U. S. Department of Justice
Consolidated Statements of Financing
For the Fiscal Years Ended September 30, 2006 and 2005

Dollars in Thousands 2006 2005
Resources Used to Finance Activities
Budgetary Resources Obligated
Obligations Incurred
Less: Spending Authority from Offsetting Collections and Recoveries 6,654,337 6,430,374
Obligations Net of Offsetting Collections and Recoveries 23,970,887 22,225,005
Less: Offsetting Receipts 786,338 447,143
Net Obligations 23,184,549 21,777,862
Other Resources
Donations and Forfeitures of Property 116,189 81,754
Transfers-In/Out Without Reimbursement (35,871) 267,870
Imputed Financing from Costs Absorbed by Others  (Note 20) 650,258 640,126
Net Other Resources Used to Finance Activities 730,576 989,750
Total Resources Used to Finance Activities 23,915,125 22,767,612
Resources Used to Finance Items not Part of the Net Cost of Operations
Change in Budgetary Resources Obligated for Goods, Services, and Benefits Ordered but not Yet Provided 795,596 1,697,306
Resources That Fund Expenses Recognized in Prior Periods  (Note 22) (168,206) (344,935)
Budgetary Offsetting Collections and Receipts That do not Affect Net Cost of Operations 306,577 (41,742)
Resources That Finance the Acquisition of Assets (812,749) (711,786)
Other Resources or Adjustments to Net Obligated Resources That do not Affect Net Cost of Operations 9,318 (2,542)
Total Resources Used to Finance Items not Part of the Net Costof Operations 130,536 596,301
Total Resources Used to Finance the Net Cost of Operations
Components of Net Cost of Operations That Will not Require
       or Generate Resources in the Current Period
Components Requiring or Generating Resources in Future Periods    
Increase in Annual and Compensatory Leave Liabilities
(Increase)/Decrease in Exchange Revenue Receivable From the Public 19,450 3,878
Other 99,787 316,507
Total Components of Net Cost of Operations That will Require or Generate Resources in Future Periods (Note 22) 136,404 354,957
Components not Requiring or Generating Resources    
Depreciation and Amortization 582,872 552,616
Revaluation of Assets or Liabilities 27,350 2,303
Other 390 10,389
Total Components of Net Cost of Operations That will Require or Generate Resources 610,612 565,308
Total Components of Net Cost of Operations That Will not
Require or Generate Resources in the Current Period
747,016 920,265
Net Cost of Operations



The accompanying notes are an integral part of these financial statements.

III-38-39 Department of Justice · FY 2006 Performance and Accountability Report

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