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Alternative Dispute Resolution

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The Office of Dispute Resolution is part of the Department of Justice's Office of Legal Policy. The mission of the Office of Dispute Resolution is to develop policy and to promote the effective use of alternative dispute resolution (“ADR”) processes. The office is responsible for monitoring and evaluating the use of ADR throughout the Department; representing the Department leadership with foreign governments as well as the private sector in ADR matters; and facilitating the effective use of ADR in litigation and agency administrative disputes. The office also represents the Attorney General in leadership of federal ADR through the Interagency ADR Working Group, an organization which was created by the President and convened by the Attorney General to promote the use of ADR throughout the federal government.

Please note that the Office of Dispute Resolution represents and works on behalf of the Department of Justice and the United States in all matters. Persons seeking dispute resolution assistance for personal disputes can frequently obtain help or referrals from state, county, or local governments, bar associations and business organizations.  Additionally, many of the federal agencies have their own dispute resolution programs which are described on their own web sites.

This office cannot assist private citizens with personal disputes and we do not mediate in any private cases.

Updated July 24, 2020