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Attorney General Eric Holder Speaks at the Thomas C. Wales Investigation Announcement


Seattle, WA
United States

Thank you, Jenny [U.S. Attorney Durkan] – and thank you all for being here.

I especially want to welcome Amy and Tom Wales, who – along with Special Agent [Greg] Fowler, and law enforcement partners here in Seattle and far beyond – have worked tirelessly to ensure justice for our former colleague, Thomas Crane Wales.

Nearly 10 years ago, Tom – a dedicated public servant, a committed advocate, and a loving father and friend – was tragically murdered in his own home. Although this case remains unsolved, and Tom’s killer remains unknown, our resolve to uncover the truth – and to help Tom’s family, friends, colleagues, and neighbors find the answers and the closure that they deserve – has never been stronger.

Today, I’m here to pledge that this work will continue, and that it will remain a priority – across the Department of Justice, the FBI, and U.S. Attorneys’ Offices nationwide, as well as the Seattle Police Department and the King County Prosecuting Attorney’s Office.

I’m also here to ask your help. Each of you can spread the word about this case – and encourage anyone with information about Tom’s murder to come forward, to tell us what you know, and to support our efforts to seek justice for Tom – and for his family.

Amy and Tom, I want you to know that, just as we will continue to mourn the loss of your father and to honor the legacy he left behind, we will never give up our search for the truth. Although nearly a decade has passed since Tom’s murder, this is an active case. We are constantly and aggressively pursuing leads. And with the launch of the FBI’s new media effort calling for tips and information, and with the ongoing contributions of key partners – including Assistant U.S. Attorney Steven Clymer, who is unable to be with us in person today, but will be in Seattle for the anniversary of Tom’s death, and whose dedication to this case has never wavered – I am confident that we will find those responsible for this horrific crime and bring them to justice.

The example that Tom set throughout his life, and the uncertainty surrounding his death, must not – and will not – be forgotten. And, today, his work – to advance the cause of justice and to protect public safety – is now ours to carry forward.

In this effort, I’m grateful for your partnership – and for the commitment of every officer, agent, attorney, investigator, and citizen who is helping solve this case and to keep Tom Wales’ memory alive.

I’d now like to turn things over to a leader in this work, FBI Inspector-in-Charge Greg Fowler.

Updated August 18, 2015