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FOIA Post (2010): Department of Justice Issues 2009 FOIA Litigation and Compliance Report


Department of Justice Issues 2009 FOIA Litigation and Compliance Report

Each year, on April 1st, the Department of Justice submits to Congress a report containing a description of its efforts to encourage agency compliance with the FOIA. This Report describes the guidance issued, training conducted, and counseling services provided by the Department's Office of Information Policy to assist agencies in properly administering the FOIA. For 2009 those efforts focused on implementation of the President's Memorandum on the FOIA and the Attorney General's FOIA Guidelines.

The Report is accompanied by a listing of the FOIA litigation cases received during 2009 as well as a listing of the court decisions rendered in FOIA cases during 2009. The list of decisions issued during 2009 includes the exemptions at issue in each case and a notation regarding whether any fees were assessed. The Department's 2009 Litigation and Compliance Report is available at: (posted 04/02/2010)

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Updated August 6, 2014
