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FOIA Post (2010): Upcoming Refresher Training Session -- 2010 Agency Annual FOIA Reports


Upcoming Refresher Training Session
2010 Agency Annual FOIA Reports

On October 12, 2010, the Office of Information Policy (OIP) will host a refresher training session to go over the reporting requirements for agency Annual FOIA Reports. 

 For the Fiscal Year 2010 Annual FOIA Reports, OIP will be providing agencies with an Excel tool to be used in creating the report.  This tool has many features to assist agencies in compiling their data, including built-in math checks.  The tool will also generate the Annual FOIA Report in an open format, which is required by the Open Government Directive.  OIP anticipates sending agencies the tool prior to the training.  Agencies should also publish their 2010 Report in the PDF or similar human-readable format traditionally used for publishing Annual FOIA Reports.    

  Agency Annual FOIA Reports in both their open and human-readable formats should be submitted to OIP electronically at no later than December 6, 2010, in order to allow sufficient time for OIP to review them prior to posting. 

The Refresher Training Session will cover the required elements for all sections of the Annual FOIA Report as well as discuss the Excel tool.  The details for this event are listed below:

When: October 12, 2010
Where: National Housing Center
1201 15th Street NW
(entrance on 15th and M Street)
Time: 10:00 - 12:00 noon
Who should attend: Agency Principal FOIA Contacts and Agency Personnel who prepare the Annual FOIA Report

Questions regarding the Training Session may be directed to OIP's Training Officer, Bertina Adams Cleveland, at (202) 514-3642.

Go to: Main FOIA Post Page

Updated August 6, 2014
