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FY 2010 Performance and Accountability Report

U. S. Department of Justice
Combining Statement of Budgetary Resources
As of September 30, 2010

Dollars in Thousands AFF/SADF OBDs USMS OJP DEA FBI ATF BOP FPI Combined
Budgetary Resources                    
Unobligated Balance, New, Brought Forward, October 1 1,195,445 653,984 75,661 224,290 323,879 1,060,034 82,195 372,051 59,313 $ 4,046,852
Recoveries of Prior Year Unpaid Obligations 67,328 225,639   66,898 66,225 129,127   166,563   38,221   6,845 -   766,846
Budget Authority:                    
Appropriations Received 1,554,993 7,589,965 1,190,039 4,864,189 2,284,189 7,922,537 1,158,272 6,205,386 -   32,769,570
Spending Authority from Offsetting Collections:                    
Collected 10,073 2,135,632 1,592,758   129,382 537,802 1,338,006   81,707 374,407 872,217 7,071,984
Change in Receivables from Federal Sources   223 (44,709) (39,937)   (3,489) (33,532) 1,699 9,679 (2,005) (21,579)   (133,650)
Change in Unfilled Customer Orders                    
Advance Received   -   7,520   4,475 (83,090)   25 17,463   -  (203)   6,904   (46,906)
Without Advance from Federal Sources   -   92,950 (18,314) 4,745 (5,407) (106,807) 1,509    - -   (31,324)
Subtotal Budget Authority 1,565,289 9,781,358 2,729,021 4,911,737 2,783,077 9,172,898 1,251,167 6,577,585 857,542   39,629,674
Nonexpenditure Transfers, Net, Anticipated and Actual   -   (134,512) 393,936   200,453   39,756 90,116 (3,318) (818) -   585,613
Temporarily not Available Pursuant to Public Law (387,200)    -    -    (1,654,425)    -   -   -    - -   (2,041,625)
Permanently not Available   - (50,303)    - (54,000)    - (50,000)   -    - -   (154,303)
Total Budgetary Resources $ 2,440,862 $ 10,476,166 $ 3,265,516 $ 3,694,280 $ 3,275,839 $ 10,439,611 $ 1,368,265 $ 6,955,663 $ 916,855 $ 42,833,057
Status of Budgetary Resources                    
Obligations Incurred                    
Direct $ 1,423,309 $ 7,327,826 $ 1,569,307 $ 3,434,149 $ 2,532,674 $ 8,278,414 $ 1,155,484 $ 6,536,140 $ - $ 32,257,303
Reimbursable 7,374 2,218,387 1,562,834 27,631 519,774 1,214,320   102,650   41,617 841,869 6,536,456
Total Obligations Incurred 1,430,683 9,546,213 3,132,141 3,461,780 3,052,448 9,492,734 1,258,134 6,577,757 841,869   38,793,759
Unobligated Balance - Available:                    
Apportioned   669,036 667,416   97,391   208,972 195,008   547,896   53,461 300,013 - 2,739,193
Exempt from Apportionment   -    -    -   -    -   -   -   45,030 74,986   120,016
Total Unobligated Balance - Available   669,036 667,416   97,391   208,972 195,008   547,896   53,461 345,043 74,986 2,859,209
Unobligated Balance not Available   341,143 262,537   35,984 23,528   28,383   398,981   56,670   32,863 - 1,180,089
Total Status of Budgetary Resources $ 2,440,862 $ 10,476,166 $ 3,265,516 $ 3,694,280 $ 3,275,839 $ 10,439,611 $ 1,368,265 $ 6,955,663 $ 916,855 $ 42,833,057
Change in Obligated Balance                    
Obligated Balance, Net - Brought Forward, October 1                    
Unpaid Obligations   919,387 4,771,602 634,587 5,959,947 687,246 2,810,122   238,351 1,352,082 273,044 $ 17,646,368
Less: Uncollected Customer Payments from Federal Sources 4,022 746,533 223,465 24,410 220,915   584,369 59,209   8,350 46,798 1,918,071
Total Unpaid Obligated Balance, Net - Brought Forward, October 1   915,365 4,025,069 411,122 5,935,537 466,331 2,225,753   179,142 1,343,732 226,246   15,728,297
Obligations Incurred 1,430,683 9,546,213 3,132,141 3,461,780 3,052,448 9,492,734 1,258,134 6,577,757 841,869   38,793,759
Less: Gross Outlays 1,300,063 9,217,715 2,991,279 3,844,655 2,833,524 8,914,482 1,232,222 6,737,782 842,231   37,913,953
Less: Recoveries of Prior Year Unpaid Obligations, Actual 67,328 225,639   66,898 66,225 129,127   166,563 38,221   6,845 -   766,846
Change in Uncollected Customer Payments from                    
Federal Sources   (223) (48,241)   58,251   (1,256)   38,939   105,108 (11,188)   2,005 21,579   164,974
Obligated Balance, Net - End of Period:                    
Unpaid Obligations   982,679 4,874,461 708,551 5,510,847 777,043 3,221,811   226,043 1,185,212 272,682   17,759,329
Less: Uncollected Customer Payments from Federal Sources 4,245 794,774 165,214 25,666 181,976 479,261 70,398 6,345 25,219 1,753,098
Total Unpaid Obligated Balance, Net - End of Period $ 978,434 $ 4,079,687 $ 543,337 $ 5,485,181 $ 595,067 $ 2,742,550 $ 155,645 $ 1,178,867 $ 247,463 $ 16,006,231
Gross Outlays $ 1,300,063 $ 9,217,715 $ 2,991,279 $ 3,844,655 $ 2,833,524 $ 8,914,482 $ 1,232,222 $ 6,737,782 $ 842,231 $ 37,913,953
Less: Offsetting Collections 10,073 2,143,152 1,597,233 46,292 537,827 1,355,469 81,707 374,204 879,120 7,025,077
Less:  Distributed Offsetting Receipts  3,864 691,754    - 242 231,967 253   622   12,666 -   941,368
Total Net Outlays $ 1,286,126 $ 6,382,809 $ 1,394,046 $ 3,798,121 $ 2,063,730 $ 7,558,760 $ 1,149,893 $ 6,350,912 $ (36,889) $ 29,947,508



Department of Justice ● FY 2010 Performance and Accountability Report ● III-86




U. S. Department of Justice
Combining Statement of Budgetary Resources
As of September 30, 2009

Dollars in Thousands AFF/SADF OBDs USMS OJP DEA FBI ATF BOP FPI Combined
Budgetary Resources                    
Unobligated Balance, New, Brought Forward, October 1 $ 595,213 $   651,099 $ 93,320 $ 460,054 $ 161,745 $ 1,076,486 $ 53,971 $ 360,659 $   97,315 $    3,549,862
Recoveries of Prior Year Unpaid Obligations 79,515 252,846   61,319   106,867   86,345 270,506 80,237 18,899 -   956,534
Budget Authority:                    
Appropriations Received 1,669,860 8,203,630 964,000 6,782,278   2,193,596 7,336,191 1,068,215 6,176,599 -   34,394,369
Spending Authority from Offsetting Collections:                    
Collected 7,215 1,845,846 1,482,381   240,818 385,364 1,442,098 61,800 372,994 995,244 6,833,760
Change in Receivables from Federal Sources 2,376 142,149   22,610   599   39,199 (86,453)   (5,500) (4,015) 10,301   121,266
Change in Unfilled Customer Orders                    
Advance Received   -   13,671   1,078 (216,745)   (9) (26,471) - 352 (17,597)   (245,721)
Without Advance from Federal Sources  (681)   16,972   9,393 (12,506)   42,199   (121,340) 33,421 - -   (32,542)
Subtotal Budget Authority 1,678,770 10,222,268 2,479,462 6,794,444 2,660,349 8,544,025 1,157,936 6,545,930 987,948 41,071,132
Nonexpenditure Transfers, Net, Anticipated and Actual - (171,244) 354,616 283,817 158,467 (8,978) 16,647 (8,035) -   625,290
Temporarily not Available Pursuant to Public Law - - - (1,295,083) - - - - -   (1,295,083)
Permanently not Available   -   (209,438) - (121,642) -    - - - -   (331,080)
Total Budgetary Resources $ 2,353,498 $ 10,745,531 $ 2,988,717 $ 6,228,457 $ 3,066,906 $ 9,882,039 $ 1,308,791 $ 6,917,453 $ 1,085,263 $ 44,576,655
Status of Budgetary Resources                    
Obligations Incurred                    
Direct $ 1,151,330 $ 7,999,433 $ 1,375,617 $ 5,945,243 $ 2,304,512 $ 7,672,318 $ 1,132,564 $ 6,496,740 $ - $ 34,077,757
Reimbursable 6,723 2,092,114 1,537,439 58,924 438,515 1,149,687 94,032 48,662    1,025,950 6,452,046
Total Obligations Incurred 1,158,053    10,091,547 2,913,056 6,004,167   2,743,027 8,822,005 1,226,596 6,545,402    1,025,950   40,529,803
Unobligated Balance - Available:                    
Apportioned   539,014 450,832   51,934   225,179 313,155 737,212 44,648 284,574 - 2,646,548
Exempt from Apportionment   -    -    -   - -    - - 42,112 59,313   101,425
Total Unobligated Balance - Available   539,014 450,832   51,934   225,179 313,155 737,212 44,648 326,686 59,313 2,747,973
Unobligated Balance not Available   656,431 203,152   23,727    (889)   10,724 322,822 37,547 45,365 - 1,298,879
Total Status of Budgetary Resources $ 2,353,498 $ 10,745,531 $ 2,988,717 $ 6,228,457 $ 3,066,906 $ 9,882,039 $ 1,308,791 $ 6,917,453 $ 1,085,263 $ 44,576,655
Change in Obligated Balance                    
Obligated Balance, Net - Brought Forward, October 1                    
Unpaid Obligations $ 909,109 $ 3,271,864 $ 546,861 $ 3,927,350 $ 702,505 $ 2,262,951 $ 215,902 $ 1,120,502 $ 311,873 $ 13,268,917
Less: Uncollected Customer Payments from Federal Sources 2,327 587,412 191,462 36,317 139,516 792,162 31,288 12,365 36,497 1,829,346
Total Unpaid Obligated Balance, Net - Brought Forward, October 1 906,782 2,684,452 355,399 3,891,033 562,989 1,470,789 184,614 1,108,137 275,376 11,439,571
Obligations Incurred 1,158,053    10,091,547 2,913,056 6,004,167   2,743,027 8,822,005 1,226,596 6,545,402    1,025,950   40,529,803
Less: Gross Outlays 1,068,260 8,338,963 2,764,011 3,864,703   2,671,941 8,004,328 1,123,910 6,294,923    1,064,779   35,195,818
Less: Recoveries of Prior Year Unpaid Obligations, Actual 79,515 252,846 61,319 106,867 86,345 270,506 80,237 18,899 - 956,534
Change in Uncollected Customer Payments from                    
Federal Sources (1,695) (159,121) (32,003) 11,907 (81,399) 207,793 (27,921) 4,015 (10,301) (88,725)
Obligated Balance, Net - End of Period:                    
Unpaid Obligations 919,387 4,771,602 634,587 5,959,947 687,246 2,810,122 238,351 1,352,082 273,044 17,646,368
Less: Uncollected Customer Payments from Federal Sources 4,022 746,533 223,465 24,410 220,915 584,369 59,209 8,350 46,798 1,918,071
Total Unpaid Obligated Balance, Net - End of Period $ 915,365 $ 4,025,069 $ 411,122 $ 5,935,537 $ 466,331 $ 2,225,753 $ 179,142 $ 1,343,732 $ 226,246 $ 15,728,297
Gross Outlays $ 1,068,260 $ 8,338,963 $ 2,764,011 $ 3,864,703 $ 2,671,941 $ 8,004,328 $ 1,123,910 $ 6,294,923 $ 1,064,779 $ 35,195,818
Less: Offsetting Collections 7,215 1,859,517 1,483,459 24,071 385,354 1,415,627 61,800 373,346 977,646 6,588,035
Less:  Distributed Offsetting Receipts  10,684 287,073 (520) 1,362 235,998 1,668 247 2,813 -  
Total Net Outlays $ 1,050,361 $ 6,192,373 $ 1,281,072 $ 3,839,270 $ 2,050,589 $ 6,587,033 $ 1,061,863 $ 5,918,764 $ 87,133 $ 28,068,458



Department of Justice ● FY 2010 Performance and Accountability Report ● III-87



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Updated November 7, 2018