D-Links for Section 2

Figure 1:
Charts Displaying Resource Comparison: Strategic Goal to Total DOJ $ and FTE

FY 2002 Dollars in millions
SG 2: $5,289
DOJ: $28,475

Figure 2:
Charts Displaying Resource Comparison: Strategic Goal to Total DOJ $ and FTE

FY 2002 FTE
SG 2: 33,239
DOJ: 126,313

Figure 3:
Chart displaying Dismantled Asian Criminal Enterprises [FBI]

FY 1999 Actual= 8
FY 2000 Actual= 17
FY 2001 Actual= 14
FY 2002 Actual= 7
FY 2002 Projected= 9
FY 2003 Projected= 5
FY 2004 Projected= 5

Figure 4:
Chart displaying Dismantled Eurasian Criminal Enterprises [FBI]

FY 1999 Actual= 3
FY 2000 Actual= 6
FY 2001 Actual= 8
FY 2002 Actual= 0
FY 2002 Projected= 8
FY 2003 Projected= 6
FY 2004 Projected= 6

Figure 5:
Chart displaying Number Dismantled of the 30 Targeted Ganges Identified as most Dangerous [FBI]

FY 1999 Actual= 3
FY 2000 Actual= 3
FY 2001 Actual= 4
FY 2002 Actual= 6
FY 2002 Projected= 3
FY 2003 Projected= 3
FY 2004 Projected= 3

Figure 6:
Chart displaying DISCONTINUED MEASURE: Persons with Criminal Records Prevented from Purchasing Firearms [FBI]

FY 1999 Actual= 62189
FY 2000 Actual= 71890
FY 2001 Actual= 63668
FY 2002 Actual= 62525

Figure 7:
Chart displaying New Treaties with Other Countries [CRM]

Mutual Legal Assistance Treaties
FY 1998 Actual= 1
FY 1999 Actual= 8
FY 2000 Actual= 8
FY 2001 Actual= 6
FY 2002 Actual= 5
FY 2002 Projected= 4

Extradition Treaties
FY 1998 Actual= 1
FY 1999 Actual= 4
FY 2000 Actual= 8
FY 2001 Actual= 5
FY 2002 Actual= 2
FY 2002 Projected= 5

Figure 8:
Chart Displaying NEW MEASURE: Fugitives Surrendered To and From the U.S. [CRM]

Fugitives Surrendered To the U.S.
FY 2002 Actual= 269
FY 2003 Projected= 250
FY 2004 Projected= 250

Fugitives Surrendered From the U.S.
FY 2002 Actual= 102
FY 2003 Projected= 100
FY 2004 Projected= 100

Figure 9:
Chart displaying DOJ's Reduction in Supply of Drugs Available for Consumption Within the United States (FY 2002=Baseline) [DEA]

FY 2002 Baseline
Cocaine= 260-270 Pure Metric Tons
Heroin= 13-18 Pure Metric Tons
Methamphetamine= 110-140 Pure Metric Tons
Marijuana = 10,000-25,000 Pure Metric Tons

FY 2001 Siezures
Cocaine= 35 Metric Tons
Heroin= .6 Metric Tons
Methamphetamine= 2.0 Metric Tons
Marijuana = 646 Metric Tons

FY 2002 Siezures
Cocaine= 25 Metric Tons
Heroin= .7 Metric Tons
Methamphetamine= 1.8 Metric Tons
Marijuana = 562 Metric Tons

FY 2003 Projected= 5% Reduction
FY 2004 Projected= 5% Reduction

Figure 10:
Chart displaying NEW MEASURE: Dismantled Priority Drug Trafficking Organizations (U.S. and Foreign) [DEA]

CPOT-Linked PDTOs Dismantled
FY 2002 Actual= 16
FY 2003 Projected= 12
FY 2004 Projected= 13

Non CPOT-Linked PDTOs Dismantled
FY 2002 Actual= 92
FY 2003 Projected= 38
FY 2004 Projected= 41

Figure 11:
Chart displaying Dismantled Drug Trafficking Organizations [FBI]

NPT/CPOT-Linked DTOs Dismantled
FY 1999 Actual= 8
FY 2000 Actual= 16
FY 2001 Actual= 14
FY 2002 Actual= 14
FY 2002 Projected= 13
FY 2003 Projected= 13
FY 2004Projected= 9

Non CPOT-Linked DTOs Dismantled
FY 1999 Actual= 165
FY 2000 Actual= 132
FY 2001 Actual= 166
FY 2002 Actual= 105
FY 2002 Projected= 160
FY 2003 Projected= 160
FY 2004Projected= 114

Figure 12:
Chart displaying Foreign Counterintelligence Convictions [FBI]

FY 1998 Actual= 9
FY 1999 Actual= 16
FY 2000 Actual= 6
FY 2001 Actual= 11
FY 2002 Actual= 1

Figure 13:
Chart displaying Medicare Billings for Durable Medical Equipment Targeted for Fraud (in Millions) [FBI]

Diabetic Footwear
CY1999 Actual= $29.9
CY 2000 Actual= $45.8
CY 2001 Actual= $70.0
CY 2002 Actual= $42.2
CY 2002 Projected= $69.5
CY 2003 Projected= $42.2
CY 2004 Projected= $42.2

Enteral Nutrition
CY1999 Actual= $514.2
CY 2000 Actual= $511.9
CY 2001 Actual= $491.4
CY 2002 Actual= $323.8
CY 2002 Projected= $456.5
CY 2003 Projected= $323.8
CY 2004 Projected= $323.8

Manual Wheelchair
CY1999 Actual= $193.4
CY 2000 Actual= $198.2
CY 2001 Actual= $204.4
CY 2002 Actual= $151.9
CY 2002 Projected= $205.5
CY 2003 Projected= $151.9
CY 2004 Projected= $151.9

Motorized Wheelchair
CY1999 Actual= $242.4
CY 2000 Actual= $322.1
CY 2001 Actual= $428.3
CY 2002 Actual= $412.9
CY 2002 Projected= $415.6
CY 2003 Projected= $393.8
CY 2004 Projected= $385.5

Figure 14:
Chart displaying Convictions/Pre-Trial Diversions in While Collar Crime [FBI]

FY 1998 Actual= 6702
FY 1999 Actual= 6676
FY 2000 Actual= 6317
FY 2001 Actual= 6410
FY 2002 Actual= 5799

Figure 15:
Chart displaying Recoveries, Restitutions & Fines (in billions) [FBI]

Recoveries, Restitutions
FY 1998 Actual= $2.83
FY 1999 Actual= $3.71
FY 2000 Actual= $3.87
FY 2001 Actual= $5.13
FY 2002 Actual= $9.80

FY 1998 Actual= $.49
FY 1999 Actual= $1.34
FY 2000 Actual= $.88
FY 2001 Actual= $.54
FY 2002 Actual= $.50

Figure 16:
Chart displaying Convictions/Pre-trial diversions in Public Corruption [FBI]

FY 1998 Actual= 587
FY 1999 Actual= 552
FY 2000 Actual= 551
FY 2001 Actual= 475
FY 2002 Actual= 631

Figure 17:
Chart displaying Recoveries, Restitutions & Fines (in millions) [FBI]

Recoveries, Restitutions
FY 1998 Actual= $32
FY 1999 Actual= $25
FY 2000 Actual= $19
FY 2001 Actual= $20
FY 2002 Actual= $28

FY 1998 Actual= $22
FY 1999 Actual= $20
FY 2000 Actual= $3
FY 2001 Actual= $11
FY 2002 Actual= $25

Figure 18:
Chart displaying High Technology Crime (Fraud) Criminal Case Success Rate [CRM]

FY 2001 Actual= 100%
FY 2002 Actual= 100%
FY 2002 Projected= 80%
FY 2003 Projected= 80%
FY 2004 Projected= 80%

Figure 19:
Chart displaying Success Rate for Antitrust Criminal Cases [ATR]

FY 1998 Actual= 99%
FY 1999 Actual= 98%
FY 2000 Actual= 100%
FY 2001 Actual= 94%
FY 2002 Actual= 91%
FY 2001 Projected= 90%
FY 2002 Projected= 95%
FY 2003 Projected= 95%

Figure 20:
Chart displaying Savings to U.S. Consumers (in Millions) [ATR]

FY 1998 Actual= $232
FY 1999 Actual= $245
FY 2000 Actual= $390
FY 2001 Actual= $260
FY 2002 Actual= $45

Figure 21:
Chart displaying Percentage of Criminal Environmental and Wildlife Cases Successfully Litigated [ENRD, EOUSA]

FY 1998 Actual= 86%
FY 1999 Actual= 86%
FY 2000 Actual= 87%
FY 2001 Actual= 85%
FY 2002 Actual= 88%
FY 2002 Projected= 80%
FY 2003 Projected= 80%
FY 2004 Projected= 80%

Figure 22:
Chart displaying Dollars Awarded in Criminal Environmental and Wildlife Cases (in Millions) [ENRD]

FY 1998 Actual= $57
FY 1999 Actual= $19
FY 2000 Actual= $87
FY 2001 Actual= $71
FY 2002 Actual= $26

Figure 23:
Chart displaying DISCONTINUED MEASURE: Number of Requests for Litigation Honored [TAX]

FY 1999 Actual= 360
FY 2000 Actual= 268
FY 2001 Actual= 186
FY 2002 Actual= 269
FY 2002 Projected= 300

Figure 24:
Chart displaying Convictions/Pre-Trial Diversions for Crimes Against Children Via Computer [FBI]

FY 1998 Actual= 77
FY 1999 Actual= 309
FY 2000 Actual= 472
FY 2001 Actual= 540
FY 2002 Actual= 646

Figure 25:
Chart displaying Number of Missing Children Located [FBI]

FY 1998 Actual= 46
FY 1999 Actual= 90
FY 2000 Actual= 92
FY 2001 Actual= 91
FY 2002 Actual= 106

Figure 26:
Chart displaying Victims Protected from Involuntary Servitude and Human Trafficking [CRT]

FY 2001 Actual= 275
FY 2002 Actual= 54
FY 2002 Projected= 43
FY 2003 Projected= 43
FY 2004 Projected= 43