATE OF REPORTER 
 3   STATE OF VERMONT          ) 
 4             I, Lisa M. Hallstrom, the officer before 
 5   whom the foregoing presentation was taken, do 
 6   hereby certify that the foregoing presentation was 
 7   taken by me to the best of my ability and 
 8   thereafter reduced to typewriting under my 
 9   direction. 
12                          ___________________________ 
13                          Notary Public in and for 
14                          the State of Vermont 
20   My commission expires 2-10-99. 